Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2070

Chapter 2070
"Sea shark? What sea shark, what the hell is your name?"

"Sea shark? Legend..."

Before the words were finished, the beautiful beauties suddenly screamed together, their red lips opened wide, revealing a mouth full of fangs and bloody mouth, sharp and pale, from the lips and teeth to the throat.The hands behind his back suddenly stretched out, and it turned out to be two bloody sharp claws.

A beauty turns into a monster in a second.

They all flew into the air, and there was no human body underneath, but... a thick and strong dark python body.

A thick and cold python body, with a delicate and beautiful human body on top of it, and a terrifying roar and scream, the extreme visual contrast brought shock to all the demons.

Most of the demons from all sides have not gone deep into the sea area, and they have a kind of fear and fear of the unknown for the entire sea area.

Any sea beasts and weird situations may cause unnecessary panic.

But... this time... they should panic!
Sea shark, the servant of Wang Yang, also known as the guardian of the ocean.

Thousands of sea sharks appeared, causing countless monsters to despair.Those who don't understand the situation are strange and disgusted, and the monsters who understand the situation are directly desperate.

"How is it possible? No, no, no, no."

"Sea sharks have always been rare, three or five is a miracle, how could it be... thousands? Tens of thousands?"

"God, run for your life."

"Wow." Tens of thousands of sea sharks roared collectively, scattered in the raging tide of the ocean, aimed at the giant ship collectively, waved their claws, and twisted the python's body.

Booming, the boundless ocean completely rioted, as if the sky was wrathful and punished!
With the roar of the sea shark, the waving of the blood claws, and the anger of all of them soaring into the sky, the sky darkened, the wind raged, the thunder fell, and the ocean boiled even more.

Haiyu's anger was like Wang Yang's anger.

Endless whirling nests formed from the bottom of the ocean, booming, like an angry dragon, turned into a destructive storm, pierced through the vast ocean, and rushed to the surface of the sea. world.

The dark clouds in the sky are rolling, getting thicker and heavier, as if the whole world is dark, only deep in the thick clouds, countless thunder and lightning are like thousands of thunder snakes running wild, running in chaos, gathering in running, A moment later, click, it was like the thunder pool of the sky was shattered, and tens of thousands of thunderbolts smashed down the air.

Thunderbolts vary in size, some are as thick as water tanks, almost in the blink of an eye, from a thousand meters above the sky, they bombarded the giant ship below, a majestic hull exploded in an instant, torn apart, several monsters turned into dust on the spot, the hull scattered, accompanied by With countless skeletons and a lot of screams, they hit the boiling ocean.

The strong wind was roaring, the hurricane was raging, rolling up the waves, distorting the lightning, and even turning into thick wind blades, sprinting across the ocean, tearing a [-]-meter troll into pieces in an instant.

There was even a gust of wind that rolled up a gigantic thousand-meter ship, and with dozens of hundreds of panicked monsters on it, it rushed towards the violent thundercloud to welcome the shattering baptism of thunder and lightning.

There were screams one after another, chaos in the endless ocean.

Is this a natural disaster, or a massacre?

Thunder and lightning pierced through the monster, thunder shattered the monster's body, the strong wind tore the ship, and the whirling nest swallowed the monster. It was like a feast of killings set off by God in anger.Many monsters were blasted to pieces by Tianwei without even making any resistance.

Nature allows the monsters to truly understand the true power of nature for the first time.

It's not as simple as being strong, but...destroyed... Countless sea sharks are galloping across the world, roaring ruthlessly, controlling the anger of Wang Yang, annihilating monsters in groups, smashing and devouring giant ships.

"Kill it out!"

Under the drastic changes, the supreme demon clan remained stable and calm, and countless big demons went all out.

Countless powerful demons roared and fought back. Facing the wrath of the ocean, they wildly urged the giant ship to break through this disaster land.

There are big demons soaring up to the sky, clenching their fists directly against the thunder and lightning like a water tank, there are fierce demons forcibly controlling the strong wind, taking it for their own use, and opening a way for the giant ship, there are big demons wrapping the huge ship with supreme magic power, leaving the sea, Breaking through the huge waves and strong winds, pushing forward forcefully, even a big demon froze the ocean below, and even a ferocious demon stepped on the furious waves to kill Haiyu in a rage.

A fight between the demons and nature was staged in this boundless chaos.

The demons from all sides have also truly demonstrated their strength, guarding the hull and protecting the disaster.

On Tang Yan's boat, countless monsters panicked.The natural disaster is too terrifying, and the scene of earth-shaking has never been encountered before. For the first time, the ferocious ones felt their own powerlessness and insignificance.

"Big Demon, save us!" They begged bitterly, their roars being completely drowned out by the riotous roar of Tianwei.

But Tang Yan heard it, turned his head slowly, and smiled at them: "Little devils, go to hell?"

A hundred meters ahead, in the vast ocean submerged by huge waves, Osbaimi's demon body is dominating the bow, domineering and heroic, with a fighting spirit: "Hmph, little sea shark, also trying to stop me, Osbaimi, from advancing, rush out! , straight line, thousands of meters, one hundred thousand meters, straight line, I don't believe I can't go out."

The evil magic power enveloped the giant ship, riding the wind and waves, smashing through the thunder and lightning, and sprinting in a straight line.

He is really not afraid of this challenge.

suddenly!The huge wave ahead suddenly exploded, and a giant ship blasted through the huge wave and crashed head-on.

In the tide, among the waves, the hull of the ship was broken, the demons danced wildly, and the chaos screamed.

"Looking for death?!" Oss snorted coldly, and the [-]-meter stone demons on both sides rose up in an instant, trying to smash it with fists. Oss also opened up his fingers, and hit more than ten amethyst boulders, hitting the already dilapidated giant ship head-on .

Dare to stand in my way?die!
Boom, the huge ship that was already crumbling under the strong wind and waves was smashed, and the chaotic demon team on it fell in panic, and then was swallowed by the violent wave, swept away by the raging wind, and several were even torn into pieces by the lightning that struck from the sky. broken pieces.

But... a blood-colored troll rushed forward forcibly, crashing into the huge ship shrouded in devilish energy.

"The ship is full, if you don't accept you, let's die." The guards on the left and right stepped forward, trying to shake off the intruder.

"Huh? It's him?" Oss suddenly stopped. "stop!"

Rumbling, the blood-colored troll smashed through the demonic energy, and threw itself on the hull in embarrassment, because it was full of stone demons, and it was very crowded. This impact caused the hull to shake violently, and many hundred-meter stone demons screamed and fell. The ship was instantly swallowed by the whirlpool of the vast ocean below, and was sucked into the endless seabed, even the screams stopped abruptly.

Whoosh whoosh.

"so close!"

Tang Yan and Niya were panting violently, as if they were in a panic after a catastrophe, and the blood ghost spider under them was also very embarrassed.

But the young couple...pretended...they simply controlled the huge ship and crashed over.

"You..." Oss was about to speak, when more than a dozen huge waves rushed over from all directions. The huge waves soared to the sky for kilometers, like a terrible wall of water, all collapsed and smashed down.It's like an ancient sea beast opening its mouth wide, trying to swallow the giant ship.


The stone demons roared collectively, using all their magic power to control the giant ship, tenaciously resisting the impact.

"Steady the hull, don't panic." Oss energized the magic power of the sky, wrapped the giant ship layer by layer, and protected the whole body.

Rumbling, countless huge waves submerged, erupting with terrifying impact force.The gigantic thousand-meter ship slammed into the bottom of the sea while the sky was spinning, but it struck in a straight line tenaciously and swiftly, broke through the sea surface, and was killed.

The demons were secretly startled, with lingering fears in their hearts.A moment of slack, almost ruined.

They can't wait to kill them, grab those sea sharks and ravage them to death.

Tang Yan and Niya got up in embarrassment, and before Oss could speak, they shouted: "This boat can't accommodate us, we're leaving now."

"Stay behind our boat, follow closely, and charge in a straight line." Oss didn't hold back, and didn't say to drive away other monsters, leaving Tang Yan and Niya behind.During the upheaval and crisis, it cared more about its subordinates than Tang Yan, its new son-in-law.

"Go. Hurry up." Tang Yan and Niya rushed to the bow of the boat, but stopped for a moment before leaving, and left a sentence in Oss' ear: "There is something strange in the stomach of the abyssal blood ghost spider. I recently I just discovered it. Not surprisingly, the three people you have been looking for are probably inside."

oh? ?When Oss was surprised, Tang Yan and Niya had already broken through the magic energy and rushed out. They were swallowed up by the huge waves in an instant, and they could not find their traces.And Oss frowned slightly, buckled it subconsciously, and grabbed the blood ghost spider who was about to leave: "You, stay."

(End of this chapter)

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