Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2073 Bloody Battle

Chapter 2073 Bloody Battle

"Live on, my little baby." The enchanting girl suddenly appeared in front of Tang Yan, blinked coquettishly, blew a charming kiss, but disappeared in an instant.

"It's her?" Tang Yan woke up startled.Why is this little showy hoof lingering? !
Aww!In all directions, in the endless sea area, millions of monsters and human races all erupted, and the terrifying murderous energy and blood energy filled the sky and the earth in a swift and violent manner, drowning the fog, and the terrifying power distorted the space, like a flame roasting.They looked like terrifying killers who had come out of hell. Nearly a hundred pairs of blood-red eyes focused on Tang Yan at this moment.

"My dear, you... are too enthusiastic..." Tang Yan's scalp was numb, and he was stunned for a while, then suddenly hugged Niya back and shot into the sky: "Lord of the murderous world, escape!!"

The golden-armored general let out a loud roar, pointing his saber at the sky, a beam of golden light stretched across the sky, a kilometer in size, slashed down in the air, completely energy the saber screen, ignoring the unnatural domain.

And all the monsters and powerful soldiers in all directions broke out and rushed over densely.

The lord of the evil room did not hesitate any longer, and retreated, chasing after Tang Yan.


The sound of horseshoes shook the heavens and the earth, and the ten-foot-long eagle wolf trampled through the space, galloping towards Tang Yan at a high speed, trampling swiftly and thunderously, shocking people's hearts.An indomitable killing momentum is enough to frighten all living beings. It is really hard to imagine what kind of strength this golden armored warrior has, what has he experienced, and how could he have such a terrifying murderous aura.

He is more like a general commanding the army, leading millions of strong soldiers, chasing and killing powerful enemies overwhelmingly.

"How did we meet her here? Did she startle the sea of ​​taboos? Or...she was controlling..." Tang Yan turned his head, his face was ugly, the overwhelming scene was really shocking, this is not an ordinary army, all It is a powerful fighting team, as well as powerful demon warriors.

Although Tang Yan was very strong, he wasn't ridiculous enough to fight against the group of monsters head-on.

Millions!A whole million! !It's not an ordinary bandit, this is a real strong man!
This is a great escape, and it is not of the same order of magnitude as them. If you fight hard, you will undoubtedly die.

The sea is boundless and vast, Tang Yan fled at a high speed, the speed was already very fast, but... whoosh, whoosh... The verdant branches pierced the space, carrying a large number of monsters across the air, like the silver needles that exploded, with Overtook Tang Yan at a very high speed, and blasted towards the sea ahead.

There was a loud bang, deafening, and the waves blocked their way.

"Is this all right?" Tang Yan's pupils shrank.

Aww, a ferocious devil bear broke through the waves and ran wildly on the surface of the sea, like a devil rushing out of hell, killing and torturing the sky.With a body of [-] meters, it is extremely strong, and with every step it lands, there will be waves of water all over the sky, no less than the impact of a meteorite.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain crocodile, the burning rhinoceros, the ice blue water lizard, etc., a large number of monsters and monsters broke through the huge waves and culled Tang Yan and the others in reverse.

"I'm coming! Fierce, protect Niya against nature." Tang Yan shot suddenly, roared, and roared to the sky, stomping wildly in the air, and slammed one paw at the [-]-meter demon bear.Crack, puff, blood filled the sky, Tang Yan pierced through the devil bear alive, grabbed his beating heart and rushed to the sky, with a wild laugh, ruthlessly blasted, blood rained all over the sky.

"Aww!" All the monsters in front surrounded them and slaughtered them brutally.Their eyes were blood red, as if they had lost themselves, and were in a state of berserk.

"I'll open the way, you guys will leave behind, let's go." Tang Yan's body soared, reaching 56 meters. All the monsters were violent, turning into bloody corpses scattered all over the sky.

The bloody battle in the West Sea, the bloody madness.

Niya, the master of the murderous world, followed closely behind.But they will never sit still, the two women exchanged glances, stepped into the back body, the vast holy power blasted to the rear, pouring into the raging ocean, the unnatural force combined with thousands of runes, detonated a terrifying wave stretching tens of thousands of meters, It rose from the sky, trembling the sky and sea, like a rapidly rising wall of terrifying water, strongly blocking the millions of pursuers behind.

The rune is clamped, and the radiance is overwhelming, forming a solidified force.

The wall of water was surging, stretching for tens of thousands of meters, uplifting hundreds of meters, and was firmly held between the ocean and the sky.

And the unnatural power of the lord of the evil room enveloped the water wall, and any monsters that hit the water wall were forcibly rebounded.

The combination of two women is perfect blocking.

They are confident that they can absolutely control the momentum of the pursuers and buy them time to escape.

But... just as the water wall was formed, countless black dots suddenly flickered in the sky above the endless sky, which changed their complexions drastically, and even Tang Yan's grinning face froze.

Branches, branches again.Thousands of branches carried monsters, soaring up to the [-]-meter sky, climbing over the water wall from the other end, and shooting down towards Tang Yan and Niya...thousands of branches are no less than The rain curtain in the forest of arrows enveloped the thousand-meter land like a wild bombardment.

This was just the beginning, on the other side of the water wall, countless branches appeared at the feet of the group of demons and monsters, carrying them all into the air, up to [-] meters in the air, across a thousand meters, and blasted towards Tang Yan and the others.

Densely packed, the sky is darkened, and the ocean is bombarded.

"Damn it, there must be someone controlling it behind the scenes!" Tang Yan frowned, thousands of branches flooded them in all directions, wildly bombarded the ocean in all directions, and blew up turbulent waves. Thousands of beasts roared collectively, rushing out of the waves, cruel Pounced on Tang Yan.

"Against nature! Infinite inverse battle!" The Lord of the Ominous World raged, screaming sharply, and the domain against nature was fully activated, and a surge of majestic and majestic anti-natural power rushed, flooding the ocean, sweeping demons and demons, flooding the endless Tianhai space.

Rumble, roar.

The group of demons lost control, thousands of monsters twitched, and all the monsters who rushed wildly lost control.How did they rush over, how did they turn back.A large number of monsters collided fiercely in the waves. They were brutal and ruthless. They were irritated by the sudden force. In the churning and chaos, they waved their claws ferociously and detonated their energy mercilessly.

Booming, the ocean was completely boiling, and the terrifying roaring wave shook many monsters' mouths and noses to bleed, and lost their hearing. The cruel collision and energy detonation even attracted massacre-like deaths, and even the energy storm attacked Tang Yan and the others. .

The anti-natural domain can reverse the entity, but it is difficult to completely reverse the energy.What's more, there are tens of thousands of monster monsters here, and they are constantly increasing. The energy of one or two is raging, and they can control it. When the number soars to tens of thousands, the absolutely no less than self-inflicted. Massacre, dense energy storms filled the space, not only massacring other monsters, but also bombarding Tang Yan and the others continuously.

"Fall to the bottom of the sea! Let's go!" Tang Yan yelled, forcibly embraced Niya and the Lord of the Ominous Room, and suddenly fell into the bottom of the sea, breaking free from the terrifying storm of destruction. Before those fierce monsters could react, Tang Yan said, It shot down, drew a [-]-meter waterline, and rushed to the distant seabed in an instant, far away from that area.

"There must be someone behind the scenes to control."

"The demon girl appeared again? It should be her."

"Is she so strong? Can she control a million strong soldiers? She has the ability to kill me directly, and she needs to summon a million strong soldiers?"

The three cursed secretly, sprinting at full speed, trying to get away as soon as possible.But before they rushed from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea, a violent and dense roaring tide erupted in the sea above their heads.

Familiar voice!
Another branch carried the monsters and appeared in the sea ahead.

"It's endless! I'm in charge of the slaughter, and Kashima is in charge of controlling the field. Niya, find out who is behind the scenes. If we don't get rid of her, we will die here today." Tang Yan growled, and was the first to rush to the coast , The mighty dragon aura turned into a hundred-foot-long dragon shadow, and violently hit the sea surface, blowing up huge waves of a thousand meters, scattering and rushing in all directions, submerging the beast tide that had just fallen.

"Against nature—isolation." The master of the fierce world broke through the sea, splashing water in all directions, and pointed Tang Yan firmly with his right hand, forming a fine film on his body.Afterwards, the field against nature was fully activated, covering the surrounding monsters and filling the space thousands of meters away.The out-of-control and chaotic scenes reappeared, but because of the film, Tang Yan was completely 'isolated' in the unnatural realm and was not affected at all.

"Taking advantage of the small scale of the beast horde, charge at full speed. Hurry up, hurry up." Tang Yan and the Lord of the Fiends roared in unison. There are only a few hundred beasts, and they can barely handle it. Once the tens of thousands of beasts came again The scene, the unnatural domain will inevitably be saturated, and when the time comes... it will be another disaster... Niya is hiding in the killing field, close to the master of the murderous room.The ten fingers of both hands are clasped tightly, and the red and bright talisman culture forms a light ball, which flickers between the palms. Her eyes are like torches, and she is staring at the light ball.The ball of light is getting brighter and brighter, continuously absorbing this power from the fingertips.As the hands slowly stretched, the area of ​​the light sphere continued to expand until it was as big as a human head.

Booming, more and more branches are carrying monsters hitting the ocean surface, the number continues to increase, the unnatural battlefield is becoming more and more chaotic, Tang Yan rushes to kill, but the beast hordes are all ferocious and terrifying, even if they kill four or five with one blow , not enough for the speed of the beast horde.

"Niya! Immediately!! We don't have much time!!" Tang Yan screamed sharply, crushing a tyrannical sea beast with one punch, twisting its entire body, cooperating with its sharp claws and dragon tail, strangling four or five monsters nearby in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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