Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2075 Death Chase

Chapter 2075 Death Chase

Tang Yan withdrew at full speed and rushed towards the battlefield where chaos continued.

At the same time, the golden armored general smashed the audience and bombarded Niya, but was swept away by his claws. With the impact of huge force, the golden armored general smashed the man and the wolf into the sky.

"Phew, did you come in time?" Tang Yan blinked at Niya. He never forgot to be playful at the moment of life and death, because the previous illusion scene stimulated him too much, as if it reminded the nightmare of Sansheng Shishan again.He was really afraid...of losing her.

"Cut." The golden-armored warrior will kill the blood, and then return to the battlefield to fight Tang Yan again. The golden light shines on the world, the killing power is shocking, a truly invincible posture.

He is by no means an unknown person, he must have a superb battle name in a certain field, although he is not as good as a war demon peerless hero, he will never be too far behind.

"I'm here to fight him, all back away. Niya, Jijian, get ready to retreat." Tang Yan clenched his teeth, a burst of blood surged up, a surge of fighting spirit surged, and he faced the general head-on. After more than ten rounds of consecutive battles, the last blow, a violent bombardment, defeated the general once again, and he was also blasted back several hundred meters by the strong counter-shock force, knocking over a large number of beast hordes in succession.

But at this time, under the deep sea, a big demon-level octopus exploded with thick tentacles and blasted towards Tang Yan.Thick and swift, each tentacle is filled with evil and devilish energy, and there are terrible suckers all over it, swallowing the power of the ocean.In the depths of the demon bird in the vault of heaven, a terrifying demon saint also smashed through the beast tide and killed Tang Yan.It's a demonic whale, soaring in the sky, it's not big, but it's full of terrifying killing power, it's creepy.

"I don't have time to stay with you guys, Skyfire...explodes..." Tang Yan soared into the sky, Mu Ran raised his head to the sky, and roared loudly. Ruthlessly destroyed thousands of beasts and powerful enemies.The two big monsters on the bottom of the sea and the sky were knocked into the sky, and the surrounding terrifying monsters were burned.

There can be no delay, the power of the sky fire must be displayed.

The surrounding monsters were immediately cleared, and a huge hole appeared.

Niya finally had the opportunity to use her martial arts skills. She concentrated her strength and shot out the sky-filled runes. With the raging green fire, hundreds of water runes formed, merged into the bottom of the sea, detonated the ocean, and completely disturbed the ocean below, forming countless vortices. , cruelly devouring a large number of monsters.

"Baby Qinghuo still works, let's go." Tang Yan hugged Niya, rolled up the master of the murderous room, seized the opportunity, broke through the encirclement forcefully, hit the [-]-meter-high sky, crossed the void with the eight-phase thunder seal, and rushed to distant seas.

"This is the real power of hellfire?" In the sky, in the mist, girls and teenagers reappeared, cuddling each other, not to blame for evil and demons, but endless indifference, like lifeless emotions, so cold Trembling.

"He has retreated in Zhanmeng for several months, and his strength has greatly increased. The power of Skyfire must have been sublimated."

"Do you want to make it more difficult for him?"

"No need, the West Sea is boundless and vast. This game has just begun, so don't worry."

"He's not convinced, it looks like...he wants to fight us."

"Human nature, he wants to fight, it will be interesting. He can see himself clearly, but he can't see the form. This is the West Sea. The three of them alone can't get out of this sea area. Let's issue an order to completely block the West Sea and block the south. The Poseidon team coming over, and the Sky Demon team coming from the north are all blocked into the West Sea area. The game officially begins."

After the chaos, Tang Yan and his three slaughtered 90 to [-] beast hordes. These are not ordinary creatures, they are all powerful species, and they are worthy of pride.However, the three or five troops have little influence on the overall [-] troops, and have no influence on the overall strength at all.

The most important thing is that the nine holy realms inside... are safe and sound... two great martial saints, three great demon saints, and four great demons.

The golden armored general, holding a golden saber, rides on the demon holy eagle and wolf, crushing the ocean, and the aura of killing makes all living beings tremble.

The [-]-meter sea monster 'Abyss Troll' is a giant octopus rushing out from the bottom of the ocean. It is like a terrifying island, impacting at full speed in the depths of the ocean. Each tentacle is four or five kilometers in size. The power of ... infinite terror.

Evil energy surges at the front of the team, rushing out of the black thunder from time to time, surging between the sky and the earth, and occasionally bombarding the team below, hunting monsters and sea beasts, inside... there is a great demon-level burial Vatican whale hidden in it. It was the whale that attacked Tang Yan before.

In others, the demon saint 'Jinyue Zhenchan', the demon saint 'Xuanjin Mingjia Turtle', the martial saint 'Elf Saintess', the big demon 'Black Ice Demon Dolphin' and the big demon 'Devil Fish'.

They are extremely powerful and extremely terrifying, and they have always been a powerful existence in Xihai, but... Tang Yan and the three galloped at full speed, riding the waves on the turbulent ocean.

More than 90 beast hordes quickly and regularly adjusted their lineup, and started hunting again. This time, the team spread infinitely towards the two wings, forming a crane wing formation. The overall pursuit line expanded to tens of thousands of meters, and some attacked in the deep sea. Some are running on the sea, and some are flying in the sky.

It was like a huge dark tsunami, rushing towards the sea, and started to suppress Tang Yan and the others.

"What should we do now? If we continue to fight, we will always be surrounded, and we will be consumed by them." Niya swallowed the spirit source liquid to replenish energy.

A demon saint, they have no fear, they can easily kill it.

Two demon saints, three demon saints, they can also easily deal with it, but what about eight or nine?

Four or five half saints, it doesn't matter, they can completely ignore them, but what about forty or fifty?

Thousands of beast hordes, they can kill a pair and come and go freely, but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?
When the Holy Realm, Semi-Holy Venerable Realm, etc. are mixed together, all kinds of chaos, all kinds of interference, all kinds of accidents, they... can't deal with it at all, there are too many ants and they kill elephants, and wolves even tear tigers.

They have self-knowledge and simply can't handle it.

"Don't be afraid, we have plenty of helpers. Jijian, go down to the bottom of the sea and support me at any time. Niya, hold me tight." Tang Yan quickly retracted his body, restrained his breath as much as possible and restored his ugly appearance, and then... the speed continued to soar, Dash along the way you came.

Three people can't handle it, so what about hundreds or thousands?

Counting the time, the demon army should have rushed out of the sea shark's encirclement, perhaps hundreds or even thousands of monsters would be sacrificed, but those powerful monsters should survive the big waves washing the sand, and the remaining three thousand or so should be fine.

So...they should be able to have a fierce confrontation with the more than 90 troops behind them.

On the sea a hundred miles away, the sky was full of fog, and the space between the sea and the sky was crowded. The visibility was very low, and the wind and waves calmed down a lot, so that the world became quiet.More than [-] thousand-meter giant ships were slowly advancing on the sea surface, and all of them were surviving monsters who had escaped from the encirclement of sea sharks.

Although the previous riots were horrific, and the demons sacrificed more than [-] monsters, almost all those who survived were strong. Most of the weaker guardian forces or tribes were buried in the place of death before. Or be annihilated in the ocean of thunder.

Dead is dead, they will not cherish.

More than [-] huge ships were destroyed once, turned into ruins, floating in the chaotic sea behind.The surviving more than [-] large ships are scarred and damaged in many places, but thanks to the personal construction of the Li Mozu, the hulls are still tough and safe.

It's just that the monsters above are very tired, not physically tired, but mentally tired.

How long did it take to go deep into the sea?After suffering such a strong attack, how about going deeper?

The point is, they seem to have lost their way, drifting aimlessly in the ocean.

Until now, they have truly realized what is meant by "boundless ocean" and "palpitation under the boundless".

They obviously came to investigate the truth, but they encountered accidents one after another, which made them very annoyed.In desperation, they can only use "just started" and "the road is still long" to protect themselves, stick to their own heart, and work hard to calm their minds.

What's more, the five supreme demon clans are all there, let them take care of leading the way.We will follow along honestly, looking for opportunities to pick up bargains.

When all the demons pin their hopes on the supreme demons, the five supreme demons are also secretly thinking, should they use casual repair troops to form a vanguard force?

Drifting like this is not an option. More than 60 huge ships gather together, and the target is also very conspicuous.Therefore, it is better to get a few vanguard troops and patrol around, rather than gathering here in a swarm.

How to persuade the casual repair troops to act willingly?This is the question they are taking great pains to consider at the moment.

In this way, the entire fleet moved forward silently in a weird and quiet atmosphere, each with its own plans and expectations.

It's just that no one would have imagined that at the far end of the vast ocean, there are nearly a million terrifying beast hordes overwhelmingly pressing towards them, and that place is the real disaster of destruction.

(End of this chapter)

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