Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2081 Abyss Troll

Chapter 2081 Abyss Troll
They flew and danced on the battlefield, leaving behind a series of delicate smiles. More than 300 people seemed to be a unified whole, and their actions and movements showed impeccable tacit understanding and perception, which is amazing.

There are strange silk threads between them, as if they are connected as a whole by those special threads, connecting their thoughts, limbs, and actions.

The silk threads are extremely dense. There are hundreds of silk threads between every two women. How about more than 300 women?How about connecting with each other?There are definitely millions of silk threads.

It's really hard to think about how they can easily control these silk threads and how to take care of the whole audience.

There must be skills, but it definitely needs hundreds of years of continuous running-in.

They are fast and light, like huge colorful butterflies, dancing and flying on the bloody battlefield, leaving a clear laughter, becoming a beautiful scenery on the battlefield.But... when a ferocious demon beast rushed towards them cruelly, the three hundred women swished through, light and light, without any hindrance, just passing through beautifully.As for the ferocious demon... Puff... Blood spurted wildly, its huge body was torn apart, as if cut by a million sharp knives, it turned into thumb-sized pieces of meat, scattered all over the sky.

A ferocious demon, falling instantly? !
The body is cut, the soul is chopped.

How terrifying.

Tang Yan gasped. Maybe he couldn't compete against the Holy Realm, but he could absolutely dominate the battlefield under the Holy Realm.Even... he can really bully a seriously injured big devil.

Never expected that they are so alluring yet so terrifying.Just when Tang Yan was in a daze, the women's group blasted into the battlefield, flying at high speed, slaughtering mercilessly, whether it was the enemy or our side, those who stood in the way... died... the level of ferocity was not weaker than any monster.

"The barren sea singer?! Who invited them here? The barren sea is located in the westernmost barren waters of the West Sea, and it is more than a million kilometers away from here."

"What kind of team is this? Why are all the singers from the wild sea here!"

"Avoid! Dodge all below the Great Demon! Don't fight them. They are all the widows of the Demon Lord of the Wild Sea. The cutting thread was transformed from the Demon Lord's corpse. Before the Lord of the Desert Sea died, he put his own blood Dedicated to the widow, turning my soul and remains into silk thread."

The horrifying roar echoed everywhere, and all the warriors who had heard their fierce names fled one after another, avoiding them far away.

"Yo ho? What a treasure, don't let it go to waste." Tang Yan's eyes lit up when he heard the scream, and finally jumped out of the sea and rushed towards the women's group head-on.

The women's group naturally found him, but they were fearless, charming and light, and danced lightly. They laughed collectively, and their laughter was agile, but their voices seemed to have psychedelic abilities, invading Tang Yan's consciousness.Then it accelerated suddenly, and the three hundred women danced together, but the gorgeous scene was like the fangs of a giant beast that suddenly opened, trying to swallow him alive.

"Follow me from now on." Tang Yan's Nirvana eyes suddenly opened, and the power of devouring forcefully engulfed them completely, and all of them withdrew into hell and landed in Raksha's territory, and gave an order: " Leave it to you and train them. By the way, remove the traces on their bodies."

"What trace?" Luo Sha stood up leisurely.

"They may be under control." Tang Yan left his thoughts and forcibly moved the sleeping evil lord away.

"What? Ask me to help you train the female slaves? Do you think I'm an old bustard?" Xie Zu came cursing.

"Train them." Tang Yan left a voice and continued to concentrate on the naval battle.

The battlefield is cruel, with accidents and drastic changes happening all the time.

The sea area is bright red, and the corpses are ups and downs, which is horrible.

A big demon of the evil ghost clan was seriously injured and fled, but was surrounded by thousands of troops on the way, and he was surrounded and killed to death.

Ants kill elephants, which is the bloodiest display at this moment.

He was struggling, he was crazy, he was screaming, but the battlefield was huge, everyone was fighting, no one came to rescue, no chance, and no hearing.He fought chaotically, he got mad, he swiped everything, he slaughtered more than 5000 strong soldiers, and finally consumed himself to death on the battlefield.


In the distance, a terrifying troll rushed out of the sea, roaring and roaring, and opened its bloody mouth, which was as big as a kilometer. It was full of fangs, and blood mist billowed.Like a terrible whirlpool, it wants to swallow the sky and the earth.It roared like thunder, shaking the heavens and the earth, and its body was full of purple light. It opened its mouth and sucked in, and the monsters and ghosts flying all over the sky fell towards its mouth.

The power is terrifying!
Many demons were stunned, all of them terrified.

A ferocious shark jumped out of the sea, covered in black light, like a purple hill, and swallowed many creatures in one gulp.

A group of cruel thunder eels fluttered their wings, rolling endless thunder waves deep in the dark clouds, bombarding the battlefield indiscriminately.

This is no longer a battlefield where millions of troops storm the demons, it is almost turning into a melee.Many powerful creatures in the millions of troops attacked completely indiscriminately, devouring them regardless of whether they were the enemy or ourselves.

And this made the scene even more tragic.

There were more corpses at sea, and the surface of the sea was stained red with blood.

The sky was filled with dark clouds, and the rain was pattering, as if the sky was crying, and couldn't bear the tragedy.

The more Tang Yan looked at it, the more frightened he became, and he was extremely glad that he did not face the million troops head-on.There are not many top-level monsters here, but the mid-level powerful monsters are really countless, and they all haunt in groups.

"Where did the witch get so many perverts? Could it be that she searched the entire West Sea?"

"No wonder the demons are afraid of Xihai, no wonder it is another dimension."

"It's not far into the sea yet."

Tang Yan's heart was agitated, he watched carefully, and did not rush out, searching for suitable opportunities.

On the contrary, the five large vats on his shoulders began to bloom with strange lights, automatically absorbing the blood of demons scattered in the sky and sea, and they were very picky, one demon vat devoured the blood of one demon.

"It saves some trouble." Tang Yan muttered, moved his body, moved quietly, and wandered around the battlefield.He didn't hide his aura, but whoever dared to approach, directly slashed and killed, or depending on the situation... retreated into the hell space.

Just walking all the way and walking around, not only collected a lot of blood, but also collected a lot of powerful troops.All of them were placed in the territory of Rakshasa, controlled by Rakshasa's ethnic group and evil ancestors.

However, after they settled in Hell, they seemed to be cut off from contact, some fell asleep directly, and some looked around in a daze, but did not launch a rebellion or attack.

All in all, a great harvest! !

At this time, there was a big wave, and a black monster suddenly rushed out of the bottom of the sea, rising straight from the bottom of the sea, rushing against the tide.It was as big as a mountain, appeared in the sea, and rapidly rose several hundred meters. When it appeared, it set off billowing waves and turbulent waves, powerfully blasting away the chaotic battlefield, and violently squeezed out a blank area of ​​several kilometers.

The tentacles swept across, each tentacle was astonishingly large, and could reach from the sea to the sky.

Its appearance made half of the battlefield quiet for a while.

"Abyss troll?! Why is it here too!" Some casual cultivators along the coast recognized it, and all of them changed color in shock.

"Monsters one after another, is there any end?"

"The situation is not right, we should withdraw."

Many demons paid attention to this place, and then chose to evacuate.This is a giant sea monster that exists in the deep sea. It is not only terrifyingly huge in size, but even more terrifying in strength. It is one of the few things that can be called the "best" in the entire West Sea.

It rarely lands on the coast, but its reputation in the deep sea has spread across the sea and spread all over the coast.


There are big waves, and a tentacle falls down, which can be as big as a mountain, with a cold light on it, many sawtooths, sharp and dazzling, and a large number of suction cups, each of which is as big as a hut, absorbing terrifying power.

The tentacles hit the sea, the waves were heavy, the sea water rolled up to the sky, and the clouds were scattered.

Puff, puff, blood splattered, and screams.

With one blow, thousands of lives were killed.There are scattered troops, and there are also teams of demons.

This is simply the massacre of the god of death, ruthless and cruel.

"It's you who's waiting!" Tang Yan grinned, and soared into the sky.Relying on the ingenuity of Miying's steps, he dashed left and right, abruptly breaking into the body of the abyss troll.

Um?The abyss troll noticed Tang Yan, opened his mouth suddenly, and sucked in suddenly. The power made all living beings tremble, and the power was even more irresistible.

It is too big, this mouthful covers a range of several kilometers, and one can imagine the horror of the devouring power.

"Hiss, I was careless." Tang Yan was startled secretly, and immediately burst into Qianlong Dao, and rushed out as if struggling for death. Looking back, the troll roared, which made him feel lingering.

I wanted to use this guy to disrupt the battlefield and take advantage of the opportunity, but this big guy didn't seem to be very cooperative.

"Roar." The abyss troll seemed to lock onto Tang Yan, and three terrifying and huge tentacles vibrated in the air, like three rivers twisting and whipping at high altitude, surrounded in three directions, at an astonishingly fast speed, and the scene was even more huge .

"How strong is this thing?" Tang Yan was astonished, and the Liemo Dao slammed into his hands, and with a shattering sound, it cut the sky and the sea, and the shining blade light split the sky and shattered the space.Since it has been suppressed and no one can see the situation here, let me vent.

In an instant, there was a roar of anger, the abyss troll struggled, and the three tentacles were cut off at the same time, and the blood was dripping, spraying the sky, spraying like a heavy rain, dyeing the sea red.

"It's a lot of blood, it's too wasteful." Tang Yan really wanted to collect it all, it's all the blood of the devil, or the blood of the big devil, so it will be more nourishing for our blood soul tree.

"Ooooh, unforgivable." In the sea, the abyss troll was furious.

"I'll be good." Tang Yan grinned, and rushed to the sky against the rain of blood.

"Death." Several tentacles of the abyss troll hit Gao Tian at the same time, and they all skyrocketed. This is a kind of magical power, which directly penetrated the clouds and chased Tang Yan. Thousands of black lights erupted from each tentacle, and they also chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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