Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2088

Chapter 2088

"Yo Ho! Your Highness Oss, you seem to be in a mess, huh?"

"I'm behind you, look, I'm here, haha, can't you see?"

"Oh, I accidentally hurt you again. I'm ashamed and ashamed. May I apologize?"

"Yeah. Is this the legendary number one general of the Demon Race? That's all."

The battlefield was fierce, and the sound moved the sea of ​​fog, but what was even more intense was the screeching and mocking of the blood dove, which was more terrifying than martial arts. Every sound stimulated Oss's mind, stirred up his anger, made it out of control, made it Grumpy, let it reveal more flaws.

"Blood dove, I will tear you alive." Oss was really furious, and smashed his fists, magma and boulders entangled his fists, and then they struck violently, showing their power together. didn't wait for Oss to attack the blood dove.Xue Ming and Lamole arrived ahead of time, one demon was facing Hong, and the other demon made a surprise attack with all his strength.

"Haha, you come, I'm here, you should come." Xuejiu successfully escaped, and suddenly disappeared into the depths of the dense dust.

"Ah, I'm unwilling, I'm unwilling." Oss was furious, how could he be so embarrassed?Even with one against three, shouldn't it be so chaotic?
"Haha, it's okay not to be reconciled, keep screaming, screaming, I like to hear the screams of the Stone Demon Prince."

"I really want to seal up your voice and play it again in your stone demon palace. Guess how the stone demon emperor will react? Haha, refreshing, refreshing."

The blood dove kept screaming, moving like a falcon, flying at extreme speed, and whipping the blood whip frantically in the air.

"Roar." Oss suddenly erupted, and the endless gas mixed with the fierce magic power detonated the audience, blasting the hard rock formations of the island, and a violent storm formed in an instant. magic.

But... Xue Ming is too strong, tumbling in the air, shooting in a straight line, like a bloody sky thunder breaking through the storm, tearing up the dust and fog, and blasting from a thousand meters above Oss in an instant.

"Xue Ming, enjoy my stone demon prince's dying counterattack." Oss roared with anger, his killing momentum was shocking, his left fist was blocked in the air, his right arm was entwined with magma, and he flew up across the sky, trying to sweep Xue Ming.

At this moment, Lamole had just retreated, but the blood dove was hiding all the time, with a ferocious sound, it floated up behind, the blood dove soared into the sky, and was not directly approaching, but his hands were crossed, his fingers were trembling, and the ten blood whips were like ten bloody pythons. Zhenwu twitched towards the back of Oss's head like crazy.

Ten lashes are fired at the same time, locking on the target, the power is unmatched.

"His Royal Highness, aren't you going to ravage me? Ah? Haha."

Oss ignored it and attacked Xue Ming with all his strength.He has nothing to fear, he will be hurt when he gets hurt, and he just wants to be a support before he dies.

In the nick of time, a golden thunder fell from the sky, clicked, and forcibly broke into the core of the battlefield, in front of Xuejiu.A dark figure jumped out: "Hey, isn't this His Royal Highness Xuejiu?"

Grinning suddenly, Sen Leng's sharp claws struck head-on, slashing at the blood dove's head.

What?The blood dove was startled, and immediately fought back, was too late... Clang, the sound was deafening, the earth was shocked, and the gangster splattered, and the sharp claws slashed down from the blood dove's forehead, and hit it from the right shoulder, blood splattered everywhere.Xuejiu's whole body trembled violently, lost control on the spot, and flew in a panic, writhing a hundred meters away while screaming.

Just at this moment, the collision between Xue Ming and Oss triggered a more violent wave of energy.

"Where are the lunatics, dare to disturb the hunting of the blood demons!" Xuejiu was annoyed, and the blood in the wound squirmed and healed quickly, but this sentence made it very surprised and embarrassed.

Um?In another direction, Lammerer immediately stopped the offensive, staring strangely at the churning energy wave.

Both Xueming and Aussie retreated, Xueming stood firmly in the mid-air, while Aussie retreated more than ten steps, almost fell, very desolate, covered in blood, his majestic body was covered with cracks, ferocious like a spider web, and blood poured out.

Are there new monsters added? !They were also startled by the blood dove's roar and stopped their attack temporarily.

"It's you?!" Xuejiu panted, glaring at the front, and quickly recognized the target.

"Why, I can't come?" Tang Yan stood up slowly, responding to Xuejiu's surprise with a hoarse voice.

"You beast, how dare you sneak up on me!"

"Am I a sneak attack? I appeared in front of you openly, not behind my back. I fought you head-on. How can I say that by sneak attack? Don't confuse your mean temper with my openness, thank you." Tang Yan responded coldly.

"Are you still alive?!" Oss really shook his head, with ecstasy in his eyes, maybe he has never been so passionate in his life.

"I escaped my life by luck, and I have been looking for you. I just passed here and felt your magic power. I followed along." Tang Yan returned to his ugly appearance, and Niya was by his side. Surging with magic energy.

"It's just in time! From today on, you will be His Highness' right-hand man! I will lead you to conquer the human race and crush the blood demon race!" Oss laughed wildly, his blood boiling.I really didn't expect them to appear, appearing in such a timely battlefield.

This is no less than saving his own life.

"There is no need to talk about our relationship." Tang Yan expressed his intimacy at the right time, very respectful.

"Haha, well said, we are a family. Leave Xihai, I will personally preside over your marriage and tell Demon Yu that you are my son-in-law of Oss!"

"I won't let you down." Tang Yan twisted his neck and met Xuejiu.

Niya waved her hand and splashed 'ink', one after another lifelike monsters took shape impressively, growling in a low voice, staring intently at Lammerle.The Zanghai python shark in the ocean also broke through the ocean surface, setting off a torrent of waves across the sky.

oh?Oss glanced at Niya for a while, but couldn't see what she looked like, but this weird attack method was rare.

"Things that don't know how to live or die." Xuejiu was annoyed, and a good killing game was broken like this.

"Haha, this is a fair fight." Oss regained his fighting spirit, his blood was surging, his magic power was mighty, and he waved his finger to the blood with one arm: "Are you running or fighting?"

"Your head is flooded?" Xuejiu and Lamole grinned indifferently, disdainful: "Just these two trash bastards, are they worthy of fighting against my blood demon royal family? Don't think that becoming a big devil can make you proud of the world. You can be immortal, and the big devil also has a level, in front of the noble royal family, you don't even have the qualifications to challenge."

Xue Ming's attitude was indifferent, and he didn't pay attention to these two reinforcements at all: "Oss, you have fallen so low, two low-level monsters can ignite your hope of survival? A prince who can't see clearly, How to lead the Stone Demon Clan? Instead of doing this, why don’t I kill you for your father and establish another prince for your Stone Demon Clan.”

"Don't underestimate us. Before the laws of heaven and earth, everything is fair. Our great demon realm is not stolen, but is defended by talent and strength. You can't even see this clearly. Worthy to be a prince? Even if we can't kill you, we can restrain you once." Tang Yan snorted coldly.

"Are you worthy of talking to our eldest prince?!" Xuejiu spat.

Tang Yan sneered, and turned to Aussie and said, "Don't worry, we promise to delay. In this battle, you will not die, and neither will we. We will accompany you to fight in the West Sea and explore the secrets of the West Sea. I have to go back to the Stone Demon Race."

"Haha, good, good, good." Oss can only use good words to vent his enthusiasm, good one to fight the West Sea, good one to explore the secret, and good one to go back alive.It is now more and more satisfied with the son-in-law in front of it. It looks silent, but it is bloody and tough enough.

An unintentional decision I made that day actually resulted in my life-saving today. It seems that the heavens do not want to kill me.

"You clean up these two rubbish first." Xue Ming signaled, his cold eyes narrowed slightly: "Don't worry, I will fight with Aussie first, and come back after you clean it up."

"Let's fight separately? How about three battle circles and one-on-one fights? Mixed together, it's easy to be tricked by some treacherous people." Tang Yan moved his limbs, eager to try, and also provoked Xuejiu.

"Huh?" Xuejiu was secretly vigilant, probably not doing some tricks, right?It is cunning and naturally alert.

"I'll wait for you, dare you come?" Tang Yan soared into the air, retreated quickly, and stopped at the edge of the island, waiting for Xuejiu.

Niya also led her team back to the surface of the sea and landed on the back of the Zanghai python shark, waiting for Lamole's arrival.

Xue Ming signaled them: "The left and right guards of the Stone Demon Clan are dead, and there will be no other assistants, but their behavior is a bit weird, you should be more careful."

"What are you afraid of? Even if there is an accident, we can handle it. The big deal is that today's battle ended in a draw." Lammerle was fearless and fierce.

"Dare you? Aren't you going to trample on me? Aren't you going to ravage me? Aren't you going to tear me apart? I can't wait any longer." Tang Yan smiled provocatively.

Xuejiu is not a fool, the more he is like this, the more he feels that there is a problem.He walked forward for a certain distance, but he did not leave the island in a hurry, but stood on the edge, facing each other in the air, his thoughts were like a wave, covering all directions, invading the tide, and searching for suspicious targets.

"Don't worry, I will use my head to assure you that you and I will fight alone. There will never be a third living body inserted into our battle circle!" Tang Yan writhed in mid-air for a while, headlong Into the bottom of the sea: "I'm actually very suitable for naval battles, and I don't care about torturing you."

(End of this chapter)

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