Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2098 Cherry Blossom 5 Spirits

Chapter 2098 Sakura Five Spirits
"If you want to go deep into the eternal death pit, you must destroy them."

"There are too many. I don't know how many more will be inside."

"The purpose of their existence is to consume our energy. When we really reach the eternal death pit, how much we still have to live and how much strength we have."

"It seems that the Dark Demons have really recovered. Everything in the Xihai Conspiracy is the work of the Dark Demons."

There was a lot of discussion from all parties, and they were on guard while being tense, and they were gaining momentum while on guard. So far, they are completely sure of the source of the Xihai incident, and there is no doubt anymore.

"I propose to temporarily put aside the grievances and join forces. This place is far away from the land and our organization. We are all outsiders, and the front is the territory of the Black Demons. If we want to achieve something, we need to let go of the past."

From the succubus tribe, there is a light and pleasant voice, which is beautiful and pleasant, like a clear spring in a deep valley, which evokes the hearing of all strong people. It seems to have a strange magic power, which can make each other put down their guard against this voice. It seems to come from relatives, not aliens. .

The voice should come from the mysterious witch of the Succubus—Vanessa.

All parties are arrogant and strong, so they will not respond immediately, but they all agree tacitly. The demon team, the human team, and the demon team gradually mix and gather together to form three groups.

Oss now values ​​Tang Yan very much and asks him to return to his rear.However, they were not allowed to leave too far away, but stayed close to each other, with a clear intention, to convey the essence of Tang Yan's protection with the appearance of protecting Tang Yan.If there is an accident, let Tang Yan rush to the front to intercept the attack for him.

Tang Yan pretended to be 'innocent' and didn't know about it, and hid in the demon team deliberately very seriously.I was muttering in my heart, if I tried my best to explode the ghost blue fire, how many deaths and injuries would the surrounding demons suffer?Combined with the blood soul tree, how much damage will the two spirit bodies explode with all their strength?
At noon, the edge of the fog in front suddenly became clear, as if a [-]-meter gate had been opened, facing the three races of humans, monsters and demons.

"Guests from the three clans, welcome to come, I have been waiting for a long time."

A soft and charming voice rose from the depths of the sea tide, and a golden radiance bloomed, from weak to strong, emerging from the bottom of the sea, rising up, like a round of scorching sun, blooming dazzling golden light, it was a golden thunder eel, Ten zhang long, like a golden sculpture, a mighty horse, with four claws under its belly, stepped on the 'comatose' beast tide, and walked towards the 'gate'.

Standing on the back of the golden thunder eel is a delicate woman, lazy and rich, tall and enchanting, overwhelming the world, possessing the magic power to fascinate all living beings, she has a bright smile and clear eyes, very spiritual and touching.

"Here you come? Are you the Black Demon Clan?" The human, demon and demon clans were on alert, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Strong energies surged between the sky and the sea, intertwined and entangled, full of adhesions, forming a terrifying oppression, and even the space was freezing. .

"It really is her!" Tang Yan murmured secretly, whoever it was if it wasn't a witch.

"What is the identity and strength of this demon girl, and she can represent the Black Demons in activities outside." Niya whispered.

"Ghost knows." Tang Yan moved his position slightly and hid in the deepest part of the team, avoiding the sight of the witch. He really didn't expect that the witch would show up directly, just appearing in such a blatant way, instead of directly attacking and torturing Torturing people, monsters and demons.

Niya asked Xiang'Yi: "Do you know her?"

"I don't know, who is she?"

"Did you see the silent teams inside? When we found you, you were in exactly the same situation as them. You fell into a deep sleep, unconscious, and then all of you acted and attacked the demon team. The person who controlled you was probably That woman."

"Oh?" More than 300 wild sea singers raised their eyebrows together, with murderous intent.

"No impression?"

"Not really."

"There is no legend about her in the eternal death pit?"

"There are many legends about the eternal death pit, but basically... they are all exaggerated and useless things."

"Where's the cherry blossom tree?" Tang Yan asked suddenly.

"Sakura tree? This... really exists."

"Oh? Tell me." This time it was Tang Yan's turn to be surprised.

"It's said, it's just said that in ancient times, there was a huge and endless cherry blossom tree growing in the deepest part of the West Sea. It was like a huge land, rooted in the seabed of [-] meters, winding endlessly, and the crown of the tree was in full bloom. , no one knows how huge it is, and how many years it has, but it has been psychic, born with spiritual wisdom, and also possessed divine power. It is a tree that is more powerful than the ancient tree that reaches the sky.

Many creatures in the sea, many powerful raptors, and even monsters on land will pay homage to it. It is said that it is because of its existence that it protects this sea area, resists the punishment of heaven and war, and is named the guardian of the sea area.

It's just... Later, for some unknown reason, the cherry blossom tree was moved, and a huge pit was formed where it was alive.The giant pit has existed since it was formed. The water stopped flowing, and the vast ocean was difficult to fill. Many strong people came to explore, but they never returned.The deep pit has continued to this day, and it is called the eternal death pit. "

"This legend... is very popular?"

"Not popular, this is what my father mentioned occasionally."

"Then when the Black Demons participated in the land war, did there ever appear a legend similar to the cherry blossom tree?"

"Probably not. There are very few clues left by the events of that year. It should seems...there is no legend about the cherry blossom tree. Mr. Tang, have you... encountered something?" What fear.

Tang Yan frowned slightly, but did not answer.He observed the witch through the gap.Cherry tree?The predecessor of the eternal death pit?What's the situation?Why is it getting more and more complicated.

That boy must be reborn from a cherry blossom tree, right?
Could this witch be the elf of the cherry blossom tree?
While Tang Yan and the others were discussing quietly, the girl had already walked out of the gate on a golden thunder eel, and appeared majestically in front of the team of the three tribes. Fascinating allure and sensuality.

The human race, the demon race, the monster race, and the three races are on full alert, focusing on the girl, checking her strength, but the strange thing is that no matter how you search, it is very hazy, and you can't even find out "strong" and "weak". 'This most basic concept.

The more this happened, the more fearful the three parties became.

"Congratulations to everyone who came here alive. I know that you are eager to get close to the eternal death pit, but our people there are very fragile and cannot bear accidents. They are afraid of seeing strange lives. Therefore, after we discuss, we can only allow a few A few of you go in. I also know that none of you will let go of the opportunity, and it is difficult to choose who will enter and who will stay, so I thoughtfully helped you think of a solution, which is... to pass through the team behind me."

The girl smiled brightly, lazily and more alluringly, but the last meaning of her words was full of murderous intent, making the air chill.

"Go up and try her strength first." There was a small voice in the human team.

But in front of a dangerous situation, who can make a move.

"You go?!" In the spirit clan team, the crying soul beast stepped in and focused on a casual cultivator.

"Kill!" The man ran away on the spot, his eyes were red, his soul was charged, he couldn't help his rage, he was strong and domineering, he wheeled the heavy hammer, and attracted the sky thunder, like a thunder eagle flapping its wings to hit the sky, killing the woman, the sky thunder Rolling, the sound wave is piercing, shaking the space, and it is extremely powerful.

He is a powerful half-saint, but he was able to break into this place by himself. He was definitely not a good person. He was controlled by the crying soul beast, and his lethality was astonishing when he ran away.

"It's very impolite." The girl pouted.

Aww.The golden thunder eel roared, and the monstrous golden light instantly covered the sky and covered the earth, sweeping the audience. Many monsters and monsters coughed up blood and flew out.

puff! !The Thunder Hammer expert flew upside down, like thousands of golden needles piercing his body, blood spattered, screamed and screamed like a ghost.In an instant, a beam of golden light soared into the sky, straddling the golden wave, puff, blood reappeared, the thunder hammer powerhouse was torn apart, fragile as porcelain, and even the heavy hammer was completely melted in the golden light.

The scene was immediately chaotic, and the three parties were in disarray.

Stronger than the generation of Oss, they naturally remained motionless. Under the big demons and holy lands, without exception, they flew upside down and retreated hundreds of meters. a few steps.

The audience was horrified, how powerful is this thunder eel? !It was silent before, but it erupted at this moment. The two extremes shocked the mind.

In the depths of the vast sea of ​​fog, hundreds of thousands of teams immediately became silent, silent, all opened their eyes, bloody, without exception locked on the team of the three tribes of human, monster and demon outside, making the atmosphere in the air suddenly tense.

Both Tang Yan and Niya took the opportunity to retreat and meet the reunited Huanghai Diva.

"That's really a golden thunder eel? It can't be so strong!" 'Three' was horrified, just now when the golden light shrouded them, they seemed to feel their souls were separated from their bodies, and their whole bodies were about to be crushed by the golden light, which was too terrifying.

"Wait...speaking of" 'Two' looked at sister 'one'.

"Legend? By the way, it is said that under the sacred cherry tree in the ancient times, there is a quiet sea area where many sea animals live. The strongest are eels, crocodiles, turtles, toads, and snakes. They are known as the five spirits of cherry blossoms. It is said that the sacred cherry tree After the transfer order, all the five spirits disappeared. Could this be... the pure-blooded descendants of the 'eel' from back then?"

'One' is horrifying, and it is absolutely extraordinary to have such a ferocious power.

(End of this chapter)

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