Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2105 The Peak of Demon Dao

Chapter 2105 The Peak of Demon Dao (3)

The eyes of some strong men flickered sharply, knowing that it was a treasure, and they were moved immediately.

Whoosh, several figures jumped up almost at the same time, they can't hesitate to grab it if they say grab it, they sprint at top speed, they want to snatch the saber, anyway, the battlefield is chaotic, no one can decide life or death anyway, since there is a treasure, naturally seize the opportunity to grab it Own.

One of them turned out to be a big demon of Loose Cultivator, wrapped in a gust of wind, the wind whirls like a blade, extremely fierce, it is the fastest, and it hits layers of wind whirls before it intercepts, and it wants to cover the Fierce Demon Saber, and is ready to evacuate as soon as possible .

However... Boom, there was a muffled sound, the Fierce Demon Saber erupted with endless blood energy and soul power, the blood soul tree inside reappeared, the immature face was full of ice, opened its mouth and screamed, endless murderous air swept across, blood energy And the soul power covered the sky, and the murderous intent shook the world.There was a loud cracking sound in the sky, and streaks of blood-colored lightning struck out, furiously hitting the big demon in front, and even hitting other strong men.

The Blood Soul Tree was furious, showing its killing power.

The complexions of all the snatchers changed dramatically. Some dodged, while others were pierced by the bloody lightning. The blood vessels in their bodies instantly swelled, and they exploded from the inside out, turning into rain of blood.

The big demon changed face in a panic and dodged immediately, but was still struck by the bloody lightning on the heel, poof, the thick heel was shattered on the spot, spilling blood all over the sky, it fled with a scream, still in shock.

This scene shocked the heroes again, many of them stared wide-eyed and were dumbfounded.

The Blood Soul Tree got into the Fierce Demon Knife again and rushed towards Tang Yan at top speed.

However... no one would have noticed that the Fierce Demon Knife... has been covered with cracks... There are dozens of cracks on both sides of the blade body, two of which are very obvious, and they were left when he killed God and killed Aos , Oss is a hasty face-to-face, God Killing is even better, there is no suspense, and it also splits Oss's chest, but... Oss's spine is too tough, it belongs to the supreme magic weapon, the toughness is self-evident, even Being shaken away, it also left scars on such shocking monsters as the Fierce Demon Saber.

And the blow just now also showed the horror of that spine again, and it even knocked the Fierce Demon Knife into the air.

"Son Tang Yan, even if I, Oss, die in this eternal death pit, I will hold you back." Oss was furious, and he was completely insane after being injured one after another. He rotated his spine, fought fiercely in the air, and chased after Tang Yan.

"The wish is good, but the reality is different. It's still early to see who wins." Tang Yan dodged with extreme speed, and even rushed with extreme speed, forcibly avoiding the spinal round.The Fierce Demon Knife has not come back yet, he faced Oss with his bare hands, swung his right leg, manifested into the shape of a dragon claw, the strength and green fire converged, like a long purple whip, bursting out to sweep away the universe, and went straight to Oss Chest wound.

In such a state of war, every move contains terrifying power and affects the power of nature. If it is swept by it, with the tenacity of Long Kui and the fierceness of green fire, Ossi's chest will definitely be crushed, and maybe it will be pierced through heart.

Oss dodged strongly, despite his huge size, his movement was extremely smooth. While dodging the attack, his left hand violently raised and slapped his chest fiercely.

Tang Yan is ruthless, and it is even more ruthless.

However... "The age of killing, the way of ascending the dragon." Tang Yan forcibly changed his direction at the moment of crisis, from the impact on his chest to suddenly upwards, endless dragon power erupted, vast dragon energy bloomed, a giant dragon proudly took shape, exploded Shooting into the sky, the dragon's breath flooded Oss' chin and head.

Tang Yan followed closely behind and rose into the air.

Rising Dragon Road!From bottom to top, the years of killing.

His purpose lies in this.

Boom! !Oss's jaw was shattered on the spot, the amethyst stubble and the body of the jaw were all shattered into pieces, the giant head suddenly rose, and the huge body fell on its back, blasting from a high altitude to the bottom of the sea.

This scene once again impacted the alliance of the three races, making those strong men of the demon race dizzy.The dazzling offensive is so fierce and surging, and the extremely fast and fierce battle contains countless mysteries. So far, it can be judged that Tang Yan did not grow purely relying on talent and blood. His combat experience is probably beyond anyone's imagination.

A series of reversals subverted the impression of Tang Yan, a 'newcomer', from the tri-clan alliance.

Tang Yan stopped at a high altitude, gasped violently, made a surprise attack with all his strength, and then took the vanguard. He seemed to be unmatched in martial arts, but Oss' body was too hard. This time, the flesh-to-flesh collision caused his whole body to be injured. Dripping, no less than [-] wounds were opened, but fortunately, the Immortal Yantian Jue has reached a new height, healed quickly, stopped bleeding and stopped injuries.

Clang! !

The return of the Fierce Demon Knife, Qiang Ran started, Huo Linger rushed out from the distant green fire field, gathered the green fire, and then returned to Tang Yan's side, the return of the two great spirit bodies and the Lie Demon Knife, let Tang Yan's overall momentum level The layers are doubled, and it has the majestic posture of inviting the world to fight, and looks down on the stalwart of the heroes.

Once again, it brought a deterrent to the audience.

In the depths of the distant battlefield, Adolf of the Succubus tribe frowned slightly, with a strange light in his eyes.

"Do you really think you're strong?" Oss jumped out of the wave, really violent, shaking the spine in his hand vigorously, the crackling sound was full of terrible crisis: "My spine, unless it is the emperor, otherwise who Don't even think about destroying it, its hardness, its sharpness, will tear you to pieces."

"We'll wait and see." Tang Yan clenched the Liemo Dao tightly, the crack on it made him feel distressed.This is the treasure of War Demon. It has existed for thousands of years, and it has been repeatedly tempered by endless blood to make it firm and tough. Today, it was cracked in his hands.Even though facing a strong enemy is inevitable, I still feel a sense of guilt in my heart, ashamed of the war demon.

"Kill." Oss played, rotating his spine to kill Tang Yan.The spine of more than [-] meters is turned into a weapon, with thousands of spikes all over the surface. Each spike is one or two meters long. One whip can definitely smash rocky mountains and crush monsters. The power can be imagined.

"Fight." Tang Yan was also furious, his madness remained undiminished, and his madness remained the same. He used Huo Ling'er and the Blood Soul Tree to face Aussie.

In the battle of life and death, I am invincible.

Humans and devils contend for the front, brutally insane.

Tang Yan once again experienced the power of the peak magic way. Osmos was already injured to such an extent that he was already half-crippled and half-crippled, but he still burst out with such fighting power, and he was extremely powerful in terms of combat power and mental energy. .Even though Huo Ling'er was holding him, the Blood Soul Tree was helping him, and the Immortal Yantian Jue was protecting his body, he had surging vitality and continuous support, but he was still fighting hard, with dangers everywhere, every move, and life and death depended on each other.

How terrifying would Oscar be in his heyday? !You can't challenge yourself!
However, it is also a rare opportunity to take this opportunity to go all out today, allowing myself to comprehend the true power to subvert the magic way in advance.

"You're just taking advantage of the bloodline, you're just taking advantage of the emperor's bloodline, why do you fight me, why do you fight me madly. How can you lose to a human baby!!" Oss roared, his eyes were extremely cold, Like an ice-cold blade, it becomes more and more frantic as it fights, and becomes stronger as it fights. Its body is full of stabs, and its defense is extremely strong. If you want to hurt it, you will definitely get hurt once.

The whole sea area is boiling, endless magic power and green fire interweave the sky and sea, ear-splitting roar and stellar energy fill the waves, the waves overlap and hit the four directions, pushing a large number of strong people to the distance, the battlefield circle is getting bigger and bigger, No one dared to break in and interfere.

Because the blank area was too large, anyone who attacked had to be exposed first, and even the Spirit Race hesitated to act rashly.

The powerhouses of the three clans no longer pay attention, and they really don't have the energy and ability to be an 'spectator'. They are overwhelmed by troops from all directions. They either die or kill. It is impossible to give you the opportunity to enjoy other people's battlefields leisurely.

With the continuous impact of the wave of troops, they dispersed and moved away again and again, and even Tang Chen's team was attacked several times.

The Mirror Mirror Treasure Pig was rushed to the depths of the distance, and they rushed all the way, but they couldn't kill them all.

They are not just fighting for life and death like Tang Yan and Aussie. They not only want to save their lives, but also keep more energy, and keep moving forward, striving to break out of the siege faster and earlier, and rush to the eternal death pit .

"Don't talk about the state anymore. Life and death on the battlefield are ever-changing. The living wins, and the dead are forever." Tang Yan also became more and more courageous as he fought, with a pair of azure fire wings blooming behind him, and the wings of the Tang family's mysterious shadow were cultivated to the extreme. Show, inspired by Tang Hao.

The fire wings spread their wings and hit the sky, endowing Tang Yan with stronger speed and skills.And the fire wing is surrounded by countless violent fireballs, which can launch intensive attacks at any time.

Tang Yan went all out today, becoming more and more fierce and powerful.With fluttering long hair, piercing eyes, raging flames all over his body, various skills and various martial arts are used in turn, and he is sure to kill Aos.

(End of this chapter)

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