Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2107 Your Highness

Chapter 2107 Your Highness
Just as Tang Yan was hit hard by surprise, Oss was also completely defeated by this inexplicable impact.

The [-]-meter demon body soared up to the clouds.

No matter how unwilling you are, no matter whether you are prepared or not, the four energies contained in this blow, extinction, misery, immortality, and catastrophe, have had a continuous impact.The 'death' force produced by the impact is only one of them, and breaking its physical defense is only one of them. The four types of forces raging in its body and the sea of ​​consciousness are lasting and terrifying.

The wave of golden light brought Oss directly to the sky, and the golden light shone through the world, shining on the sky and the sea. The dark clouds in the sky suddenly gathered, turning from thick to pitch black. The cold and gloomy wind raged between the sky and the sea. At the entrance, the golden light swallowed Oss.

The dark cloud swirls, vast and gigantic, with lightning flashing and thundering inside, strong winds raging, and a wave of heavenly power appears inside, as if a god is awakened.

This is also the aftermath of the seals of the four holy truths, which originates from the fourth seal of the Buddha—Heavenly Tribulation.

It's a pity that Tang Yan was unable to continue to control it, and failed to exert its full power. Even so, it could still give Oss a new round of trauma.Especially at the moment Oss is in a state of chaotic consciousness, powerless to fight back, powerless to resist, all the aggrieved events that happened in the past few days, along with a mark of 'sorrow', turned into endless sorrow and untold pain, causing Tormented like torment.

With Tang Yan's coma, the power of the Seal of the Four Sacred Truths withered quickly before it was fully unfolded.

Oss broke away from the vortex and fell from the clouds. He was already unconscious, with cracks all over his body, blood pouring out, and the sea surface was stained red by the devil blood.

The battlefield here is so vast that no one pays attention to it, but when Oss falls, the witch's sigh of surprise emerges in the sky and sea.On the distant battlefield, Yiyi immediately killed a large number of troops. Before Oss fell into the sea, and before he had any signs of waking up, he had already drowned it in a mighty force, carried it to the clouds, and disappeared without a trace. trace.

The number one general of the Stone Demon Clan disappeared.

Deep under the sea.

Tang Yan was silent on the deep and cold seabed, in a crevice of seamounts.The thick dust buried him, and the boundless darkness engulfed him.

His body is distorted and tattered, if Mu Rou sees it, he will definitely faint from distress.Oss's spine was two meters thick, and it was lucky that he didn't turn into a pulp with a whip.Fortunately, Immortal Yantian Jue is already facing its final evolution, and the blood pill has already shown signs of breaking into a sea of ​​blood, and it is only one step away from the undead celestial body, so Tang Yan doesn't care, and clenched his teeth and persisted.

Today's Immortal Yan Tian Jue possesses a terrifying recovery ability, broken bones are healing again, flesh and blood are being regenerated, and are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the spiritual energy is also quickly reconciled due to the efforts of the Blood Soul Tree.

But after all, the injury is serious, dying and half-disabled, and it will take some time before he wakes up, and it will take longer before he fully recovers.

Due to the continuous wars on the sea surface and the turbulent tide, the deep sea is very unsettled and there are groups of eddies, but relatively speaking, this place is relatively quiet.

In the darkness and between the cracks in the valley, several clumps of death fog entangled, exuding a cold and gloomy atmosphere, faintly forming a surrounding circle, guarding the crack where Tang Yan was.

The last confrontation between Tang Yan and Aussie was very abrupt, and the troops of the three tribes were basically far away from other battle circles, so they hardly noticed their situation, and they were too busy with their own battles to pay attention.But few people doesn't mean no one, after all, someone still saw it, for example... the three brothers and sisters Tang Chen.Another example... the Eldar army.

When the golden light wave erupted, they tried their best to get close.But the battlefield on the sea surface is chaotic, and many areas on the bottom of the sea are also full of sea beasts. It is not much more peaceful than the surface of the sea. The three brothers and sisters of Tang Chen lost their way on the far sea bottom, and because of Tang Yan's hidden aura hiding his position, he lost his trace. Break up and search blindly in the chaos of the seabed.

Tang Yan hid it very secretly, and they found it very hard.

Until... a long time later... "It's really lucky that His Highness found it. Tang Yan, are you still breathing? Humph." A gloomy voice floated among the mountains, and a cloud of black mist floated from a distance. Before it arrived, the fog of the soul had already spread, covering layers upon layers, invading the mountains, destroying plankton and other signs of life, and sweeping the hidden areas to ensure nothing goes wrong.

His voice was arrogant and cold, but his actions were extremely cautious.

The dark mist soon enveloped Tang Yan's sleeping crevice, locking his position.

"You are very bloody, are you dead? No, you have always had a lot of life, and it is impossible to die so easily. If you really want to die, you will die in the hands of His Highness." The mist gathered and entangled, and finally manifested a young man who ran for nothing, handsome and handsome , but his face was pale and bloodless, with a hint of yin, wrapped in a white robe, with a gloomy expression, overlooking the canyon below.

The canyon was dark and lonely, and there was no response.Tang Yan was in a coma, let alone responding.

"Come out!! Disgraceful!! A few shrimp soldiers and crab generals, do you think you can avoid my highness's search?!" The white-robed young man's complexion was slightly cold, and the soul mist on the bottom of the sea suddenly sharpened, as cold as ice, and the tough rock formation was faint. freeze.The soul, originally an illusory energy, has frozen the solid rock formation, which shows how strange and terrifying this person's strength is.

"Who are you? Aren't the spirits all spirit bodies? Why did you appear as an entity?" The female Raksha stepped out of the gap, graceful and charming, and looked at the boy running in vain strangely.

With her appearance, the tomb boy, Prajna, hell dog, ghost monk, Hades, and the newly matured nine-son ghost mother who were hiding in other gaps all appeared here, surrounding the Baipao boy from different directions.

The six ghost masters and six different forces formed a unique killing situation to protect Tang Yan and target the white-robed boy.

"Just these few things? They are neither human nor demon, nor are they demons." The white-robed boy looked around, taking in the appearances of the six ghost masters one by one, and silently spying on their auras, discovering a very special and strange phenomenon. , they seem to... have no soul?But it seems like the entity is alive?What kind of monsters are these?

"Sister is asking you something, little friend. Is it because I'm not pretty, or are you uneducated?" Rakshasa's red lips parted slightly, his indescribably seductive, indescribably enchanting and sexy, and his voice and behavior wished to make people laugh. melted.

The six ghost masters surrounded the white-robed boy and even guarded Tang Yan.Their ghost bodies are actually derived from the transformation of the soul. It can be said to be another form of the soul, but it can even be said to be a new species after the sublimation of the soul, endowed with the principle of creation in hell.In other words, they are not afraid of the Spirit Race, although they are not restrained, they will never be restrained by the other party.The tricky and ruthless martial arts of the Spirit Race did not work as expected on them.

"Who am I? You have no right to know my identity!" The white-robed boy was not affected by Rakshasa at all. After repeated inspections, he judged the six monsters as 'harmless'. Demon, everything is harmless, this has always been his philosophy.

His eyes once again focused on Tang Yan's sleeping crevice. The breath inside was very chaotic and terrible. It should be that Tang Yan was dying.But there is another special breath that makes him greedy and excited, that is... the blood soul tree... the soul power in the blood soul tree is the best among the treasures for the spirit race, if you can practice it, The benefits obtained will be limitless, and it is a treasure that even the emperor would want to keep for himself.

Luo Sha chuckled, but said nothing. The six ghost masters united to confront the white-robed youth.

It's just... the boy just watched, greedily observed, but never took any action.

After waiting for a while, Raksha couldn't take it anymore: "Little friend, are you here to be in a daze? My sisters are waiting for you to show off your masculinity, and you're just... sluggish?"

"I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid. How could I not understand your little trick. There is still a force in this gap, which is more than ten times stronger than you. If he doesn't come out, how can I make a move?"

"Huh? Children are very sensitive."

"Bitch! Your Highness won't allow you to yell!" The white-robed youth seemed to be very irritable.

"Your Highness? What kind of Highness are you?"

"Would you care? Hmph!"

"Okay, okay, don't care. Since you don't attack, let's chat?"

"You deserve it too? When Tang Yan is taken down, you won't be able to escape. You bastard can only become my slave, and be ravaged by me day and night." The white-robed boy's words and demeanor revealed hostility and inexplicable rage.

Luo Sha was surprised: "I'm very surprised where did you get so angry? And so much... pride?"

"He has low self-esteem." Prajna seldom spoke, gloomy and cold.

Luo Sha's eyes lit up, and he smiled: "Eh? That's right, what Sister Banruo said is right. The more arrogant you are, the more inferior your heart is, the more you can't stand scorn, the more fragile your heart is. Children, come and talk to sister Tell me, how much bullying have you suffered since you were a child?"

"Stop being crazy! You will cry soon! You better shut up, or you will make your life worse than death in the future." The young man has a bad temper, but he is very restrained, just like the cautious before, but always giving people It feels weird.

(End of this chapter)

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