Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2109 Man and Demon

Chapter 2109 Man and Demon

Thousands of meters under the sea, the battle situation is unprecedented.

The strength displayed by the white-robed boy moved Ren Tianzhu and others.

The character of the Spirit Race has always been cautious and slightly conspiratorial. They rarely take risks without reason, and they are rarely crazy, but the young man in front of him is definitely a different kind. Not only is he crazy and savage, but he is also as cruel and vicious as a wild beast. He is crazy without purpose at all. , cruelty without reason.

At the moment of the battle, the young man suddenly seemed to have changed his style, and his manic emotions could not be restrained, like a tiger breaking free from chains, or like a beast injected with stimulants. The wildness and madness surprised the ghost masters.Where is this still a person?How long has this boy been imprisoned?

The boy in white robe was not only manic, but also tough.Soul martial arts are cold and cold, not only invading the enemy's soul, but also freezing the sea water and rock formations. It is extremely evil, and it has the dual effect of attacking the body and soul.Once locked and attacked, the absolute body and soul will be double destroyed.

This is an alternative, an alternative within the Eldar.

Ren Tianzan and others fought with all their strength, but they didn't expect the young man to be so difficult to deal with, so that he fell into a stalemate shortly after the battle broke out. It's not that he couldn't beat him, but he couldn't win immediately.

At this moment, both Ren Tianzhu and Luo Sha realized a problem. It would be very difficult to take down this white-robed boy in a short time.

"Go all out, don't hold back." Ren Tianzun ordered to take the lead in strengthening the offensive.

"Quick battle and quick decision! Once the spirit clan team arrives, and Mr. Tang Chen arrives again, there will inevitably be a big battle. The fierceness of the battlefield will affect the master's rest." Luo Sha also ordered to remind, emphasizing the seriousness of the problem.He is not afraid of melee, but he is afraid of hurting Tang Yan who is unconscious due to excessive scenes.

"Haha, wow, I'm fighting. Haha, I can finally fight. I have a reason. Who can say no?!" The white-robed boy roared wildly, trembling with excitement, and wielded two long soul knives at extreme speed. Sprint, run with all your strength.

His speed is extremely fast, his sword skills are as violent as rain, he slashes out heavy sword curtains, dances out the soul blades all over the sky, the blades invade the soul, and even freezes the sea tide, it is completely indiscriminate and destructive.

Ghost monks, hell dogs and other ghost masters retreated one after another, making it difficult to get close.

His speed is too fast, and the soul blade is sharp and cold, touching it will hurt, from the body to the soul.In particular, his exaggerated roar made Ren Tianzhu and others feel afraid. What kind of monster is this?It is the complete opposite of the arrogant and surly image before.

On the other side, Pei Sa rode the Weeping Soul Beast and charged with all his strength. Not only was the Weeping Soul Beast at full strength, Pei Sa also participated in the battle for the first time, giving guidance and assistance to the Weeping Soul Beast. Successfully broke out of the encirclement.

The hordes of beasts kept coming around, still bringing serious resistance, but they couldn't bring them absolute defense, let alone really stop their progress.

In addition, the Weeping Soul Beast kept making weird cries, the voice was sharp and child-like, echoing in the vast battlefield, trying to guide the other two holy souls to gather in their direction.

After 10 minutes, Pei Sa and the crying soul beast finally rushed to the sea where Tang Yan was lurking. They tried their best to break through the beast tide and rushed to the deep and cold seabed.So far, they have been able to clearly feel Pei Bo's madness and the intense consumption of soul power. They must have encountered some unforeseen accident, which is at stake, motivating them to sprint with all their strength.

At the same time, Tang Chen's three brothers and sisters accepted the guidance of the bitter mother-in-law, crossed the beast tide battlefield, and came to this sea area from another direction, almost on the front foot with Pei Sa.The two sides are destined to arrive at the battlefield at the same time, so it is almost a certainty that the battlefield will fall into a melee.

If the other two holy souls arrive again, the situation... may be in crisis.

The battle on the bottom of the sea was fierce, and Ren Tianzhu finally took control of the situation, but a new crisis came quietly.

"No matter how fast! Pei Bo's soul power is weakening, and he may not be able to hold on anymore." Pei Sa and Pei Bo are in touch with each other, and they can understand each other's situation in a more real and timely manner.

"We'll be there soon." The Weeping Soul Beast easily killed the obstacles in front of it.

"Dean Pei Sa, it's been a long time."

Suddenly, a rough and wild voice appeared without warning, just behind, as if chasing them all the way into the tide.

"Who?" The Weeping Soul Beast turned back immediately, and was even more surprised by its vigilance. Who could approach him without making a sound?I rushed all the way, but I didn't find anyone following me!
The sea is turbulent, dark and cold, and a rough figure is gradually approaching, surrounded by lights and shadows, and the gorgeous image twists and floats in the sea, mysterious and strange like a camouflage pattern.

"Are you... a succubus?" Pei Sa was on guard secretly. There were many shadows in front of him, and the colorful shadows were mysterious. A three-foot-old demon was walking, with blue-faced fangs, a wide mouth and a flat nose, two feet on the head, and two wings on the north. He was so ugly that he couldn't bear to look directly at him, but Kong Wu was powerful, brave, tough like steel, and had a pair of aggressive eyes.

He had paid attention to this monster in the demon team, ruled out the possibility of other supreme demons, and naturally thought of the identity of the other party - the most mysterious and low-key succubus, but extremely dangerous.

For this operation in the West Sea, the teams sent by the supreme demons were very strong. Since the succubi took the initiative to participate, they must not be ordinary people, so it aroused his attention repeatedly at that time.

"There's a female demon behind him!" The crying soul beast didn't dare to be careless, its soul power spread out, and a phantom was faintly captured behind the three-foot-long demon in front of it. It was very blurry and distorted, and it was impossible to detect its real existence, but it should be a female Succubus is no different.

Everyone knows that the male succubus is powerful in battle, while the female succubus is mysterious and unpredictable. Separate combat power has its own advantages, and the combined combat power is beyond imagination. It is not a combination of one plus one, but a sublimation.

"Succulents, Adolf, it's a pleasure to meet the head of the Elder Clan, Pesa." The male succubi stood still more than ten steps away, holding a heavy hammer in his left hand and a heavy ax in his right. The weapons are also the weapons with the most assault power. It should be difficult for the two types of weapons to match perfectly, but since they appear in the hands of this demon, they must be terrifying.

"Succubi, Vanessa, I have long admired the wise name of Dean Peisa." Behind Adolf, a soft voice floated out, like pearls falling on a jade plate, light and beautiful, very pleasant to hear.

"I don't know why the two of you are here, why do you ask for advice?" Pei Sa knew that the visitor was not kind, and he could feel the fierce battle at the bottom of the thousand meters.He was eager to leave, but he didn't dare to underestimate the two mysterious and unpredictable big demons who appeared suddenly in front of him.

Over the years, he has read through many secrets, but he has never seen through the mystery and concealment of the Succubus.

For things that he is not sure about and does not understand, Peisa has never been too hasty in petitioning.

Vanessa whispered: "The Spirit Race is a low-key group. They have always been cautious in doing things, and they are perfect in every aspect. Dean Pisa is extremely resourceful, the most resourceful in the Northern Continent, and is known as the best of the human race. Here, Vanessa first asks Pisa The dean conveyed his respect."

"You're welcome. The succubi can hide from the world and survive alone, transcending the battle between humans and demons. This old man also admires it." Pei Sa was concerned about the underwater battle, but he would not underestimate the situation in front of him.Although the succubi rarely appear and rarely fight against humans, the demons are demons after all, and there is a factor of hatred for humans flowing in their blood.

In other words, when the two sides meet each other for the first time, they are enemies of life and death, and they have reasons for not dying.

Vanessa chuckled: "If Dean Peisa is willing to hear some compliments, we can talk here for a long time."

"The girl doesn't let go, how can the old man know your purpose."

"My little girl is not talented. She was guided by the emperor's order and devoted herself to the study of the affairs of the spirit race. So far, she has achieved a little success. This time, she was entrusted by the emperor's order to participate in the West Sea incident. The intention is not for the Black Demon Race, but for the spirit race. The result of my little girl's hard work over the years." Vanessa smiled softly as she spoke, "My little girl is speaking frankly, and she doesn't hide anything. I wonder if Dean Pisa was ever satisfied?"

"Satisfied, please continue." Pei Sa was expressionless, but secretly vigilant in his heart. This witch was not simple, and her few words were mild and gentle, but it gave him an unfathomable and wonderful feeling. The other party disdains to conceal these aspects, disdains little tricks and little secrets.

"The little girl has tracked the spirit clan for more than ten days, but she has not gained anything. Only in the past few days, she met on this misty island. After a few days, and now, the little girl has discovered a few little secrets. I hope to discuss it with Dean Pei Sa."

"Witch, are you delaying time?" The Weeping Soul Beast was annoyed, the battle was fierce below, and you were chatting tepidly here?
Pei Sa comforted the Weeping Soul Beast and said, "Young lady is willing to ask for advice. I can try a few tricks."

"We don't have time." The Weeping Soul Beast became more and more anxious, and couldn't help but want to kill to the bottom of the sea.

"You can stay here with peace of mind." Adolf clenched his heavy ax and hammer tightly, speaking in a rough voice, "The battlefield below is destined to be missed for you."

"You want to have a grudge against the Spirit Clan?" The Weeping Soul Beast glared at it.

"So what about grudges? What about mortal enemies? Isn't it possible?" Adolf snorted coldly.

"Why stop us?" The Weeping Soul Beast couldn't help but want to make a move.

"Can't you explain the words 'humans and demons'?" Adolf shrugged his shoulders, his killing intent was fierce, and his demonic energy was burning like a wave.

Pisa calmed the restlessness of the crying soul beast, and calmly signaled Vanessa to start.

(End of this chapter)

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