Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 212 Rashomon

Chapter 212 Rashomon

Tang Qiong and the girl had been suppressed so much, and a blow with anger at this moment was enough to kill a second-tier martial king.

The blade storm in the distant sky is about to take shape and is approaching rapidly!
This combined offensive is enough to make Tang Yan and others die without a place to bury them!
The shadow of death hangs over everyone's heart, each of them looks more gloomy, trying their best to escape, but the accident is too sudden, too fast, and it is about to hit in the blink of an eye!
At the critical moment of life and death, determination suddenly flashed in Tang Ba's eyes, and he turned around and rushed towards Tang Qiong without hesitation.At the same moment, Liu Qing made the same move, instead of choosing to run away, she resolutely stopped Niya and rushed directly to the evil chain.

"Hurry up!" The two roared with ferocious faces, frantically condensing the remaining spiritual power in their bodies, and unleashed the strongest impact in their lives, preparing to create a chance for Tang Yan and others to escape!
"Come back!" Tang Yan and others trembled.

"It's not time to die, come back!" Niya suddenly let go, and a small and delicate wooden door flew out.

The wooden door was as exquisite as a handicraft, but the moment it was released from the hand, it accumulated and swelled at an astonishing speed, and fell to the ground with a bang.The facade is green-faced fangs, bells are hung on the door beams, and the wooden doors are colorful, but if you look carefully, you will find that these colors are thick and a bit scary.

The moment the wooden door fell to the ground, the bells shook in unison, sending out dizzying sound waves.Liu Qing and Tang Baru, who happened to rush forward, were struck by lightning, and fell down as if they lost themselves. The two golden-collared black eagles caught them before they fell to the ground, and shot away into the distance.

"Go! Go quickly!" After throwing the wooden door, Niya turned pale, and her calm and cool face showed rare anxiety.

Tang Qiong and the girl's attack came in the blink of an eye. According to the original attack trajectory, they would not have hit the wooden door, but in fact, Ying Wing Zhan and the chain suddenly changed direction, and they all rushed towards the wooden door.

The blue-faced fangs on the front of the wooden door burst open, and the dense bells rang non-stop. Behind the wooden door was an endless dark space, which completely accepted the martial arts of two third-order martial kings.

"I feel so cautious!" The strange wooden door that suddenly appeared not only swallowed the two violent energies, but also calmed down Pei Quan and Pei De. Staring at the huge mountain-like door, they subconsciously realized that something was wrong. Immediately recall the girl and Tang Qiong, and run away at full speed with herself.

The sword storm followed, and the wooden door rose from the ground, like a ferocious ghost head, biting fiercely at the storm!

quiet!There was a slight silence on the violent battlefield, and the wooden door completely swallowed the storm!
But this silence lasted only a few seconds, the wooden door shook violently, the sound of clicking resounded through the sky, and a large number of cracks appeared on the heavily colored wooden door, as if something was struggling violently inside.

And then

The earth-shattering explosion exploded suddenly. From a distance, it looked like a mushroom cloud rising into the sky. The turbulent energy fluctuations swept towards the surroundings like a tidal wave. All the ancient trees, birds, beasts and huge rocky peaks that passed along the way were destroyed and razed to the ground. !
The huge roar shook the endless mountains, attracting countless eyes from distant mountains and ravines to stare in horror.

The fierce sword shattered the wooden door, and rushed straight into the sky thousands of miles, showing a dazzling brilliance, stirring the icy sword energy, as if showing its power!

Tang Yan and the others had already escaped far away, but they were still thrown out of control by the strong fluctuations. As the air wave rolled out in embarrassment, Tang Ba and the others managed to control it, but the three of Tang Yan rebounded one after another like shells, smashing into pieces along the way. A large number of ancient trees were finally buried deeply in thick dust.

Niya maintained her arrogance and temperament, and she stopped firmly among the crowns of an ancient tree, staring at the explosion storm that had not yet dissipated in the distance, and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like she was alive after a disaster.Unavoidably being overtaken by the owner of the fierce sword, he stopped for a while and then retreated far away. At the same time, he used the pen to transform more than ten raptors, searching for the figures of the people.

Tang Ba and others gathered one after another, their faces pale to varying degrees, and they stared back in shock.

Tang Yan asked directly: "What was that just now? Do you still have such a baby?".

Niya did not respond, but Liu Qing sighed softly: "Rashomon! Defensive treasure! It can swallow the attacks of all strong people below the venerable level, but the endurance is not unlimited. Six times in a row is the limit, and it takes a hundred years to breed It can be restored. If it forcibly devours the attack of a powerful person, it will far exceed the limit of the Rashomon. The light one will be severely injured, and the severe one will be destroyed. The Rashomon was bought by the old patriarch from Cang Lan and given to the lord for self-defense. ,pity"

Everyone fell silent, this is a super baby, just the item of "an attack that can swallow all strong people below the venerable level" is enough to show its power.Most importantly, this should be Niya's most important life-saving weapon, but it's just ruined now.

Niya is very casual: "There is no pity, no pity, it is just a life-saving thing. If it can save a life when it is needed, it will be considered as fulfilling its mission."

Tang Hao looked back at the spreading dust waves in the distance, with worry and even resentment on his brows: "Second Brother Qiong has been wronged. This group of shameless things must be settled."

"I'm worried that they will be detrimental to the Tang family." Tang Qing scratched his bald head irritably.

Tang Badao: "Don't worry too much. The Tang family still has some influence in the empire. If King Zhou Ling does too well, the royal family will definitely not sit idly by."

Tang Yan pondered: "Haven't you noticed? Recently, a mysterious force has been active in the south of the border, first in the psychedelic forest, in the deserted city cemetery, and now in the Thundercloud Mountains. They seem to be collecting some lost ancient treasures. A relic. What is this for? Simply to become stronger? I don’t think it’s that simple. Zhou Lingwang has obviously been entangled with them, and the same activities are very frequent, and they don’t understand the low-key in the past. What do they want to do? "

Tang Ba's expression changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Rebel" Tang Hao and Tang Qing said in unison, their expressions suddenly became extremely weird.

The structural characteristics of the Great Zhou Dynasty are slightly different from those of the other two empires. The hegemonic influence of the royal family is particularly strong. The royal family has countless powerful and elite troops, and firmly controls the Gyeonggi land headed by the imperial capital. It is unmatched by the Northern Wilderness and other major foreign domains.If anyone wants to rebel, it is simply a fantasy. Before they get close to the capital, countless assassination troops will be slaughtered.

"It may not be that serious, but it shouldn't be simple. What I'm afraid of is that Zhou Lingwang's power will expand to the point where he has no fear of the royal family. Only then will the Tang family be in real danger."

"Then what should we do?" Tang Hao and the three of them were a little anxious, after all, they still cared deeply about the safety of the Tang family.

"I mean, can you take the Tang family to Delos?" Tang Yan couldn't help looking at Niya.

Niya said calmly: "I have no intention of refusing, but do you think it is appropriate for the Tang family, one of the great Zhou families, to relocate during the critical period of the war between the three great empires? Let alone whether it is possible to pass through the occupied In the Taiwu mining area, will the royal family of Delos allow the Tang family to merge with the Rao family? Will it be detained on charges of espionage? At that time, it will not be refuge, but suffering."

"This..." Tang Hao and the others couldn't say much, they were still outsiders after all.

Niya said again: "Things are not as complicated as you imagined. The melee between the three empires will not end in a short time. As long as the war continues, the Lingwang Palace will not have the energy to take care of the Tang family. The royal family of Dazhou is not as good as you imagined." Unbearable, they should have noticed King Zhou Ling's abnormal behavior a long time ago, and maybe they have already started to take measures. I have a suggestion, I don't know if you are willing to listen to it."

"Miss Niya, please tell me." It was rare for Tang Ba to be respectful to outsiders, but Niya was an exception.They didn't spend much time with each other, but he could tell that this was a wise and calm woman, and she might really be able to offer some pertinent suggestions from the perspective of a bystander.

"The royal family of Da Zhou may just suspect, but there is no conclusive evidence. In addition, King Zhou Ling's identity is quite special. He will not act rashly on the surface, but there should be preparations for secret investigations. You can send people to secretly obtain information from the royal family. Contact, the first point is to get asylum, and the second is to reach a joint agreement. I think the royal family should be very willing to see your surrender. Of course, everything must be reserved for yourself. The Tang family can secretly send some of the family members to our Rao family .”

What Niya said is very reasonable and measured. It can be said that she is watertight and comprehensive.From the beginning of managing the huge Jinghuo mine, the height of viewing problems and the way of speaking are far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Taniya is not a vase, the empire recognizes it!

Also one of the main reasons why so many people are obsessed with her!

(End of this chapter)

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