Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2120 In the name of hell

Chapter 2120 In the name of hell (6)

"Bluffer! The more he is like this, the weaker he is. I will attack first, and you will follow." Akang Yama motioned to the next two big demons, accelerated their pace, and rushed straight to Tang Yan, taking the initiative to attack.

Crackling, booming, the ground suddenly shattered, pieces of cracks, countless magic vines and thorns broke through the ground, quickly grew and spread, and a vast thorny forest was formed in an instant. The scene was sudden and shocking. The thorny forest covered most of the fairy island. And thousands of thorns continue to grow, like iron trees.

The thorn forest is dark and thick, and there are countless magic vines crawling in it, like a black python.

The thorn forest covered the island, turning the former fairy island into a dark magic forest after experiencing ruins, and Akang flax became the master of this magic forest, a majestic magic power bloomed, and a terrifying darkness The killing power permeates.

The vines all over her body were released, and the lower part merged into the magic forest, and the more than ten vines above became her arms, dancing in mid-air, and turned into spears, heavy hammers, broadswords, spears, and rattan whips. Wait, there are more than ten types of weapons, each of which is filled with magic power and is stained with terrifying blood.

Akon flax completely abandoned his glamorous form and turned into a hideous monster, a pure war monster, every part of which was a war weapon.

Tang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, not daring to be careless, pulling the death energy of hell to roll around, like a thick dark cloud covering the sky, invading the battlefield of heaven and earth, the fine and dense underworld fire floated out from hell, mixed into the depths of death energy, intending to use all his strength go all out.

"Kill!" Akang Yama took the lead to move, with murderous aura, the entire forest of thorns and demons rioted collectively, like a vast battlefield, the battlefield of resurrection, almost all of them rushed to the sky, sweeping across the front, murderous and brutal.

This kind of scene is vast and dangerous, Tang Yan has seen it on Du Yang, and its power is extremely terrifying.

Tang Yan could confidently melt Xueming's blood energy with the fire of the sky, but he was unable to suppress this kind of magic vines and forests so strongly.But the matter has come to this point, if there is no fight, there must be a fight. With a roar, he rushed forward, and the ancient sword slashed with all its strength, hitting the knife net all over the sky, dancing heavy fire from the sky, and posing for a bloody battle to the end.

In an instant, the dark clouds surged, the sky boiled, thousands of vines and thorns danced wildly, and Akang Yama's more than a dozen warriors charged with all their strength, like a strong wind, like a heavy rain, like a forest of arrows piercing the sky, like a huge wave, deafening, The sky roared.

All kinds of energies are intertwined, and the magic power is shocking. One person and one demon come up and go all out.

The war quickly escalated to a fever pitch.

The island trembled, the ground cracked, and the sea boiled all around.

Akang Yama has the talent of heaven, and her strength is unmatched. According to the ranking of the strong of the demon clan, she also gained the name of the princess step by step by virtue of her military exploits and killings. She is enough to stand proud of the world and become Li Mo. The real killing god of the clan.

She may not be as strong as Aussie now, but that is a matter of time. Give her another hundred or thousand years, and the peak will not be a problem.

However...her strength has encountered "crazy" today, Tang Yan's attacks became more and more fierce, and the Liemo Dao used the Tang family's profound meaning to fight with all its strength. Although there are only four martial arts skills, they are unpredictable and can be changed at will. The sword net, like a violent storm, carries defense in the counterattack.

All around the island, the heroes kept their voices silent and focused their attention on the battlefield.Such battles are blood-boiling.They thought that Akang Yama would try it a little bit, but it was such a violent attack that made all parties realize the madness and ferocity of this demon princess.

"Wow." Tang Yan roared, the flames around him were completely boiling, the green flames were ten thousand zhang, shining on the sky and the earth, the body of the fire elves exploded as a whole, turning into countless balls of sky fire, blasting into the sky, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, shining The darkness was brightened, covering the sky, like a vast sea of ​​flames, and then all of them fell down, like a giant rain of fire, flooding the entire field rumblingly, attacking countless magic vines and thorns.

The full power of the sky fire shocked the audience.

Skyfire can burn blood, and it can also burn plants. Although the magic vines are extraordinary, but now, they will face the attack of skyfire.

"Let me experience the power of heavenly fire." Akang linen fell suddenly, and all of them merged into the dark thorn forest. There was a sharp roar, and the magic power boiled. Thousands of vines and thorns all exploded in an instant, forming a black mass. , the rattan twists, and the thorns explode, forming a killing game.

The magic vine and sky fire collided in mid-air.

The sky collapsed, the island trembled, the wild power swept all directions, the blue sea rolled back, and the islands and reefs were shattered. The terrifying fighting power made the heroes of the four directions secretly terrified, and the royal families of all sides changed their colors. They didn't blink their eyes, for fear of missing something.

This Tang Yan is really strong enough!

But the magic vine of Akang's linen also made them experience the horror of the Li Mozu again!
"It's now! Take action!" A big demon shouted loudly and rushed towards the judge.

Another big demon took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly became firm, and he went straight to the battlefield of destruction between Tang Yan and Akang Linen: "Quack, you are the sky fire, I am the cold water of the abyss, and the attributes are incompatible! Master Tang, please teach me?! "

Booming, a dark river tide exploded in the air, like an endless river coming across the sky, the vast rushing, quickly squeezed out a space, the sound of water was roaring, deafening, the river tide emitted a terrifying cold air, pervading the world, endless cold current It brought a biting chill, enveloped the island battlefield, and invaded the surrounding islands.

Such magic power is really rare.

The Dark River Tide contains the extreme cold power. The first time it blooms, it becomes another focus, and it also rushes towards the battlefield of Tianhuo and Magic Vine. Clicking, not only many magic vines are frozen on the spot, but also a large number of green fires are quickly Weakened, almost extinguished.

Can the cold water invade the sky fire? !In just an instant, the audience was shocked.

"Boom!" The three energies attacked in an all-round way, and became entangled together in a blink of an eye.

The large-scale melee, the collision of the big scene, the rumbling, deafening, and the ruthless interweaving of the three energies made the sky over the island almost distorted, and the dark clouds in the high altitude were torn apart.

Tang Bing didn't make a move, but was controlled by the witch to lie dormant on the periphery, waiting for a more suitable opportunity.

The Chaos Invasion fought happily, and the battle was thorough, and the vastness ended after half a cup of tea.

The magic vines and cold water receded like tides and quickly separated from the two sides.

A treant stood proudly in the thorny forest, controlling the earth, a water demon entrenched in the cold water tide, controlling the mid-air, on the other side, Tang Yan's sky fire also gathered again, but his whole body was trembling uncontrollably, and some of the flames were covered with ice. , seems to have been greatly invaded.

Akang Yama couldn't help but glanced at the water demon a few more times, because her vines were also covered with ice, and she could clearly feel the power of the ice inside.

"Haha, Skyfire? But that's it! You're still too tender! Abyss Cold Water, the most terrifying forbidden area in the western part of the Demon Realm. I have been entrenched in it for 3 years, absorbing the essence of cold water and refining myself. I admit that you, Skyfire, may be completely crushed in the future. Suppress me with cold water, but should worry about whether your sky fire will go out."

The water demon sneered, and unexpectedly jumped up first, killing Tang Yan.

His eyes were red, he felt the invasion of the cold water on the sky fire, and he was full of confidence.

Rumbling and deafening, the dark and cold water surged up like a huge wave, and rushed towards Tang Yan.The frightening cold water contained a bone-piercing cold power, and it claimed to restrain all fires in the world. Even if it was impossible to suppress fires against the sky like the sky fire, it would definitely have a huge impact.

"Boom." The magic vines rioted all over the place below, and Akang flax also launched an offensive. He rushed to Tang Yan at a high speed, and the moment the two sides faced each other, the magic body completely exploded, turning into countless thorns, like ten thousand arrows Piercing through the air, penetrating and attacking Tang Yan.

"I am fortunate enough to go through this battle in this life, and I have no regrets in dying." Tang Yan smiled instead of retreating, and looked down on the audience. The sky fire quickly mixed with the blood soul tree, and his power rose greatly. He turned into a fire elf and fought head-on. Otherwise, it will be immortal.

The blood soul tree even launched a terrifying attack of soul power, fully cooperating with Tang Yan's offensive.

The chaotic war broke out again, more intense and more terrifying.

Since ancient times, individual combat and frontal raids have been exciting, but such a large-scale battlefield, chaotic and vast fighting, can make people more excited and stimulate a stronger desire to watch the battle.

"Tang Yan is simply a wild beast! It's not easy to have one enemy and two with a rainbow of morale!"

"Tang Yan must not be allowed to grow, he must be killed today!"

"Skyfire, Magic Vine, and Cold Water, it's a life-and-death duel."

"How long can Tang Yan last? After all, he is facing two big demons!"

All parties watched happily, staring at each scene, and even had the urge to go up and join the battle.

However... looking at it... I don't know how long it took, and finally someone noticed something was wrong.

It seems... one is missing?
The battlefield is in full swing, and the battle is unprecedented, which naturally attracts the attention of the crowd, and everyone is watching it heartily, but they seem to have overlooked a character that should exist - the big demon who was the first to shout and kill the ghost!
Why are you missing?
The eerie and dark gate stands steadily, but the mysterious martial saint in front of the gate is gone, and the big demon who killed him is also gone.

Strange, disappeared out of thin air?

More and more powerful people paid attention to it, their thoughts were like a wave, and they tried their best to expand towards the dark gate, but the end of the darkness seemed to be an endless abyss, and the thoughts could not expand into it, and they didn't know anything.

Strange, why did they all disappear?

(End of this chapter)

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