Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2125

Chapter 2125
At this moment, before the gate of hell, Moon Shadow is trying her best to bloom the power of dreams, playing out layers of profound meaning, spreading across the world, focusing on Akang Linen.She used to be only able to control nightmares, but now after being washed by Pisces Spring, she has brand new abilities, and has a deeper attainment in dream control. And quiet, weakening the offensive intentions, falling into a deep sleep.

The teams of the three tribes watched it with novelty and relish.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer and closer.

Can Vanessa really control Tang Yan to close the Dark Gate?

The first time they experienced this, they were more curious than looking at prehistoric creatures.

"No, Tang Yan seems to be running energy secretly, it doesn't look like... really asleep..." The more the demon girl looked at Tang Yan, the more something was wrong, she suddenly woke up, and shouted loudly: "Stop them! Immediately! Immediately!! "

"Kill!" The golden warrior burst into golden brilliance, and rode the winged wolf to kill towards the gate of hell.

The golden thunder eel moved at the same time, setting off a monstrous wave of golden light, vibrating in the air, killing the sky, and the speed was extremely fast, trying to stop Tang Yan and Akang Yama from approaching the gate of hell.

However... "Haha, witch, it's late." Tang Yan suddenly "woke up" and laughed grinningly. The Fierce Demon Knife slammed out and hit nine strikes in an instant. above the neck.

Almost at the same moment, Adolf suddenly exploded, and the heavy hammer that had been prepared for a long time also exploded with all its strength, like thunder, and blasted at the back of Akang Yama's head.

One person, one demon, erupting with full force, and the momentum remains the same, the power is naturally unparalleled, causing the wind to howl, and the scorpion qi splashing randomly.

Akang Yama frowned slightly, and woke up leisurely, but... Boom, two consecutive heavy blows from the Fierce Demon Saber and the Heavy Hammer also hit the back of her neck and the back of her head at this moment, with incredible power, containing the power of collapsing mountains .

Kacha, Akang flax was defenseless, the back of the neck and the back of the head were shattered on the spot, sawdust flying, her whole body trembled, her eyes suddenly opened, the pupils condensed like needles, the tall tree was out of balance on the spot, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, She was 'fired' alive like a cannonball, spinning and blasting towards the gate of hell, which was only a hundred meters away.

"Huh la la." The chain of hell was shot out again, tightly entwining Akang flax in the air.

"Wow." Akang flax erupted in horror and anger. However, the injury was so severe that his head was almost shattered, and the incident happened suddenly. Entered the gate of hell.

"No!" The golden thunder eel arrived first, almost catching Akang flax.

"You want to go in too?" Adolf and Tang Yan, one left and one right, one up and one down, struck at extreme speed, and launched the strongest offensive, hitting the golden thunder eel in an all-round way. Blood Soul Tree and Huo Linger also exerted all their energy at this moment .

"Back." Vanessa's palm changed suddenly, and layers of dream power faced the invading golden warrior.

Boom! !

The island trembled violently, the ground cracked, rocks pierced through the sky, and all kinds of light waves filled the space, dazzling the eyes and making it difficult to see the situation clearly.

"What the hell is going on?! Why do I become more and more confused the more I look at it?" Many people in the three-clan team were confused, and the more they looked at it, the weirder it became. What happened to the scene just now? Is it an illusion? Why did Tang Yan suddenly wake up? Why did Adolf attack? Akon linen?

What is this all about!

The fierce battle did not continue, it started and disappeared in a blink of an eye, and subsided in a blink of an eye.

Tang Yan stood proudly in the sky, raging fire, full of murderous intent, without any sign of decadence or drowsiness, on the contrary, his mental strength was much better, and what was even more strange was that Adolf stood behind him, with a heavy hammer in his left hand and a heavy ax in his right, full of murderous intent , but not targeting Tang Yan, but targeting the Golden Thunder Eel.

As for the gate of hell... it's closed again.

"Witch girl, how do you feel? Are you unhappy now?" Tang Yan couldn't help but want to laugh, and laughed wildly.

Before, it was quite comfortable to pretend to be sleeping, and the plan was implemented smoothly. Although the witch saw through it at the last moment, she still surrendered Akang Linen without any risk, and was sent to the hell space.

With Vanessa's ability, it may really be impossible to completely control Akon Flax, but there is another dream master in hell, Moon Shadow!

It is actually not that difficult for the two women to cooperate and act together to control Akang flax, who consumes a lot of energy and has strong emotional fluctuations.Facts have proved that the effect is remarkable, although only a dozen breaths are controlled.

Tang Yan really wanted to laugh, this kind of deception was so cool, he still defrauded the audience and the three tribes.

"Are you kidding me?" Golden Thunder Eel got a little angry, Succubus and Tang Yan teamed up?

Tang Yan seemed to be sleeping soundly before, was it all on purpose?

Including myself, everyone in the audience was watching the show attentively, so it turned out that they were being teased?
This kid not only played with himself, but also played with the whole audience!

The whole audience was stunned for a while, and instantly 'exploded', even the water candle demon was angry, and the audience became angry from embarrassment, glaring at Tang Yan viciously.This bastard, we were looking at Qi Jin with great interest just now, but he was tricked?

It's ridiculous that they expressed shock just now, and they kept expressing miracles, and they even talked a lot, and even opened their mouths and stared in exclamation.Tzu Oh, remember being so stupid.

They have lived half their lives, and they have never been so embarrassed, let alone so cheated.

The Five Devils were even more startled in a cold sweat, and almost scolded, they don't have such a trick!
But... After being ashamed and angry, they quickly fell into horror. Why did the Succubus join forces with Tang Yan?There are no signs!

"It's really weird. The Succubus should have teamed up with Tang Yan very early." Pei Sa secretly guarded. Fortunately, he didn't make a hasty move, otherwise he would even be trapped.

Tang Yan confronted the demon girl and sneered: "Aren't you predicting things like a god? Don't you play and applaud everything? Do you know that I have already negotiated with my two friends from the Succubus before entering the West Sea."

Open your mouth actively, directly blocking the possibility of everyone thinking about it.Tell everyone present directly and openly that the two great demons of the Succubus and I secretly contacted at the place where Xihai was operating, and the two sides reached a cooperation at that time, not anything else.

As for the relationship between Adolf, Vanessa and Tang Yan, the three parties don't need any words. Since the secret has already been known, the three parties are absolute close friends, and there is no need to question this aspect.And just like what Niya said, the team sent by the Succubus Emperor is definitely worthy of Tang Yan's trust.

Therefore, the moment Adolf and Vanessa set foot on the island, they already had calculations and a tacit understanding in their hearts, and Moon Shadow in Hell was also ordered to cooperate secretly.And in order to achieve the goal as soon as possible and avoid revealing his feet, he must subdue Akon linen as soon as possible.

Tang Yan's Demon Hunting Knife and Adolf's heavy blow all severely injured Akang Linen at that moment. The evil ancestors in hell could easily control the situation. Together, they were enough to encircle Akon Linea and wipe her out completely. Repression in hell world.

In other words, Tang Yan has imprisoned the top bloodlines of the two supreme demons so far. Counting the alliance of Adolf and Vanessa, it is equivalent to occupying half of the six supreme demons!
The crying soul beast suddenly roared: "Tang Yan, you actually joined forces with the demons? What you just said just now is allied with the demons in a blink of an eye. Shame on you."

Tang Yan sneered: "It seems that you have been following Pei Sa for so many years, and you really haven't learned anything good. I have formed an alliance with the demons, but I didn't kill the humans. I killed the demons. Join hands with the demons. Killing humans is a huge difference. Dean Pei Sa, take care of your dog, don't let it bark, or it will lose face and lower your IQ level."

Pei Sa remained silent, his eyes flickering, connecting various scenes in series, and also associated with deeper things.

"Mr. Tang did a beautiful job. This time I was really surprised. Wonderful, really wonderful." The witch smiled sweetly, but her eyes were already cold. She looked at the dark gate of hell, and it was the first time she gave birth to a killer. The impulsiveness, but reason always took the initiative, and did not act rashly.

"How does it feel to be tricked, isn't it uncomfortable?" Tang Yan took Adolf and Vanessa back step by step, and stood in front of the gate of hell, confronting the demon girl, and also devoted a little bit of energy to controlling the clone of Mingtu in the hell world , participated in the campaign to encircle and suppress Akang flax, and stabilized it as soon as possible.

"There is indeed one point, but the more it is like this, the more interesting it is. Any plan will be more exciting only if there are variables. But you seem to have forgotten one important point, no matter how you struggle, how you resist, and how wonderful you are. , you are always living in the misty sea area of ​​the eternal death pit, and in the chess game I have set up." The witch slowly shook hands, then slowly spread them out, and smiled sweetly: "The life and death of all of you are in my hands." hand."

"Forget it, there are no fools here. If you could really easily decide our life and death, you wouldn't have tried so hard to let us kill each other. I can be 100% sure that the eternal death pit seals the power of the Black Demons. How many of you The most belong to the spokesperson, the biggest reliance is this sea area, and the biggest power is several holy lands."

"You are really right. Our greatest reliance is this sea area. We are the masters of this sea area. This is our world, and you... live in our world. Everything here is dominated by me .”

The demon girl pushed with both hands, and Sifang Island gradually retreated, retreating a few kilometers far away, widening the distance from Tang Yan's island, and also widening the distance between each other.

Whoosh!The golden warrior soared into the sky, rode the winged wolf and landed on the island where Niya was. The vast golden light filled the fairy island, and the blade pointed at Niya.

"I can kill her there, who of you wants to come here as a hero to save the beauty?" The demon girl rode the golden thunder eel into the sky, and also moved towards Niya's island, her beautiful eyes turned around, and she kept teasing Tang Yan: "I There are many chips in hand, kill Niya, and Tang Chen, kill Tang Cang, and Tang Zang, kill Tang Shou, and Tang Juan, kill them, and the imprisoned ghost master, and you What? Let's compare who is more ruthless, who is more ruthless, who is more decisive and cruel?"

(End of this chapter)

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