Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2148 teasing

Chapter 2148 teasing
They yelled loudly, exaggerated one by one, and the excited cries echoed in the silent tide battlefield for a long time. The three spirit beasts stood still for a long time, and their lungs almost exploded. They glared and waited viciously for the Spirit Race: " Old thief Peisa, how dare you play tricks on us? Tired of work?!"

"No...not right...I..." The Weeping Soul Beast and Holy Soul almost cursed, it was too dark, too hateful, and too shameless.

"Tang Yan!!" Pei Sa gritted his teeth with a cold expression on his face.

This kid guessed that he was involved?Still found something?The reaction is fast enough!

"Surround!" The spirit snake roared, and the surrounding animal hordes immediately changed direction, encircling the spirit clan team three times inside and three times outside, and the murderous intent of hundreds of thousands of puppets gathered on Pei Sa and the others.

The cherry blossom boy's eyes are also gradually shifting to the spirit clan team. The reason why he didn't make a move before was because he was concerned about Tang Yan's side and the hidden holy lineup of dozens of people. Observe first and then decide how to differentiate and attack.Secondly, I am more worried about the disappearing Kongwu.

It stands to reason that Tang Yan and the others should have been taken out of the West Sea by Kongwu after they escaped, and they no longer existed. I did not continue to search for Tang Yan after that day.Until tonight, Pei Sa suddenly found himself and said that Tang Yan was still in Xihai.I didn't believe it at first, but after the other side repeatedly assured and promised to form an alliance, I called up troops to encircle them.

Pei Sa clasped his hands in the direction of the Sakura boy, and said indifferently: "Everyone, don't get excited, these are all tricks of Tang Yan. This kid is very cunning, and he realized that there is no way out, so he decided to give it a go."

Tang Yan was deliberately surprised: "Dean Pei Sa, what's the matter? Did I reveal it too early? Isn't it time for you to come forward?"

"Tang Yan, stop spitting blood." The Weeping Soul Beast wanted to tear Tang Yan apart.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it seems that I was too anxious. Or, we will make mistakes and kill these bastards first?" Tang Yan apologized again and again, but secretly winked at the crying soul beast, fighting with me, let you Cry very rhythmically.

"Shut up!" the Weeping Soul Beast roared.

"Huh? What's the matter, are you going back on your word? Are you going to take refuge in them? Your behavior of putting things on the wall... isn't very moral. Who will dare to cooperate with you in the future?"

"You..." You almost fainted from crying, you have never seen such a shameless person.

"Tang Yan, put away your tricks, no one here is stupid enough to believe you." Pei Sa was indifferent and quiet.

"Huh?" Tang Yan narrowed his eyes on purpose and stared at Pei Sa for a long time, restrained his excitement, stepped back slowly, and snorted, "The ungrateful thing turned out to be really a traitor."

He retreated, but the battlefield continued to be silent. The cherry blossom boy was expressionless, but seemed to be reassessing the battlefield, while the three spirit beasts frowned, not daring to attack blindly.True or false, false or true, Tang Yan just wanted to arouse the concerns of Sakura Boy, even if he could not arouse his concerns, he would also arouse the concerns of the three spirit beasts, unable to fight with all their strength.

However...Suddenly, a strange sneer emerged from the sea tide: "Damn Spirit Race, always swaying left and right, I have been hiding for so long, why are you giving me this?"


The tide was floating, light and shadow gathered, and a fat, tender, white and fat pig emerged from the bottom of the sea.

It turned out to be the God of Killing in the South China Sea, the Mirror Mirror Treasure God Pig!
"Why is he here?" Tang Yan and the others looked at Baoshenzhu in disbelief.It's strange why he came here, and what he said is even more strange. Is this...cooperating with us?
"Bah, shameless thing, don't want me to cooperate with you in the future." Mirror Mirror Treasure Pig spat hard in the direction of the Lingzu, but when it turned its head towards Tang Yan, it gave a very obvious 'Bad smile'.

"Really cooperate with us? It's too timely." Tang Yan was secretly happy, and his impression of this fat pig was greatly improved.

The three spirit beasts once again gave the spirit clan their suspicious and cold eyes.

"Fat pig, are you tired of living?" The hearts of the Holy Soul and the Weeping Soul Beast almost collapsed. What kind of world is this? We were obviously cheating Tang Yan, but why did we become cheated in a blink of an eye?
"Yo ho? You still pretend to be very similar. Tell me, grandpa, what kind of conditions did the cherry blossom tree give you to make you rebel so simply? It is said that the spirit race is not trustworthy. I really saw it today." Mirror Mirror Treasure God Zhu retreated to Tang Yan's team and muttered, "How is your performance?"

"Wonderful." Tang Yan gave a thumbs up quietly.

"Grandpa is a paid performance, and the price is set after the event."


"Enough trouble?! I have to admire your resilience, but there are many loopholes, and you still need some fire. Tang Yan, as long as you hand over Xue Ming, Akang Linen, Vanessa and Adolf, you can be saved today. "Pei Sa kept reminding himself to be calm. In order to break the deadlock, he could only temporarily consider from the perspective of the sacred cherry blossom tree and fight for the interests of the sacred cherry blossom tree.

He understood Tang Yan's purpose - not to instigate rebellion, but to alienate.

He also knew that Tang Yan's goal had been achieved.

"You dog started wagging its tail before the master gave you any favors?" Tang Yan sneered disdainfully.

"Keep your mouth clean." The Weeping Soul Beast angrily reprimanded.

"Mr. Screaming Soul Beast, do you have any other skills besides barking to gain your presence? Why haven't you learned Pei Sa's calmness? My mouth is not clean, it's better than your heart."

The atmosphere on the battlefield changed again and again. A good "Operation Storm" turned into such a funny farce. Tang Yan had a great time playing it, while the Lingzu side was walking on thin ice.

Sakura Sacred Tree paid attention to it calmly for a long time, not caring about the meaningless arguments between the two sides, and focused on observing the expressions of Tang Yan and others. By now, he basically had a judgment in his heart.But the only concern is... where is the air force?Why did Tang Yan not be escorted to leave, but disappeared?
"Young Master Tang, I will not make things difficult for you. I will give you a chance to hand over the demon captives, including the succubi, and hand over the five cylinders of demon blood you collected. I guarantee you will leave Xihai safely."

"I'll answer you very clearly—impossible." Tang Yan pretended to be heroic and waved his hands, and the whole team showed the determination and courage to fight to the end.

"You don't need to pretend anymore. The opportunity I gave is only this one time. If you refuse, we will fight to the end. It's just that it's not just the demons who will die when the time comes."

"Do you really believe in the Spirit Race?" Tang Yan asked back with a strange smile. "You are not afraid of being cheated when you make a deal with this sinister group? First of all, the realm of Peisa is a holy realm, do you know that? Second, he is the future emperor of the spirit clan, do you know that?"

"Really?" The Mirror Mirror Treasure Pig was surprised.

"Oh?" The Sakura Sacred Tree looked towards the direction of the Spirit Race, just in time to see the obvious soul fluctuations of the Spirit Race team, and seemed to have received a huge shock.

"Tang Yan, do you want the Spirit Race to face you?" Pei Sa didn't expect Tang Yan to be so straightforward, such an open declaration, which once again touched the killing intent in his heart.

Tang Yan sneered and remained silent, confronting the Sakura God Tree: "If you really want to fight to the death, we will accompany you to the end. If you die in the battle, you will also be stripped of your skin. Don't you believe me? We'll wait and see."

Vanessa suddenly said at this time: "Sakura God Tree, please remember that no matter it is now or in the future, our emotional creatures are sometimes more terrifying than your cold-blooded and ruthless ones. Having demons is a weakness. When a The biological potential is stimulated, when you persist in guarding your true love, defending your perseverance, the power that erupts will amaze you, and one day, you will understand."

The cherry blossom boy ignored it, and slowly raised his hands, controlling the high-altitude flower sea: "Friends of the spirit clan, please let me see your sincerity."

Rumble!The hordes of beasts from all directions collectively agitated for battle, shaking the sky and sea, with strong murderous intent surging.

Well, you will take advantage of your time.Pei Sa was furious, but had no choice but to give orders to the Holy Soul and the Weeping Soul Beast to fight.

"The bloody battle to the end!!" Tang Yan roared suddenly.

"We kill the spirit snake with death." Tang Chen, Tang Shou, Tang Juan, Tang Zang, the four great saints looked at each other and roared.

"We, kill the crocodile!" Adolf and Vanessa deliberately confronted the crocodile, and the mirror image Treasure Pig coughed a few times: "Count me in."

"We, kill the spirit turtle." Niya and the others all faced the spirit crocodile.

The roars from all sides shook the sky, the killing intent was decisive, and there was a great momentum of endless death, which was also deliberately intimidating the enemy group.

Tang Yan didn't look forward to the excitement all the time, and deliberately shouted to the sky: "Mo Lao, kill Pei Sa first, then kill the crying soul beast, and send us home when we are done."

However... just when the great war broke out, the Sakura boy stopped suddenly with his hands that were about to fall, and turned his head to look towards the west.

The battlefield is like a wave of murderous intent, roaring in the sky and sea, and it only needs his order to erupt on the battlefield.

However, the cherry blossom boy did not give the order for a long time, but stared at the west and slowly frowned, eternal death pit?Eternal Death Pit!Why do I feel... the eternal death pit... is disappearing... "Master, what's wrong?" the spirit turtle below asked strangely.

"Withdraw!! Return to the eternal death pit!!"


"Immediately!!" Sakura Boy's voice was suddenly sharp, with unprecedented excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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