Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 216 Extremely cold place

Chapter 216 Extremely cold place
Odin and the others frowned slightly, but refused in unison: "Absolutely not!"

Isaac said: "Your opinion is very reasonable. No one can bear this temptation, but for us, the price is too high! The fierce sword remains in our hands, and it can still play a role at critical moments. If it falls There are too many unknown factors in the hands of other families."

Niya didn't expect Tang Yan to be so generous, and it was a good way to extravagance, but after serious consideration, he chose to give up: "The long-standing grievances between the major families cannot be eliminated with a single sword. Maybe they behave now. They cooperate very well, but no one can guarantee that there will be no ambiguity at the critical moment? How long can the relationship maintained by relying on the fierce sword last? Ten years? 20 years? Or 50 years? Since we want to form an alliance, we must have absolute certainty , must be a heartfelt ally."

Odin pondered: "I'm very glad that you can consider the issue in the interest of the Rao family, and thank you for taking out the fierce sword as a bargaining chip, but the cost is too high, there are too many uncertain factors, and the investment is far from proportional to the benefit." , not advisable!"

Tang Yan did not expect that the conflicts among the major families had reached such a deep level, and he couldn't help but waver, but after thinking for a while, he continued to fight: "As far as I know, there is a relatively lonely family among the six major families. She has always been a maverick, and has less contact with other families, so naturally there are relatively few conflicts."

"You mean the Rubin Kimi family?"

"Yes, it's them."

"The overall strength of the Rubin Kimi family is slightly behind, but the number of strong people is more than other families. The core members all practice Sword Emperor Art, and this fierce sword must have a fatal temptation for them. I know you are worried. What, so this sword must be specially marked not to be given to other people, but to their heir Matthews!"

Everyone fell silent one after another, wanting to hear what Tang Yan planned.

"Matthews cultivated the sword with his body, and spent many years shaping the natal blood sword, but a life-and-death match destroyed the Ninth Prince abruptly, and the rest of the sword suffered varying degrees of damage. I think the Rubin Kimi family Now I must be trying my best to collect suitable weapons to allow Matthews to conceive again, especially the natal blood sword that will determine future achievements."

Isaac shook his head: "The fierce sword is so powerful that Matthews can't resist it at all."

"This is not what we are considering. If the Rubin Kimi family can't even come up with such a solution, they don't deserve to be one of the six major families in Delos. Matthews is the hope of the Rubin Kimi family, and they are sure Will not pass up this opportunity.

When sending the sword, there was an additional condition that Matthews wanted to form a sworn brother and sworn brother with me, no matter whether he recognized it or not, held a ceremony or not, this relationship must exist, and they were forced to announce it to the public, so as not to prevent future Don't admit it!

Matthews is the future heir of the Rubin Kimi family, and becoming a sworn brother with me is equivalent to closely linking the two families in the future.And the most important point, when you are negotiating, you must find a breakthrough point from the fierce sword itself.For example, they will ask why it is in your hands, how do you answer?Just use the relationship of my master's friend to find ways to suppress it! "

Odin and others gradually fell silent, seriously considering Tang Yan's proposal, and even Niya began to pay attention to it.This proposal is a bit rough, but after careful connection, it still feels somewhat feasible.

Tang Yan sat quietly, letting them think about it seriously.I am only responsible for making suggestions. As for how to operate and how to adjust the details, I still have to discuss it with the high-level family members.In fact, Tang Yan's real goal is to get Matthews, a 'sword idiot', and he doesn't want to do anything now, as long as he can follow the past when he enters the Lost World in the future.

This is called the team development plan!
"What do you think?" Odin looked at Niya and asked for her opinion first.

"It is feasible, but the specific operation needs to be discussed in detail." Niya made a careful decision and chose to try. The main reason is that the current period is very delicate.The empire is in chaos, the royal family has requests from the aristocratic family, and is even more grateful to the Rao family. The mentality of each other is relatively calm, which is conducive to the advancement of negotiations. Even if the royal family has objections, it is not easy to forcefully intervene. Perhaps this alliance has been successfully concluded.

Isaac said: "If you really want to talk, my personal opinion is that you should personally come forward, old man, =."

"Well, I have to talk to the old Lu, what's your opinion?" Odin looked at the other elders.

After a detailed conversation, everyone chose to acquiesce and was willing to work hard once.After all, if the two families can really join hands, it will be a great thing. The royal family will not dare to provoke the Rao family easily, and this crisis will be passed smoothly for the time being.

Tang Yan said again: "I still have something to trouble you."

"We are all one family, there is no trouble or no trouble." Odin found that every time he saw Tang Yan, his favorability and evaluation would improve.Especially this time, being able to offer such a big gift to the family, the opinions put forward are more reasonable, and they can't be treated as children.

He even fantasized that if Tang Yan and Niya combine to assist Isaac, the Rao family will surely rejuvenate.Even if I leave this world one day in the future, I will leave with peace of mind.

"Is there an extremely cold place in the Delos Empire?"

"An extremely cold place? What do you want to use it for?"

"Use the wooden ox given by my master's friend to help me break into the Martial King Realm."

"Have you advanced to the third rank?" Odin and the others only realized now that Tang Yan had unknowingly advanced to the third rank of Martial Ancestor. Isn't this a bit too fast?


"You seem to be attacking the Martial King? At this speed, it will not take ten years to hit the third-rank Martial King." The elders of the clan are bitter and gratified, and they are more popular than others. They were all 30 years old when they were promoted to the Martial King. Around, they were over 100 years old when they hit the third-rank Martial King.

"The method that senior told you?" Odin was more interested in this aspect.

"Well, that environment is more conducive to my smooth breakthrough."

After careful consideration, Odin said: "We have such a place in the Delos Empire. After years of severe cold, it can freeze black iron, breed cold stone, and freeze king-level warriors at the lowest temperature."

"This kind of environment is necessary! Where is it?"

"The Blue Ice Mine in the Taiwu Mining Area!"

"Huh? The mine?"

"There are ten mines in the Taiwu mining area. Each mine is rich in different types of spar, and the environment inside is completely different. For example, Jinghuo mine produces Jinghuo mine, which is destined to be extremely high underground temperature, and there is also the burning of refined steel. You should have a deep understanding of this aspect. Other mines have similar but different characteristics. For example, the temperature in the Blue Ice Mine is extremely cold, and some special areas can only be mined by relying on the peak Wuzong."

"But the Taiwu mining area has collapsed? Where can I find these things?"

"Underground world! They all sank into the ground with the collapse of the mining area, and there are countless top-quality crystals that sank into the ground. These are magical objects that surpass the heavens and the earth. They can also exist in a different form in a different environment. It is said that the underground world is now revitalized, with unique environmental areas appearing."

"Okay, help me arrange it, I will leave as soon as possible."

Niya interrupted: "Wait a minute, have you forgotten that the Taiwu mining area no longer belongs to the Delos Empire. Da Zhou and Suo Luo will definitely not let go of those special areas, and they may have sent heavy troops to guard them. And The battle in the Leiyun Mountains is about to break out, and it will be a huge problem to cross the battlefield and enter the Taiwu mining area."

Odin said: "Taiwu mining area and Leiyun mountain range can be regarded as the most chaotic places in the whole south of the border at this stage. If you go to explore, it's no problem, but if you want to use it as a place for breakthrough, you need to consider it. Every level of leaping, there is no problem. A relatively stable environment is required, and if it is forcibly intervened, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Then besides the Taiwu mining area, are there other places?"

"Temporarily speaking, it is the only one that meets the conditions."

A clan elder said: "No, there is another place, no longer Delos, but next to Delos."

Odin looked at him: "You mean the Dayan Mountains?"

"That's right, the area of ​​the Dayan Mountain Range has been announced. It lies between Biannan and Canglan Ancient Land. There are too many magical places in it. It is said that there is a place called Frost Valley. But the specific location needs to be investigated in detail. "

Isaac said: "The situation in the Dayan Mountains is more dangerous than the Taiwu mining area. Not only are there monsters and beasts there, but there are also ten savage and tough sects. They have always resisted the people in the southern wasteland. If they find out, Another problem."

Odin was silent for a while, and said: "Otherwise, you stay at home for a while. Anyway, the Martial King is not in a hurry to break through. The foundation is not stable and a forced breakthrough may not be a good thing. I will arrange people to investigate the situation of the two places as soon as possible. Be clear and make a decision according to the situation.”

"Then I will trouble you." Tang Yan was not in a hurry at all, the third-order realm had just been broken through, and it took time to stabilize it.Besides, he had to wait for Tang Ba and the others to come back, there was a more important matter to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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