Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 219 Granny Li

Chapter 219 Granny Li

Reminiscing about the wonderful feeling, Tang Yan felt elated, with a weird smirk on his face, this was just a hug and kiss, if it really

Go to Helita's house?

At least find out what happened.

First it was Little Belle, and then it was Niya, as if he had really given Helita to that. If it was a scapegoat, it must be cleared up as soon as possible. trouble.

Tang Yan made up his mind and went straight to Hai Lita's residence, and met Annabelle again on the way.

"Sister Hai Lita is in retreat."

"Retreat? Didn't you deliberately avoid me?"

"I don't know either. I wanted to visit just now, but Uncle said that she went to retreat the night you came back, saying that she was going to attack the third-rank Martial Ancestor." Annabelle was worried about Hai Lita's situation, and her expression was a little lonely.

"So coincidentally?"

"I do not know."

"Don't worry indiscriminately. Your sister Hai Lita is a cheerful person. After this retreat, she may have thought about the unpleasant things. When she leaves the retreat again, everything will return to normal." Tang Yan was a little confused by the second monk. What happened, and why did it have something to do with my car.

"I hope so. Huh? Your mouth"

"My mouth?" Tang Yan wiped it casually, and there was a faint mark on his lips.

"Murdering people everywhere early in the morning! Rogue! Shameless! Bastard!" Annabelle snorted angrily, turned and ran away.

Tang Yan sighed sadly, why did he become a public enemy all of a sudden.But he has always been heartless, and he walked leisurely humming a little tune: "We ordinary people are very sad today, we ordinary people, hey, very sad."

Du Yang's room was tightly closed, Xu Yan's room was empty, chocolate had long since disappeared, and Tang Ying's room door had a cloth sign "Do Not Disturb".

Isaac and the others were busy discussing matters related to the Family Alliance.

He wanted to go to Sarina and other women's homes, and visit these collateral branches of the Rao family in turn, but he was afraid of causing Niya's misunderstanding, so he didn't provoke them again.

After wandering around for a long time, I only found Little Betty, but she played so hard that she had no time to talk to her.

Tang Yan suddenly discovered that he was the only idler in the whole family.

Bored and bored, I suddenly thought of a place 'Treasure Hall'.

Every family or organization has its own place to store treasures, which is the most mysterious and most anticipated place.

Tang Yan has been in Rao's family for more than half a year, and it seems that he has never been there.

Following the guidance of the Golden Armored Guards, passing through layers of guards, they finally came to the treasure hall of the Rao family, a six-story pavilion located at the core of the entire family palace complex.

There are hundreds of golden armored guards guarding here, and many secret priests live here for many years.

Tang Yan's status was special, and he went all the way to the palace without any hindrance.

As soon as he entered the hall, the scene in front of him made him dumbfounded.

A few old men who were nearly sixty years old sat beside them with sad faces, holding strings of precious medicinal materials in their hands. They were not refining medicine, but feeding them!
In the middle of them, a small black ball is lying comfortably on its back, holding the root of the old ginseng, eating with relish, and beside it, there is a fat and tender white pig lying on the ground. , eating a bunch of purple berries like grapes, judging from the trembling facial expression of the old man next to him, this thing is definitely not a mortal thing.

"Is this a dinner party?" Tang Yan was annoyed and funny, no wonder the black girl couldn't be seen all day long, so she stayed here and enjoyed herself, even Lulu was covered.

The black girl fluttered, snatched the herbs from the hand of the old man next to her, and ran away, maybe she was too nervous, but this girl ran wildly on her hind legs, her appearance was extremely funny.But Lulu was calm enough, stood up unhurriedly, swayed away with a full belch, and when he walked past Tang Yan, he rubbed his big head against his leg and belched for a long time .

The three old men saluted respectfully, but their expressions were very tangled, and it could be seen that they had been tossed during this period of time.

"I've caused trouble for everyone, and I'll teach them a lesson when I get back." Tang Yan quickly apologized.

"Master Yan, you are welcome. They don't eat much, and they are not too precious medicinal materials. The Rao family can afford them." An old voice came from the corner.

Tang Yan followed her reputation and saw that she was a wrinkled old woman, old but kind, with a faint smile on her face.

This is the steward of the Medicine Pavilion, and one of the several priests of the Rao family. She used to be the personal maid of Odin's late wife, and she was deeply trusted. After she was old, she was arranged here to spend her old age. When we met, the old man was on this list.

"Grandma Li, hello." Tang Yan saluted with a smile.

"These two little beasts are not ordinary things. Taking more supplements now will be of great benefit to future growth."

"Do you know what breed that little pig is?"

"The old slave's eyes are clumsy and he can't see through. Master Yan is here today, is there anything you need?"

"Come and take a look."

Granny Li smiled and said: "The old patriarch has specially ordered that the treasure hall is completely open to the young master. If you need anything, please speak up as soon as possible. How about this, I will take you upstairs to see if there is any need for medicinal materials and martial arts of."

"Trouble mother-in-law."

"No trouble, Master Yan, please." Granny Li led Tang Yan up to the second floor, introducing the items on display in detail.

The Rao family deserves to be the number one wealthy family in Delos. The exterior of the treasure hall is simple and elegant, and the items displayed inside are even more dazzling. There are all kinds of medicinal materials, weapons, and martial arts, and they are all in abundance.

Granny Li is Niya's half-mother, so she is naturally very enthusiastic about Tang Yan, the son-in-law-to-be, and hardly regards her as an outsider. From the second, third, fourth, and fifth floors, including many hidden rooms, They all showed Tang Yan one by one.

Tang Yan was completely immersed in the ocean of treasures. He thought he was ready, and he was still shocked by the background of the Rao family. It is indeed an ancient family that has been passed down by the empire for more than 2000 years, and it is indeed the No. [-] wealthy family in Delos. From the beginning of the first floor, you can see the martial arts of the spiritual level, and on the fifth floor, there are as many as six copies of the martial arts at the peak of the spiritual level!

Grandma Li opened the hidden compartment on the fifth floor, showing the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, as well as several round and jade-like high-quality medicine pills, and said with a smile: "Among the ten mines in Taiwu, Jinghuo mine The total amount of crystals contained is not much, but the yield rate of top-quality crystals is extremely high. Under the careful management of the ancestors, the sales and turnover of crystals have always been far ahead, and naturally accumulated a huge amount of wealth.

The Rao family doesn't have many other things, except for the most gold coins. For so many years, they will always send people to various auction houses, and sometimes they will go to the ancient empires in Canglan Ancient Land to collect a lot of rare treasures. Treasure, most of the items on the fifth floor of the treasure hall were bought from the auction house in Canglan Ancient Land. They are all expensive, but in fact, there are not many practical ones. It may also be that we do not have enough opportunities to penetrate them. Profound meaning. "

"Mother-in-law, is this the pill?" In front of Tang Yan was a purple wooden treasure box, inside which were placed two colorful pills, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance, which was refreshing. This was the first time he had seen the real thing.

"In the ancient land of Canglan, especially in the vast Central Plains, there is a special group called pharmacists. Their strength is not too strong, but they are respected by all parties for their ability to refine medicine. The pharmacists trained There are some pills that replenish spiritual power, speed up the recovery of injuries, temper the body and refine the spirit, and some magical pills can make people change completely, or stabilize the mind and stabilize the speed when the realm breaks through. But, all in all, this is a very noble profession, a special group of respected people.

In fact, in the distant and vast, there are countless magical races, and there are many special warriors, spirits, monks, orcs, and so on.The world is big and colorful, far beyond what Biannan can match.Perhaps one day in the future, you will truly understand the mysteries of this world and experience the splendor of life when you leave Biannan, go to the ancient land of Canglan, and even step into the Central Plains.Looking at the entire Qitian, Biannan is really too small."

"Grandma, have you been to Canglan Ancient Land?" Tang Yan became interested.

Grandma Li was reminded of the past, and nodded gently: "My hometown is in Canglan Ancient Land, and I was born in a relatively prominent manor. The specific scene has been blurred, but I just vaguely remember that it is very beautiful and quiet. But When I was five years old, an unexpected disaster happened to the manor. It was a very powerful force with cruel methods and ruthless style. It destroyed the manor in just half a day. My parents and relatives died and I escaped. , I was young at the time, and I did not escape the catastrophe, and was sent to the auction after several twists and turns.

It was the lady who bought me for ten silver coins, brought me back to Delos, and treated me like a sister all the time.

Madam is very yearning for the prosperity of Canglan ancient land, and has taken the opportunity of transporting and selling spar many times to take guards to visit the ancient empires such as Yan, Fan, and Ze.I often go to the auction house to buy treasures, or listen to some strange people and stories in tea houses and restaurants.

Unknowingly, more than 100 years have passed in the blink of an eye, my wife has left, and I can only stay in this treasure hall for the elderly. I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to go to the ancient land again in this life. "

(End of this chapter)

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