Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 221 Great Golden Ancient Clan

Chapter 221 Ten Great Ancient Golden Clans
Tang Yan took out a brown-yellow spell card from the brocade box. It was very heavy and strong, exuding a sense of the earth. It should be a kind of "land card", which can explode rock and soil martial arts. Judging from the fluctuation of spiritual power , enough to be comparable to Wu Zong!
Looking at Qitian, this should be a relatively novel thing.

Being able to develop such a magical object must be the result of dedicated research by a dedicated geek.

Since he is willing to spend his time and effort studying this, he will definitely not stop here.Such people tend to have weird personalities, are persistent and almost stubborn, and should explore in a higher direction.

What if it is possible to find materials that can accommodate the huge spiritual power of the Martial King?What if we can research the special lines that seal the Martial King-level martial arts?

If all kinds are mixed, will there be a real Martial King-level spell card?
Tang Yan didn't dare to make a conclusion, but told him directly that this possibility really existed.

But here comes the question again, since these spell cards were auctioned in Canglan Ancient Land, did Zhou Linglu and the others buy them, or did they have a special relationship with the spell cards themselves?
"Grandma, are these spell cards being auctioned in all major auction houses?"

"That's not the case. It is said that there are only a few special auctions, and the number of auctions is limited every year. If you are interested, take them all. I have studied for decades and haven't found anything."

Tang Yan thought for a while, did not refuse again, took away ten cards, and kept ten.

"Let's go up to the sixth floor?"


The space on the sixth floor is relatively small, and there are not many things on display, but it is really all high-quality goods.

Three books of martial arts, one at the local level, two at the peak of the spiritual level; a broadsword, full of evil intentions, with a faint sound of wind and thunder; five precious medicinal herbs, the rich medicinal fragrance seems to have aura, even the blood baby is showing its head. Crying to take it away.

Granny Li meant to show Tang Yan the martial arts, and then cut each medicinal material in half and gave it to Tang Yan.

But Tang Yan was really not that cheeky. After listening to the introduction, he politely refused, because it was too expensive and he was not of much use.

After leaving the palace, Tang Yan was still thinking about the spell card.

The mysterious force behind Zhou Lingwang is obviously extremely powerful. If it really has something to do with these talisman cards, there is no guarantee that they will have researched a level comparable to Wuwang. It is a bit scary to imagine!
"Why are you here?" Tang Yan just returned to the room when he found Xu Yan sitting on his bed.

"Wait for you." Xu Yan closed his eyes and rested his mind, as if he was thinking about something, he didn't pay much attention to Tang Yan who walked in.

Tang Yan took two steps back, and said righteously: "Sister! You know I'm not good at it!"

Xu Yan said angrily: "Come in! I really need you!"

"This..." Tang Yan stood at the door hesitantly, with an embarrassed expression: "Don't be like this, you are still a little tempting to me, but I have always been soft-hearted, if I can't hold it, I'm sorry for Niya, let's talk , my small body can't stand your torture."

Xu Yan got up and took off his clothes directly. The way to punish shameless is to be even more shameless!
"Don't, don't, don't! Just kidding, liven up the atmosphere." Tang Yan scratched his head, walked in with a smile, jumped up, lay on his back on the big bed, and stretched comfortably: "I happen to have something to ask ask you."

"You speak first."

"Your hometown is in the Central Plains?"

"Well, what do you want to ask?"

"Do you know anything about the top ten golden ancient clans?"

A strangeness flashed in Xu Yan's eyes, and he said calmly, "I've heard of it, but I don't know it too well, why did I think of asking this?"

Tang Yan rested his hands on his pillow and looked up at the roof: "I'm just a little curious, and I have an indescribable feeling, which is weird"

"The Ancient Golden Clan rarely shows up, but it's not impossible to see them."

"Oh? How do you see?" Tang Yan grumbled and stood up.

"When you arrive in the Central Plains, if you achieve certain achievements, people will naturally come to see you."

"What do you mean?"

"That's what it means, don't ask me, I just heard someone mention it, I don't know."

"Well, let's talk about it when we arrive in the Central Plains. My goal is to cross the ancient land of Canglan and fight towards the vast Central Plains within 30 years!" Tang Yan smiled cheerfully, and said again: "If you have any orders, just mention them. Beautiful women are welcome."

"I'm ready to change my bones." Xu Yan said calmly.

"Is everything ready?" Tang Yan stopped playing around.

"We need some medicinal materials, which should be available in the treasure hall, but this time the cervical vertebra is replaced, which will be accompanied by great risks. The vertebra you gave is fresh, and the advantage is that it can be better fused and play a stronger role. The power, but it is also accompanied by a hidden danger, its breath is too strong, it is likely to erode my consciousness. So "

"Say, I'll do my best to help."

"I want to go to the Thundercloud Mountains first."

"Where are you fighting now? Where are you going?"

"I want to go to the place where this ancient crocodile lived, which is the canyon where you found it. The environment there may help me."



"I'll go talk to Patriarch Odin and try to send as many people as possible to accompany you."

"No, I'm here this time to say goodbye to you."

"You yourself? Nonsense! You are a bone change, not a simple breakthrough. If there is a mistake, you may even lose your life."

A faint smile rarely appeared on Xu Yan's indifferent face: "I, Xu Yan, have been traveling since I was ten years old. Except for the company of you this year, I practiced alone the rest of the time. Although I am very grateful to you, I am also very happy to have you This kind of friend, but the life I want is experience, growth in the struggle of life and death, not following others, which will consume a lot of my energy."

Tang Yan can't say anything against it. Some things can only grow better if you face them alone. Some difficulties may be more rewarding if you face them alone. This is not the creed I have always insisted on
"I will leave for a while, and I will consider coming back after the bone replacement is completed and I am fully used to it. Don't worry, I promise to accompany you to the Central Plains, and I will definitely do it."

Tang Yan was silent for a while, then said: "Since you have decided, I wish you success."

"Brother, I'm looking for you" came a dialect voice from outside the door, and Chocolate rushed in, but was taken aback by the scene in front of him, looked at Xu Yan, then Tang Yan, and immediately resented: "Brother, This life is too rotten!"

"Get lost, come in later." Tang Yan picked up the pillow and threw it over.

Xu Yan got up: "I should go, you can use the golden lock to contact me if necessary."

"When are you leaving?"

"Just in the next few days, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow. You don't have to send me off, and you don't need to inform other people."

Tang Yan smiled and said, "Go, I will miss you."

Xu Yan waved his hand and left the room without looking back.

After a while, Chocolate walked in with his head poking his head: "Brother! The taste is really strong! You really don't picky eaters and don't eat too much, so you don't miss anything like this, can you stand it with a small body!"

Tang Yan gave a malicious smile on purpose: "I never taboo, why don't you come and experience it?"

Chocolate's face froze: "You're welcome! I provide security services, but I'm not responsible for physical health!"

"If you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, get out of here."



"I want to ask for leave."

"Ask for leave? Where are you going?"

Chocolate sat on the bed and said: "Brother, you should know that I am a person with aspirations, ideals and ambitions, I am not willing to be mediocre, I am diligent and studious, and I never slack off."

"Do you believe that I hid you in the furnace pit with one kick? Get to the point!"

"Immediately! I am a person who rarely calms down. I have always been chasing and busy to survive, just like the little horse chasing the sea level, how heroic and heroic it is, how epic it is!

You brought me to this palace, where the food is good, the living is good, the environment is better, I am very satisfied, but this is not the environment I want at all, it will easily make me slack, lazy, lose the motivation to move forward, and lose the pursuit.”

"Shut up! Let's get to the point!" Tang Yan couldn't stand the chatter anymore.

"I want to go." After Chocolate finished speaking, he looked at Tang Yan eagerly.

"It's all gone, where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere is fine, I am a killer, and I need to experience and grow through missions again and again!"

"I tried my best to get you back, but it didn't work, so I left?"

"Brother, don't worry, since I signed the calligraphy and painting, I will definitely abide by the agreement. But I can't stay by Nen's side every day, can I? I still have a lot of room for growth, you can't restrain me, can you? "

"How can I contact you?" Tang Yan didn't hesitate too much. He just didn't want to be chased and killed after signing, and formed a cooperative relationship with each other. He could be on call when he needed it in the future. Forever bound chocolate.

Now that he took the initiative to make a request, if he forcibly suppressed it, it would be counterproductive.

Chocolate shook his spirits slightly: "Brother! I just said that you are a good person! You still have humanity!"

"Huh?" Tang Yan frowned.

Chocolate smiled sheepishly: "It's a compliment, nothing else. When you miss me in the future, you can issue a task through the Killer Guild. You only need to sign at the end. Chocolate is exclusive! I know it, no matter the ends of the world, I will be there Come back in the shortest possible time. Don't worry, don't worry, my character is guaranteed."

"Where is Lulu? Take it away?"

"Sure! We depend on each other and make progress together."

"Go to the treasure hall to get some medicinal materials when you leave, just treat it as a gift from me to Lulu, and when you go, say what I want, and they won't make it difficult for you."

"Brother!" Chocolate said with tears in his eyes, "You are so handsome today!"

(End of this chapter)

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