Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2255 Arrival

Chapter 2255 Arrival
Back then, in the tragedy of the "Ancient City of God of War" in the eastern border of Xingluo ancient country, it was Liu Jinshu who personally launched a surprise attack, bombarded and killed the thirteen kings of the empire's God of War, and punched 79 blood holes in his body, destroying his spirit and soul, making the person who once had a relationship with The thirteen kings, who were also known as the supreme warriors of the empire, kneeled on the top of the dilapidated ruins of the palace in a kneeling posture.

Over the years, the Liujin Rat has roamed the battlefields of the two countries. Whether it is a sneak attack or a fierce battle, it has shown terrifying strength that horrifies the heroes. It even captured the saint of Yaochi alive and killed a saint in the Valley of the Wicked.

It has an army of millions of rats under its command, which is a pure monster team. Its strength far exceeds that of ordinary human troops, and it is one of the super killer weapons of the Daqian Dynasty.

If it hadn't been for Yan Nantian, the owner of the Wicked Man's Valley, and Qiao Ba who designed the siege three years ago, causing it to be severely injured, maybe it would have caused even greater casualties.But... It has been three years, and it has returned to its full glory. Recently, it has made a small test of its strength and displayed several offensives on the battlefield, which caused a lot of trouble for the ancient Xingluo country.

But just when he was about to fight again, the Daqian Dynasty encountered such a disastrous defeat.

Bingfeng! !
Back then, the kappa chased Tang Yan and killed him to the territory of Venerable Tianyu, flooding Lingcheng with water, and killing all living beings.When Bingfeng came, he teamed up with kappa to encircle and suppress Tang Yan, and almost killed Tang Yan.Later, due to the timely rescue by the Immortal Phoenix, Tang Yan's life was taken back, and she was also severely injured. However, nine years have passed, and she has already recovered.

Since the year before last, he has participated in the battle of empires, and with his super fighting strength and extraordinary wisdom, he has become one of the top threats to the ancient country of Xingluo.

Pei furnace!

In recent years, the Hall of the Holy Spirit has given birth to the Four Great Saints with a blowout force, causing a sensation every time, and strongly improving the overall strength of the Hall of the Holy Spirit and its status in the Daqian Dynasty.Their breakthroughs all depended on the chaotic wars in the world, killing countless people, and dedicating countless souls to the Temple of the Holy Spirit, so that those who were once at the peak of the semi-saints had a chance to break through. Pei Lu is one of the four new saints.

The Dagan Dynasty stationed thirteen saints in Xijiang, and these three are special existences among them. This time they gathered in the Dingxi Palace to discuss the war.

Liu Jinshu suddenly grinned, with a sinister look in his eyes: "Xingluo Ancient Kingdom only talked about exchanging hostages, not the state of the hostages. We can torture the saintesses of Yaochi to half-death first, I am the best at this."

Bingfeng frowned slightly, vaguely resisting, but did not object.

Pei Lu nodded, "It's possible! You can't let the tigers go back to the mountains, it would be a waste of money for the ancient Xingluo country. You can let them go back, but at least you can guarantee that they won't be able to go to the battlefield for a few years."

King Dingxi agreed: "You have two days, enjoy it."

He is now very dependent on this demon rat, especially after this battle, all the saints on the front line were seriously injured, only the Liujin rat returned from a full recovery, and the viciousness and strength are there again, and there is an army of millions of rats directly under him, with even greater combat effectiveness It's horror.

Without harming his own interests, King Dingxi was very happy to satisfy Liu Jinshu.

Not to mention just a few women.

Liu Jinshu got up: "Pei Lu, you also come to help? Stimulate their souls, so that they can't remember what happened for a while, and when they wake up, it will be ten days later, haha."

"I will control the saintess of Yaochi for you, that old woman should have recovered a lot over the years." Pei Lu also followed.

Liu Jinshu's excited and regretful voice came from far away: "I captured the holy girl of Yaochi with my own hands, and before I had time to enjoy it, I was seriously injured by that bastard Yan Nantian. I just left the customs, and she was about to be replaced. This time I have to have a good time and torture her half to death."

"You can play with the sixth princess first, it's more tender. You try to play exaggeratedly, to stimulate the fairy maiden in Yaochi, so that I can control it at that time. The worse her condition, the more fluctuating her mood, the easier it is for me to control. You see... how ?" Pei Lu's voice also floated faintly, getting weaker and weaker.

"Haha, okay, okay. That little girl is also very attractive, let's treat her as a snack first, to appetize."

In the military aircraft hall, only Bingfeng and Dingxi Wang were left.

Bingfeng's face was cold and cold: "The war is not good now, we must take a long-term plan and win the game as soon as possible."

"Victory is a matter of time. The ancient country of Xingluo has been unable to hold on since the year before last. If it weren't for the support of the Evil Man Valley, and the overt or covert support of Ghosts and Gods Corner and Pure Land, the country would have been destroyed long ago. Recently, it has suddenly exerted strength, but It’s a flashback, and as long as we keep our feet on the ground and re-invigorate our morale, a series of victories will come again.”

King Dingxi spoke very passionately, and he was also comforting Bingfeng.

The Town Demon Temple and the Holy Spirit Temple are their most solid allies, they must be firmly grasped, and their confidence must not be shaken.

"I think we don't need to rush to fight back. We can pretend to be weak and endure the stage, and then suddenly use our strength to try to win back a big round."

"What good plans do you have?"

"I really have a plan. The starting point is the Holy Empire. If it can be implemented smoothly, it will definitely hurt the ancient Xingluo country."

"Oh? The Holy Empire will not participate in the war. This is their agreement back then, but... let's hear it." King Dingxi trusted Bingfeng's strategy very much. He was calm and unique, much better than Pei Lu of the Holy Spirit Hall.

Compared with Pei Lu's insidiousness, King Dingxi admired Bingfeng more.

"It is true that the Holy Empire cannot participate in the war, but there is no need for them to participate in the war. My plan is to use this opportunity of defeat to excessively create the illusion of weakness, so that the ancient Xingluo country can relax its vigilance towards us, and then..." Bingfeng He revealed the plan that had been brewing for a long time. In fact, he wanted to use this plan before and was planning to use it, but he did not expect to be counterattacked by the ancient Xingluo country first, but it is not too late to propose it now.

King Dingxi listened carefully, and was soon aroused interest, nodding from time to time, occasionally frowning and arguing a few words.

"How?" Bingfeng was very confident in her plan.

"Yes, you can try it." Dingxi Wang Fu stroked his beard and nodded slowly.

"You can send the ghouls from the Dingxi Palace to negotiate. I think the Holy Empire would like to see the Xingluo Ancient Kingdom suffer a disastrous defeat."

While they were having a heated discussion, they unexpectedly felt a strange aura approaching here from the far east. This aura was unusually strong, and it increased at an astonishing speed.

"A sage is here?" Bingfeng and King Dingxi looked at each other, strange but didn't care.

This is the western border, and the breath comes from the east, which is likely to be the arrival of the powerful inside the empire.

It's just... they soon realized that this aura was stronger than expected, and it actually aroused their slightest fear.

"Have you received an announcement from the royal family that a saint will be sent over soon?" Bai Feng asked King Dingxi.

"No, Human Sovereign has not expressed his dissatisfaction with the recent war other than recently."

"Could it be that... Zhao Kuo is back?"

"Oh?" King Dingxi lifted his spirits, but shook his head again: "Zhao Kuo had already made a breakthrough years ago, and now he is almost stable, but he won't have such a strong aura."

At this time, a clear voice came from afar: "King Dingxi, I took the liberty to visit, I offended you, please forgive me."

The sound was like thunder, reverberating inside and outside the magnificent Dingxi Palace, awakening tens of thousands of guards and thousands of people.

King Dingxi and Bingfeng all soared into the air, staring at the thick dark clouds rushing in the distance.

"What a strong breath."

King Dingxi and Bingfeng exchanged glances, and they both saw surprise from the other's eyes.

However, he still didn't think about it badly. Since he came from the hinterland of the empire, and he spoke politely, he should be a friend or an assistant from somewhere.

"I don't know who is here?" King Dingxi clasped his fists in the air and responded politely.

"After careful calculation, we should be a family. Please forgive me for the late visit." A rumbling voice came from far away, and even more powerful thoughts rushed over, like an invisible tsunami, drowning the whole place. A piece of Dingxi Wangfu's mansion covered all parts.

"Oh?" King Dingxi smiled a little.

"Is that Bingfeng Town Demon Temple? It's really a narrow road to enemies." Tang Yan snorted secretly, his thoughts enveloped the Dingxi Palace, intending to check the lineup inside to ensure the level of danger here, but he didn't want to discover his acquaintances.And a moment later, Yi Nian discovered an unbelievable and angry scene in the deep house of Dingxi Prince's Mansion.

This made him lose his mood to play.

This happened to me just after I came back, is it my luck, or my misfortune?

(End of this chapter)

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