Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2273 Invisible power between heaven and earth

Chapter 2273 Invisible power between heaven and earth
August, a turbulent January, is also a month full of turmoil.

The Holy Empire and the Thomas Fissen United Empire have successively stopped their foreign conquests and stopped their offensives. While paying attention to the border of the ancient Xingluo country, they sent eyeliners to investigate the whole story, while adjusting their strategies and tactics to restore the exhausted troops on the front line.

All the powerful kingdoms headed by the Universe Kingdom have stopped the war process one after another, and they are also cultivating, paying attention, and stepping up investigations.

This sudden event was so sensational, it was so strong that it shocked the whole world, it was so strong that it shook the countries, and it strongly shattered the frequency of wars that had lasted for seven years in the Qitian Continent.

Who can easily appear inside the Dagan Dynasty, who can capture King Dingxi alive, and who can single-handedly disrupt the frontline battlefield, causing the entire Dagan Dynasty's western frontline to be defeated, causing more than 500 million terrorists casualties.

If you don't know the situation clearly, and you feel a cold threat, who would dare to start a war easily?
Not only the kingdoms of all parties paid close attention and tried their best to investigate the truth, but the huge war machine of the Daqian Dynasty was activated again at full power. Take full responsibility for matters of war.

Although Zhao Lengsu was the second marshal of the empire, after King Dingxi went into hiding, he was actually the supreme commander of the empire's military, and he was superior to King Dingxi in terms of tactics and the use of military tactics.And as early as ten thousand years ago, King Dingxi personally gave up the position of the supreme military commander of the empire, and handed it over to Zhao Lengsu by name.It's just that Zhao Lengsu cared about the kindness of King Dingxi in his early years, and also cared about the wishes of the military, and always condescended to be the deputy commander.

Now, King Dingxi was captured, and the entire frontline of Xijiang was defeated. Zhao Lengsu ordered Emperor Enxi to go to the front line. It is conceivable that he shoulders a heavy responsibility, and he can also feel the expectations and trust of the royal family and the empire.

Along with Zhao Lengsu, there are also the strongest group army in southern Xinjiang 'Chi Lei', and the three major group armies assembled by the Imperial Royal Family, which were called from the northern border, eastern border, and the interior respectively, and all of them are members of the Daqian Dynasty. Ace Group Army.

In mid-August, more than 400 million troops gathered on the front line of western Xinjiang, reorganized the military forces gathered here, and summoned more than 200 million troops that fled that day in the name of Zhao Lengsu.

The front line of Western Xinjiang quickly completed the assembly and prepared to build a complete defense line. The huge military force once again posed a strong threat to the ancient country of Xingluo. , causing continuous cloudy and dense rain, making the desert almost no longer a desert.

In late August, superpowers from Zhenyao Temple, Holy Spirit Hall, and Canglan Ancient Land also secretly arrived at the front line of Western Xinjiang. The Holy Spirit Hall did not hesitate to send a large number of directly-affiliated intelligence systems to infiltrate the interior of Xingluo Ancient Country, intending to find out the whole story.

A complex military front was unfolded, and a war that attracted worldwide attention was ignited fiercely.

It's a pity that Tang Yan's existence was kept under strict seal. Even though the Temple of the Holy Spirit hunted down the memories of many soldiers using soul secret techniques, the information they got was similar to the rumors from the outside world. They didn't know Tang Yan's existence, identity, or those mysterious troops at all. whereabouts.

At the beginning of September, in order to give an explanation to the people of the Dagan Dynasty and the royal family, Zhao Lengsu took the lead in launching an attack, launching a 'serial raid' on the front line of the ancient Xingluo Kingdom.

He is not only proficient in tactics, but also familiar with National Day. He does not seek victory for the time being, but only stability. He hopes to use a few solid battles to help the military regain morale and bring stability to the country.As long as you are undefeated, you can declare to the public that it is a "slight victory", rekindle the national confidence, and ignite the confidence of the new internal army.

The ancient country of Xingluo fought hard, and the Marquis of Beijiang was also proficient in tactics, and his status and experience were comparable to that of Zhao Lengsu. Although the empire experienced consecutive victories, they were all triggered by special circumstances. The current army also needs a stable and stable army. During this period, let the troops experience the sense of ease and the sense of tension of the strong fighting power of the Daqian Dynasty.It is not only to ease the fierce victory in the early stage, but also to gain momentum for the later explosion.

In this way, the two sides each actively used more than 600 million troops to launch a full-scale duel in the desert of the western border of the Dagan Empire. With a heavy fist and a broad palm to block, the two sides fought back and forth for about ten days.

Marquis of Beijiang and Zhao Lengsu made a preliminary confrontation, and the two sides won each other.

The Xingluo Ancient Kingdom did not use Tang Yan's troops anymore, but the Dagan Dynasty did not rush to use the troops from the Holy Spirit Hall and the Zhenyao Temple. Although the fight was fierce and heroic, the real killer moves were all hidden. .The ancient country of Xingluo continued to spread intelligence eyeliner to the interior of the Dagan Dynasty through melee battles, and the Dagan Dynasty also continued to mix spies into the ancient country of Xingluo.

"When are you going to make a move?" The Saintess of Yaochi stood beside Tang Yan, looking at the battlefield where the front line was fiercely fought, she was deeply touched. The situation turned around so suddenly and so violently. Luogu Kingdom, revitalized in the blink of an eye, is unimaginable and miraculous.

And all of this is thanks to the youth around him.

In a daze, she went back to the year when she first met Tang Yan decades ago. Perhaps she could never have imagined that in the next few decades, he would grow to such a level and have such achievements.

The saint of Yaochi is not a snobbish person, but she is also sincerely happy for Mu Rou's persistence and gratified for Mu Rou's choice, because she can see that Mu Rou is very happy, and Tang Yan's strength has become stronger. love never changes.

"The saints of the Tianquan Empire have arrived, and the assassination troops of Tianyan are also preparing secretly. With them, there will be no major defeat on the battlefield." Tang Yan gazed at the battlefield, silently waiting for the investigation of the Kupo troops. The bitter woman has already sprinkled on the battlefield, taking advantage of the chaos to go deep into the rainy desert.

He wasn't collecting news about the Dagan Dynasty, what he was looking for was Feruk.

With Feruk's temperament, it is very likely that he will come here to join in the fun, and even join hands to fight against the dynasty.

"You don't seem to care much about this battle?" Yaochi Saintess asked strangely, "What??"

"You don't care about the outcome of the battlefield battle?"

"Which one? Now?"


"Everyone performs their duties. They are in charge of their campaigns, and I am in charge of my hunting."

The saint of Yaochi looked back at the inland direction of the ancient Xingluo country, and said to herself leisurely: "I really hope it can end sooner. The people of Qitian Continent have experienced peace for too long, and they are not used to the sudden battle. They have not left anything behind." The savagery of the war world does not have the strong adaptability of that world. But they cannot be blamed, and it is not their fault. Who doesn't want peace? Who doesn't look forward to tranquility?
Tang Yan, I thank you for saving me, and thank you for protecting Mu Rou, but I hope you can grant me one request. "

"Please." Tang Yan looked back slightly.

"No matter what happens in the future, no matter what kind of energy you have, please take care of the common people a little bit, and please take care of ordinary people as much as you can. I understand your temperament, I know that you don't want to be a savior, and I know your cruel experiences over the years, but Please believe that there is an invisible power in this world, a power of expectation and belief. It may be invisible at a certain time, but it may be powerful at a certain time.

When God endows a person with special power, it actually places an expectation.If this person chooses to shoulder this expectation, it is far more beneficial than abandoning the expectation. This benefit may not be manifested in strength, but may affect the future. "

The saint of Yaochi said seriously, and sincerely hoped that he could regain the word of guardian while becoming stronger. She really didn't want Tang Yan to become a cruel killing beast, a proud emperor who ignored the common people and ignored the living beings. .

Protection and peace, this is the concept of Yaochi Holy Land, and it is also the concept she has always adhered to.

Tang Yan turned his head to look at the saintess of Yaochi. He was about to answer a few words, but suddenly he felt a touch.

The power of prayer?The power of the common people?
These words were vague and mysterious, but they reminded him of the cherry tree and luck.

The Cherry Blossom God Tree relies on the dark emotions of the common people such as despair, sorrow, madness, etc., and turns them into its own nourishment, so that it will continue to grow stronger and stronger.

Turn the intangible into a qualitative force.

Didn't the luck of the ancient golden clan gather the prayers of the whole clan, integrate the fate of the whole clan, gather in one individual, and place high hopes for revitalization.

It also belongs to turning the invisible material into a powerful boost.

Where there are negative emotions, there are positive emotions. Can we use them?
The whole family hopes to form luck, so can the larger and more complex hopes also form a source of energy?

Tang Yan fell into deep thought. Caring for the common people and protecting the human race, these things are too general for him, and it can even be said to be a joke, but what if he takes care of it while achieving his goal?

At this time, Victoria came here suddenly: "Tang Yan, I found the information you wanted."

(End of this chapter)

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