Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2276

Chapter 2276

"Me! Curse! You!" Rooster proudly raised his chest, overlooking Tang Yan.There are faint evil lines flying in the evil pupils, and an invisible force pervades from the darkness, drowning Tang Yan.

This kind of power has no form, cannot be perceived, let alone an energy body, and cannot be defended at all.

They obviously don't exist, but they make people feel palpitating and frightening.

Tang Yan observed the darkness, but he didn't find any attack, nor did he feel energy fluctuations, but when he slowly raised his hands, a black mass appeared on the palms of his hands.I can't feel their existence, but they are really wriggling, and they gather more and more, branching out and spreading towards the whole body.

"This is the power of the curse? My fifth uncle also had similar martial arts back then, but not as exquisite as yours." Tang Yan was more curious and tried to refine it with green fire, but it was not energy at all and could not be refined.

The green fires are running around in the body, but they are like things in a different dimension, misplaced with reality, completely unaffected by the green fires, they expand wildly in the meridians in the flesh and blood, and spread silently.

Just as Tang Yan was about to activate the demon spirit veins to suppress them, they...suddenly dispersed..."I, curse!" The rooster neighed sharply, extremely violent.

The body of ten meters is extremely majestic, proud and unrestrained, it is really hard to imagine that a chicken creature that would be completely ignored by ordinary people can be so majestic after it grows up, and its body shape and posture are so perfect.It's just that the blood is too heavy, which is frightening.

"This is the power of the curse? Why don't I feel anything?" Tang Yan inspected his body strangely. There was nothing abnormal, as if everything was an illusion. He didn't even feel any black streaks gathered in the palm of his hand and spread all over his body just now.

"Underworld Lord, your forehead!" Bitter Po suddenly reminded.

Tang Yan touched it, but found nothing, but the bitter woman reminded: "A green and black air is looming."

"The power of the curse kills people invisible. What's the origin of your chicken?" Tang Yan looked up at the rooster, becoming more and more interested.

"Human, your last chance, otherwise, you will die." The rooster slowly spread its wings, and its momentum became more prosperous.

"Whether I will die or not is a matter of the future. Are you afraid that I will kill you if you just slapped me so blatantly? You seem to be most afraid of the power of fire." Tang Yan raised his right hand, and a ball of flames burst into bloom.

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his body suddenly exploded, completely turning into raging flames, like a terrifying giant beast forcibly propping up the dark curtain around him. The blue flames continued to churn, and turned into a fire eagle, entrenched in midair, overlooking the rooster.

"I'm dead, the curse is incomprehensible!" The rooster slowly looked up, murderous, not afraid of Tang Yan's provocation. It was very angry at the moment, causing the aura in its body to go berserk and out of control. It seemed like thousands of bombs were constantly detonating inside. , continued to roar, and it may explode at any time, giving people a strong sense of danger.

"There is a strong energy in your body, but you can't control it. Why do you fight with me?! You have a choice, either submit or destroy!" Tang Yan turned into a hundred-meter fire eagle, with raging flames and surging green flames, tenaciously resisting With the invasion of darkness.

"Destroy? Are you worthy?!" The rooster was twisting all over, as if it couldn't control the violent power in its body.

"I don't know how to live or die, look at me destroying this evil land of yours." The fire eagle screamed up to the sky, flapping its wings and furious, the blue fire intensified and churned, like a river tide rushing, like a sea capsized, rapidly expanding, fully filling, eroding the boundless Darkness hits the damp earth.

"Haha, hahaha." The rooster suddenly grinned, laughing wildly, the blood in his body ran away completely, and a large number of cracks opened in his body, rushing out strong blood, vigorously, gathering rapidly, like a blood-colored river tide violently crashing into the surrounding sky fire , causing a fierce roar in an instant.

That scene was like the collision between the surging sea of ​​fire and the vast ocean, causing the heavens and the earth to tremble together, stirring up a blood-colored mist that filled the sky, filled the darkness, and even rushed out of the darkness.

"I guessed right, you have power in your body that doesn't belong to you." Tang Yan could clearly feel the strength of the impact, but it wasn't the rooster controlling it at all, but letting it wreak havoc after it was released. Contains a terrifying wildness.

"Haha, you're burning, you're burning." The rooster frantically fluttered its wings to the sky, straight up to the dark sky, and blood raged out, like an out-of-control flood, continuously galloping between the sky and the earth, and the scene was extremely huge.The blood is getting heavier and more violent, and it seems to have some kind of life faintly, more like a demon god is recovering.

"Underworld Lord, be careful!" Bitter Po reminded anxiously, it felt a terrifying breath.


The blood energy in the sky suddenly churned and gathered, and in the deafening roar, it turned into a tyrannical tiger. The giant of [-] meters, like a beast, roared up to the sky, and the blood energy was surging. It was too big to squeeze the green fire attack. To Tang Yan, the momentum is fierce, trying to crush the Fire Eagle.

It was so huge that Tang Yan's Firehawk looked like a small bird.

"Such a powerful force is used like this. You disappoint me so much." Tang Yan flapped his wings and struck, like a streamer tearing through the darkness, piercing through the giant blood tiger with astonishing momentum.

Puchi! !The blood mist bloomed, and the tiger's head shattered.

The green fire passing through the hole detonated instantly, and the power of a nuclear bomb exploded in the area of ​​the tiger's head. A violent mushroom cloud detonated, and then turned into a boundless flame, killing the tiger with smoke, and filled with darkness.

It was extremely domineering and almost crushed the tiger.

However, the blood energy originating from the rooster seems to be boundless, continuously rushing, and gathering at full speed, the speed of the blood energy being swallowed by the green fire is not as fast as the speed of release.The tiger screamed in the flames and broke apart in the struggle, but turned into a giant python in a flash, broke through the sea of ​​flames, and fought the fire eagle transformed by Tang Yan.

"Is this what you are capable of? Such blood, if I use it, it will definitely destroy a country, and you... are ridiculous..." Tang Yan flapped his wings fiercely, and the fire power soared, burning fiercely all over his body. Although the light was swallowed, but He was like a fierce sun, extremely powerful, when the blood python rushed over, the fire eagle melted it thoroughly on the spot.

"Die! Die! You're exhausted!!" The rooster was furious, flying high in the sky, rushing between the sky and the earth, releasing the blood in its body like crazy.

The tide of blood is continuous, and naturally they are not afraid of being devoured by the fire of the sky. They keep surging, sometimes turning into trolls, sometimes turning into heavenly beings, or turning into some kind of giant beasts, becoming stronger and more terrifying. The violent bombardment of the fierce sun.

But helplessly, Tianhuo has a natural restraint power against blood energy, and Tang Yan is no longer the Tang Yan of the past. He stops at a high altitude and remains motionless. It is difficult for any blood beast to destroy him.

An exaggerated duel, a ridiculous collision.

The blood tide is too vast, and it contains a unique magical power. Although the sky fire can annihilate it, it needs to come in parts, which is not as fast as its growth rate.

The sky fire is too strong, devouring everything, melting everything, although the fire wave is mighty and wild, it is impossible to extinguish it, let alone exhaust it.

"Ignorant human beings, the flames burn through the blood and cannot burn me; the flames can resist the darkness and destroy the earth. This is the place where the emperor is buried, and this will also be your grave. Human beings, accept your fate."

The rooster roared violently, perhaps the most intense and smoothest it had ever said in its life.

"In your future, you will always regret that you came here today and provoked a bloody rooster."

The rooster is not afraid of Tang Yan, and has endless blood energy, which is enough to consume the human beings in front of it. It also has the power of evil soil, which can make Tang Yan's future life struggle in endless disasters.

However, not long after, Tang Yan's heart suddenly moved.

"Your blood is really endless. I guess I know what you are. If Feruk finds out about this scene, he doesn't know whether to be happy or regret it." Tang Yan stared at the bloody rooster, feeling the overwhelming tide of blood, Finally woke up everything.

No wonder the rooster has violent power, no wonder it is so powerful and uncontrollable.

It seems that I have come to the right place!
If nothing else, it is the Blood Essence from the Two Realms back then!Sealed here by Feruk!

But tens of thousands of years of changes, the astonishingly huge energy of the blood bank, gave birth to this blood essence that possessed the blood of various species in the two worlds.

It has been hunting intruders all these years, devouring their blood, that is its nature, devouring the flesh is its subconscious desire to obtain a brand new body.

It gave birth to wisdom, similar to the blood soul tree back then!It's just that it has been sealed in this darkness all year round, its IQ and other aspects have not been developed, and its abilities have not been displayed. In fact, it has not completely transformed into a living creature, but has temporarily shaped its shell to accommodate the blood essence of the two realms.

In short, it's an embryo, it's a newborn baby.

If he is allowed to mature, he will definitely endanger one side in the future. Now... Tang Yan was surprised and delighted. He came here with the intention of trying his luck, but he did not expect to win the lottery.

This blood essence is worthy of being the most complete and strongest blood essence in the two worlds. Perhaps it surpasses the blood soul tree to some extent. It can actually give birth to spiritual wisdom and self-cultivation?However, even the Blood Soul Tree needs specific factors to shape it, and it needs the secret gestation of the Nine Babies before it can be matured. Could it be that there are other secrets here?

"Chicken, you are lucky to meet me." The fire eagle transformed by Tang Yan suddenly shifted, and rushed to the deepest part of the dark and evil soil. The green fire had been entrenched there for a long time, and it seemed that he had discovered some secret.

(End of this chapter)

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