Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 228 Lost Tenderness

Chapter 228 Lost Tenderness

Tang Yan smiled without saying a word, took a deep look at Nalantu, continued to drink with the group of drunkards, and asked about Nalantu's news while the alcohol was gone.

Nalantu was rescued by a girl in the Dayan Mountains at the beginning of this year.

It seemed that he was hunted down by a certain force, and he was exhausted and passed out in the wild forest. If they hadn't met by chance, Nalantu would have been eaten by the passing monsters.

Nalantu was grateful for saving his life, so he followed them all the way. They felt irritable and wanted to get rid of the matter directly, but the girl suddenly had a kind heart and took him in. For this reason, he had many conflicts with his companions.

As for ability
They really hadn't seen Nalantu make a move, holding a tattered waste paper book and a broken steel gun all day long, looking very weak.In terms of function, they are responsible for taking care of the baby picked up by the girl when they are in action.

Tang Yan's drinking fight lasted for an entire afternoon, but no useful information was obtained. In the end, the 28 murderers were either drunk and unconscious, and were carried to the upstairs guest room by the store, or left early to go back to rest. .

"Are you interested in that baby named Nalantu?" Tang Qing picked his molars regardless of his image. Don't look at him as stupid, he can bear the title of butcher, and he can manage three for the Tang family. The business in the city is still a little discerning.

Tang Yan rubbed his swollen forehead: "Have you noticed that Nalantu is holding an ancient scroll in his arms?"

Tang Hao smiled: "Could it be that you looked at that broken book for some years and thought it was some kind of treasure? Look at the group of people around him, each one is more treacherous and shrewd than the other. If it was really a treasure, it would have been a long time ago They snatched it up and sold it."

"Just curious, let's just play around." Tang Yan was actually mostly bored and wanted to tease this group of freaks, but Nalantu really gave him a weird feeling. Attract him!
"Guest officer, here are the remaining silver coins. Please keep them well." The shop owner came up and handed the remaining coins to Tang Yan respectfully.

"Keep it, today is enough to torment you."


"Boss, let me ask you something, what do these 28 freaks do?"

"Master! Please keep your voice down!" The boss's face turned pale, and he hurriedly looked upstairs.

"Are you afraid of them? Do you know what we do?" Tang Qing deliberately smiled sinisterly, and looked at the store with malicious intentions.

The store owner was just an ordinary person, and when he was swept away by the fierce eyes, he immediately took two steps back in shock, hesitating and speechless.

Tang Ba said impatiently: "I just want you to introduce them, not to harm them. If you tell me, just say it, don't be verbose!"

The boss leaned forward and said in the lowest voice: "They are the most notorious robbery group in the north, named '28 Ugly', they burn, kill, loot and commit all sorts of crimes, walking on the street may catch a woman That's what. People hate them so much that their teeth itch, but because this group of people dare to do anything, they are ruthless, powerful, and courageous enough. Instead, they have become the favorite gang of some wealthy businessmen, and some secret things will entrust them to do it.

Although this group of people are only at the peak of Wu Zong, but with their fierceness and special combination of martial arts, they can even provoke a second-order martial king.Guest officers, I kindly advise you not to deal with this group of people, or you won't know if you are killed. "

After listening to the introduction, Tang Ba saw that Tang Yan was still in high spirits, so he had to remind him. "Master, let's go."

"Don't worry." Tang Yan pondered silently, whether it is better to give these people some gold coins and let them explore the Dayan Mountains first, rather than searching aimlessly by himself.

Tang Haodao: "Master, we are not afraid of these people, there is no need to have too many intersections with them, not to mention that the Dayan Mountains are full of variables."

Tang Qing said: "I feel disgusted when I look at them, young master, if you don't leave, I'm afraid I can't help but rush in and give them a knife."

Tang Yan said amusedly, "Is that why you hate them so much?"

Tang Qing said: "It's disgusting, disgusting, and the most important thing is that it's not necessary at all."

"Okay, let's change to another hotel." Tang Yan shrugged indifferently.

Nalantu was dragged back to his room by the drunken sister Liu, hugged him tightly and fell on the bed, his limbs intertwined, his head and neck intertwined, and then
Fall asleep deeply.

Sister Liu drank a little too much today, she didn't know what to say in a daze, her enchanting body half squeezed and entangled Nalantu.

Nalantu's jade face was flushed, his body was tense, his eyes were fixed on the edge of the bed, his hands were wide open, and he wanted to push Sister Liu away, but accidentally touched a soft spot, and he never came back. Dare to act indiscriminately.Just being pressed stiffly on the bed, her breath was filled with the strong fragrance of Sister Liu mixed with the smell of alcohol.

He called out a few times, but got no response.

Sister Liu's situation is a bit abnormal tonight, she is hugged very tightly, and the tight Nalantu is almost out of breath. The most terrible thing is that Sister Liu is drunk, her body is constantly twisting, which brings sensitive friction of limbs.

The white thighs that were exposed at some point were pressing on his frightened little brother.

Nalantu felt that his head was buzzing, and he was completely in chaos. His head was full of messy and unclear pictures. He didn't even know what the chaos was. There are the despair, helplessness, deep mountains and dense forests in the escape, and the bloody life that has been like a nightmare and dreamlike for the past year.

In short chaos!confusion!

Unknowingly, her body started to feel dry and hot, her gaze shifted tremblingly downwards, first she saw Sister Liu's white and slender jade legs, then her half-exposed snow-white breasts, and even her rosy and charming face, her heart trembled fiercely, Quickly return to the original state, not daring to have any random thoughts.

His face was blood red with embarrassment.

"Be patient, it will pass soon." Nalantu kept reminding himself, taking slow and deep breaths, trying to calm down the chaotic and swollen brain.

blah blah
Sister Liu suddenly groaned softly, her delicate body twisted like a white snake, and lay on Nalantu's body little by little, her eyes were bleary, her red lips were slightly parted, and she looked at Nalantu in a daze.

"Sister Liu, you drink!" Nalantu finally plucked up the courage to speak.

"I want it." Sister Liu murmured, her red lips deeply imprinted on Nalantu's open lips.

Nalantu felt a muffled buzzing sound in his head, and his whole body exploded, his eyes were wide open, and his body was stretched like an iron plate.

Sister Liu seemed to be falling into some kind of dream, tearing her clothes weakly, and soon her skirt was half untied, revealing a delicate skin as white as snow, and on her trembling breasts, there were cherry-like pink protrusions, Nalantu almost suffocated and completely lost consciousness, let alone what was going to happen.

Sister Liu continued to murmur, twist and turn, and stared at Nalantu with blurred eyes, as if staring at a lover she loved deeply. The spring night of the bridal chamber.

Is it a dream?
Why is it so similar, why is it so real.

When Nalantu came back to his senses for a while, the two of them were already full-bodied, without a single piece of clothes, and their hot bodies hugged each other tightly, like two big white snakes intertwined and intertwined. It's more like a fuse that ignites the flames of war.

"Sister Liu, I can't, I can't" Nalantu woke up suddenly, struggling to escape.

"I'm tired, I want someone to rely on, after finishing this last task, we will leave, and I will give birth to a baby for you." Sister Liu hugged Nalantu from behind, seemingly intoxicated and confused.

But these whispering whispers seemed to show that she was not completely unconscious.

Nalantu sat firmly on the edge of the bed, his weak heart seemed to be gripped by something, and for a moment, he was dazed, stunned, lost, and let Sister Liu gently pull his body over and entwine again .

He had never touched a woman before, so he was trembling slightly at this moment, and he just hugged Sister Liu indiscriminately.Sister Liu's greedy kiss, a kind of uncontrollable confusion, when each other's bodies were hot as fire, when their eyes were completely intertwined, Sister Liu gently supported Nalantu who was fully awake and sat down slowly.

With a suppressed moan and a low growl, the two were completely combined.

Soft, muddy, slippery, and tight, as if to completely melt Nalantu.

Sister Liu was constantly heaving and panting, the tip of her tongue brushed over Nalantu's lips, ears, throat, and chest, like tiny feathers, teasing out the desire in her heart.


Nalantu didn't know where the courage came from, he hugged Sister Liu violently, and slammed into the wall fiercely. He didn't know gentleness and skill, it was the most brutal collision.

Sister Liu's delicate body was tense, wrapping around Nalantu tightly, her fingertips scratched the flesh, her teeth bit her shoulders, and she endured a burst of stronger strength, and she let out a groan that seemed uncomfortable and intoxicated.

After a long while, accompanied by a beast-like roar, Nalantu completely erupted, and the bodies of the two were tense to the extreme, as if they wanted to melt each other into their own bodies.

After the clouds collected and the rain rested, the room returned to calm, only the traces of charming breath drifted silently, the two of them were silently absent-minded, as if they were reminiscing about the madness just now, or they seemed to have regained their calm, thinking about themselves things.

No one spoke, and gradually, the two closed their eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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