Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2281

Chapter 2281
In late September, the war between the two countries continued to rage.

The imperial battlefield stretching for thousands of miles is like a violent dark river tide, lying between the sky and the desert, full of tragic confrontations of various scales and forms. The two major military empires have used tens of millions of military forces to launch All kinds of extremely powerful weapons of war continue to detonate the border between the two countries.

Such a large, vast and complex war front, and such a large number of troops and complex military forces, cannot be controlled by any marshal of the empire, nor can anyone be easily deterred.However, Zhao Lengsu of the Daqian Dynasty and Marquis of Beijiang of the Xingluo Ancient Kingdom, the two marshals of the empire, both showed amazing military talents, steadily controlled the complex battlefield, and fought fiercely with ease.

From large-scale battles to local raids, from well-founded advances and retreats to orders and prohibitions, from battlefield confrontation to negotiation and espionage, etc., the two armies fought brilliantly, and the performance of the two marshals was also amazing.

The intensity and scale of this imperial battlefield is definitely the "paradise" that soldiers are most looking forward to, and it is also enough to make any national marshal fascinated by it, but in real practice, no one can be confident that it can be so perfect.

The Marquis of Beijiang has been controlling the most elite front-line troops of the ancient Xingluo country for seven years, and has always shouldered the heavy responsibility of the front-line commander. It can be said that the Xingluo Renhuang entrusted half of the country's destiny to him.From the very beginning to the present, his military talent has been perfectly displayed from beginning to end. Although he has been defeated frequently, that is the gap in his high-level strength. Looking at his ability to control the battlefield, as well as his unruffled control, he still has the ability to stand upright in the face of defeat. The unstoppable influence and deterrence have to be admired by the military of any country.

Even the Holy Empire and the Thomas Fissen United Empire have been secretly gaining momentum over the years. Once the ancient kingdom of Xingluo is defeated, they will save the Marquis of Beijiang at all costs and worship him as the commander-in-chief of the empire.Such military talents must not be allowed to be buried. Once given enough military power, it will be enough to cause a sensation in all directions.

But today, the high-level power of the ancient Xingluo country has been enriched, and the ability of the Marquis of Beijiang has been bloomed to a greater extent. It was once difficult for a clever woman, but now all kinds of forces and tactics are indiscriminately controlled, and he has the capital to squander it all.

But... Even so, Marshal Zhao Lengsu, who had just taken over the front line of the Western Frontier of the Dagan Dynasty, resisted tenaciously.

Zhao Lengsu completely controlled the frontline battlefield, whether it was time or strength, it exceeded expectations, and he operated this hastily assembled tens of millions of troops more beautifully. He fought fiercely with the Marquis of Beijiang for more than 30 consecutive days, and even continued to Victory appears.

This attitude, this self-confidence, this courage and spirit, and this influence that overwhelmed tens of millions of teams once again made Zhao Lengsu's name resound throughout the army circles of the mainland, and made all empires face up to this veteran.

One Dingxi King is enough in an empire, but Zhao Lengsu was not weaker than Dingxi King.

Looking at the ancient country of Xingluo, apart from a Marquis of Northern Border, perhaps there is no other.If it is really calculated carefully, it may be the thirteen kings who have been brutally killed.

This aspect alone is enough to reflect the powerful military power of the Daqian Dynasty, and it is also conceivable that this battle will not end so easily, because Zhao Lengsu has too many resources that can be squandered.

But what the countries are looking forward to is not this, but Zhao Lengsu's more outstanding and astonishing performance, the Dagan Dynasty's more fierce counterattack, the reinforcements from the Temple of Demons and the Holy Spirit Hall, and the bloody surprise attack of the Dagan Dynasty. Or the reappearance of the evil forces from the ancient Xingluo country.

Even if one of these happens, it will not be in vain for the intelligence eyeliners of various countries to work hard near the battlefield.They sincerely look forward to seeing a miracle. They want to witness the evil troops of the ancient Xingluo country with their own eyes. They want to carefully observe what is mysterious about it and whether it is as exaggerated as the rumors say.

But no, no, nothing.

For more than a month, the intelligence of various countries has been sending scouts to the frontline of the empire, looking forward to the reversal. There are even the Holy Empire, the Tianquan Empire, and even the royal family or military of the Thomas Fissen United Empire. Follow the development of the war situation.However, the war lasted for a full month. Although the fighting was in full swing, the expected situation never happened.

In the current situation, not only did the outside world start to stir and complain, but the Marquis of Beijiang also realized that Zhao Lengsu was unwilling to be mediocre. Jianghou is saving his strength, waiting for his ultimate move.

In this way, the lower-level troops fought fiercely, but they all began to re-plan the battle situation.

During this period, Zhao Lengsu sent a large number of special envoys to visit the Marquis of Beijiang, hoping to redeem King Dingxi and other captives, but all of them were rejected. This not only angered Zhao Lengsu, but also angered the Temple of the Holy Spirit and the Temple of Zhenyao.

In late September, Zhao Lengsu held a high-level meeting overnight when he took advantage of the front line to take a break from fighting.

The high-level officials of Zhenyao Temple and Holy Spirit Temple attended the scene collectively.

After some discussion, Zhenyao Temple proposed the strategic plan left by Baifeng at that time, hoping to get the appeal to be considered again, and also hoped to break the current deadlock.

"Alliance Holy Empire!"

"Although the Holy Empire had a short-term agreement with the Valley of the Wicked, it was agreed not to attack the southern border of Xingluo, but the agreement itself contained many loopholes. We can entrust the Holy Empire to increase troops to the southern border of the ancient Xingluo country and continue to station them. The army and saints are deterring the ancient Xingluo country. But they do not cross the border, do not attack, and ignore the questioning of the ancient Xingluo country, they just put on a stance of aggression, making the ancient Xingluo country continue to be tense."

"If the ancient Xingluo country really entrusts the wicked valley to question, the Holy Empire will ignore it at all. It can't be done. It can be said that they will conduct military exercises and signal that the ancient Xingluo country does not care. But since then, the ancient Xingluo country really doesn't care? Instead of not caring, they will be very nervous, and they even don't hesitate to draw troops from the front line here."

"Thinking seriously, Xingluo Renhuang may also order Beijiang Hou to adopt a defensive posture across the board here, and mobilize more forces to reinforce Xingluo's southern border to strictly prevent the Holy Empire from interfering."

"Taking a step back, this matter will cause chaos in the ancient Xingluo country for a while. It will cause endless arguments both inside and outside, and it will also create opportunities for the Temple of the Holy Spirit to control some ministers."

"Don't worry, the Marquis of Beijiang will definitely send troops south to the battlefield of Southern Xinjiang. As long as the Marquis of Beijiang deploys his forces, the frontline forces will be empty, and we will return to the situation where we have been stretched all these years. We will have a lot of opportunities to operate. "

"If the Temple of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit Hall can fully cooperate again, I think the three of us can join forces to fight a beautiful combination attack and severely injure the ancient country of Xingluo. At that time, not only will we vent our anger, but we may also force the Marquis of Beijiang to Dingxi Wang and others Give it all back."

"The problem now is how to convince the Holy Empire. If we secretly allyed with the Holy Empire before the last defeat, they might agree painfully, but now that there is an unknown force in the ancient Xingluo Kingdom, the Holy Empire may consider it carefully. "

High-level officials from the military, the Demon Town Temple, and the Holy Spirit Hall gathered together to discuss tactics in secret.

The three parties basically agreed to the proposal of Zhenyao Temple very quickly, and they all agreed that there was a lot of room for maneuver.

Once it works well, maybe it is really possible to exchange Dingxi Wang, Pei Lu, Baifeng, Liujinshu, and even the other seven saints whose life and death are unknown. This is the most important thing.

"How can we convince the Holy Emperor?" Zhao Lengsu thought seriously. The military alliance between empires is the most difficult to operate, especially in times of war.

Now the Daqian Dynasty is very strong, and the limelight has far surpassed other empires.The Holy Empire would not be willing to see the two situations of 'continued strength of the Daqian Dynasty' and 'continued decline of the ancient Xingluo Kingdom' occurring at the same time and proceeding side by side.

So... to convince the Holy Emperor, the difficulty is not small.

The Temple of the Holy Spirit responded: "I think the mysterious power that appeared in the ancient Xingluo Kingdom is a good excuse. We can exaggerate that power infinitely, so that the Holy Empire also feels the crisis, and let them think that we are in a hurry to form an alliance. I just want to achieve some small victories, not major victories. Therefore, the key to the negotiation is whoever can control this speed, and whoever can win the negotiation."

"Everyone in the Hall of the Holy Spirit, do you intend to personally share the responsibility for our country?" Zhao Lengsu dared not choose the prime ministers and advisers in the dynasty. If you are close to Zhulu Academy, if you are not sure, it will reveal its secrets. After much deliberation, the group of monsters in the Holy Spirit Temple are more suitable.

After discussing silently in the Holy Spirit Temple for a while, one person stood up, bowed his head to everyone in turn, turned and left the tent.

He is the chief wise man of the Holy Spirit Hall after Pei Lu, and he is willing to go to the Holy Empire in person.

The Temple of the Holy Spirit sent three special envoys and a saint to accompany him on his departure immediately.

Suppressing the Demon Temple showed a smile, yes, yes, the Holy Spirit Hall personally should be able to persuade the Holy Empire, as long as the Holy Empire is willing to interfere, they can take the opportunity to fight a victory and get back Baifeng! !
Zhao Lengsu turned around and looked at the huge map on the wall: "Then step up the offensive and force the Marquis of Beijiang to use his mysterious power, so that the observation team sent by the Holy Empire to the front can understand the situation and know how terrifying the ancient Xingluo country has. , to help the Holy Empire make an early decision."

At this time, a report suddenly came from outside: "Report to the Marshal, a senior is visiting."

(End of this chapter)

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