Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2300 Pure Yang Realm Lord

Chapter 2300 Pure Yang Realm Lord

The two glared at each other, panting heavily, this bastard is simply too deceitful!
"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway. Do you know hell? There are countless ghosts living there, and many of their inheritance secrets are very weird. Even I feel terrible. Do you two want to experience ghosts for free? Serve?"

Uncle Chunyu gritted her teeth with hatred: "Tang Yan, you bastard, if you dare to mess with our bodies, I will never forgive you."

"Forget about this kind of meaningless threat. I'll give you a good chance to survive. You should send a distress message now and try to help me recruit a few more people. The more people the better. Otherwise, I will let you live forever for the rest of your life." Live in shame and regret, trust me, I will do what I say."

The uncle went all out again: "I tell you clearly, don't even think about it, it's absolutely impossible. Only by betraying my clan will we regret it forever. If you are a man, kill me now."

"Oh? So backbone?" Tang Yan nodded slowly, and his smile deepened: "I'll give you a chance to express yourself. If you are a man, if you commit suicide right now, please do it, I will never stop you."

Uncle Youlei's face turned ashen.

"Please, what are you doing in a daze, don't you dare?" Tang Yan looked at him jokingly.

The faces of the two of them turned blue and white, as ugly as they wanted.suicide?This is not something everyone can do, and it is not easy to work hard to reach the Holy Land.

"As long as you are alive, you will face two choices, take the initiative to seduce your clansman, or passively seduce your clansman. Since it is really so righteous, commit suicide, come on, let me enjoy the scene of the self-destruction of the holy land, Maybe it can affect Nanhuang." Tang Yan crossed his legs and looked at them with a smile.

"..." The two were ashamed and embarrassed.

"By the way, it's best to die cleanly, even killing your soul. Otherwise, those ghosts in my hell have many ways to make your soul not live like this, and they can also search for all your memories from your soul."

Uncle Chunyu and Uncle Youlei stood there, staring at Tang Yan with resentful eyes.Self-destruct?Destroyed?Thinking about it makes my whole body chill, but Tang Yan's playful smile is full of ridicule and contempt, which is even more uncomfortable than killing them directly.

But what if you don't kill yourself?Compromised?Even more embarrassing!
Uncle You Lei suddenly wanted to slap him twice, isn't this embarrassing himself?

Uncle Chunyu also gave him a little elbow, hating him for talking too much, she had never been so embarrassed in her whole life.

Tang Yan raised his hand to signal: "You two, please? Don't be polite. If you want to pull my back, you are welcome at any time, but it seems that you can't kill me."

The uncle's mouth twitched for a while, and he smiled with difficulty: "Tang Yan, let's talk."

"Don't talk about it, either cooperate with me, cooperate passively, or commit suicide directly. Abandoning the entire human race is so straightforward, why are you procrastinating today, is it a man? Yes, just give me an affirmative answer."

"Tang Yan, you're bullying too much!" Uncle Chunyu couldn't stand it anymore. She was high above her and had a high status, so she had never been subjected to such difficulties.

"What about bullying you?"

"You..." Uncle Chunyu almost vomited blood.

But at this time, Ma Yanwang and others left the Pure Yang Realm and came to the place where the hammer fell. A group of people was mighty and magnificent.

"There are two here too?" King Ma Yan descended to the hall and walked in with a sneer, pinching two bloody living people with his hands from left to right. , it seems to be dying.

"Fantasy! Qingchen!" Uncle Chunyu and Uncle Youlei exclaimed, and were about to pounce on them.

King Ma Yan stared back: "Get lost, want to be buried with you?!"

" are too ruthless!" Taishu Chunyu was in pain and grief. The two people on the ground were both their clansmen and close friends, but now they were lying on the ground bloody, with stubble exposed in many places, too. Miserable.

"You've lived in the sea for a long time, and your head got flooded? Ruthless? I can be more ruthless!" Ma Yanwang stomped on the lower back of the man on the right, and the impact of force directly shattered the opponent's sea of ​​Qi.

A wave of soul emerged, screaming and screaming wildly, but was caught by King Ma Yan.

Tang Yan smiled slightly, sent to hell!Throw it at the silent Fengdu ghost town!
"Hiss!" Uncle Tai felt a chill running down his spine, and he didn't dare to provoke again.

Uncle Chunyu was dizzy and almost fell.

The rest of the people who dropped the hammer stepped back one after another, who is this person?so brutal.A noble saint stomped to death so easily? !

"This is not like the Lost Battle Realm that only cares about the strong and the weak and ignores human feelings, but now, what you are doing is transforming the Qitian Continent, and this place will be even more cruel than the Lost Battle Realm. You can taste the fruits you grow yourself." Ma Yanwang was merciless in his strikes, just because he hated these bastards.

The Golden Ancient Clan has struggled in the Lost Battle Realm for tens of thousands of years, life and death, suffering and sorrow, struggling to resist the madness of the Demon Clan and the ferocity of the Yao Clan. With the power of the Demon Spirit Clan, it is not impossible to escape back to the Qitian Continent alone , Even the Spirit Race didn't think about returning alone.

Although the Golden Ancient Clan abandoned many things, they did not abandon the bottom line of being a 'human'!

Taking a step back, they can use selfishness and indifference to understand the return of the Yin-Yang tribe alone, and they can also understand the return of the Yaozu teamed up with them, but they must not understand that they destroyed the space channel after their return.

A small passage determines the hope of the entire human race.

When they destroyed the passage, it was equivalent to abandoning the entire human race in another world, not only the ancient golden race, but also other strong races, and billions of human lives.

When they destroyed the passage, it was tantamount to killing the entire human race. It was equivalent to smirking and wielding butcher knives, chopping off the heads of the human race one by one, and feeding them to the monsters, for the sake of the devil.

When they destroyed the passage, it was tantamount to throwing the entire human race into darkness, fending for themselves, with no hope.

That's why he hates the Yin-Yang clan, these bastards.

Uncle Chunyu and Uncle Youlei backed away in panic, their bodies icy cold.They didn't dare to take a breath, and they didn't even dare to look directly into the eyes of the person in front of them. It was so terrifying that even saints were afraid of them.

There was no sound in the huge hall, and the disciples who fell heavily on the hammer were all gasping for breath. They looked at the man in front of them, as if they were watching a terrifying troll waking up, which was chilling.

The four holy lords who were discussing in the hall rushed out quickly, and they were all overwhelmed by the majesty of Ma Yanwang Shenglong.

Tang Yan introduced to everyone: "This is my Uncle Ma, Ma Long, the former owner of Jiulongling."

"Ma Yan Wang?" Uncle Chunyu and Uncle Youlei almost groaned, no wonder their faces were familiar, no wonder they were scary, it turned out to be the head of the Ghost Dragon Army of the Demon Spirit Clan who 'resurrected from the dead'?

Oh my god, isn't Tang Yan the only one who came back?Why did this god of death come back?

"I have long admired your name." The four holy masters bowed their hands and saluted, but they all looked at the two 'blood men' thrown down from his hand, grinned secretly, and beat them really hard.These two should be the two special envoys of the Yin-Yang tribe who went to the Pure Yang Realm to negotiate, and they were ruined like this?One is still a little angry, and the other seems to be dead.

They could even imagine the scene at that time, and finally convinced the Pure Yang Realm.The two sages of the Yin-Yang tribe were about to happily go back to their lives, when suddenly a strong man came out, punched him with three punches and kicked him, let you negotiate, let you negotiate, let you negotiate!
Um, so miserable.

"This..." The Great Holy Master hesitated, not knowing how to speak to break the silence, he clearly felt the murderous aura on Ma Yanwang.

At this time, a group of people rushed from behind aggressively.

The leading woman made everyone Tang Yan and others secretly amazed, what a peerless beautiful woman, with jade-like skin, tall and slender, gorgeous and noble, almost comparable to Niya's astonishment, but different from Niya's glamorousness, and also different from Niya's beauty. Zhaoyi's elegance, this woman's temperament is very special, she is obviously holy and luxurious, but exudes a bit of seductive temptation.

Of course, not everyone can afford this temptation. Those who are below the Holy Realm may not even dare to look at her, and they will be directly crushed by her aura and feel inferior.

Seeing how the others automatically lag behind by half a step, and feeling the awe of everyone towards this woman, one can basically conclude that this person is the World Master of the Pure Yang Realm.

It's no wonder Ma Yanwang knew her. Such a high-ranking, powerful and beautiful woman is like a natural magnet, which can firmly attract Ma Yanwang across tens of thousands of kilometers.

The leading woman walked in quickly, her face was full of frost, and she rebuked angrily: "Ma Long, you are bullying too much. I am a guest from the Pure Yang Realm, and it is your turn to humiliate and torture me."

"There is a lot of gossip in front of the widow's door. Do you dare to keep such a man? You should be careful." Ma Yanwang's eyes were like knives, turning on Taishu Chunyu and Taishu Youlei, causing their weak psychological defenses to be on the verge of collapse .

"Hiss." The eyes of the four Holy Masters turned black, widow?Oh my god, they were so shocked that their eyes turned black, and the faces of everyone in the Pure Yang Realm turned black with anger. If they hadn't just seen the horror of King Ma Yan, they would definitely roll up their sleeves now and scratch his paws.

"Ma Long, if you talk nonsense again, I'll take your skin off." The Master of the Pure Yang Realm scolded angrily.

Normally lofty, like a cold, arrogant and ruthless god, the world's martial saints are afraid, and the people in the Chunyang world are in awe, but it is really difficult to maintain a calm posture in front of Ma Yan.She came over to harass her many times back then, but she was always repelled by an angry fight, but who knew that this bastard would be perfect after not seeing him for a few years?Is there any reason!
"You know you have to strip your clothes before skinning? You are really getting more and more open." Ma Yanwang responded casually, but ignored the murderous eyes of the world master of Chunyang Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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