Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2303 Peak Power

Chapter 2303 Peak Power
Uncle Chunyu said: "Each ancient golden clan has a long history and has its own way of contacting. My clan is Guangming Sea Sand. The special sand and gravel taken from the northeast sea area of ​​​​the Lost War Realm contain the power of light and sea tides. My family has a special secret method to motivate.

I will report my situation to the Southern Wilderness, and they should respond when they receive the news, but as for how many people will come, I can't give you a definite answer. "

"You Yin-Yang clan are all landing in the Southern Wilderness?"

"That's right, they all landed in the Southern Wilderness yesterday, and we will survive there for a while in the future."

"Where is the Holy Emperor Xuanwu?"

"The Xuanwu clan is entrenched in the South China Sea and is controlling the sea beasts there. Its new territory includes the entire South China Sea, extending all the way to the coastal area."

"The three fierce beasts under Xuanwu Sage Emperor's command are all in the South China Sea, or somewhere else?"

"The three major beasts are all active in the South China Sea, fighting in the sea area on behalf of the Xuanwu Holy Emperor and declaring control."

"Why don't they help you?"

"Hmph, in the barren land, the strongest is only a semi-sage. My Yin-Yang tribe can control it with a flick of a finger, and I still need the help of the Xuanwu Sacred Emperor? If you, Tang Yan, didn't intervene randomly, we can control it silently." Canglan Ancient Land!" Uncle Chunyu cast a cold glance at Tang Yan.

The appearance of this kid is actually expected. After all, the Zhanmeng has an air force. After the incident, they may forcibly collude with the two worlds and send a few people, but the expected time is one year later. The end of the battle is very weak, and the collusion between the two worlds also brings infinite danger and variables.

What was even more unexpected was that Tang Yan had such a deep relationship with an empire in the Qitian Continent.

Soon, the overall plan of the Yin-Yang clan fell into a passive state.However, Tang Yan also came too fast, shouldn't he wait for the completion of the imperial campaign?Didn't they wait until the Xingluo ancient country became strong before provoking the Yin-Yang clan?
"Not bad, you are really cooperative." Tang Yan was very satisfied.

"Of course I cooperate, and you have to fulfill your promise."

"Okay, please. By the way, let me experience the information transmission of the Yin-Yang clan."

Taishu Chunyu took a deep breath, made the last hesitation, and took out a gorgeous compass-like thing from the 'space sachet' at her waist.It is dark and mysterious, with flowing black light. It is only the size of a palm, but it has a special aura like a black hole. It looks very hard, and complex lines can be faintly seen on it.

"Chunyu, you should have thought about it." Uncle Youlei reminded again.

"I have my own decision, you don't have to worry about it." Taishu Chunyu took out a handful of gravel from the 'space sachet' again, it was shiny and crystal clear, like a handful of tiny diamonds, each grain was Blooming dazzling light.

She grabbed the bright sea sand and carefully sprinkled it on the pitch-black compass, and slowly wrote one font after another, with fluorescent lights, forming four large characters on the compass.She bit her finger, dripped blood on it, pressed her right hand on it, and worked silently for a moment. The bright sea sand stayed on the compass for a while, and then all disappeared, and the characters formed no longer appeared.They seem to be swallowed, and they seem to evaporate.

There are four big characters in front and back-emergency for help.

"How about these four characters?" Taishu Chunyu put away the compass.

"It's okay, is this done?"

"The bright sea sand evaporates into the sky and the earth, and will pass between the sky and the earth at a speed close to the speed of light, and finally fall back into our family. Whatever form they are on this compass, they will be reproduced in the same form on our large compass." Plastic. This characteristic of them was discovered and developed by our race to transmit information."

"Is there a distance limit?"

"Of course there is, the limit is ten thousand miles. It can almost pass from here to our current clan land."

"Just write these four words, don't you write more?"

"I only have so much bright sea sand left. This kind of thing is very precious. After using each grain of sea sand ten times, it will no longer be able to reunite, and it will lose its effectiveness. The number of sea sand in our family is limited, and now we are leaving For the Lost Battle Realm, use a little less, so every time you use it, you need to go through the family transfer."

"What about you? How much do you have?" Tang Yan asked Uncle Xiang again.

"I don't have one, only she has sea sand and compass."

"Where are the two in charge of the Pure Yang Realm?"

"The one with the sea sand was kicked to death by you. Every time you take the sea sand from the clan, you need to leave your own blood and life marks on the compass inside the clan, and you need the same blood and life when you use it." Breath. Unfortunately, you are in a cocoon."

Tang Yan and the others didn't care, instead they sat down with each other easily.

"I don't know how Zhao Zimo was treated over there." Tang Yan smiled and looked in the direction of Chunyang Realm.

Niya said: "The Master of the Pure Yang Realm is so angry, it shouldn't make Zhao Zimo feel better."

Tang Yan asked Matthews: "Did you introduce yourself after you passed?"

"It's an introduction of myself." Matthews' calculation made people laugh and cry.

Tang Yan asked King Ma Yan again: "Uncle Ma, how do you know the Lord of the Pure Yang Realm?"

"Back then, I wanted to find a partner for Jiulongling. After looking around, I chose the Pure Yang Realm."



"..." Everyone was speechless for a long time.

Ma Yanwang said: "The leaders of the seven forbidden places are all cold and arrogant people. The reason why they call it the forbidden place is because they are used to avoiding the world. They don't ask about the world situation, and they don't want any companions. It is difficult to talk about cooperation. I have a personality that is difficult to get along with men, so I have to find another way.

At that time, I learned that the owner of the Pure Yang Realm was a woman, indifferent and arrogant, so I went to visit her.My purpose at that time was to make her fall in love with me, and then the Pure Yang Realm would be mine, so that when I find you, young master, I will have enough power to protect you.

But that bitch didn't like her, so I went there more than a dozen times and beat her nine times.

The last time I got annoyed, I took four of my husbands to call and wanted to teach them a lesson.I'm going to use strong ones, and I'll finish the job straight away. Cook raw rice and cooked rice, what else can she do? "

"What's the result?" Everyone raised their eyebrows in unison, their mouths dry.

"The four princes fought with the four saints, and I fought with her. It lasted for a long time. But that girl was too fierce, and she refused to die. I thought she was serious, so I didn't force her anymore. .”

"and then?"

"I snatched a flowered shoe from her, so it's a souvenir."

"You still have such a brilliant experience?" Tang Yan smiled awkwardly, hotter than he was back then.When he pursued Niya, at least he had a bottom line, Ma Yanwang came to snatch the woman directly? !
Raw rice and cooked rice?Thankfully he figured it out.

No wonder the Lord of the Pure Yang Realm would grit his teeth with hatred when he saw King Ma Yan!

"And then?" Matthews was rarely interested.

"She is very strong, and she is only one step away from the peak of the Holy Land, but this'one step' is not so easy to cross. She wants to take revenge, but she can't beat me. After I promised not to tease her again, she finally And swallowed it up."

"It's been an impressive experience."

Ma Yanwang thought about it silently for a while, and smiled evilly: "In this way, I haven't contacted her for more than 300 years. I didn't expect that I still have such a feeling at first glance. I will spend more time together in the future, and I have to find another time. Get her."

Niya changed the subject: "From the empire to the holy land and then to the forbidden land, how many peaks are there in the Qitian Continent?"

"Let's think about it, there aren't many of them. Evilman Valley Zhao Tianyan counts as one, and Nine-colored Deer's strength has degraded seriously, and has already left the peak. The Lord of the Pure Land is mysterious and unpredictable. I haven't seen it, but it should be counted as one. The divine vines in the academy are very special. , when you go crazy, you can exert your peak strength, but if you can't reach it normally, it counts as half.

Among the five great empires, the Dingxi King of the Dagan Dynasty counted as one, the Zhenguohou of the Tianquan Empire counted as one, and the King of the Golden Silk Kingdom of the Thomas Fissen United Empire counted as one.Of the seven forbidden places, only the owner of Panshenzhai is counted as one.The owner of the Xuanhuang Pagoda, one of the five sorcerer towers, is said to have held the throne of the sorcerer Taizu back then. He is a legendary figure, and he should be counted as one.Add up the back and forth, seven and a half. "

"Is there any great perfection?"

"No, there isn't even a Daoman, this thing is even scarcer than the Emperor. There are very few peak holy lands and Daoman holy lands in the lost war world. It is not difficult to understand, this is equivalent to a fault in martial arts, the warrior thinks To enter the peak requires special talents and opportunities, all relying on manpower to work hard. As for becoming an emperor, it is a gift from God, a gift from heaven. One manpower, one Godsend, there are completely two ways."

"Xuanhuang Pagoda? By the way, there are still four Warlock Towers left. What happened to them?" Tang Yan suddenly thought of such a question. The Warlock Tower that destroyed the ancient Xingluo country back then, what about the other empires?

"I've checked." The first piece of information Nya investigated after her return was the Warlock Tower.

"Did they go to war?"

"The Xuanhuang Tower of the Thomas Fissen United Empire did not participate in the battle, and the Xingmo Tower of the Tianquan Empire did not participate in the battle, but the Yesha Tower of the Daqian Empire...may have secretly participated in the battle.

The Warlock Tower of the Holy Empire is the Xuanguang Tower, which has collapsed.In the early days of the seven-year chaos, the Holy Emperor strictly ordered the Xuanguang Pagoda to participate in the war with a tough stance, asking them to fight on the battlefield, but the Xuanguang Pagoda's owner severely refused.Soon after, Xuanguang Pagoda was severely punished, and its owner died unexpectedly.

It was an accident, but it should have been killed.

The warlocks of the Xuanguang Pagoda fled in all directions, and with the assistance of many friendly forces in the country, most of them fled into the Yesha Pagoda of the Daqian Empire.Three years ago, Zhao Wenqing, the owner of the Faran Tower, took advantage of the chaos to evacuate many warlocks and transferred to Yesha Tower.In terms of the overall number of warlocks, Yesha Pagoda is almost comparable to Xuanhuang Pagoda.

Later, the Daqian Dynasty interviewed Li Xiangjun, the master of the Yesha Tower, in the name of angering the Holy Empire and the Xingluo Ancient Kingdom by forcibly protecting the Xuanguang Tower Warlock and the Falan Tower Warlock.After that, Li Xiangjun either overtly or secretly helped the imperial army, and it was rumored that he had officially belonged to the Dagan Dynasty. "

"Oh, what's going on?" Tang Yan frowned slightly.


"What else?"

"Li Xiangjun is already married to the royal family."

"What?" King Ma Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Another prince of the Dagan royal family, King Tianyi. A prince who is in charge of guarding the northern border. He is very low-key and mysterious, but he is the closest prince to the Dagan Emperor and the royal family."

Tang Yan was silent for a while, a lot has happened in the past few years.

Ma Yanwang twirled his fingers subconsciously, as if he was thinking about something.

Uncle Chunyu suddenly said, "Wait, can I interrupt?"

"what's up?"

"Are you... are you chatting?!" Taishu Chunyu had a strange expression on her face.

"What do you say?"

"My Yin-Yang army is coming soon, aren't you ready?"

Uncle Chunyu felt absurd, this group of people didn't seem to care about the Yin-Yang clan at all.The message she sent was very special. The word "urgent" is a special word in the transmission system. If the Yin-Yang tribe tried to contact Taishu Huahua who was in charge of recruiting security in the Pure Yang Realm, they would be more vigilant if they did not get a response.

In this way, the Yin-Yang tribe will definitely regard this place as a battlefield and send special teams to act.

These guys are so defenseless, don't they... Are you really worried?
Tang Yan smiled mysteriously: "As much as you come, we will accept as much as you want. We are not afraid of coming too many, but we are afraid of not coming too much! Unless you, the Emperor of Yin and Yang, come in person, we have nothing to fear."

"Arrogance! Let's wait and see!" Grand Uncle Chunyu snorted coldly. In fact, there are not only Yin-Yang tribes in the Southern Wilderness. Tang Yan, Tang Yan, you will regret it soon.

(End of this chapter)

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