Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2306 Siege Lineup

Chapter 2306 Siege Lineup
The semi-sacred and below powerhouses in the two forbidden areas all retreated and retreated dozens of miles away.They rarely experienced the holy battlefield, so they didn't expect that the Yin-Yang tribe would directly send a team of saints to fight. It seemed that it was inevitable to kill Tang Yan.

But that's fine, they don't need to intervene, and it will be the first time in their lives that they will witness a holy melee.

The five saints of the Pure Yang Realm, the four saints who dropped the hammer heavily, a total of nine saints lined up one by one, moved their bodies a little, and silently performed martial arts, prompting the spiritual power to move quickly in the meridians.Everyone gradually exudes a unique holy power, ready to face the battle.

"Why, you want to help Tang Yan?"

"I advise you to think carefully and think about which side you should stand in today's battle."

"Don't shed tears until you see the coffin! Giving you a choice is to think highly of you, and you are still in the couplet? This is the last chance, step back immediately, otherwise you will never be careless."

All the sages of the Pangu clan angrily denounced the offense of the two forbidden areas.

Leng Sheng, the leader of the Pure Yang Realm, reprimanded: "Shut up, everyone, what we should do and what we should not do, it's not your turn to tell us what to do. The battle hasn't started yet, how can you decide the winner or loser! No wonder you exterminated the clan , deserve it!"

Tai Wu laughed loudly: "Okay, it's tough enough. I've heard that the lord of the Pure Yang Realm is overwhelmed by the country and the city, and his tough posture is not inferior to a man. Today is an eye-opener. After the war, I will take you back with my own hands and give it to the Yin-Yang clan If the young master is a gift, I think he will be very happy."

"Shameless." The Four Saints of the Pure Yang Realm were secretly furious, and their murderous intentions were fully revealed.

"Don't worry, we will teach them a lesson for you." The four holy masters of the hammer-dropping land are eager to try. They have fought fierce beasts, mountains and rivers, and have never fought giants. The fierceness of the opponent has aroused their blood.

"The fight started so soon, Patriarch Taiwu, didn't we agree to fight together? Tang Yan is not from your family, and should be shared by us." A powerful voice came from the west, accompanied by a strong coercion. Surge, go straight to this barren mountain range.

"Warm up, try your hand, the battle hasn't started yet. Don't worry, we won't eat alone." Tai Wu laughed, no longer worried, and his fighting spirit rose a little bit. When the Yin-Yang team came, Tang Yan never thought of escaping again.

"Yin-Yang?" Tang Yan stared at the west.

Not long after, the five figures broke through the clouds and landed on the barren mountain. Stepping on the wind and thunder, they walked towards the battlefield of confrontation quickly and with great power.

The old man at the head is thin and old, but capable and tough. His eyes are yin and yang, extremely evil.

He is gray-haired but energetic, and he has the pride and strength to guide the country.

The four saints lined up behind him, their steps were capable, tough and brave, and they all had the unique posture of a soldier, bringing four waves of tragic killing and bloody aura as they strode forward.

"Hallmaster Tang! I have admired your name for a long time, old man Qingyun!" The old man's yin and yang eyes bloomed with a strange light, and he stared at Tang Yan coldly.

He is one of the two great marshals of the Yin-Yang clan, and one of the two peak holy realms.

Guarding the western part of the sea all the year round, responsible for fighting against the Sky Demons.

This person has made great achievements in battle, and he is also a relentless enemy. He is the enemy of the Heavenly Demon Clan.

Now that he has left the Lost Battle Realm and returned to the Qitian Continent, he is full of ambitions. He is about to transfer his power from the original world to this world, transfer the fear of the Heavenly Demon Race to the fear of the common people in the world, and let the Qitian Continent Hundreds of millions of living beings remember the name of Uncle Qingyun while remembering the Yin-Yang clan!

"It's a pleasure to meet you. It seems that I, Tang Yan, have a lot of face. I actually alarmed the two clans and directly sent an action team formed by a saint. This has never happened before in the world of Lost War. Thank you for your consideration, thank you. Thank you. "Tang Yan smiled all over his face, calm in chaos.

"You're welcome, you should." Uncle Qingyun observed Tang Yan, this was the first time he saw him with his own eyes.

"Should we fight directly now, or wait for other teams?" Tang Yan looked to the west, there seemed to be a powerful force moving there, but the closer he got here, the speed slowed down.

"Aren't you afraid?" Uncle Qingyun was curious.

"Why should I be afraid, I have chips in my hand."

"Oh? Those four saints of our clan are still alive?"

"One died, and there are three left."

"You are ruthless enough, my family has no grievances with you, why kill people?"

"Uncle, you and I are both smart people, so don't say such stupid things. Don't you kill me now? They are all wolves, why pretend to be sheep! If you are hypocritical and hypocritical, I will kill one just in advance Just some interest. Stop talking nonsense, call all the teams from the west, I have something to say before the battle begins."

"You still want to go to war? Do you think you can handle us?"

"I have partners."

"They? Counting them, you have no chance of winning." Uncle Qingyun glanced at the eight saints in the two forbidden areas, but didn't pay attention.

"Just call me over, and I'll see which team it is. We didn't know each other before, and since we're going to face off in the future, we should meet up today and get to know each other." Tang Yan swung his right hand slowly, and suddenly pushed towards the west with his palm. , Dozens of fireballs gushed out, rushing towards the distance at extreme speed.

You are not coming?I invite you to come!

Not long after, a violent roar exploded in the distance, but it disappeared in an instant, as if it was swallowed alive by some force.

"Dianzhu Tang's way of greeting is very characteristic."

A cold voice permeated the world, it seemed to come from afar, and it seemed to echo in everyone's ears. The voice was cold and ethereal, but it made everyone's souls tingle, including the Pangu clan.

Such a strong momentum!The two forbidden areas are secretly vigilant, and the sound alone is so powerful.

"excuse me, you are……"

"Under the Xuanwu Holy Throne, the Peacock Holy King!" The voice came from far to near, colorful clouds paved the way, gorgeous divine splendor unfolded, and a picturesque woman came, who was obviously holy like a fairy, but her eyes were as cold as a demon.

Behind him, the human beings transformed into four sea beasts followed respectfully, and automatically fell outside the colorful clouds, and also fell behind by hundreds of meters, showing humility and respect, but the aura of the four sea beasts was not weak.

"One of the three evil kings, the Peacock King, has long admired his name. I am only a junior, but I can't bear to attract three parties." Tang Yan stared at the Peacock King from the air, carefully sizing up this giant. fierce.

According to King Ma Yan, the true ancestors of the peacock clan have been passed down from ancient times and have been passed down to the present day. Although the number is extremely rare, they have never broken their blood, which can be called a miracle.

The peacock in front of him is the contemporary inheritor and the only inheritor.Originally, the bloodline was not pure, but when the demon emperor Phoenix fell, he obtained a large amount of imperial blood, completed the transformation of the bloodline, and his strength jumped one after another, from the peak holy state to the perfect state.

She not only has the blood of the ancients, but also the blood of the phoenix. The two powers are fused together, and her strength is extremely powerful. It can be described as terrifying, and she has also been cultivated by Xuanwu.

"Ghost blue fire symbolizes hell, and hell symbolizes the land of ghosts. You are not afraid now, you should rely on the ghosts of hell, let it out, let me appreciate it?"

The Peacock Sage King not only has the inheritance of ancient ancestors, but also inherits the memories of various generations. He knows many secrets like the back of his hand. What's more, Tang Yan showed the power of hell on the battlefield of the empire. It was rumored that Tang Yan was lucky to control a small hell, but in fact she It is clear that the ghost green fire is hell.

"It is said that there are hundreds of thousands of ghost troops stored in your hell, and there are also three or five holy ghost masters? Let them out, so we can learn more." Uncle Qingyun certainly knows about hell, although he doesn't look like a peacock The Holy King is so clear, but he also has some understanding.

Tang Yan looked around the audience, silently calculated the strength of the lineup, and said with a smile: "I, Tang Yan, am no longer the Tang Yan of the past. If you want to kill me, such a lineup is not too much."

"Oh? Really?" Uncle Qingyun sneered. They considered Tang Yan's special situation, so they mobilized such a huge lineup. Eight Holy Realms.

All saints, not one half-saint.

This kind of lineup, when rare, is enough to completely torture Tang Yan!

The most important thing is that the personal arrival of Peacock King and Uncle Qingyun is enough to make the whole battle invincible, and any accident can be dealt with.

The two forbidden areas may protect Tang Yan now, but they should not accompany Tang Yan to die. As long as one's own side shows a victorious attitude, the two forbidden areas will evacuate immediately and abandon Tang Yan ruthlessly.

This world is also cruel.

"Remember our agreement, the Yin-Yang Clan's luck away from Tang Yan will belong to me for ten years, and the Pangu Clan will dispose of it at will after ten years." Peacock Sage King spoke to both parties.

"Of course." Tai Wu and Uncle Qing Yun nodded one after another.

"Owned for ten years?" Tang Yan looked at her strangely.

"You are a rare species, how can you die so easily."

"You want me to keep a bloodline?" Tang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, the thinking of this murderous creature is different from that of normal people.

Uncle Qingyun invited to fight: "Please get out of your ghost clan, and I will give you the last battle in your life."

"Hurry up, don't dawdle, I will convince you." Tai Wu couldn't help but want to torture Tang Yan's passion and impulse.

(End of this chapter)

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