Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2312

Chapter 2312
In the distance, Tang Yan teamed up with everyone to play happily, but unfortunately, they were facing the team of the ancient gold clan and the team of the Xuanwu Sage Emperor. One, in the end there were only two.

They fought for hundreds of kilometers, and finally stopped helplessly under the majesty of the Peacock King and let them leave.

"Two, talking is better than nothing." King Ma Yan grabbed the neck of a member of the Yin-Yang tribe with his left hand.

The three-legged toad was swollen, and it was suppressing a sea beast in its stomach.

The two harvests are already very brilliant, after all, they are facing the three overlord-level forces, and the Peacock King is guarding them.In comparison, it is worthy of emotion.

"How is it? Are you all alright?" Tang Yan had already retracted into a human form, but he was seriously injured. Blood seeped through the cloak he was wearing and was stained with blood.Fortunately, his recovery was astonishing, and these physical injuries did not affect him.

"I don't even remember the last time I fought like this." The four saints on the hammer-falling ground were full of murderous aura, and the momentum of the mountains and rivers was completely stimulated, with a feeling of unfinished intentions.

Although they performed unsatisfactorily throughout the battle and were defeated by the Pangu clan many times, they were saints of the Golden Ancient clan and it was the first time they faced the legendary Pangu clan, so their defeat was understandable.

Take it as a rising experience this time, and never back down next time.

"As expected of the Ancient Gold Clan, their bloodline strength and inherited martial arts are amazing." The Lord of the Pure Yang Realm has no conceit, she recognizes the strength of the other party, and this is also the first time she has confronted such peak bloodline power head-on, so it is inevitable With emotion, there is also the enthusiasm to fight again.

"What's going on in the north? Do we have other companions?" San Shengzhu never forgot the previous 'accident', looking back, the aura seemed to have disappeared.

"It should be the Temple of the Holy Spirit, with obvious soul power." Ma Yanwang had already made a judgment.

Tang Yan smiled slightly: "Fighting also needs to be tactical and know how to use external resources reasonably. The Temple of the Holy Spirit should have discovered that there is an anomaly here, so come and take a look. We seize the opportunity to use it, and the effect is obvious, isn't it? They will check it out later. I should have fled in desperation."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing whether to say it was a good job or too cunning.

Niya said: "The Temple of the Holy Spirit controls almost all of Canglan Ancient Land, and the ancestors of the holy land should also submit to them. Counting, the power of the holy land of the Holy Spirit Hall should be more than ten. The key is their semi-holy And Zunjing group should be very large.

The world is in chaos, there are many lonely souls, and their elders and half-sages may become holy at any time, this is a place worthy of attention. "

"Shall we go to pay a visit to the Holy Spirit Hall?" Zhao Zimo straightened his bamboo hat.

The world master of Chunyang Realm suddenly said: "Can you change your outfit? My Tiansi is beautiful, noble and holy, and her temperament is not familiar with those princesses of the empire. Do you think it matches your reckless outfit?"

The corner of Zhao Zimo's mouth twitched slightly, and he was speechless for a long time.

Tian Si was ashamed: "Master, you can't be more reserved."

"What? Dare to refute me? I can accept him as my biggest concession, but he can't make some concessions? At least he should dress like a human being. I am doing it for your own good. He is cold and dry, taciturn and uninterested, you guys How will we live together for tens of thousands of years in the future?"

Ma Yanwang coughed twice: "So you like flirting, I think I can satisfy you."

"Get out of my sight." The phoenix-eyed master of the Pure Yang Realm gave him a cold look.

Tang Yan smiled sheepishly, patted Zhao Zimo's shoulder, and teased in a low voice: "Brother, your mother-in-law is not easy to greet, please do your best."

Niya said: "I think what Zhao Zimo said is right, we can visit the Holy Spirit Hall."

"Let's go, anyway."

The group set off immediately. Tang Yan took all the people from the Pure Yang Realm and the Hammer Falling Land into the hell space, including the saints. They haven't fought for a long time. Today is a warm-up and a prelude. They need to recollect and recuperate.

Ma Yanwang and others accompanied Tang Yan to the ancient land of Canglan, gearing up to teach the Holy Spirit Hall.

It's just that Fallen Heaven has already left, and notified the various branches in the southern area of ​​Canglan Ancient Land, ordering all the strong spirit clans above Zunjing to transfer, and also notified the ancestors of the two big countries in the southern Canglan Ancient Land, requesting They headed north immediately, and left as soon as possible.

On the way, Luotian ordered all the branches of the Holy Spirit Temple in the south, east, and west of Canglan Ancient Land, as well as the ancestors of various big countries, to take action.

So when Tang Yan was active in various major countries, all the news he got was 'evacuated'.

That is to say, in the entire southern region, the upper floors of the Temple of the Holy Spirit were completely removed, and all were moved to the north, or somewhere else in the east or west.

Unless Tang Yan wants to search across most of the Qitian Continent, it will be difficult to find the hidden location of the high-level people in the Holy Spirit Hall at this moment.

Tang Yan and the others discussed it for a while, but there was no point in continuing to pursue it.If the pursuit continues, no one will be found within three to five months, and the ancient land of Canglan has already been covered by the eyeliner of the Holy Spirit Hall. Chasing here is tantamount to cat and mouse, and it is difficult to succeed.

He was just looking at it casually, there is no need to be serious.

After a brief investigation, Tang Yan and his party headed north at full speed, heading towards the ancient country of Xingluo.

When Tang Yan officially returned to Xingluo Ancient Country, the Yin-Yang clan had already returned to the clan, and all high-level officials outside the clan were convened, and an emergency meeting was held to re-evaluate Tang Yan himself and the guarding forces around him.

During this fight, they could be regarded as having a real understanding of Tang Yan.

Not only did Taishu Qingyun test his true combat effectiveness, but he also understood Tang Yan's most dangerous place—his hell space has matured.

According to preliminary estimates, Tang Yan's hell space can accommodate more than a dozen holy realms.

The phrase 'you never know how many assistants I have around me' has become the most worrying word of the Yin Yang family at this stage.

From this point of view, Tang Yan's strength was outrageous and out of control. No matter who wanted to hunt him down, he had to touch a dozen or twenty holy powers, otherwise, he would be killed.However, saints are rare and scarce, and even the Lost Battle Realm rarely uses saints to form an action team. Who can dispatch twenty saints at once to encircle and suppress.

The Yin-Yang family came up with a comprehensive evaluation - if they want to hunt and kill Tang Yan at this stage, unless they are ruthless and don't do anything, just kill Tang Yan.Either list him as the number one dangerous target, try to avoid contact, find another opportunity, and plan to kill him.

After being sorted out repeatedly, the news was sent to the senior management of other clans, and also to the sea beast troops in the depths of the South China Sea.

On the other hand, after all the members of the Holy Spirit Hall were evacuated, an emergency meeting was held somewhere in the north of Canglan after a month-long preparation.

Pei Kuang, the master of the Holy Spirit Hall, had a cloudy face: "The spirit clan still can't connect, I'm afraid it's more ominous than good. No matter what Tang Yan said is true or false, we treat it with the worst assumption."

The way he used to penetrate the two worlds originated from the "imperial power stone" held tightly in his hand. It was a special weapon personally forged by the Holy Spirit Hall when it was preparing for this matter. Pei Kuang brought it here.

The imperial power stone in Pei Kuang's hand is the strongest, sealing at least a tenth of the imperial power in the Holy Spirit Hall.

Once it is unilaterally activated by Pei Kuang, the imperial power inside will collude with the two worlds and hit the center of the spirit clan - the ancestral hall.

There is the same imperial power stone in the ancestral hall, which will be activated after being affected.

The Holy Spirit Emperor will come to the ancestral hall in person, and with the help of the two imperial power stones, he will send a message across the endless void.

The Imperial Power Stone here is equal to a clone of the Holy Spirit Temple, so the two can go beyond the limitation of space and have some simple communication.

Because the energy in the Royal Power Stone is limited, Pei Kuang would not dare to use it under normal circumstances. Basically, the Palace of the Holy Spirit over there activated the Royal Power Stone first, and he made a question here, and he responded here.

But in the past two years, he did not hesitate to use up the power inside to activate it repeatedly.But there was no more response, there was lifeless and silent.

It stands to reason that the ancestral temple should be able to get the information, but why didn't it reflect it?

Unless the ancestral hall is destroyed!

There is also a very lucky assumption that the Emperor Power Stone there was accidentally destroyed, and the Holy Spirit Emperor could no longer contact here.

However, from the current point of view, the possibility of such a fluke seems extremely low.

Vice-Hall Master Luo Tian said: "Hall Master, we must prepare for the worst. No matter what happened to the Spirit Race, we can't take care of us at this stage. Tang Yan is back, the Yin-Yang Clan is back, and the Holy Emperor Xuanwu is back. Now, the Great War of the Qitian Continent is about to break out, since the Spirit Race can't take care of us, we must find a way to survive on our own."

The other deputy hall master Pei Ming said: "What Luotian said is correct. We are Tang Yan's mortal enemies and broke up the Daqian Dynasty. Our group of people who came here in the past actually deceived the Yin-Yang clan. Now that they are back, They will never let us go. We are now facing three powerful enemies, each stronger than the other, and we must make a choice, otherwise we will surely go to destruction."

An elder said: "The analysis of the two palace masters is very correct. We must make a choice now, otherwise let alone dominate the world, survival will be very difficult. Especially now that the two forbidden areas belong to Tang Yan, we will no longer have The goal to strive for."

Pei Kuang said: "If you have any concerns, feel free to bring them up."

Fallen Heaven said: "I have a plan, to form an alliance with the Yin-Yang clan!"

Pei Kuang looked at Luotian, then at Pei Ming: "Have you discussed it in private?"

Pei Ming said: "Before the Palace Master came, we had just discussed it. Although we had a feud with the Yin-Yang clan, we did deceive them back then, but now Tang Yan has completely turned against the Yin-Yang clan because of the matter of the two forbidden places. We have negotiated possibility.

What the Yin-Yang tribe lacks most now is information, the understanding of the world, and the ability to detect the world's intelligence in a timely manner.And our Holy Spirit Hall is absolutely superior to the Eye of Heaven in the hands of Zhulu Academy in this regard.

With a common enemy and specific advantages, if we in the Holy Spirit Temple take the initiative to propose an alliance and lower our posture appropriately, the Yin-Yang clan should seriously consider our proposal. "

Luotian also said: "We can still use this opportunity to find out about the situation of the spirit race in the Lost Battle Realm. Even if we make compromises now, there will definitely be opportunities for counterattacks in the future. Besides, it is not considered compromises, but mutual use. Mutual benefit and win-win.

I petition to visit the Yin-Yang tribe in person, as long as they have some insight, they should accept us.With the background of the Yin-Yang clan, I think we can flex our muscles in the future, use the power of the Yin-Yang clan to disrupt the world, absorb more energy, and strengthen our Holy Spirit Temple. "

"What about Dagan Dynasty?" Pei Kuang didn't really want to give up Dagan Dynasty directly. After all, he put a lot of energy there, and he was the one who prepared it, so he really didn't want to give up.

Fallen Heaven said: "False and submissive snakes! Yang Feng Yin violates! We can swallow our anger, continue to unite with the Dagan Dynasty, continue to play a role there, and use the Dagan Dynasty to attack the ancient Xingluo country in an all-round way. The biggest power in Tang Yan's hands now is Xingluo. As long as the ancient Xingluo country Destruction, what capital does Tang Yan have to go crazy?
But this must be explained to the Yin-Yang family, so that they know what to do, so as not to cause misunderstandings between the two parties. "

Pei Kuang thought about it seriously for a while: "Elders and palace envoys, what do you think?"

"I agree with the opinions of the two deputy hall masters."

"Where are the ancestors?" Pei Kuang looked at the silent ancestors from various countries.

"I'll cooperate with all my strength." The saints and patriarchs from all major countries expressed their views together.

"Okay! If that's the case, our Holy Spirit Hall will play a big game. The bright alliance and the dark alliance Yin and Yang will use their power to make the chaos in the world worse and help my Holy Spirit Hall to rise again. Falling into the sky, you go there in person Yin-Yang clan, Pei Ming, you go to Daqian Dynasty."

"Take orders." The two deputy hall masters got up one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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