Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2323 Ingratitude

Chapter 2323 Ingratitude
"Are you a lunatic? I don't want to hear the truth, what do you want to hear? Tang Yan is still inside?" Feng Xianyue secretly gathered his momentum and fought back at any time. He would rather die than let the other party be seriously injured. He has this confidence.

"Whether Tang Yan stays or leaves, you have no reason to cause massacres in my Tianji Pavilion." Ning Hongshou finally looked at the blond man in front of him, not daring to be careless.This person's every move is so clean and neat, and the murderous aura seems to flow in every part of his body, which is dreadful.

This is not a person, he looks like a killing sword, and lives for killing.

"I'll give you one last chance, where is Tang Yan?" Matthews asked again, the tip of his sword touched Feng Xianyue's flesh and blood.The piercing sword qi emanated from the tip of the sword, like fine needle points, rushing at his wound, exacerbating the deterioration of the wound, bringing a bone-chilling chill and a sense of danger.

The right ear wound was close to the skull, and as long as Matthews exerted a little force, his head would definitely explode.

Feng Xianyue confronted indifferently, without fear of danger: "We have no reason to deceive you. Could it be that you think we have detained Tang Yan? Our Tianji Pavilion has neither the ability nor reason. Tianji Pavilion has been loyal to the royal family for generations and killed Tang Yan. Yan is tantamount to destroying the empire, why should we do this?

Tang Yan had already left, he did not board Yunmeng Terrace, and neither did the others.This afternoon, he suddenly got some news and left in a hurry, saying that he was returning to the front line of the empire. He did not explain the rest to us, nor did he leave any message. "

Ning Hongshou scolded impatiently: "Look at my Tianji Pavilion, it seems that there has been a war? Or do you think my Tianji Pavilion has the ability to detain Tang Yan and his friends silently?
For the sake of you being Tang Yan's friend, we don't need to pursue your current behavior deeply, but you must apologize, and then go as far as you can. "

"I'll go in and check it myself." Matthews doesn't care what you call, I think you have a ghost here, and there must be a ghost. If you don't check it out, you will never stop.

Feng Xianyue and Ning Hongshou exchanged glances: "Yes, please."

Get in and kill you! !
"Hold on!"

"Wait for what?"


"You dare not enter by yourself?" Ning Hongshou snorted coldly, trying to provoke.



At this moment, the auras of Ma Yanwang and others appeared in the distance, sprinting at extreme speed, and came straight here.

The faces of Feng Xianyue and the two of them darkened, so fast?Although it was reported that the whereabouts of Ma Yanwang and others were surreptitious, and it was impossible to determine whether they were really in the palace, they were not found near the mountains.

However, it doesn't matter, it's only a matter of time to hold on for a while, and when they enter the Tianji Pavilion, they won't find anything.

When Ma Yanwang and the others arrived here, their hearts tightened, something happened!
"What's going on?" King Ma Yan came striding forward, his murderous intent making people dreadful.

Matthews briefly explained the process, and the faces of everyone in the Pure Yang Realm and the Hammer Falling Land all sank. Isn't this a fart?Tang Yan clearly knew that his group of people were in ambush nearby, no matter how anxious he was, he could spare a little time to pass on the message, and it was absolutely impossible for him to leave silently.

"Search!" Ma Yanwang waved his hand and walked directly into Tianji Pavilion, completely ignoring Feng Xianyue and Ning Hongshou's obstruction, and no matter what nonsense they said.

Everyone dispersed and walked into Tianji Pavilion with a murderous look. Matthews kept Feng Xianyue hostage.

"Try to keep in touch, there's something weird about it." Ma Yanwang sent a message to everyone, no matter what tricks Tianji Pavilion played, it was impossible for Tang Yan to disappear silently.But things just happened, and the impossible became possible. What kind of delicate layout does this require?What a terrible power!

"Lord Ma Ling, it's a pleasure to meet you. Master Tianji Pavilion, Yao Wu." Yao Wu walked out of the main peak to welcome King Ma Yan.

Ma Yanwang glanced at him coldly, then looked in other directions: "Where is my young master?"

"Young Master Tang has something urgent to leave. In the afternoon, he suddenly received a message that he left in a hurry." Yao Wu was warm and calm, elegant and friendly, and his words seemed to be very credible.

However... "Fart your mother!" Ma Yanwang roared, shaking all the mountains.

Yao Wu frowned slightly: "Master Ma Ling, what is the meaning of this? I, Tianji Pavilion, treat each other very well. No matter how courteous I am to Mr. Tang, or to you, why did you get so angry?"

"You old bastard, back then Black Cloud City saw you as disliked by Tianji Pavilion, and today you are putting on airs in front of me. Who are you fooling? Treat others as fools, and don't mind others treating you as farts. My young master morning Just send me a message, saying that you have ulterior motives in the Tianji Pavilion, we all wait outside the mountains, no matter how anxious the young master is to leave, at least give me a message."

"That's a matter between you and your young master, and has nothing to do with my Tianji Pavilion. If Master Ma Ling dares to be so presumptuous again, I can only see off the guests."

"Old man, I will give you another chance to hand over my young master, otherwise I will kill you with my own hands."

Yao Wu restrained his gentleness and restored his majestic posture: "Master Ma Ling, please pay attention to your identity, and also pay attention to the status of my Tianji Pavilion. Although you have helped the empire many times, my Tianji Pavilion has guarded Xingluo for tens of thousands of years. Luo has trained countless generals, you dare to kill me Yao Wu? You dare to destroy my Tianji Pavilion? The royal family will never spare you lightly, and the front lines of the military region will also be in chaos. Can you afford this price? You can’t afford it!”

"So, you don't want to pay? My young master has never paid attention to your evil deeds in Heiyun City. The captive Jing Feiyu has not caused her to be wronged for many years. This return, let alone saved your disciple regardless of the past. .This is your reward? The most disgusting hypocrite in my life. You are not only a hypocrite, but you are also ungrateful." Ma Yanwang clenched his fists hard, and his eyes were cold.

"Whatever you say, I don't care as much about the royal family as you do. If you are a little rational and have a sense of the overall situation, don't talk about destroying the Tianji Pavilion, because you... dare not!"

Yao Wu concluded that Ma Yanwang would not dare to destroy Tianji Pavilion, otherwise the reprimand from Xingluo Ancient Kingdom would collapse Ma Yanwang and other people, and the military's resistance would also make Ma Yanwang and others panic.Now Ma Yanwang and others have to rely on the ancient Xingluo country to survive. Once the whole country protests, Ma Yanwang will not be able to afford it.

If King Ma Yan was still sensible, he would never dare to slaughter.

And... King Ma Yan couldn't find any evidence that Tianji Pavilion killed Tang Yan. Yao Wu snorted coldly, waved his hand suddenly, and shouted: "See off!"

All the Sifang elders took a step forward and shouted loudly: "Send..."

Ma Yanwang waited for the past, everyone was dumbfounded, their mouths were open but they refused to make a sound.

Ning Hongshou said bitterly: "Ma Yan Wang, what is your attitude? Don't deceive people too much, this is Tianji Pavilion, not your Jiulongling, Zhang Kuang also depends on the place."

"This is still the Tianji Pavilion for the time being. When I find out something, this is your tomb." Ma Yanwang waved his hand suddenly, and Matthews and others all dispersed and searched everywhere.

"Ma Long, you are going too far." Yao Wu yelled loudly.

The other disciples of Tianji Pavilion were also furious, wishing to go up and kill this group of villains, Tianji Pavilion is high above, powerful and powerful, when will someone come to bully them.It's breaking through levels, killing people, and messing around again. Did you take Tianji Pavilion seriously?

"Eat what you want to eat now, and play what you want to play, maybe your head will be separated from your ugly body later." Ma Yan Wang set out in person to search and arrest among the mountains.

Yao Wu was annoyed, his elegant demeanor was blown away by this rude behavior.

Ning Hongshou rushed over quickly: "Pavilion Master, we must find a way to suppress Ma Yan Wang's arrogance, he is too arrogant."

"How? He looks like a mad dog now."

"But you can't just let him be presumptuous like this."

"Have all the traces of the battle been hidden?"

"Most of it has been covered up, and the rest are superficial phenomena. In short, there are no traces of Tang Yan's battle."

Yao Wu was silent for a long time, then whispered: "You go to the palace in person and inform the royal family. If possible, please inform the Emperor. Also inform the other disciples, what to do, this is the Tianji Pavilion, anyone who dares to act presumptuously here will be punished." Severe punishment."

"Royal family? Is it time now? Do you want to try to contact the clan first?"

"No time, I will be responsible for my decision, you just ask."

Ma Yanwang and others scattered to different areas, didn't care about wasting time in ordinary places, and all concentrated in secret places and dangerous places for activities.In fact, they couldn't figure out what happened, but at least they could be sure that Tang Yan was killed.

In fact, different areas of the Tianji Pavilion were destroyed in the previous battles, but with the personal efforts of many elders of the Tianji Pavilion, nothing can be seen on the surface. It's normal under the cloud cover.

A quarter of an hour passed, half an hour passed, an hour passed, and finally turned into the night, but the Tianji Pavilion was too large, and Ma Yanwang and others searched over and over again. Although they found many suspicious things, they did not find Tang Ling. The traces of the disappearance of Yan and others, although many places are damaged, but these damages do not seem to be left by Tang Yan.

Ma Yanwang temporarily judged that if a battle really happened, with Tang Yan's power, the Tianji Pavilion should no longer exist, and they could feel it from a distance. Mysterious power, or a special area, or objects such as drugs.

This is the key to his search.

(End of this chapter)

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