Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2338 Undead Celestial Body

Chapter 2338 Undead Celestial Body
Everyone was speechless for a while, even though they were used to this wonderful pair of master and apprentice, they couldn't stand it anymore.

Mo Yansheng said: "We can organize an air force team and enter the void abyss once..."

Before he finished talking, Li Yun suddenly said: "Your family also raises pigs?"

"What?" Mo Yansheng was startled.

Li Yun looked at Mo Yansheng's head: "That place was also licked by pigs?"

"..." Mo Yansheng almost choked.

Everyone was full of black lines. If they didn't know his character, they might have started fighting now.

"The little guy is living well now, do you need your help? I'm not in a hurry, my wife is in a hurry. I've lived in vain for tens of thousands of years? It's too restless." Li Yun's helpless look made everyone even more helpless.

"We must save people!" Ma Yanwang didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and said directly to Mo Yansheng: "Organize a team to enter the void abyss, regularly enter from different directions, and go deep for ten days each time. Bring the young master back."

"Wait, I dropped something." Li Yun said suddenly.


"I lost a pig."

"What do you mean?"

Li Yun looked at King Ma Yan expressionlessly: "I lost a pig in the sea, and now I don't know where it was washed up by the sea, please tell me how to find it?"

"..." This time even Ma Yan Wang was choked for a long time and could not speak.

Li Yun said lazily: "How big is the Void Abyss? I will spread some knowledge to you kids. First use your brains to think hard, as big as you can, and then I will tell you, the Void Abyss is actually The range is ten thousand times larger than what you can imagine!"

"..." Everyone was speechless again. This old thing dressed like a beggar and spoke like a rascal, turned out to be a mysterious and sacred Kongwu?His deeds and words have repeatedly refreshed the bottom line of everyone's understanding of the word Kongwu.

The old man Bai forced a smile on his face: "Brother Li Yun, can we listen to it first? After listening, we can express our opinions?"

Everyone tried their best to smile and nodded to him: "Please?"

"Sorry, I'm used to it. When the pigs at home say something wrong, I can't help but teach them a lesson." Li Yun's first two sentences made people feel relieved, but the second half made people tangled and painful again.

"The words are not crude, but what brother Li Yun said is actually very reasonable. Looking for Tang Yan in the abyss of void is like finding a needle in a haystack..." Mo Yansheng quickly changed the subject, but just as he said something, Li Yun suddenly said something . "Good taste."

Mo Yansheng coughed twice, and continued: "But we can't just sit around like this, we should do something. Our current air force is very rich, and can be divided into three parts, and one part will continue to receive the transfer of the powerful members of the Zhanmeng. Here, I am responsible for dealing with the special situation between the two worlds, part of it assists the New Zhanmeng to resist the attacks of various races, and part of it follows me into the abyss of void to find Tang Yan."

"We agree!" All the air warriors nodded one after another.

After the combination of the left-handed Kongwu and the Qitian Dalu Kongwu, the lineups of the two sides have doubled, and Li Yun's peak holy realm has greatly increased their lineup.So far, the Air Armed Forces, including those sitting here and those busy in the void, has a total of ten saints, and 24 semi-saints, which can be described as an unprecedented lineup.

"He's very strong and elegant. I admire the old man." Li Yun gave a thumbs up and whispered to himself: "Before you leave, you'd better leave some clothes and weapons behind. It’s better to pack up the relics and put them in the coffin.”

The faces of the crowd of Kongwu turned blue and white, and it took a long time to filter out his words.

"Don't be unhappy, there is someone like me who is willing to arrange funerals for you, why don't you have some fun?" Li Yun stretched his waist, leaned back on the seat without any image, tapped Erlang's legs, and sang to himself Sing it yourself.

He is more aware of the horror of the abyss of void than anyone else. Over the years, he has worked hard to explore the passage between the two worlds, and has gone deep into the abyss of void many times. Almost every time he has almost died, if it is not for his life and cleverness, he does not know how many times he has died.So I subconsciously resent the matter of going deep into the void to save people.

"The Abyss of Void is not any other place. If you want to explore it, you must be above the holy realm, and you must also have attainments in void marks. I suggest..." Mo Yansheng hadn't finished his sentence.

"Don't get me wrong, I'll prepare the coffin and choose a geomantic treasure to bury you. Don't give it away, no thanks." Li Yun shrank into the void and disappeared without a trace.

"Senior Li Yun's mouth hurts his heart, everyone forgive me." The kong warriors in Qitian Continent smiled wryly and helped Li Yun to escape.Those words just now are really unacceptable. If you don't have any courage, you will have been blown up by him long ago.They are used to it, but they are afraid that Mo Yansheng and Ma Yanwang will not be able to bear it.

Mo Yansheng didn't care: "Let Senior Li Yun stay and sit in the town. He is very powerful and can be trusted. I suggest me and Suni Beast, and bring two saints, Kongwu, and Chocolate, and the five of us go deep Void. Lao Bai, you continue to maintain the void channel to ensure the continuous smooth flow between the two realms.

As for the battle in Wudi City, please don't get involved, Lao Bai. You maintain the passage while you cultivate and recover.You have been too tired these years, if you don't rest, you will collapse without the enemy attacking you. "

Ma Yanwang and others stood up one after another: "Thank you for your kindness, thank you for your hard work!"

They all knew the horror of the Void Abyss, especially Li Yun's repeated and fierce opposition, which made their hearts tense, but they were really worried about Tang Yan's situation.

Not long after, Li Yun's head popped up again, his eyes rolled and turned, and he looked at the crowd: "I have to go? Are you so stubborn?"

"There are many difficult and unrealistic things in this world. Some things cannot be touched, but some things can be tried. Since it is necessary and capable to do this thing today, we should give it a go."

"Tang Yan is alive and well now, so you need to die to look for it? You went to search for it by chance, and Tang Yan might come back by chance? The chances of the two lucks are the same."

"Tang Yan can't come back by himself, we have to go." Mo Yansheng was very determined, stemming from the worry in his heart.He had bet everything on Tang Yan many years ago, and he couldn't afford to lose.

Li Yun frowned and said for a while, "Leave my unsatisfactory apprentice behind, and I will go with you."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they were all excited.

"Don't look at me like that. Void Abyss bullied me back then. I'm going back to take revenge this time. Wait for me, I'll get a kitchen knife." Li Yun disappeared again.

Mo Yansheng smiled wryly and shook his head: "This too personal..."

"With Senior Li Yun accompanying us, we feel more at ease. Mo, everyone, our brothers treat Tang Yan... Thank you." Xuanyuan Longli and Du Yang bowed deeply. They really wanted to accompany them to find , It's a pity that they can't go deep into the void. It's rare that this group of seniors can really care about Tang Yan, and they are silently moved.

...the endless void, the eternal darkness.

Boundless desolation, forever cold.

This place belongs to the core area of ​​the void abyss. The most terrifying danger is no longer the overwhelming cracks of destruction, but the eternal silence and boundless darkness. This place can exhaust the spiritual power of all creatures, and can make normal and emotional creatures live in silence. Crash hopeless.

It is the void crack that kills the weak!
The one who kills the strong will be himself!

Tang Yan wandered in the void for three years with that pitiful hope in his arms. It was an incredible three years, three years of suffering and tenacity. He not only persisted, but also tempered himself inside and out.

The boundless darkness and eternal barrenness have honed his mind, allowing him to temper his emotions in constant despair and collapse.Even Tang Yan self-created a set of secret methods from Long Kui's secret method, allowing himself to seal up his emotions for a certain period of time, and let his emotions return to zero, similar to the martial arts of extinguishing emotions.

However, Tang Yan's is temporary sealing, short-term sealing, not complete erasure.

This is also the idea that Tang Yan sprouted in constant despair, and he successfully practiced it in more than half a year of persistence, which is equivalent to creating his own first martial art.Although it was not a complete creation, it was a derivative perception, but it also made him realize the magic of creating martial arts, and gave him a new understanding of the meridian circulation and spiritual power transformation.

This set of martial arts might be useful in fighting the demon girl.

Repeated blows from cracks toughened Tang Yan's physique. His physical body was already strong, but that was entirely due to the toughness of Long Kui's demon body itself, just the power of his blood.But now, after continuous tempering, destruction and rebirth again and again, Tang Yan's Longkui demon body has been fully sublimated, and his physical body has reached a terrifying level of toughness.

He can face the turbulence of the void directly, and he can cut through the cracks with his sharp claws.

He is like a sword embryo, formed in the forging of thousands of tempers.

I don't know when Tang Yan began to enjoy the suffering of the void.

This place is desolate, dangerous, mysterious, and there are countless opportunities.Here, he has a new understanding of himself, allows him to develop better, makes him understand a lot of truths that he doesn't understand, and also realizes how extraordinary his Shuanghuang bloodline is.

Tang Yan not only tried to create martial arts, but also mastered Long Kui's secret skills in the continuous display of martial arts, so that he can perform them with ease.

When the outside world entered 521 years, Tang Yan's repeated acceptance of blood gifts from the Blood Soul Tree led to the explosion of the Qi Sea Blood Pill, which collapsed into an endless sea of ​​blood filled with Qi.

So far, the Undead Yantian Art has undergone a comprehensive transformation, and the long-awaited immortal celestial body has finally been cast.

Immortal celestial body, immortal and immortal!
The fifth and most powerful derived secret skill of Immortal Yan Tian Jue has finally been revived and inherited.Let Tang Yan lose his composure and laugh wildly in the endless hell, in the whole world, among the saints, who can destroy me? !
(End of this chapter)

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