Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2340 The Dust Settles

Chapter 2340 The Dust Settles
Tang Yan entrenched in the void with the dragon kui demon body, with invisible power blooming all over his body, continuously hitting the abyss of the void, expanding layer by layer, like a giant net, constantly expanding and stretching, to Completely include the wreckage of hell.

Huo Ling'er bloomed with green flames, her figure rose again, she held the entrenched Long Kui with both hands, standing in the dark abyss, surrounded by the wreckage of hell, she was as beautiful as a fairy, as cold as a goddess, and she was also constantly devouring the dragon from hell. energy of.

The hell energy entrenched here returned quickly, like rivers and seas, rushing in vastness, scrambling to break into Huo Linger's body, and through Huo Linger, break into Tang Yan's hell space.

The injection of this energy impacts the energy system of hell, but they are of the same origin, so there is no repulsion, but the energy in hell is quickly filled.

Hell grows again, and the chaotic region continues to stretch.But this time the energy did not violently ravage hell. The existing hell form remained stable, while the distant edge was shaking and expanding, and the vast ocean was also expanding rapidly.

All the ghost masters look up at the void, release themselves, and continuously devour the energy from the void, and a large number of ghost clans are also devouring it with all their strength, and they are also growing rapidly.

For hell, this is a century of upheaval, and this is also a full-scale reproduction.

Even in the depths of the North Sea in the fierce sea area, a brand new group of 'water tigers' reappeared.

They lost their first generation of ghost masters, but they have the command of the master of the fierce world. They were born in groups, representing the full recovery of the ghost race in the sea area.They do not have the first generation of ghost masters, but they all have the blood of ghost masters, and eventually develop into a complete group.

Tang Yan calmly accepted the gift of hell, inherited the inherited memory brought by hell, and the millions of years of historical changes in hell's reproduction.

The power from the void poured into Hell, causing Hell to grow violently, from a juvenile form to a mature man.

The existence of the young witch is like a giant pillar of the sky, firmly controlling everything, so that all changes are carried out in an orderly manner, and all developments are logical. Tang Yan does not need to take care of it at all. All you need to do is to bear it hard and concentrate on awakening memory , to maximize the effect of this opportunity.

This devouring lasted for half a year, which shows how vast the power preserved in the wreckage of hell is. Tang Yan was about to explode several times, but all of them were saved under the control of the young witch.

This sudden opportunity and transformation made Tang Yan's strength advance by leaps and bounds again.

The state of Dzogchen is like a vast ocean. Stepping into Dzogchen is equivalent to having the outline of the vast ocean, but the outline of the vast ocean is empty. It needs repeated practice and continuous growth in the later stage to gradually enrich the vast ocean and continue to expand the vast ocean.

But now, with the return of the power of hell and the blending of the wreckage of hell, the outline of Wang Yang that Tang Yan just owned has been rapidly enriched.

Mo Yansheng and others went deep into the void one after another, but they were still unable to find any traces, because Tang Yan was at the core of hell. Half a year later, Tang Yan swallowed all the power of hell, merged into the wreckage of hell, and officially fell into silence .

Tang Yan is like a hard rock, floating in the boundless darkness, everything is so quiet, without any waves, without the slightest light, only the invisible energy is fused in the invisible.

The 523rd year of the Central Plains calendar!
In the fifth year since Tang Yan left, the chaos in the world has officially settled.

The Huanyu Kingdom officially changed its country name to Huanyu Empire, which symbolized the rise of the sixth largest empire in the Central Plains and brought a huge impact to the countries of the Central Plains. It seemed to indicate that the biggest winner had been born in this 12-year-old battle of the century!

Not the five great empires, not the forbidden lands, but the once largest kingdom.

So far, the secret of Holy Emperor Xuanwu's control of the universe is no longer so secret, it is in a semi-public state, no one dares to question, no one dares to provoke, and the word "empire" is silently recognized.

The Tianquan Empire has stabilized the civil strife, but it has never fully opened the country as it did back then, but has selectively accepted it and started to restrain internal forces. You not only survive here, but also have to fulfill your obligations.

The war between the ancient kingdom of Xingluo and the Dagan Dynasty has officially come to an end.The borders of the two sides have returned to their original state, with no occupied area and no occupied area.

Looking back at the 12th century war, apart from the loss of national power, the sacrifice of soldiers, internal and external troubles, and repeated chaos, the two empires did not actually gain other benefits. On the contrary, the kingdoms and empires in other regions developed vigorously.

The Dagan Dynasty had to cease fighting, because the alliance between the ancient Xingluo country and the reincarnation clan had become more and more obvious.

The Dagan Dynasty had to cease fighting, because the royal family found that the Holy Spirit Temple was gradually getting out of control, and instead had close ties with the Ancient Golden Clan of a certain side.

The Dagan Dynasty had to cease fighting, because the Huanyu Kingdom had already merged with the Dagan Northern Border and renamed it the Empire.

The Dagan Dynasty had to cease fighting because the Holy Empire had already cooperated deeply with the Yin-Yang Clan.The northern border of the Holy Empire and the Dagan Dynasty are only thousands of miles away.

It seems that within a few years, the once most glorious and prosperous Dagan Dynasty has come to the most dangerous point. There is the Ancient Xingluo Kingdom in the west, the Holy Empire in the south, the Huanyu Empire in the north, and the New Zhanmeng in the northeast.

It's embarrassing that good fortune tricks people.

Even the Daqian Dynasty is also sad. They fought for 12 years, won continuously, and rarely lost, but now they have fallen into such a situation.The Daqian Dynasty may become the first tragic empire in history that is going to perish amid continuous victories. They can't imagine how future generations will evaluate them.

The Dagan Dynasty not only had to stop the war, but also had to find a new way to break the situation, otherwise they would really become the laughing stock of history.

Compared with the step-by-step crisis of the Daqian Dynasty, the New Zhanmeng is no different from another shining star today.

The New Zhanmeng has not only withstood attacks from all sides time and time again, but also survived tenaciously, proudly announcing their existence to the world.

During this period, the new Zhanmeng successively recruited the strongest team from the Zhanmeng in the Temple of Heaven——Hu Ben cavalry.

This troop has developed into a real iron cavalry after a lot of tempering. Today, there are five major teams with a thousand members.All cavalry and ferocious beasts are above the realm of high-level Martial Kings. Each combat individual is not only powerful on its own, but also guarded by blackwater leeches of the same level. They are matched with war beasts of the same level. It is not a problem for the combined strength to be one against five, coupled with their tempering After decades of sword formation, no one would dare to ignore this team.

Two years ago, Lan and Luo Hu were fully trained by the Temple of the Son of Heaven. With the support of other temples many times, they finally lived up to everyone's expectations. The environment has reversed the combat effectiveness of the tiger and iron cavalry.

The combination of Lan and Luo Hu, the perfect combination of assassination and chaos, is destined to be invincible!
The semi-sacred realm of the five captains including Tang Ba, and the lineup of [-] Martial Venerables born one after another, finally gave the Huben Iron Cavalry the capital to be proud of all parties, and became the strongest team in the Zhanmeng.

The high-level members of their Tiger and Ben Iron Cavalry were able to be fully cultivated by the Quanzhan League, not only because of Tang Yan's affection, but more importantly, because of the hard work of the Tiger and Ben Iron Cavalry over the years.

In the more than a year since they came to the Qitian Continent, the Tiger and Ben Iron Cavalry has become the strongest special warfare force in the new war alliance, and it is also an all-round team. They almost swept the battlefield, winning every battle, and never losing.

The brilliant fighting power of the Tiger's Iron Cavalry not only alarmed the attacking forces, but also spread to all parts of the Central Plains through the attention of the intelligence systems of all parties, making the name of the Tiger's Cardinal Cavalry a sensation.

However, there was not too much excitement inside the new Zhanmeng. Instead, they were entangled and worried, because the air force had tried countless times, but they could not find any traces of Tang Yan. Instead, they completely lost contact after an expedition eight months ago. , never came back.

If Ke Yutong hadn't shown that Tang Yan was changing drastically, they would really have collapsed.

The Air Armed Forces reorganized and formed a team to search in the void, but they never found traces of Mo Yansheng and others, as if they had drifted into the void, submerged in darkness and cold, life and death were uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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