Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2369 More ruthless behind

Chapter 2369 More ruthless behind
Buzzing, the high-altitude black tide suddenly exploded, rushing in all directions again, as if some terrible monster was stirring up the world behind the black mist.

A [-]-color radiance erupted from the deepest part of the black tide, and then stirred up turbulent ripples, which were very faint but very dazzling.

There was a loud bang, as if Pangu opened the sky and the earth, and the divine radiance suddenly rippled in the sky and magnified violently. The gate of hell that was about to disappear suddenly became turbulent. Shi Shenhui, like a scorching sun rushing out of the darkness, showing light.

The Peacock Sage King came out of hell, bursting out thousands of rays of light, streaks of auspicious colors rolled across the sky and earth, and streaks of colorful clouds covered the sky and covered the earth.Accompanied by a peacock's long cry, it was like seeing the sun and the moon through the clouds and mists, and it became the most shining star in the world, causing bursts of inhalation sounds.

Tang Yan staggered back, almost sitting on the ground, his face was very ugly.This is his disguise, deliberately concealing his strength.But now he has a little doubt whether he released the Peacock King, or did the Peacock King come out by himself?The energy just now was really terrifying.He could be sure that the Peacock Sage King was no less than Qiao Yi.

Monster beasts already have stronger physique and inheritance than human beings, and have even more powerful power, let alone this fierce monster who has obtained the true blood of the phoenix.

"Hell has grown very well, but your realm is a little bit worse." The Peacock King bloomed with colorful brilliance, extremely gorgeous, dazzling and fascinated, and also aroused the fighting spirit of the four clans again.With such a strong man in charge, we have nothing to fear!

Tang Yan pretended to be seriously injured, and stood at a high altitude tottering.

If he joined forces with Ma Yanwang, it would not be a problem to kill the Peacock Sage King, but the problem was that after killing him, Xuanyuan and the others who were watching in the void could not be killed, and the matter would still spread.Tang Yan didn't want to expose his true strength for the time being, and he wasn't ready to face the old monster Xuanwu. He was busy enough to anger a reincarnation clan. If he dragged Xuanwu in again, he would really be overwhelmed.

Now Xuanwu just regards him as an enemy, far from the level of fast after killing him, but once he kills the Peacock King, the situation will be quite different.

So... Tang Yan made a brief signal to King Ma Yan that today is not the time.The benefits of killing the Peacock King are not directly proportional to the consequences, and the gains outweigh the losses.

At this moment, Xuanyuan appeared, and walked out of the void in the distance, but he did not fully appear, so as not to be affected by the energy of the battlefield and hurt himself.She was at the edge of the void, lying cross-lyed by a ferocious space monster. "Everyone, today's battle is over, what do you think?"

But before the words fell, Ren Tianzhu defeated the powerful enemy in the distance, and took out the souls of the reincarnation clansman who was fighting in front of him. The paper figurine swallowed them and trapped them in the empty body. There were crunching and chewing sounds, as well as miserable screams, which were creepy.

At this moment, Liuli and other people from other directions successfully inflicted heavy damage on the powerful enemy. Langya and Du Yang took the opportunity to intervene, resulting in the death of a member of the Samsara tribe and a sea beast monster saint, and blood spilled on the river and sea, alarming all the battle circles , Let the teams of all ethnic groups who were just about to feel the excitement once again frightened.

The sudden change in the battle situation to this point is equivalent to the liberation of the five saints in Tang Yan's camp.

"Stop!" Xuanyuan uttered again, held by the space monster, and blasted out an ear-piercing wave, hitting the audience, spreading all the circle of battle, and suppressing the momentum of both sides fighting, but Du Yang and others still Endlessly entangled, crushing the enemy and beating him fatly.

"Stop first." Tang Yan waited coldly for a long time before waving. Du Yang and others withdrew from the battle circle, and everyone ceased fighting one after another. There was a dull loud noise, obviously the fight inside was in full swing.

The saints of all ethnic groups cast their eyes there, very angry.Is this uncle, Mr. Qingyun, acting?Can a sky fire detached from Tang Yan's body torment a peak saint who has experienced many battles like this?They beat to death for disbelief.But I really don't have the strength to scold him anymore, let the old guy act by himself, they are already very disappointed in him.

The Peacock King came to the front, and the light shrouded them, posing a guarding posture.It was unacceptable for a well-planned killing round to end so embarrassingly, including her!But at this point, it must be over, otherwise the loss will be even greater, and no one will be able to explain it.

"You have killed enough, and you have exhausted your anger. It's almost time to end. There is no need to kill each other. Neither you nor I are ready to kill each other, and we can't afford the consequences." Xuanyuan looked at Tang Yan, it looked like he was seriously injured, but his eyes were very bright, giving her an incredible illusion—a disguise?
"End? You said it lightly! Kill another four or five saints to vent your anger before we finish." Tang Yan sneered, not buying it.

"This rainforest was once ruled by the Demon Emperor Ji, and there are a large number of monsters. Today, there are still four monster saints surviving, with countless monsters with powerful bloodlines. If we invite them to join the battle in the name of the Alliance of Four Clans, what will we do next?" With heavy promises, how will they decide? You should understand.

The space monster next to me is one of the leaders of my clan's space monsters. Its realm is the peak holy realm. If it joins the battle, it will definitely make you passive. Killing a few of your friends is not a problem.

You all know the strength of the Peacock Sage King, and presumably you will only ask for trouble if you keep pestering him.Not only will General Malone be hurt, you will be affected too.In this regard, Tang Yan, you will not deny it.

On the surface it looks like you have the upper hand, but in fact the outcome is unpredictable. Even if you win, it will be a miserable victory.With your character of not wanting to see your friends die in battle, you cannot afford such a price.Therefore, I propose that today's battle ends here, and the two sides retreat and do not pursue each other, how about it? "

"You're not good at negotiating things like this. You can invite the four great demon saints of the rainforest to join the battle. Why can't we? It's hard to say how they will decide. The space monsters around you are indeed a threat, and the peak is very strong. But its primary task is to protect you. If it takes you into battle, what will happen? I think your life is too long. As for the Peacock King...hehe...not much to say..." Tang Yan intentionally glanced at her.

The Peacock King didn't get angry, but observed Tang Yan coldly, as if he noticed something was wrong.Thinking back to Tang Yan's various performances just now, it was mainly when the hell opened, and it felt as if he was about to break through the peak barrier.Is it the advantage brought by the full awakening of the Shuanghuang bloodline, or is Tang Yan really about to break through the peak?How old is he? It's only been a few years!
"The emperor's battle in the ancient kingdom of Xingluo is about to start. If the emperor of Xingluo dies in battle, the royal family will also suffer catastrophe. The sooner you end here, the sooner you can save people. What do you think?" Xuanyuan didn't say much, The moment Tang Yan waved his hand to stop, she knew that Tang Yan was also preparing to cease fighting.

Powerhouses of other ethnic groups just rely on and be wary of Tang Yan and the others.No one objected, nor did they have the courage to object.They are in a very dangerous situation now. After watching seven or eight saints fall, the concept of "sages are not dead" in their hearts has collapsed, and they really feel the threat of death. Moreover, the lineups of the two sides are seriously out of proportion, and they will not gain any benefits if they continue to fight. It would be best to end it sooner.

Tang Yan pretended to be hesitant and silent for a while, then nodded slowly: "Okay, I agree to the truce."

"Think clearly, we have the advantage." Liuli didn't want the battle to end in a hurry, and if she was given a few more minutes, she would definitely be able to capture the opponent alive.And the anticlimactic situation made her very uncomfortable, and she could obviously kill a few more saints.

Xuanyuan Longli comforted Liuli. "Beware of Xuanyuan's space monster. It's not easy to mess with. Once we really join the battle, we might die."

"I haven't avenged Niya and the others yet, and it won't end so soon, so stay calm, and the more ruthless ones will come later." After Tang Yan responded softly, he turned to Xuanyuan again and said, "I have two demands that must be met. "


"The first one is to keep Taishu Qingyun. Do you agree?" Tang Yan has already killed the four saints of the Yin-Yang clan, and now only Taishu Qingyun is left. If he is detained again, the Yin-Yang clan will be completely wiped out this time. .This is the first condition for his truce, otherwise he will never give up.

"Continue." Xuanyuan didn't respond positively, nor refute.The Peacock King looked at the arena in the distance, but did not respond, which meant that he had abandoned his uncle Qingyun.In her eyes, Uncle Qingyun's performance today was too bad, which can be said to be the direct cause of their fiasco.Make atonement for the other three races, and for the saints who died in battle.

After exchanging glances, the other saints also looked at the Yin-Yang arena in the distance, choosing to accept by default.That old guy always made mistakes with his arms and legs tied up. From the beginning until now, he didn't have any outstanding performances. Now he played with Tang Yan's ghost Qinghuo again, and he seemed to be having a lot of fun.The old thing is really hateful, so let him be taught a lesson.

If Uncle Qingyun saw this scene and heard their voices, he would definitely vomit blood and die, and then turn into a ghost to haunt Tang Yan for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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