Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2372 Canglan Nine Heavens

Chapter 2372

At the beginning of November, Tang Yan and his party crossed half of the Central Plains and appeared at the junction of Canglan Ancient Land and Dayan Mountains. They walked out of the void and stayed here.

The mountains are majestic and filled with spiritual energy. This is the Nine Heavens of that year.

Tang Yan once experienced the craziest fighting in his youth here, and also brought his reputation from the wasteland to the ancient land of Canglan. In the first years, this was a memory and experience that Tang Yan could hardly forget.

But time has passed, Jiuchongtian has been abandoned, and it has become a 'beautiful' standing between the two places.

There is no army stationed here, no restrictions of prohibition, but it has become a blessed place for monsters and beasts, strange beasts haunt, spirit birds are flying, clouds and mists are transpiring, the brilliance is psychedelic, and it is as beautiful as a fairyland.

This place has become a special and peaceful paradise between the two places.

Tang Yan deliberately came here and descended to the peak of the Nine Heavens.

Here towering into the clouds, standing on the top can overlook the endless sea of ​​clouds, as well as scattered "outcrops" on the top of the mountain, people feel the boundless nature, infinite openness, and pride spontaneously.

"It's been almost 50 years." Tang Yan whispered to himself, the years have passed, the time has passed and the situation has changed, the country is still the same, but the boy back then has grown up.Going to the Southern Wilderness here is equivalent to returning to the starting point of life, but it will usher in the most critical battle in my life so far.It seems that the years are going backwards, going from the starting point to the distance, and returning to the starting point from the distance.

The Southern Wilderness is no longer the Southern Wilderness of the past. The presence of the Yin-Yang tribe has made it the focus of the world. After the transformation of the Yin-Yang tribe, it is no longer a wasteland, but an auspicious place where warriors, monsters and beasts are fascinated. With the aura of Wang Yang and everywhere, it is growing rapidly and vigorously.

Although Tang Yan boasted that he would enter the Yin-Yang clan, he knew the danger in his heart.

The Yin-Yang Clan belongs to the Ancient Gold Clan, and is recognized by the world as a powerful clan with a strong foundation and strength.What he wants to fight is not a mess, but a super team that can be condensed into a whole.Recalling the battle in the Twilight Strait, one can expect the unique strength of the Yin-Yang tribe.

This is revenge, but also a challenge in life.

Ma Yanwang and the others did not disturb Tang Yan, but silently accompanied him and escorted him in this massacre.They believed in Tang Yan, and believed in his decision even more. They also wanted to see with their own eyes whether Tang Yan's current strength was strong enough to put pressure on them, and whether he was strong enough to stand out from the crowd.

"Let's go, witness me." Tang Yan took a deep breath, smiled freely, and strode down from the top of the mountain.

Back then, he went to the ancient land of Canglan through the Jiuchongtian and opened a new chapter in his life. Now he is going down the Jiuchongtian to face a new starting point in life.If the Yin-Yang Clan can be destroyed, Tang Yan's name will be etched in the annals of history forever and shine in the long river of history.

In the depths of the vast sea of ​​clouds, there are constantly shimmering rays of light, and occasionally there will be roars of beasts echoing. It is that strong men from all sides are heading south at a high speed. There are strong men from Canglan Ancient Land, and there are also strong men from many countries in the southern Central Plains. Intelligence eyeliners from all over the Central Plains inform mobile.

The news of Tang Yan's battle with Yin and Yang has spread throughout the Central Plains, and all the forces that think they can catch up with the time have sent strong men to witness this grand event with their own eyes.This is not just a simple challenge. If Tang Yan dies in battle, it will definitely affect the positioning of the new Zhanmeng in the Central Plains in the future. If Tang Yan wins out, it will definitely shake the supremacy of the Yin-Yang Clan.

Looking back on the current riots in the ancient Xingluo country and the background of the death battle of the Four Emperors, the significance of Tang Yan's southward battle seems to be even more unusual.

Tang Yan walked down the Nine Heavens step by step, then walked against the sky, and rushed to Nanhuang alone.

He did not accept Chocolate's help, and let Ma Yanwang and others all disperse.

This is his own battle and his own revenge.

He was feeling the atmosphere before the battle, and he was also sketching out the rhythm of the battle.

He is not yet strong enough to despise the Yin-Yang race, so he must go all out and plan.

At this moment, the interior of Nanhuang has been on high alert. The Yin-Yang tribe has completed the deployment of the ethnic groups, and all the combatants are in place. They are constantly rehearsing the layout of the next formation, preparing to deal a head-on blow to Tang Yan.

All the clansmen who did not participate in the battle gathered in the depths of the clan, the place of the ancestral temple. Five million members of the Yin-Yang tribe are prostrate and kneeling. No matter they are young or old, men or women, they kneel down in all directions of the ancestral temple in black, like a crowd of black people, which is quite spectacular.They are praying softly, worshiping silently, and comforting their ancestors with pious gestures.

If you pay close attention, you will find that these more than 500 million ordinary clansmen are arranged in a special trajectory, like an ancient and vicissitudes of life, firmly embedded in the core of the Yinyang clan, and the words of the ancient characters are the ancestral hall.

More than 500 million people kept praying and worshiping. They are obviously mortal bodies, but at this moment, they are filled with sporadic brilliance, floating between the sky and the earth, gathering in mid-air, and pouring into the ancestral hall densely. Like the tributaries of rivers flowing into the ocean.

In the depths of the ancestral hall, Uncle Fenghua, the fateful son of the Yin-Yang tribe, is wrapping his hands around a round crystal ball, swallowing the mysterious power inside the crystal ball with the force of a whale. The power it deserves.

The crystal ball continuously receives the dangerous light spots of the tribesmen outside.

This is a strange formation, and it is also an extreme fusion.

Only Uncle Fenghua can resist.

Inside the ancestral hall, there are eighteen other clan elders, sitting cross-legged in specific positions, releasing themselves, guarding the grand uncle Fenghua, and starting this peerless killing situation prepared for Tang Yan.

In the outskirts of the Yin-Yang tribe, Tai Shuyao, the pinnacle sage, is personally commanding and deploying the guardian formation.The strong men of the Pangu clan voluntarily cooperated and joined the formation layout with only one purpose, to kill Tang Yan and avenge him.

They have already learned about Tang Yan's strength from the Peacock Sage King. He clearly belongs to the peak of the Holy Realm, but he can vaguely show a strength slightly inferior to that of the Great Perfection. It is very likely that the blood of the Shuanghuang has been activated and is extremely extraordinary.Therefore, be sure to face the battle with the strongest posture, and never relax.

The Peacock King's meaning is very clear, don't take it as Tang Yan's challenge, think of it as the Yin-Yang tribe ambushing and killing Tang Yan, completely kill Tang Yan here, and deal a fatal blow to the new Zhanmeng.As long as the Yin-Yang Clan succeeds, half of the Central Plains in the future can be handed over to the Yin-Yang Clan for control and management. Even if Jiuying commits suicide, both the Xuanwu Holy Emperor and the Reincarnation Holy Emperor will come forward to protect the Yin-Yang Clan.

Therefore, the Yin-Yang clan must use all their strength and must not relax.

When Tang Yan came to Nanhuang, there were figures flickering in the ancient cities and villages in the mountains and Daze, and endless strong men emerged, and it was very lively.Tang Yan went south for three days this time, giving people enough time, so everyone who could come came, and everyone who dared to come also came.

There are also many strong people from the southern wilderness, including the royal family of Dazhou, etc., who have gathered around the periphery, waiting to observe.They understood what happened, and also learned about Tang Yan's achievements and deeds over the years. They were happy for Tang Yan and worried about him in the depths of their hearts, but the helpless thing was that Tang Yan's position was no longer within their reach. of.

Apart from observing and waiting silently, they didn't even have the courage to greet each other.

The Peacock King and others had already arrived ahead of time, and they also stayed in the distance, waiting for the opening of the battle.

The atmosphere was lively and tense.

However, in today's battle, it is clear that only Tang Yan and the Yin-Yang tribe will participate in the battle, and other tribes and parties will not participate in the battle, so they can be spectators to their heart's content, and don't need to care about fighting each other and being vigilant.

At noon, Tang Yan finally arrived at the Yin-Yang Clan's land, which was not far from the Giant Elephant City.His thoughts swept across hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers, and swept through the dark crowds, and unexpectedly found many familiar figures, including those from the Giant Elephant City, some from Delos, some from Dazhou, and some from the Dayan Mountains.

They are all familiar people, and they are also those who remember the first.

Tang Yan nodded slightly and smiled slightly at them.

In the depths of the crowd, those acquaintances were slightly stunned, thinking that they were delusional.There was a little bit of turmoil in their hearts, and their eyes were hot and moist. They all nodded and responded silently.

The fog ahead was misty and vast, as if the sky had collapsed and thick clouds had landed there.

There were extremely strong energy fluctuations surging in the sea of ​​clouds, and a large number of Yin-Yang clansmen could be vaguely seen standing in the air, all of them glaring at Tang Yan angrily.

This arrogant kid is too hateful, he doesn't take the Yin-Yang clan seriously.

Tang Yan's actions and thoughts of going south alone are a kind of humiliation to the entire Yinyang clan, a humiliation that tramples on the dignity and majesty of the royal family.

"You of the Yin-Yang clan, you harmed the human race first, and then my wife and friends. You have brought your shamelessness to the peak. You have ruined the reputation of the ancient golden clan. I will accept it for you today." . " Tang Yan abandoned all distracting thoughts, only the killing intent permeated his body.

I am no longer the Tang Yan of the past. Whoever owes me a debt, I will take it back immediately without delay.

(End of this chapter)

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