Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2374 Purgatory

Chapter 2374 Purgatory
"One knife? Arrogance! If you can split the cloud and sky formation with one knife, I call you ancestor." Tai Shuyao suddenly fell, and once again hid in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds. With the power of prestige, he assisted Yun Tianzhen in resisting the sword.

Booming, the loud noise was like thunder rolling in the sky.

The mighty sword descended from the sky, as if the giant mountain had collapsed, the sky was trembling, the ground was cracking, and the blade gang set off a boundless hurricane, boiling blood and green fire, just like the anger of the gods, blasting towards the sky formation.The shocking spectacle and the world-shocking tide of light attract the attention of the strong in the mountains and plains.

The Yuntian formation took the initiative to attack, and the vast cloud tide turned into the form of thousands of beasts, soaring into the sky.Before Dao Gang fell, they had already rushed up and submerged Dao Gang.

Hum, there is not such a violent bang, and there is not such a strong spectacle. The sword fell like a galaxy and penetrated into the thick clouds. The strong aftermath turned the vast clouds into blue and red. The scene was extremely gorgeous, like a sunset hanging upside down. Like maple forest ups and downs.

Watching the excitement outside, inside the Yin-Yang tribe tens of thousands of people collectively changed color, and the knife gang was not broken down?broken!

"Impossible." Tai Shuyao was startled, how could this knife not be disassembled?

Yuntian Formation has a very strong tolerance, and can divide various tyrannical offensives in a short period of time.But now, the God Killing Slash cut through the clouds with eighteen swords in a row, leaving behind endless waves of blood and fire, piercing through the thick and vast sea of ​​clouds, and descending directly into the Yin-Yang clan.It was as if a round of scorching sun descended, illuminating the dim Yin-Yang clan and enlarging their pupils.

"No!" A large number of Yin-Yang people screamed in horror.

"Boom." The God Killing Slash swept across suddenly, with a thousand feet of blade, it wiped out mountains, temples, rivers and rivers, and hundreds of eyes. in heaven and earth.

The sea of ​​clouds array disintegrated and exploded from the inside, and the boundless sea of ​​clouds lost control, like a flood breaking through a river embankment, rushing in all directions, and spilling into the mountains and rivers in the distance.

Once the formation is broken, these seas of clouds will be defeated, and it will be difficult to form combat power.

"It's really broken?" All parties were alarmed, especially those who had placed a bet, beating their chests and feet, and their faces were full of annoyance.Broken with a single knife?What kind of bullshit is the Yin-Yang tribe pretending to be!
Ma Yanwang and others wantonly withdrew their finances, clamoring to continue betting: "Bet, bet, don't stand still."

Tai Shuyao was startled but not confused, before the sea of ​​clouds cleared, he suddenly yelled. "Change formation, call me."

His eyes were dark, his face was livid, and his murderous intent was like a tide, and he was finally aroused to fight.

The surviving clansmen of Yuntianzhen climbed out of the ruins one after another, moving at high speed inside the clan ground, all kinds of lights danced, and pieces of energy soared into the sky, the power of wind, the power of water, the power of fire, the power of thunder, the power of wood, the power of the earth The power and so on, all kinds of energy rushed to the sky in the purest form.

It seemed as if a vast nebula had rushed up and hit the sky.

"Who said you want to call me ancestor?" Tang Yan sneered, standing with a knife in his hand, fighting like a fire.

"Tang Yan's younger generation, don't be crazy." Tai Shuyao stepped up in the air, and suddenly grabbed the space between the sky and the earth. The rising wave of energy suddenly gathered, turned into a giant sword, and slashed at Tang Yan.Various energies interweave and gather to build the power of yin and yang, and evolve a weak power of creation.

"What a fierce counterattack, this is what it looks like." Tang Yan dived straight down, shaking the blood knife head-on hard, and the fire wings behind him vibrated, and even scattered a torrent of flames, hitting the inside of the Yin-Yang clan.Now that the Yuntian Formation has dispersed, the Yin-Yang Clan is nothing but bastards without their tortoise shells, and they will never let go of as many as they can kill.

Kacha, the light knife and the blood knife clashed. In an instant, the two of them showed their power and launched hundreds of violent attacks, shaking the sky. Those who were shocked were so shocked that the surrounding heroes scattered and evacuated.

Tai Shuyao, as the strongest person under the Yin-Yang Clan Emperor, is extremely powerful. What is dancing at this moment is the power of formations. Tang Yan, but... "Broken." Tang Yan finally rushed forward and destroyed the light saber forcefully.At the same time, the rushing fire tide split into thousands of fireballs, like a swarm of burning meteorites hitting the Yin-Yang tribe, dozens of hundreds of people were blown to pieces on the spot, some were pierced through the chest, and some were head-on Smashed, someone was affected by the blasted flames.Before he could utter a scream, the fire from the sky had already engulfed them, killing the target alive.

No blood was left, no fragments were left, and it was refined into a spirit source fluid alive. This kind of scene made people's hearts tremble, and their souls trembled, making the nearby Yin-Yang clansmen feel chills down their spines.

"Scatter, all scatter." The five great sages rushed out from within the Yin-Yang Clan, and they sent out numerous river tides, like a surging ocean, rushing out tens of thousands of meters, trying to disperse the fireballs, but ordinary water tides were useless at all. Still dispersing the impact, venting its power.They burned blazingly deep in the water tide, and even used the water tide as energy, and it became more and more intense and more and more.

"Tang Yan, you are too ruthless." Tai Shuyao yelled angrily, burning a living person in front of everyone?He knew the direct result of Tianhuo's body training - the loss of soul and soul, and those who died directly could not die again.

"Are you mentally ill? I'm here to kill people, not to do charity. I'm here to exterminate the clan, not to serve you. Can I call it extermination if I'm not ruthless?" Tang Yan waved his hand suddenly, and the fireballs in the river tide gathered extremely quickly. Gathering from different directions, they turned into giant fire eagles and were reborn in the fire tide in a blink of an eye. As huge as a hundred meters, they flapped their wings and rushed out of the water tide.

Just like the birth of Kunpeng, it set off huge waves all over the sky, with a huge and astonishing momentum.

The fire eagle covers the sky, emits terrifying heat, scorches the tide, and burns the sky and sea.

The torrential river tide quickly withered, from rushing to calm, until... drying... "What?" The five sages stared blankly, what did they do?Is my Jiang Chao gone?
Chirp, the fire eagle let out an ear-piercing cry, flapped its wings and galloped, setting off a monstrous sea of ​​flames, and pounced on the five saints.

Damn it, the souls of the five great saints all trembled, the hairs all over their bodies stood on end, they fled rolling and crawling in mid-air, ignoring the people in the mountains and plains.

"Yin-Yang Clan, the lost human race you abandoned is struggling in dire straits, see clearly, it's like this." Tang Yan waved his hand again, and the surging sea of ​​flames swooped down, diverted halfway, and engulfed the fleeing clansmen.


"Do not."

"Help me, save me."

"Old Ancestor, save me."

Thousands of clansmen fled in panic in the mountains and plains, some broke into the ground, some hid in the dense forest, and some rushed to the sky, but the fire eagle did not stick to the ground to sweep, but directly came to a dive and impact, like a giant meteorite sky drop.It crashed into the mountains, with a loud bang, the [-]-meter mountain clumps were lifted and shattered, boulders flying up to [-] jin were scattered and smashed in all directions, and the surging flames raged like magma, devouring the tribesmen one after another.

The lifelike purgatory reappeared. In just a short moment, three to five hundred people were burned alive.

Tai Shuyao's eyes widened, his whole body was trembling, angry, and shocked. In recent years, he rarely saw such a miserable scene.

"Old man, where are you looking? When it comes to fighting, do you think you're acting?" Tang Yan suddenly appeared in front of Tai Shuyao, slashing mercilessly with a round of knives, without any grandeur, but with precision and ruthlessness, directly hitting his chest.

Tai Shuyao backed away in horror, but his chest was split open by the blood knife, blood splashed, and the pain was as sharp as a knife.He backed away screaming, startled and angry.

"I'm here!" Tang Yan spun in the air, kicking his left cheek, puff, another rain of blood, Tang Yan's kick was so ruthless, he blocked his cheek alive, and almost hit his head Pumping in circles.

Tai Shuyao blasted into the chaotic mountains from a high altitude, blasting out a huge crater of hundreds of meters.

The audience was silent, shocked and speechless, and even forgot to breathe.Many people who came here with the mentality of watching a good show panicked. They intended to see Tang Yan being abused. What they saw at this moment was indeed a real massacre. Tang Yan's brutality made them tremble, really trembling.

"Tang Yan used to fight so hard?" The Peacock King asked softly. This is no longer a massacre, but a massacre, which is completely prepared.

Qiao Haoyue said: "In fact, there are not many battlefields where Tang Yan publicly appeared. He did not appear in the two consecutive battles of the Zhanmeng. The only time he fought in front of all the clans was the Xihai Incident that was left behind in the Zhanjie. But at that time, few survived. Personally. According to our investigations over the years, although Tang Yan is crazy when fighting, he should not be so vicious."

"If it's not that his wife and friend violated his taboo, it's that he wants to use this battle to get his bad name out, and let the world know the fate of hurting his wife and friend." The Peacock King looked at the gathering in the distance. There are countless powerful people in the world, and the expressions on the faces of these people are more of surprise and fear.

And as the battle started, there were more and more people on Ma Yanwang's side, some were purely for gambling, and more were to protect themselves with the help of Ma Yanwang's strength.While Ma Yanwang and others seemed to be bluffing, but in fact their eyes never left Tang Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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