Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2384 Undead Celestial Body

Chapter 2384 Undead Celestial Body
"How do you fight?!" A sage from the reincarnation clan exclaimed. He had clearly killed Tang Yan just now, so why did he come back to life inexplicably?He seemed to be alive and well, and even the wounds were healing quickly!

Not only did he lose his composure, but even Du Yang and the others lost their composure. Of course, as brothers, they knew that Tang Yan had the ability to heal quickly, but what happened just now was that he was chopped into pieces and blasted into dross by lightning. 'Patch' it back together in minutes?This is really an exaggeration!
The exclamation of the sage of the reincarnation tribe can be said to have touched everyone's heart. If he can't be killed like this, how can he be killed?There is no way to fight this battle. Don't you mean to bully people!
"Is this a martial skill? Or Long Kui's self-recovery ability?" The Peacock King was slightly apprehensive, this kid was already scary enough, it would be too heaven-defying for him to make such a scene again.If he really entered the Great Perfection Realm, wouldn't he be sweeping below the Emperor level?
"I'm asking you something, what kind of treasure did you just have?" Tang Yan deliberately delayed the time. The sudden attack made him unprepared, and he was really shocked. Injury to the dragon's head, two-thirds of it was damaged overall, and it was not completely destroyed. The Immortal Yantian Art, which is close to the peak, is enough for him to quickly reshape his appearance.

But although he is immortal, it will take time to recover and heal. Now Tang Yan looks complete on the surface, but in fact, his internal injuries are very serious. Various internal organs have not yet fully grown and formed, and even many things are missing, so he has to work hard. Delaying time is a point if you can delay it a little bit, and a little bit of recovery is a little bit.Otherwise, going to war now would be tantamount to courting death, and Tang Yan could be smashed to pieces again with Taishu Fenghua's kick.

"What's the matter with you? You tell me your secret, and I'll tell you mine too!" Uncle Fenghua couldn't accept this scene, people were so damaged, how could he heal in just a few minutes?

If this goes on, how can I fight myself? !

Just now, in order to activate the nailing needle, a lot of energy was spent, and a lot of blood was forcibly absorbed by the nailing needle, so that he was a little weak, otherwise he would not have stopped in mid-air to buffer just now, but continued to chase and kill Tang Yan completely into dross.

I thought that Tang Yan was seriously injured and dying, and he could enjoy the fruits of victory, but who would have thought that he was hiding inside to recuperate.If he had known this earlier, he would definitely strike again regardless of his weakness, but... there is nothing left, he hates it, his teeth itch from hatred.

"Me? My blood is the ancestor Longkui, and it is nourished by the blood soul tree. I can't kill you." Tang Yan suddenly raised his voice while sneering, and ordered the audience: "Remind you again, from now on, who wants to harm me and me?" My relatives, it’s best to be fully prepared to kill me without leaving any fragments, otherwise you’d better weigh how many heads you have and how many clansmen you have, whether it’s enough for Tang Yan to slaughter me.”

The audience was silent, and all beings were terrified.This is the second time Tang Yan has said this sentence. This time it is obviously more weighty and intimidating than the last time. This kid is simply the reincarnation of a god. He is really immortal. It may not be able to kill him.

Today's battle and today's Tang Yan's cry are destined to hover over Qitian Continent for many years. For those empires and kingdoms, they will definitely have a strong deterrent force. Just imagine who would dare to be an enemy of such a freak, Having the hell space before was already abnormal enough, but the strength displayed today has made countless people's hearts tremble.

"Use your voice to send a message to the world, reminding those who are ready to kill me and prepare to be my enemy, to understand the word 'soul and soul', and don't use some seals to embarrass people. Five years ago, the reincarnation clan used The space monster sealed me into the void abyss, and after five years, I came out alive. Thanks to the reincarnation clan, my body of Long Kui has been tempered through the void crack for five years."

The words came out and they were rushed and beaten, which not only shocked everyone's emotions again, but also made the face of the reincarnation clan quite ugly, which was too bullying.If you improve yourself, improve yourself. Do you have to stomp us?

Peacock Sage King observed Tang Yan carefully for a while, and suddenly said: "Uncle Fenghua, let me give you a suggestion. There is no room for respite in war, fight as soon as you want, don't delay. Someone has obviously been severely injured, and it is impossible to recover to full glory immediately. Pretentious arrogance may be delaying time. Pay attention, I am only offering opinions, and everything is up to you to decide."

After finishing speaking, the Peacock Sage King deliberately looked at Ma Yanwang's side, meaning, I remind you, if you didn't participate, it's not considered a foul, and I didn't name him, I was just guiding Taishu Fenghua, you better shut up.

Ma Yanwang narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly said: "Sooner or later, I will let you, a bitch, give me a baby. Brothers, if you have anything to do, help me name my future baby, such as Longque, Cailong or something of."

As soon as these words came out, it almost triggered a brand new melee. The Peacock King's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he almost burst out with a murderous aura. The monsters under his command immediately turned into monsters, and they were about to pounce.

The powerhouses from all sides gasped, today was an eye-opener.King Ma Yan actually wants the Peacock King to give birth to his cub?If the news spreads to Beihai, I don't know what a huge disturbance it will cause. Maybe the Holy Emperor Xuanwu will come to have a good talk with King Ma Yan.

A loud roar suddenly came from the Yin-Yang tribe, breaking the strange stalemate: "Young master, let's go to war, don't give Tang Yan time to buffer, he must be very weak now."

"Today's winner will be me, and it can only be me." Taishu Fenghua showed his murderous intent again, and waved three majestic waves of energy, galloping for thousands of meters, foggy, and the momentum was astonishing, covering the sky.

Roar, three giant beasts rush out of the three waves of energy, namely the dragon, the tiger, and the tortoise. The three giant beasts are all transformed by energy, controlled by the formation, and set off a monstrous fog, just like the resurrection of a real beast. Hehe, he rushed towards Tang Yan.

Coming up is a terrorist attack of destruction!
Everyone was secretly afraid, and immediately focused their attention on the battle. The current Taishu Fenghua belongs to absorbing the power of the whole family, and the power is inexhaustible. He should still be in a high-intensity state at this moment, and he can continue to fight. Tang Yan is in danger.

Tang Yan didn't want to be too high-profile, so he took a deep breath, dodged at full speed at high altitude, and no longer confronted him head-on.At the same time, he used the short period of time to recover his qi and blood, recuperate his injuries, and ordered the Blood Soul Tree not to fight in the unexpected world, and wholeheartedly assisted the operation of the Undead Yantian Art.

He still doesn't understand how he was 'scratched alive', and he was hit hard for no reason?What is certain for the time being is that Uncle Fenghua possesses some kind of weird weapon, but what kind of weapon can instantly destroy his defense power?Tang Yan is very confident in his defense and has also passed the test of the void crack. Because of this, he is even more afraid of Taishu Fenghua's sudden killing move.

"Tang Yan can't do it anymore. The Sky Needle is a great threat to him. He has lost his previous sharpness. He is afraid of his uncle's elegance and dare not confront him head-on." The Peacock King whispered, staring at Tang Yan with burning eyes.

"Tang Yan and Grand Uncle Fenghua are formidable enemies." Xuanyuan responded quietly, also intending to remind the saints under his command and the space monsters in the void.

Today's battle exceeded everyone's expectations, whether it was the Yin-Yang clan or Tang Yan, it was more terrifying than expected.

In particular, the appearance of the Luck Battle Array and the Nailed Sky Needle, as well as Tang Yan's "resurrection from the dead", all brought a strong threat to her.The battle has evolved to the present, it seems that Tang Yan has no strength to support, but Taishu Fenghua should also be at the end of his strength.What she meant was... Looking for an opportunity to intervene, not only to suppress Tang Yan, but also to capture Taishu Fenghua Battle Formation and Nailing Needle. As for how to act, it depends on the situation.She is a very calm and well-planned person. Before she is fully sure, she will leave a way out for herself in everything, but once she is sure, she will definitely kill her completely.

"What should I do? Help Tang Yan!" Xuanyuan Longli and the others were also in a hurry. They could clearly feel Tang Yan's weakness, and they could even feel Tang Yan's fear. If things went on like this, Tang Yan would definitely become more passive.And Xuanyuan will never let Tang Yan leave easily. Once Tang Yan is on the verge of death, they will definitely take action.

"We don't know what happened just now!" Ma Yanwang secretly clenched his fists.

At this moment, Tang Yan was severely injured by three giant beasts, and the violent bombing attack overwhelmed him. Tang Yan flew upside down, sprinkled blood all over the sky, and crashed into the ruins on the ground. Before Tang Yan landed, a bone-piercing cold wave surged across the sky, rushing towards it.

Tang Yan dodged in embarrassment, smashed through the ice, and rushed to the sky again, but his injuries worsened again.The speed of its healing is gradually suppressed by the speed of the wound, and if it continues like this, something unexpected may happen.

Suddenly, a strong and forceful voice came from the far south: "The Needle Nailed to the Sky, the thing held by the Yin-Yang Emperor, has been tempered with the emperor's blood for tens of thousands of years and conceived for thousands of years with the emperor's soul. With imperial prestige, he has hurt many Demon Emperors in the Lost Battle Realm."

The sound was rumbling, thunderous, and accompanied by the soaring sword energy, all the swords within a thousand miles trembled slightly, as if they were responding to the distant sword energy, more like worshiping the terrifying sword power.

"Qilufu?!" The Peacock King frowned slightly, and Qi Qi looked to the south.

At the end of the line of sight, a majestic man came striding forward, with coarse linen clothes and messy long hair, but he couldn't conceal his majestic majesty: "The needle nailed to the sky has been nourished by the emperor's power for thousands of years, and has been born with wisdom. Among the ten chief patriarchs of the Golden Ancient Clan, the Nine Human Sovereigns disdain to use weapons, but the Yin Yang Human Sovereign has a gloomy temperament and likes to sneak attack.

Naitianzhen is extremely arrogant, and in this life he is only tamed by the Yin-Yang Emperor.The reason why Taishu Fenghua can activate the nail needle today depends on the special power he has absorbed from the luck of the whole family. For this, he needs to spend at least half of his energy. "

Qi Lufu came striding forward, like a sea of ​​sword energy, bringing a strong oppression to the audience, and his sonorous commentary finally solved the doubts of the audience, and suddenly realized in the shock, no wonder it can't instantly hit Tang Yan, it turned out to be an imperial property.It's just that the disrespect towards Yin Yang Renhuang in his words made people secretly speechless, and he was a ruthless person.

"Qilufu, who gave you the right to reveal the secrets of our clan!" There were bursts of roars from within the Yin-Yang clan, and all the elders and saints glared at him, wishing they could kill him and tear him apart.

Ma Yanwang snorted coldly, in a good mood: "How shameless, if you allow the Peacock King to remind you, why don't you allow us to remind you a few words?"

Qilufu approached the battlefield, and said again unscrupulously: "Uncle Fenghua dare not use the sky-nailing needle for the second time, if it is really used, it will be powerless to fight again."

(End of this chapter)

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