Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2392 Void Ambush

Chapter 2392 Void Ambush
"Wow!" Immediately there was a wave of discussion inside and outside the battlefield, all of which refuted the words of the Emperor. The Emperor's blow must be a shocking force, and it cannot be countered by manpower. Don't say that Tang Yan is now full of scars, even if he is in his prime , also do not escape death.

However, considering the power of the Emperor and the tragic situation of the Yin-Yang tribe at the moment, although people talked a lot, they all kept their voices down and whispered, no one dared to speak out loudly, it was simply tired of work.

"You have to think about it. As a high-ranking emperor, you shot at a saint. You are too much for emotion and reason. If you really shot at me, I really won't leave today, and I won't destroy you all!" My surname is not Tang!" Tang Yan's cold words sounded like a threat, but the bright light in his eyes seemed to convey another meaning.

"You are allowed to use all the methods you can think of, and take out all the weapons that Jiuying gave you." Yin Yang Renhuang ignored Tang Yan, no matter what tricks you have, just try your tricks.

He raised his hand slowly, and a glow of sunlight sprouted in his palm. The mist was misty, and the sharp light splashed randomly. It was obviously not huge, but it seemed to be holding a mountain and river, or a piece of stars. A palpitating breath.

His attack belongs to the very unique category among Human Emperors, just like his nail to the sky, it kills the enemy in silence and destroys in plainness. With the strength of the Yin-Yang clan, it is impossible for them to be dragged in the North Sea for tens of thousands of years by the Yin-Yang clan.

His easy raising of his hand at this moment is definitely an incomparable terrifying ultimate move.

He didn't waste any time, and directly accumulated the strongest killing move.

Tang Yan, Ma Yanwang, Qi Lufu, Du Yang and the others moved with strange steps, and they seemed to have walked out of a special formation between separation and reunion. Gathering faintly towards Tang Yan.

An invisible aura is forming above them, slowly but vastly.

Looking from a distance, their space has layers of ripples, filled with an extremely tyrannical aura, as if a terrifying desolate beast is waking up and returning, and the aura is getting stronger and stronger.

Yin Yang Human Sovereign gazed slightly, as a formation master, he could see through it at a glance. It was a formation, seemingly simple, but mysterious and unpredictable, and he couldn't understand it for a while. The only thing that was certain was that the auras of these people were blending, as if they were about to merge. as one.

This is Tang Yan's preparation?

Nothing to worry about, kill!

The Yin-Yang Human Sovereign suddenly raised his hand, and the breath in his palm burst into divine brilliance, but at this moment, the space monster suddenly warned: "Your Majesty, wait a moment, there seems to be a powerful energy dormant in the void, Tang Yan's space troops are all assembled over there."

"There is an ambush in the void!" Xuanyuan's guardian monster also sent the news.The void is not a joke, the void and the real space are separated by a layer of film, which can appear anytime and anywhere, and can be attacked instantly.

"Just appeared?" Xuanyuan and the Peacock King were a little wary.

"There was no trace before, but now it suddenly appeared. The space troops are moving here, and together they are hiding a powerful force. It seems that Tang Yan is trying to attract the attention of the Emperor. At the same time as launching the attack, launch a sneak attack in the void! "

The Yin-Yang Renhuang immediately understood the situation, but he did not give up his ultimate move and continued to gather momentum, but he was no longer targeting Tang Yan, but was vigilant around his surroundings. "How many emperors have returned to your new Zhanmeng?"

"I'll give you a chance, guess what?" Tang Yan clenched his fists, expressing his eagerness to try.

Ma Yanwang, Qilufu and others all closed their eyes and concentrated, as if they were feeling something, and seemed to be releasing themselves. The feeling of mutual integration became more and more obvious, and the strength of the battle formation continued to increase.

The Yin-Yang tribe felt the coolness again, and they also saw the changes in Tang Yan. A mysterious ancient formation merged with each other, and the breath released was rising, vaguely forming a mysterious outline, like a terrifying monster. And the permeating breath vaguely surpasses Dzogchen!

They also heard the warning from the space monster. There is a mysterious and powerful aura lurking in the void?Where are all Tang Yan's space fighters gathered?

Is this a killing game?A killing game against the Yin-Yang Emperor? !
"There is an ambush in the void? What a treacherous Tang Yan! He wants to use his body as bait to lure my emperor to attack, and then launch a sneak attack in the void!" They were not fools, and immediately understood Tang Yan's intentions.No wonder Tang Yan dared to come here to wait for the Emperor, because he had other plans!There is another power lurking in the void, could it be the emperor?

"Check!" Xuanyuan signaled the three space monsters to appear in the void.

The three monsters retreated into the void, staring into the distance through the dark space. In the dark and icy depths, a mysterious team is slowly approaching, like the messenger of death in the dark night, walking out of hell, walking in the dark, cold and gloomy , Murderous intent like clouds.

They are Tang Yan's air forces, walking slowly but neatly, each releasing space power, forming a thick space barrier, guarding something in groups.

The power inside is expanding, surging, and quietly gaining momentum.

They walked step by step, and they seemed to be standing still, but no one would deny that once this group of empty fighters joined forces, they would come to the battlefield of the Yin-Yang Emperor in an instant, and they would appear in any place at will. For example... after the Emperor's death!
At the critical moment when the Human Emperor attacked Tang Yan, once this force appeared, the consequences would be disastrous.

After a while, the three space monsters invited Xuanyuan into the void, also guarding her. "That breath is very powerful, it is definitely not a holy place."

"The emperor's aura!" Xuanyuan affirmed the aura there, and his heart was awe-inspiring.Sure enough, the New Zhanmeng sent more than one emperor, who would be the second one?
She stared closely at the air force, silently nervous and silently on guard.That group of empty warriors is really like a group of messengers of death, guarding the mysterious emperor in the darkness and silence, who could it be? !

Xuanyuan's guardian monster 'Shaxiu Tiancan' suddenly whispered: "Wait, there... what is that? A pig?"

The other two space monsters watched carefully for a while, and also found a thief-like pig in the air force unit. It poked its head intentionally or unintentionally and then did not appear. At this point, the entire air force force stopped, as if it had begun gain momentum.

"Mirror Mirror Treasure Pig? It's him! The Demon King of the South China Sea, Bai Yu, is back!" Xuanyuan raised his breath secretly, heaving a sigh of relief, it wasn't Jiuying!Also be afraid at the same time, Bai Hao, the most mysterious demon emperor!
It seems that Jiuying still couldn't let Tang Yan go, worried about the situation here, and even invited this terrible banshee!
The mystery of the demon emperor Baizhen is well known in the world, and it is because of the mystery that it is dangerous.Even the neighbors, the Asura Clan and Xuanwu Sage Emperor, have not easily provoked them.

"This is a killing game. The Yin-Yang Emperor is in danger. Let's go! Don't pay attention to the Yin-Yang clan." Shaxiu Tiancan quickly shrinks back to the size of a palm, and lays down on Xuanyuan's shoulder, releasing powerful space power.

"No! We can't go." Xuanyuan returned to the battlefield and reminded the Yin-Yang Emperor from the air: "Your Majesty, be careful, it looks like the demon emperor Bai Yu is leading an army and is lurking in the void."

"Bai Yu? When did she obey Jiuying's orders?" The Peacock King was surprised and annoyed.She knows Bai Zhen's strength best. Xuanwu once said that among the robber emperors who have been left behind in the war world, the one who is most likely to step into the Holy Emperor is Bai Zhen!
The heroes were in an uproar, and indeed there was an ambush!

It seems that Tang Yan is going to play big, the whole operation is planned in advance, this madman not only wants to destroy the Yin-Yang clan, but also the Yin-Yang Emperor?

Thinking about it makes me shudder.

The forces watching the battle from all sides were horrified and excited. To be lucky enough to witness such a grand event in this life is worth dying for.

"Come on, kill me, use all your strength, I'm waiting." Tang Yan actually took the initiative to invite a fight, dared to be so provocative in front of the Emperor, he was considered No. 1 in the ancient times, and made many people dry Tongue dry, the atmosphere alone made their hearts unbearable.

The Yin-Yang Renhuang looked at Tang Yan: "White is here?"

"What do you think? Come on! Don't talk nonsense, I'll wait." Tang Yan yelled loudly.

"Huh? Something seems wrong." Xuanyuan suddenly frowned.

The Peacock King was a little nervous, and raised his eyebrows, suddenly feeling weird.This is Tang Yan's ambush?Why does it feel... not rigorous... The Yin-Yang Emperor suddenly frowned: "Boy, are you kidding me?!"

Everyone is baffled, so what?
"Find out the situation, did I say anything?" Tang Yan laughed lukewarmly, suddenly relaxed his body, and arranged: "It's almost time, Lao Zhu, let's enter the void."

Chocolate and Lulu released the power of space and moved everyone into the void, but they always maintained a specific position and posture, showing their deterrent power.

"Take me into the void." The Yin-Yang Emperor also ordered, his voice raised sharply, as if he was stimulated by something, the killing intent surged again, and the coldness caused the temperature of the sky and the earth to continue to drop.

The two space monsters of the Reincarnation Clan unleashed space power, enveloped the Yin-Yang Emperor, and led him into the void.

"Enter the void." Xuanyuan seemed to have thought of something, but he was really not sure, Shaxiu Tiancan turned her into the void, and brought the Peacock Sage King with him as a precaution.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter? Why is it inexplicable!"

"Why don't you fight?"

"What happened? Who will explain?"

The crowd was restless, they were so nervous that they were about to suffocate just now, why did they suddenly change their style?This made them even more anxious, and many impatients scratched their heads and wanted to go into the void to see what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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