Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2396

Chapter 2396
With the bizarre ending of the Yin-Yang incident, a brand new drama of the Central Plains separatist regime kicked off.

The arrival of the new emperor and Tang Yan's powerful killing of the Yin-Yang clan completely pushed the reputation of the new Zhanmeng to its peak and spread to all countries.

Whether it is for the Qitian Continent or the Lost Battle Realm, the influence of an emperor is immeasurable, and it is also the core and key to establish the supremacy of one party's power.

The strong return of Tuoba Zhangui gave Xinzhanmeng the capital to aspire to the top.

Tang Yan's powerful killing, the air force's prestige, and the presence of a large number of forbidden areas and saints have allowed the influence of the New Zhanmeng to dominate the Golden Ancient Clan.

Even the Thomas Fissen United Empire in the northeast of the mainland felt the chilling power of the new Zhanmeng.

The first thing for Tuoba Zhangui to sit in the new Zhanmeng is to call the former people back.

At the end of December, the Kui Bing Building stationed in the Tianquan Empire immediately responded, and rushed towards the new Zhanmeng desperately with excitement to the point of trembling.

The predecessor of Kui Bing Building used to be an empire. Later, due to the mysterious disappearance of the emperor, the empire declined and only a small amount of blood remained.Some of the collateral descendants of the royal family took advantage of the imperial heritage to guard the imperial treasury. After tens of thousands of years of struggle and persistence, they finally evolved into a forbidden area.

They thought that the Human Emperor was dead, the empire would never be restored, and the tens of thousands of years of reproduction even made them forget the glory and dignity of the past, but they never expected that after tens of thousands of years, their former emperor would return!
The sense of belonging stemming from their blood aroused the enthusiasm deep in their hearts. All the Kui Bing upstairs and downstairs categorically rejected all the retention of the Tianquan Empire, and rushed out of the country in the most rude way. The Tianquan Empire was powerless to stop it, and did not dare to do it again To stop them, they could only watch helplessly as this powerful forbidden team got out of their arms.

The news caused a sensation. The forbidden land has always occupied an indelible deterrent force in the hearts of the people in Qitian Continent, like a nightmare existence. Now, the addition of another forbidden land has made the power in Emperor Wu's city rise again.

The remnant heirs of the empire scattered all over the Central Plains and in countless wild forests, as well as most of the warriors and organizations surnamed Tuoba, set off one after another and gathered in Emperor Wudi City. But Tuoba's surname is like a shining sun, guiding the return of all the people.

With the emperor in charge and the support of the forbidden land, this will be a brand new empire, and the Tuoba surname will be a well-deserved royal family, so... assemble!Fight for the empire!

Emperor Wu City opened its gates to welcome all Tuoba ethnic groups back, and sternly ordered the heroes of the world to make way for all ethnic groups with the Tuoba surname.

At this time, the whole process of the Yin-Yang battle was rumored, and Tang Yan's strength and cruelty caused a sensation in all directions. Tang Yan's sentence, "If you can't kill me, don't mess with me. If you mess with me, you will be severely punished by extermination." Central Plains, reverberating in Binhai, became the most overbearing and cruel words in recent years, and also became the strongest guarantee for the people of the Tuoba surname to march towards Wudi City. Who would dare to stop it?Look at the yin and yang, that's the end.

The return of Tuoba, the rise of Wudi City, and the killing of Tang Yan have become the most sensational topics in the Central Plains today, and they have also boosted their prestige, attracting more attention, and deterring more powerful people. enemy.

Xingluo ancient country!

In this battle that dazzled the world, Xingluo Renhuang became the big winner again. Not only did he win the Holy Emperor, but also relied on the rise of his old friend Xinzhanmeng to radiate the deterrent power of the royal family to all parts of the country, strongly encouraging the empire. The army deters the rebel forces.

The Reincarnation Clan abided by the agreement and did not interfere in the domestic affairs of Xingluogu. However, before fully evacuating, they used space monsters to secretly take away all the strong people of the friendly forces, and transferred to the Huanyu Empire to gather and survive.

With the withdrawal of this force, the resistance forces within the ancient kingdom of Xingluo quickly withered, and the royal family of Xingluo acted in a high-profile manner, thoroughly cleaning and stabilizing the empire.

The royal family of Xingluo openly announced to the world that Xingluo and Xinzhanmeng will be allies of each other forever.

Temple of the Holy Spirit!
Together with the Pangu Clan, they escorted the Yin-Yang Clan to leave the south and migrate to the north of the Central Plains in a large scale, and finally settled in the "Eagle Soul Mountain Cluster" in the east of the Huanyu Empire. In the huge settlement of raptors and spirit beasts, there are hundreds of millions of monsters living there.

This mountain range used to be the most feared "neighbor" of the Huanyu Kingdom. Now, with the establishment of the Huanyu Empire and the coming of the Peacock King, the Eagle Soul Mountains have slightly restrained their barbaric posture.The Holy Spirit Temple and the Yin-Yang Clan's stationing are undoubtedly to control this land of 'birds of prey' and integrate these monsters into a powerful team.

Nowadays, the saddest things in the vast Central Plains are the Holy Empire and the Daqian Dynasty.

With Xingluo Renhuang's victory again and the rise of the new Zhanmeng, the Daqian Dynasty felt more and more oppressive forces, and their posture was restrained again and again, not daring to act rashly.

At the end of December, the Temple of the Holy Spirit secretly formed an alliance with the Zhenyao Temple. Without the knowledge of the Daqian Dynasty, more than [-] people from the Zhenyao Temple secretly evacuated. When they found out, the Zhenyao Temple had already appeared At the northern border, regardless of the military's opposition, they forcibly broke through the border, and were personally escorted by the troops of the Huanyu Empire to transfer to the Eastern Eagle Soul Mountain Range.

This incident has once again become the focus of the world's attention, and it has also become the laughing stock of the world's Daqian Dynasty.

The transfer of the Holy Spirit Temple and the withdrawal of the Demon Suppressing Temple, the transfer of the two most powerful external forces is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the dominance of the Daqian Dynasty. It not only weakens the overall strength, but also shakes the belief of those external forces within the Dynasty .

The dynasty had to send a large number of advisers and ministers to visit these affiliated forces, and promised great gifts to stay with them.

The Holy Empire now has the meaning to cry. It has not made any big moves in these years, and finally made up its mind to fight. As a result, its own emperor came back with heavy injuries, and the Yin-Yang clan also left.They seem to have the same disease as the Dagan Dynasty.

So far, the situation in the Central Plains has fallen into a brief period of calm, and a new situation of separatism has also emerged.

Wudi City occupies the central and northern regions, deterring all directions with its huge high-level combat power.

Xingluo Ancient Kingdom, Dagan Dynasty, and Holy Empire, the three old empires occupy the western part of the Central Plains next to each other.The civil war in the ancient country of Xingluo continued, and the remaining two empires were trembling.

The Tianquan Empire is entrenched in the south of the Middle East, relying on the cohesion of the Pure Land to trap many foreign forces.

The Thomas Fissen United Empire is entrenched in the northeast. It is the smoothest empire in the wars of these years, and its development is also very strong. It has faintly controlled the northeastern part of the Central Plains.

The Huanyu Empire teamed up with the Holy Spirit Hall, the Yin-Yang Clan, the Pangu Clan, Panshenzhai, and Zhenyao Temple to occupy the northern part of the Central Plains, and the Canglan Ancient Land in the north, as well as the Beihuang and Beihai, all became its ruling area and became the Central Plains. The largest and most stable 'control area'.

Thousands of dense forests and ancient lands are scattered in other different areas, and there are more than 30 kingdoms, hundreds of small countries, and countless ancient cities and isolated lands.

At the end of 523, the separatist regime took shape vigorously.

Early 524.

In fact, all parties are still suspicious of the strange things at the end of the Yin-Yang war. Why did Tang Yan retreat into the void, and why did he retreat secretly?

In this month, Xinzhanmeng finally gave the answer.

The reason why Tang Yan ended the battle was that he had made an agreement with the Ancient Gold Clan and its affiliated forces that they would not intervene in the war between the three major empires in the Central Plains and Western China for three years.

As soon as this remark came out, the world was in an uproar, and the Holy Empire and the Daqian Dynasty fell into deep panic.

What does this agreement mean?
It means that the New Zhanmeng will join forces with the ancient country of Xingluo to invade the two empires in the next three years.Moreover, the two empires will have no chance to seek help from the outside world, and can only resist alone.

Three years to control the two empires?It sounds like a fantasy, but considering the huge power hoarded by the new Zhanmeng and the stable situation of the ancient country of Xingluo, three years is not too bad.Even if the two empires cannot be crushed, they will be unable to recover from the fall.

The sensation caused by the news continued to ferment. In late January, the affiliated forces within the Dagan Dynasty and the Holy Empire fled one after another. They gathered from all over the world during the seven-year war and wanted to rely on the power of the empire to survive. Now that the two empires are about to collapse, they really don't want to be buried.

The withdrawal of these forces triggered civil strife in the two empires, but the royal families of both sides did not dare to suppress it excessively, so as not to arouse larger-scale chaos.

In this undercurrent of turmoil, the Samsara clan sent Kongwu to descend again, secretly received batch after batch of power transfers, and secretly sent them to the Universe Empire to continue 'feeding' their 'children'.

(End of this chapter)

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