Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2401 Chaos Statue

Chapter 2401 Chaos Statue

"Damn it, damn it, you are not worthy of being a monster!" Falling into the sky and fleeing in shock, his heroic and proud character advocates strong and brave battles. Why has he experienced such shameless fighting style? He wants to maintain his demeanor. Arrogant, but... Treasure Pig doesn't allow it.

"During the battle, don't use such red words as 'matching', don't tease Master Pig, be serious, Mom Dan, it's time to fight!" Baoshen Zhu rushed out of the mirror image again with a fat body and a wild body Twisting, attacking with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops, the ice crystals all over the body exploded in an instant, like a group of shotguns, destructive bombardment.

Luotian is very embarrassed now, he can't afford to be provoked and can afford to hide, first distance himself, otherwise he will die of anger, he is about to retreat extremely quickly, but the three mirrors behind him suddenly flip over, sweeping powerfully, sharp and brutal, and slashing towards The back of Luotian's neck.

What?Frightened, he lowered his head suddenly, trying to avoid the ultimate move from behind, but the moment he lowered his head, Luotian regretted it, because there were still many mirrors under him, and the reflections inside were all Baoshen pigs, and they all showed cruel grins .

At this moment, Baoshen Pig suddenly appeared from one of them, with a fat body, but extremely flexible, tumbling in the air, and hitting an upside-down sky hook, as fast as thunder.With a straightening of the body, a lift of the buttocks, and a kick of the hind legs, a pig's hoof hit the lower part of the falling sky.

Click, the crackling sound was startled, very ear-piercing.

"Ah!" Luotian screamed, losing control of his body, and the three ice mirrors swept across from behind, slashing hard on the back of his neck and back, blood splattered and touched his bones.

"Annoy Master Pig, this is the end." Baoshen Pig came out again, its body vibrated violently, and slammed into Luotian's chest, knocking it into the air in response, half of the ice slag on its body remained on Luotian's chest, bloody and bloody, And it released a bone-chilling cold air.

Luotian has no power to fight back, and this battle cannot be fought.You just locked the position of Baoshen Pig, but it has already appeared in another direction. Just as you stabilized your mind, he immediately made an astonishing move.

"Hallmaster!" The six great spirits screamed in horror, they could see clearly that this is not a battle, this is complete abuse, this is humiliation.Where did this fat pig come from?So shameless, and so fierce.

"Bao Shenzhu, your arrogance ends here." He was so angry that he endured the severe pain all over his body, and the fog of his soul bloomed violently, like a river tide, rushing in all directions, and the darkness flooded all the ice mirrors in an instant: "Cover the light, see you Where did you come from!"

If you can't break the ice mirror, I will block your light.

"Idiot, are you insulting my IQ?" Bao Shenzhu's voice echoed in all directions, and all the ice mirrors were full of light, like dazzling lights, shining in the dark mist.

Baoshenzhu is top-notch in terms of strength, bloodline control, and so on. It has been cultivated by the demon emperor Baizhen for so many years. If it wasn't for him not working hard, he would have entered the university long ago.Suppress Fallen Heaven?More than enough!

"Taste my blow, Ice Mirror Prison!" Bao Shenzhu appeared in the sky like a ghost, and spit out four giant ice mirrors from his mouth, fell from the sky, smashed the earth, and nailed them in four directions around Falling Sky. Expanding and connecting into a whole, it was like a prison, imprisoning the scarred Fallen Heaven.

Bao Shenzhu personally sat in the sky, and smiled coldly. The four ice mirrors were shining brightly, illuminating the darkness and dispelling the fog of the soul. "Bullshit Soul Warrior, Master Pig, I will be afraid of you?"

Clang clang clang, all the ice mirror bodies in all directions rose from the ground, like a sweeping sword, tore through the soul fog, blasted towards the four giant ice mirrors, easily penetrated through, and penetrated into the interior, making this ice The Mirror Prison instantly became a meat grinder.

"Vice Hall Master, be careful." The outsiders shouted loudly, they were shocked and dared not move forward.

At this time, hundreds of Hellhounds all speed up and pounce, encircling and suppressing the six spirit martial arts, and a fierce battle is about to break out.

In the mirror prison, falling into the sky was full of rage, like a trapped beast, violently attacking the ice mirror all over the sky: "Treasure pig, this space can't handle the battle of the peak holy realm at all, you will only attract more powerful beasts if you use all your strength!" Your enemy, even if I die today, I will hold you back."

In the canyon outside, the jade horned snake seemed to feel something, and looked back at the black hole.Fighting, or is it an illusion?Could it be that there is really something living in it?
"Do you want to go in and have a look?" Several powerful Jade Horned Snakes under his command approached.

"Where are you going, die?" The head of the Jade Horned Snake snorted coldly, but he was not at ease. "Send ten clansmen in, and just look around. Fallen Heaven is a Soul Martial, and it's close to its peak. If it's really dangerous, he'll have no problem escaping."

A semi-holy jade horned snake picked up some tribesmen and climbed in tentatively.

But Chocolate and Lulu had already made preparations and heard their conversation. They set up a wide void at the entrance, which was also a bizarre scene, but it was silent and flat.

Soon after, the Jade Horned Snake team retreated, saying that it was safe and there was nothing unusual.

After Tang Yan walked for a long time in the interlaced shadow of light and shadow, a vague silhouette really appeared in front of him, like a majestic and huge mountain, or like an ancient and desolate tengu, crouching in the depths of the world of light and shadow, The light and shadow here are the densest, and it seems that all the light and shadow are released from it.

Light and shadow leave and return, carrying delicate energy and nourishing it.

Tang Yan ignored the situation on the battlefield and strode forward in the dark. When he approached, it turned out to be a statue. That's right, it was the Demon Emperor Chaos. The rays of light splashed from the mouth, and the energy surged, which was very miraculous.

It stands silently in this world, like a ruler, silent but majestic.It exudes a majestic and desolate atmosphere, filled with ancient and vigorous trends.Standing in front of it, you can feel your own insignificance.

Countless lights and shadows gathered from all directions, and scattered from here to the magnificent world.

"Is it absorbing the energy between heaven and earth?" Tang Yan soared into the air and walked to its front.

The huge mouth of Chaos is like a terrifying black hole, with the power of thunder and lightning looming inside, and the sound of wind and rain. It is like the entrance to a mysterious world, swallowing everything outside, which is dreadful.

Just as Tang Yan was concentrating on feeling, the surrounding lights and shadows gradually shifted and converged towards Tang Yan, like colorful ribbons, wrapping around him one by one, gentle and gentle, but devouring his energy wantonly, even devouring his energy. The power of sky fire.

Huo Ling'er stood on Tang Yan's shoulder, shaking her hands in dissatisfaction, annoyed that these ribbons were swallowing her own strength.

Tang Yan comforted Huo Ling'er a little, and was about to step in when a childish cry suddenly sounded in his ears, like a baby's cry, coming from a more distant darkness.

"Hallucinations?" Tang Yan looked at Huo Linger, Huo Linger shook her head, and she heard it too.

Tang Yan listened attentively, but he didn't hear any more, but just as he was about to step into the statue again, the baby's crying sound appeared again, faintly visible and illusory, coming from an unknown and distant place.

"That's right, that's the voice. It's miserable." Xie Zu was watching the situation outside through Tang Yan's eyes.

Now I'm sure, it's not my hallucination, there are really living things in this world!
"Where is it?" Tang Yan stepped back a little, and the voice no longer appeared.

"I wonder why the energy gathers here? Where does this energy come from?" Xiezu felt the energy permeating the world, and it continuously gathered here.This is not just because it is enough to absorb from Tang Yan and others. These energies are not huge, but they are continuous.

"I'll look around again." Tang Yan felt that this place was full of mystery, and was about to turn around to look for it.

"Inside! Inside!" Huo Ling'er was suddenly pleasantly surprised, and pointed hard at the inside of the statue.

"Is there something in it?"

"Yes, yes, it's inside." Huo Ling'er pointed hard.

Tang Yan tentatively stepped in, and the immature voice came again, from a distant and unknown place.Stepping back a little, the sound disappeared, then moved forward again, and the sound appeared again. When Tang Yan really stepped into it, the sound rang a few times at last, very anxious, and then stopped.

"Blindfolded? I want to see what you are." Tang Yan smiled, and went in, secretly clenched his fists, and was vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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