Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2411 Hell

Chapter 2411 Hell (3)

More than a thousand people broke into different places, witnessed countless strange appearances in the last journey of their lives, and encountered the most terrifying and cruel torture. They died in panic and despair, and fell down in pain and wailing. They were alive People, but mistakenly entered hell, they were tortured from the stage of living people into ghosts, and they were in pain.

Among them, there are many strong people who are fighting against the darkness and evil spirits.

There are even people who ran away in a frenzy, rampaging in hell, destroying mountains when they see mountains, digging graves when they see graves, and beheading ghosts when they see ghosts.

However, this is hell, a hell world that has been perfected.There are hundreds of millions of evil spirits living here, and there are tens of thousands of ghost clans. This is the world of evil spirits. They can absorb the ghost energy of heaven and earth, and can control endless fire.All the intruders were first destroyed by the terrifying environment, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. The fighting method of the ghost clan is completely different from that of the human world. The ghost clan is dead and it is difficult to destroy it easily.

It was the last battle of all of them, but certainly the most tragic and feared battle of life.

Pei Ge, Qiao Haoyue, Tianyi Shengui, and the saint from Zhenyao Temple were sent to different places.

The Tianyi tortoise fell into the fierce sea area, resisted chaotically in the unnatural domain, and was slaughtered and besieged by tens of thousands of sea beasts from the master of the fierce world. Anyone who entered this environment for the first time would not feel good, and neither did the Tianyi tortoise. exception.Resourcefulness and calmness are useless in this situation, because the master of murder will never give him a chance.

Pei Ge fell into the Sansheng Mountains, and his tyrannical soul encountered the cruel test of dreams for the first time.Now the Sansheng Mountain Range is no longer desolate, and there is no longer only Yueying himself. With the geological movement of hell, it has expanded into a vast mountain range stretching for hundreds of kilometers, and many terrifying ghost races have also moved in and been born one after another.They are all vicious ghosts similar to illusions, and they are also controlled by Moon Shadow because they live in the Sansheng Mountains.

They crawled out of the tombs, came out of the darkness, entrenched on the cliffs, lurking in Heihe, they silently tortured Pei Ge, and combined with the dream of Three Lives, made his soul collapse in the torment.

Qiao Haoyue broke into Raksha's clan.

Of course, Tang Yan took special care of this special person and handed it over to Luo Sha.

Luo Sha is the first ghost lord outside of Fengdu who has his own complete territory and city walls. He has delineated a territory of tens of thousands of kilometers, controlled a large number of ghost clans here, and his own clan has developed rapidly.

As soon as Qiao Haoyue entered this territory, she was locked by countless evil spirits, repeatedly attacked and tortured, and when she finally came to Luo Sha, she was on the verge of collapse and faced even more brutal attacks.

The sage of Zhenyao Temple walked into the tomb world of the tomb boy even more unfortunately.

In this world of hell, a tomb boy and a prajna are born in extremely terrifying places in hell. Their strength lies not only in their ascension to sainthood, but also in the environment they live in.

A ten-mile desolation, a ghost cave.

Unfortunately, the saint from Zhenyao Temple walked into the Shili Tomb, and countless evil spirits crawled out of the tomb and launched an attack.

All kinds of cruel killings are happening all over hell, continuing in the boundless darkness. The fighting strength of the ghost race here has been greatly improved, completely suppressing them and torturing them.

Rakshasa Territory!

The barren hills are undulating, like canine teeth, stretching beyond the horizon.

Countless solitary ghosts wander among the dwarf mountains and ravines, and dots of dark flames rise and fall between the cliffs of the Heihe River.

On the cliffs, between the broken walls, and on the ferocious and steep ridges, there are majestic and ugly monsters standing at this moment.

In the mid-air, in the darkness, among the undulating dead trees and gravel, there are beautiful beauties scattered at this moment.

They are officially the people of the Rakshasa tribe, surrounded by more than ten kilometers inside and outside, surrounding the dilapidated and desolate ruins in the middle.

There... Qiao Haoyue was seriously injured and dying, lying in the messy ruins, soaked in blood, struggling in embarrassment, she let out a low growl, but coughed up blood: "Tang Yan! How dare you come to the Northern Alliance to dig traps!" !"

She was roaring in a low voice, like a painful beast. Even with three heads, she never thought that Tang Yan would dare to appear here, and even used hell to trap people in the alliance system.This is not bold anymore, he is a madman.

"Me? Who said I'm here! I'm wandering around in the south. Your intelligence didn't find me active in southern Xinjiang?" Tang Yan sneered and walked down from the sky, signaling the male and female Rakshasa leaders to back off slightly.

The female Rakshasa is graceful and graceful, taking three steps back.

Xiong Luocha stepped back ten steps and knelt down on one knee.

One female and one male, with completely different styles, the beauty and figure of the female Rakshasa can make the whole dark world full of brilliance, and can make the evil and gloomy hell beautiful.The ugliness of Xiong Luocha can make people retreat without fighting, and the violent fighting spirit seems to want to prove that he is a fighter all the time.

It is worth mentioning that Xiong Luocha is newly promoted to holiness!The more perfect cooperation with the female Rakshasa also made the Raksha clan the largest clan in hell, catching up with Fengdu.

"Small tricks, someone will always find out!" Qiao Haoyue was so angry that she couldn't accept the defeat at this moment, let alone that her life would end in hell. She kept struggling and tried hard to stand up.

"Don't worry about that. No one will know that Nanjiang is a dummy, and no one will know how you died. For a long time, your death will become the biggest unsolved case in the Northern Alliance. , nor any evidence.

Let me ask you a question. You just yelled so much nonsense, one of which was... the ancestor of the Huanyu Empire came too?Is it the old man who rushed in first? Tang Yan now had a bright smile on his face, squatting in front of Qiao Haoyue, picking her chin with a branch.

It's a pity that this charming face was beaten to a pulp by Xiong Luocha with a mace.

Qiao Haoyue struggled to throw it away, and glared at Tang Yan viciously: "You will die."

"I don't know how I will die, but I know you will die miserably! You should know that this is hell, and you should also know that there will be two results after death here. One is that the soul is eaten, sliced? Eat it raw ?Fried? Hehe, there are many tricks. I think raw food is the best, crunchy. One is to become a ghost here. What type do you want to become? I can help, such as lewd? Slutty Of? Or a monster body? I promise you will live a wonderful life in hell."

Tang Yan swung the branch in his hand and nodded at Qiao Haoyue's head, smiling ferociously and humiliatingly.

"Even if I am a ghost, I will never disturb you!" Qiao Haoyue gritted her teeth.

"Haha, wrong wrong wrong, if you really become a ghost, I will make you kneel down, you will never dare to stand, I will make you die eight times, you will never dare seven times. I will make you wait ten times a day , you wish to serve him a hundred times." Tang Yan suddenly jumped up and kicked Qiao Haoyue away.

Qiao Haoyue flew upside down for more than ten meters, smashed into the jagged black rocks, rolled four or five times in a row before lying there motionless.

Tang Yan walked over coldly: "You are responsible for all the poisoning of the Yin-Yang clan, right?"

Qiao Haoyue struggled to raise her head, and spat bloody water at Tang Yan: "I regret one thing in my life, not being able to poison them to death with my own hands!"

"You have more regrets, which is to provoke me, Tang Yan. I will help you choose the way to die. It is too cheap for you to be a ghost. I will let you die, completely break the cycle of reincarnation, and your soul will be chopped up and divided into pieces." Eat, and you'll stay awake and enjoy your soul being eaten."

Tang Yan got up slowly, and signaled to Luosha: "Didn't you always want to experiment with the five ghosts soul-stirring technique on the saint? Use her today, don't worry about it, use it however you want. After it's done, you will share it." her."

"Tang bastard..." Qiao Haoyue wanted to fight back, but Tang Yan punched him on the ground: "I'm not a good person, I've never been a good person, prepare to suffer!"

"Thank you Lord Ming for the gift." Luo Sha smiled sweetly, intoxicating all living beings and dimming thousands of flowers.

Saints are rare, how can they allow themselves to experiment with the secret method of soul-absorbing?What's more, living in hell, let alone going out to search for fresh prey, Tang Yan's kindness is rare today, and she is naturally very grateful.This insanity is not only painful, but it can also destroy people alive to death.It is equivalent to five evil ghosts breaking into your body and biting your soul, but it can keep you awake and feel the feeling of your soul being swallowed carefully. The smoother it is.

Five evil spirits soared into the air and ruthlessly broke into Qiao Haoyue's body.

She was seriously injured and dying, unable to resist, she immediately uttered a miserable scream, curled up and struggled on the ground, in agony, spurting blood from her mouth and constantly cursing Tang Yan.

But all around except for the Raksha clan and other evil spirits, there is absolutely no human emotion. They looked at Qiao Haoyue, and all they saw was deliciousness. That whine is a great tonic for many ghosts.

Qiao Haoyue was enduring the cruelest torture, her face was distorted, but the evil spirits around her seemed to be enjoying a feast and intoxicated.

This picture is even more terrifying in the gloomy and dark environment, enough to make the mind unsteady and collapse.

"It's the best place to find the reincarnation clan. It doesn't matter if you can't find it. The key is to find out the real situation of Xuanyuan and all the secrets of the alliance system. As long as she knows it, even if her soul is torn to pieces, she will still be able to find it." Get me out!" Tang Yan gave Luo Sha a ruthless order, and he will never show mercy to such an enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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