Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2414 A Heinous Sin

Chapter 2414 A Heinous Sin
"I'm not afraid that it eats too much, but I'm afraid it eats less! I'll deal with the outside affairs first, and then I'll go back to the new Zhanmeng. Qilufu should understand what happened to Taotie back then, at least find out what's going on here." Tang Yan's voice The clone of Tu personally sits in this area, but after leaving the inside of the statue, the devouring ability still exists here, and he doesn't want himself to become a nourishment.

"If an emperor really comes out, how can I deal with it?" Xiezu stroked his chin, secretly sad, always wanted to rule hell, but things always went against expectations.First, the war demons settled in, then the second generation of the master of hell was silent, and now there is such a thing, there is still a long way to go to unify hell.

Tang Yan took all the mummies out of hell and scattered them into the broken strata.He deliberately took out the unconscious Fallen Heaven, took him to wander among the strata, left his breath as much as possible, put some blood or something, and did all the aftermath work.

It is impossible for so many saints to disappear without a reason, so there must be an explanation.In order to clarify his relationship and avoid suspicion on Xin Zhanmeng, Tang Yan intentionally made a false impression that there were horrible creatures in the black hole, which sucked the flesh and blood of all intruders and became stronger. Ruin, Secret escaped.

Tang Yan deliberately left the traces of Luotian in order to interfere with the investigators, making them mistakenly think that Luotian was involved, such as being controlled?For example, leaving with treasures?etc.In short, it will cause the Northern Alliance to turmoil from within, and cause conflicts between the Temple of the Holy Spirit and all parties.

Not long after Tang Yan finished his disguise, Bao Shenzhu came back with Lulu.

After a brief introduction, after confirming that there was no danger, they scattered into the stratum again to check carefully, so as not to leave any traces that should not be left. Tang Yan specially used green fire to burn all the breath about himself.

Then... slip away... Not long after, the Yin-Yang Emperor was woken up by the two returning elders, and after understanding the situation, he specially released the power of his mind.

Human Sovereign's thought, like a real river tide rushing, is so powerful that it makes all beasts dormant, spirit birds cry, and the vast mountains and rain forests quickly fall into silence. As the thought passes, all monsters tremble and submit, and all ancient trees sway still.The thought spread across the mountains and ravines, covering thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, spread here, and soon discovered the vast broken stratum, and also found hundreds of mummies.

"Order all the ministries to gather!" The Yin-Yang Emperor personally left the customs that day and appeared in the ruins.

The Yin-Yang clan dispatched many clan elders and strong men to arrive one after another.

The news spread rapidly, alarming all parties.The three space monsters sitting in the imperial palace acted immediately, and transferred the royal family and the Holy Spirit Hall, as well as people from the reincarnation clan and the Peacock King, and even many high-level officials from the two forbidden areas.

The news spread quickly, but it was only closed at the top and did not spread to other levels, but the sensation it caused even surpassed the incident of "Tang Yan Appeared in Southern Xinjiang".

Because... the black hole disappears, leaving ruins.More than a thousand teams disappeared, leaving only mummy.

They didn't dare to imagine deeply, and they didn't dare to neglect. While retaining enough strength to guard against the southern border, the alliance system gathered all the high-level leaders who could gather, and all gathered in the ruined area.

That afternoon, more than 300 people from the alliance system gathered here. All of them were core executives, and all of them were real powerhouses, including Pei Kuang, the master of the Holy Spirit Hall, and the Peacock King who hurried back.

Since the Yin-Yang Emperor appeared in person, things must be very serious.

More than 300 people gathered, which can be called a prosperous age, but the scene was so depressing that everyone looked down at the mountains and rivers below with sullen faces.

Because of Tang Yan's evacuation and the shattering of the strata, cracks appeared in the ground for dozens of miles, and even collapsed. Numerous high mountains and great mountains were filled with cracks, countless canyons were torn out of cracks, and thousands of ancient trees sank deeply. Or askew.

The yin and yang emperor saw that everyone was coming, and personally moved hundreds of kilometers of the earth's surface with the supreme power of the emperor, and moved the entire mountain and valley away, and threw them into the distance. It is Huangwei!

The surface was removed, revealing a 'crack-filled zone' hundreds of meters below.

The filling area is eighty to ninety kilometers long, and the black lacquered rocks are broken and staggered to fill in the complete formation, which is completely opposite to the surrounding neat and tough formation. The contrast is very obvious, and it can be seen at a glance that it does not belong to this formation. .

"Dig!!" The strong men from all ministries took action in person, using their mighty power to move the rubble away. No one was idle, they were eager to know what happened.

Soon, groups of boulders were removed, revealing mummies one after another. Although they were beyond recognition, their identities could still be identified through clothing and so on.

Suddenly... "Your Majesty!" The royal family wailed and fell to their knees in horror.

They fell on the side of Shurot's body, their whole bodies seemed to explode, and their heads were buzzing.

Xiu Luote!Their ancestors!

At this moment, he was lying dryly in the gravel, his soul was gone, his flesh and blood were dry, it was horrible.

The prince just passed away, the princess also died, and now even the ancestor's body is buried in the ground, they are completely panicked, they can't even imagine what will happen next, the empire... who will rule?
Not long after, another corpse came out, alarming the reincarnation clan.

"Hao Yue?!" An exclamation startled all the reincarnation team, they hurriedly gathered over, looking at the scene in front of them, it was difficult to maintain their demeanor, after careful inspection, they confirmed that it was Qiao Haoyue without a doubt!
Not only has he turned into a mummy, but his clothes are in tatters and his withered face is distorted and ferocious. It is obvious that he has suffered a lot of pain and was tortured to death during his lifetime.

"Ahhh! Who is it! Who did it!" The reincarnation clan was startled and angry, roaring angrily.

"Pei Ge!" Pei Ming dug out Pei Ge's body with his own hands, and looked chilling. If...if he had gone in at that time...wouldn't he have become what he is now?
One after another, eventually more than 400 corpses came out.

The legs of the two elders of the Yin-Yang clan were weakened. If he hadn't returned to the imperial city at that time, if he had rushed in from the beginning, wouldn't he have become one of the more than 400 mummified corpses?
The Zhenyao Temple side was secretly sad. They did not find Sufian's body, but they did find the body of the saint.So far, there are only three saints left in the Town Demon Temple.

The entire alliance felt the chill, as if a biting cold wind was blowing at them. Many people backed away in horror, and some people's legs were trembling uncontrollably.

who is it!Who created such a tragedy!Who dares to cause such a killing on the edge of the alliance!
If the news got out, wouldn't it be tantamount to slapping the Northern Alliance hard on the face, greatly reducing the deterrence that the Northern Alliance tried to create.

What made them even more unacceptable was Shurot's death. Kosoban was already dead, and if the ancestor died again, who would invite the Huanyu Empire?It is bound to make many important jobs of the Northern League fall into the quagmire.

"There are creatures in the black hole!" Pei Ming told the story succinctly, and the two patriarchs of the Yin-Yang clan and the five members of the royal family jointly affirmed that this is indeed the case.

But... "Why is there no fallen corpse?! Why are all the mummified corpses taken out of their souls?" The five elders of the royal family questioned again, serious and resentful questions, their voices were very intense and moved the audience.

hateful!Pei Ming's face was gloomy, his teeth itching with hatred, but he couldn't give an explanation.

"Hallmaster Pei Kuang, give an explanation!" All forces glared at Pei Kuang.

Pei Kuang was powerless to explain, he put down Pei Ge's body, got up slowly, and looked down at the ruins dozens of kilometers away with a sullen face.

The Yin-Yang Emperor himself walked into the empty ruins: "There is a lot of soul breath here, the breath is very strong, it is a living breath. If it is Fallen Heaven, he is alive and left! These corpses have been absorbed by the same force. strength..."

Yin Yang Renhuang closed his eyes, feeling silently.

The atmosphere was tense, and all parties were very excited, waiting for the Emperor's answer.

Now at least two things can be confirmed, one is that there are creatures in the black hole, and they are very powerful, they attacked Xiu Luote and others; the other is that Fallen Heaven must have participated in it, either controlled by mysterious forces, unable to control himself, losing his mind, or taking the initiative to participate The camp of this group of creatures.Now that all the creatures are missing, it is likely that the Fallen took them.

Now thinking about the last words left by Kosoban, people have their own judgments in their hearts——Fallen Heaven definitely has a lot to do with it.

After a long time, the Yin-Yang Emperor slowly opened his eyes, and ordered decisively: "Use all your strength to find Fallen Heaven!"

"Please make it clear!" The alliances of all parties collectively wanted to know what happened.

"This power comes from the demon emperor Taotie!"

"What?!" Everyone was shocked, and the chill in their hearts became even stronger.The news said that there was a statue of Chaos inside, how did it get involved in Taotie?
"It was taken away by the Fallen Heaven when it was young, find it, find it!" The voice of the Yin-Yang Renhuang raised, shaking the mountains and rivers, overwhelming the crowd.He knew the secrets of the year, so he thought of a certain possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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