Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2423 The Decadent Prince

Chapter 2423 The Decadent Prince
The war in the north was like a sea of ​​smoke, tens of thousands of soldiers fought wildly in the wild, and the momentum of life and death caused a sensation in the northern continent and echoed for a long time.The army of the Northern Community has always been in a state of defeat, domestic complaints are everywhere, and the voices calling for Shurat to come forward are getting louder and louder. If it is not for the saints and semi-sages such as Qiao Cheng and the Peacock King, they will fight to the death and stop the saints of the new war alliance group.

In this battle, the New Zhanmeng showed its momentum completely.

It's just that neither the Samsara nor Beihai have put in new power. They are now focusing more on hunting down that mysterious power, and they are also working on the Dynasty event.They have survived in the Lost World for a long time, and they have tenacity in their bones. They don't pursue temporary gains and losses, because history is always written for the winners, they only want the final victory!

During this period, the Samsara Clan dispatched five space monsters to go back and forth between the Dagan Dynasty and the Huanyu Empire, and secretly transferred the royal children and trusted officials of the Dagan Dynasty to the Imperial Palace of the Huanyu Imperial City, and then Zhao Xiong transferred the sons of military generals and staff officers Transfer to the Universal Empire so that they can fight with peace of mind, and finally select those trusted forces and transfer their heirs and descendants as well as the treasure house.

Zhao Xiong was cautious and careful, did not leak any information, and proceeded secretly.Because the territory of the empire is vast and the clans are intricate and complicated, hundreds of forces were singled out, including generals, important ministers, and loyal clans, and the number of people who needed to be transferred reached [-].If you dig deeper, the number of people who need to be transferred is enough to reach hundreds of thousands.

This is a heavy job, but Zhao Xiong has to do it himself, lest the news leak, which will immediately attract the attack of the new Zhanmeng.

At the same time, Zhao Xiong also personally presided over the strengthening of ties with the Holy Empire, and lowered his profile as much as possible in exchange for the trust and deep cooperation of the Holy Empire.

Just like that... The war in the north is in full swing, tragic and tragic, and continues to attract the attention of the world; the universe empire continues to question Shurot, and the protests continue for a long time; Unremittingly working hard; the Daqian Dynasty became the source of a new storm, and began to work secretly and deploy secretly.

Only the Holy Empire was kept in the dark and continued its intense alliance work.Although the current war is in the north, tens of thousands of kilometers away from them, they are far away, but they have a strong sense of crisis, and the Holy Emperor has been injured, so they must prepare in advance.

Now the whole world knows that Xinzhanmeng is a domineering and crazy force. Through the type of Baoshenzhu, we can see that under the "dominant" and "crazy" they still have treachery and evil, and no one can Guaranteed when they will suddenly stop, and then... to fight against the Daqian Dynasty and the Holy Empire.

The Acting Lord of the Holy Empire, Wu Nong, speculated privately: "The fundamental reason for the New Zhanmeng's sudden attack on the Northern Community was a demonstration, to let the Northern Community know the strength and tyranny of the New Zhanmeng. How could they hurt the Northern Community, and then I will rest assured and attack the Daqian Dynasty and the Holy Empire with all my strength."

After all, where is the three-year agreement between Tang Yan and the Northern Alliance? Awareness of urgency, must be prepared!
Therefore, after the Dagan Dynasty expressed goodwill one after another and sent envoys repeatedly to express the idea that "only alliances can survive", the Holy Empire gradually let go of its strategy and began to cooperate comprehensively in the military, and even involved some commercial fields.

The most historically significant thing is that in the eighth month after the outbreak of the Northern War, that is, at the end of October, the Holy Empire and the Dagan Dynasty re-demarcated the frontier territories.

Before, the southwest territory of the Dagan Dynasty was adjacent to the northeast territory of the Holy Empire, separated by a vast rainforest. For the garrisons on the border, only [-] garrisons were left to serve as guards, and the large-scale army withdrew to the interior for rest.

Up to now, all parties in the world are aware of the covenant relationship between the Holy Empire and the Daqian Dynasty.

Later, the Dagan Dynasty no longer shy away from taboos, and various envoys were continuously sent to the Holy Empire, and envoys from the Holy Empire were also continuously sent to the Dagan Dynasty to discuss cooperation in various aspects.

Both sides are old-fashioned empires with a vast territory and billions of people. If they really want to make a complete alliance, there are too many things that need to be discussed. In order to show sincerity, the two sides try to be as cautious as possible.

Holy Empire!

The ancient imperial capital, like a silent god, crouches on the land surrounded by mountains and swamps, the vast divine power pervades thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and is a place of blessings in all directions.This is the most prosperous ancient city in the Holy Empire, and it is also a beautiful place with the most abundant spiritual energy.

The northern city of the imperial capital belongs to the 'noble area' inside the imperial city, where princes, generals, and branches of many ancient clans are all located here.

The most secret and richest place in the aristocratic district is the 'Prince Court', which is the outer courtyard of the Crown Prince's Witch Commandment Book.

Wu Jieshu didn't like the noise in the palace. Since he was promoted to Wu Zun, he had won such a courtyard outside the palace. This place belonged to a gathering point of spiritual power in the imperial city other than the palace.

It has been almost six years since the Book of Witch Commandments returned to the empire, and it has been nearly three years since it was awakened.

He kept shaking his head to his father's question, expressing that he didn't remember anything.

In fact, he really didn't remember anything, or he subconsciously chose to close that memory.

Wu Jieshu was born with arrogance, and was born in the royal family, shouldering the important task of the rise of the empire. He stepped on the heads of hundreds of millions of people from the first day he was born, and looked at the world with the gaze of overlooking the mountains and rivers since he was a child.His achievements over the past few decades are also enough for himself and the empire to be proud of.

But suddenly, there was a dark memory added to the glorious and bright life journey, which made him unacceptable.He has amnesia, and he deliberately does not recall that period of history. Even if there is a slight similar picture, he will dismiss it irritably.

The Book of Witch Commandments chose to go into seclusion, completely immersing himself in the idea of ​​rushing to the holy realm, so that he didn't have to guess about those annoying things.

However...he thinks more simply, the quieter he is, the more easily upset he is, the more he recovers, the more images flash through his mind, and now, he is almost sure that he remembers many things back then.This made Wu Commandment Book even more irritable, and faintly panicked. He couldn't accept it, really couldn't accept it!

I am the prince of the empire, how can I be so embarrassed?How can you be insulted?
He is an arrogant prince, how could he be saved by that enemy Tang Yan?
However, the more disturbed he was, the more various external situations challenged his willpower.For example, the return of Zhanmeng, the sanctification of familiar figures such as Du Yang and Zhao Zimo, and the return and sanctification of Qin Minghuang, all were like sharp needles, stimulating his chaotic consciousness, and making him miserable.

What stimulated Wu Jieshu the most was the disastrous defeat half a year ago, the defeat of his father, Tang Yan's astonishing deeds in the Southern Wilderness, Wu Jieshu suddenly found himself being left behind by his peers.He used to lead the way, but now he can't even see other people's backgrounds. He is anxious, angry, and panicked.


In the claustrophobic room, the Witch Commandment Book held his head and roared in a low voice. The roar was full of pain and resentment. He was unkempt, haggard, and no longer looked like a prince. The pain was not only psychological, he felt in a trance that the evil corpse spots began to erode his skin again.

So...he tore his hair and scratched his body, his strong body was dripping with blood.

The Book of Witch Commandments...going crazy... There are tens of thousands of soldiers stationed in the Prince's Garden, and the royal family also enshrines them. Why don't they know about the Book of Witch Commandments?Wu Nong came to visit more than once, but the situation of Wu Commandment Book got worse every time, and the most recent time even almost killed Wu Nong.

The Emperor personally ordered not to interfere with the witch commandment book. This is a catastrophe, and it is also a catastrophe before sanctification. If the witch commandment book can't be crossed in his own way, he is not worthy of being his own emperor!
"Hall...Hall...Your Highness..."

Suddenly, a weak and cowardly voice came from outside the door. A delicate maid was pale and knelt there tremblingly, her eyes flickering with horror.What she met was the prince of the empire, but it looked like he was bowing down to the god of death.

Because... For more than a year, every time the maid sent to pass the message has only one end...Death!He was torn into pieces alive and taken away indifferently by the guards.So when someone is sent to pass on a message, it is equivalent to being used as an 'object', almost like being dead.

"Come in." The voice of the Witch Commandment Book came from the room, cold, hoarse, and panting heavily.

"Yes... yes..." The maid's teeth were chattering, and she stood up tremblingly with almost all her strength, lowered her head forcefully, and pushed open the door. collapse.She suppressed the feeling of vomiting and knelt there after taking two steps.

"Are you afraid of me?" Witch Commandment Book raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot amidst his messy long hair.

"No, no, Your Highness redeemed, slave... slave... no... no..." The maid burst into tears, trying to explain but couldn't utter a word.

"Are you afraid of me? I am the crown prince on the spot, and I am the prince Wu Jieshu, how dare you be afraid of me?" Wu Jieshu stood up unsteadily, panting heavily, and walked towards the girl. People are timid.Under the tattered clothes, a bloody body could be seen faintly, which was torn out by himself.

"Your Highness, servants don't dare, dare not..." The maid curled up on the ground, like a kitten, trembling, her head buzzing wildly.

"Do you dare to be afraid of me? Do you dare to be afraid of me?" The Witch Commandment Book repeated it repeatedly, whispering hoarsely, grabbed the girl's hair and tore it forcefully, staring straight at her with blood-red eyes.

The maid was forced to raise her head, but when she saw the man in front of her, she screamed and almost fainted. This is not a human being, it looks like a corpse that ran out of a grave.

Is this really His Highness?Is this really the prince?How did it become like this?

"What's your name? Ah!" The Witch Commandment Book roared, biting the girl's neck.

"Ah, someone said they can save you! He can save you, he can save you! He can make you holy, he can make you the pride of the empire, he can make you famous all over the world!" The maid's courage came from nowhere , screamed and said the whole thing.

(End of this chapter)

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