Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2425 Lord Wu Nong

Chapter 2425 Lord Wu Nong
Wu Jieshu looked at Xuanyuan Longli coldly, although his consciousness was confused, he was always vigilant.He didn't know much about this Xuanyuan dragon carp, but since he risked his life to come here, he couldn't come to help for no reason, let alone be a good person.He was silently calming down his emotions and weighing the pros and cons.

Why doesn't he want to cheer himself up, how can he be willing to be silent, the more irritable he is, the more he looks forward to a new life, the more resentful he is, the more he hopes to rise.

Xuanyuan Longli calmly faced the gaze of the Witch Commandment Book, but sighed at the fragility of the Witch Commandment Book.Standing at the top of the world since birth, surrounded by glory and dignity, and has never failed, such a person is very fragile, like Qin Minghuang is a different kind, he is deeply influenced by Xingluo Renhuang, and the book of witchcraft makes him I saw how weak the so-called genius born in the golden house is.

Unlike Tang Yan and Du Yang who are "wild" and "free-range", they have endured hardships and have tough minds.The situation that Wu Jieshu encountered was nothing to Tang Yan and the others, but to Wu Jieshu himself, it became a heavy hammer that crushed him.

But this is not a bad thing. If Wu Zongshu can really stick to the past and cross his heart, it will definitely be a complete change and become a real man.So, here he is.

At this moment, hurried footsteps were faintly heard outside.

Xuanyuan Longli raised his eyebrows slightly: "The Lord Wu Nong came too fast."

"I agree!" Wu Jieshu stood up suddenly, resolutely, his blood-colored eyes burst out with ambition for the first time in three years.

Boom!The door was pushed open heavily, and a skinny little old man appeared in front of the door, his eyes were like lightning, and the light was cold in the darkness.This person has a cold and hard face, but he is short but has an oppressive aura like a mountain.

He was followed by two two-meter-tall giant men in black armor. They were from the army, and their murderous aura was overflowing.

The little old man looked at Xuanyuan Longli coldly, and then glanced at the book of witchcraft.A slight astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he sat up after not seeing him for a few days?

"Lord Wu Nong, I have long admired you, the junior Xuanyuan Longli, from the New Zhanmeng." Xuanyuan Longli stood up, bowed and bowed, in a graceful manner, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Stay outside." Wu Nong walked into the room.

"Be careful, he is a saint." The two giants behind him whispered to warn Xuanyuan Longli with their eyes, and closed the door casually.They are like two door gods, standing in a dark corner, guarding silently.

Wu Nong sat down: "Who sent you here? You should know that the Holy Empire does not welcome people from the new Zhanmeng."

"I have just obtained the support of His Royal Highness Wu Jieshu, and I hope to cooperate with your country. Allow me to explain..."

Wu Nong interrupted with a wave of his hand: "My question is not clear? I am asking who sent you here!"

Xuanyuan Longli looked at him strangely, and asked back: "Where did the lord Wu Nong get so angry? Are you treating me as an imaginary enemy? As an acting lord, the survival of the empire should be the primary task, not goodwill and liking." When dealing with visitors, we should not easily turn an enemy who is not an enemy into an enemy.

With all due respect, the current Holy Empire does not have this qualification.

Personally, I don't think there is an enemy relationship between our New Zhanmeng and your Holy Empire.

As early as in the game in the Valley of the Wicked, Wu Jieshu and my brother Tang Yan were always hostile due to various misunderstandings, but at the last moment, Tang Yan just defeated His Highness Wu Jieshu, and never took advantage of the situation to make a cruel move.When we arrived in the Lost Battle Realm, we tried our best to find the prince of Wu Jieshu and Qin Minghuang, but we never felt disgusted.Except for Zhao Huan, that is a different kind, should be killed.

Later, the corpse royal family planned to use His Royal Highness Wu Jieshu to hurt my brother Tang Yan. The sword was inserted into Tang Yan's chest, and he didn't take advantage of the situation to hurt His Highness Wu Jieshu. Finally, he begged the Demon Emperor Jiuying to help him. His Highness may not remember the experience of the witch commandment book.

What Tang Yan did was not hypocritical, nor was it extravagant, just because we belong to Qitian Continent, if we are not life and death enemies, we should support and help each other.He did it, and Luan Che, Dong Qingniu, Tian Si, etc. all became close friends with him.

Now back to the Qitian Continent, we have returned the Prince Wu Commandment Book without any request. In the past six years, Tang Yan and Xin Zhanmeng have not attacked the Holy Empire. Only when your Holy Human Emperor attacked the ancient Xingluo Kingdom, we did. There was a counterattack.Even now, we clearly have the ability to send troops to the Holy Empire, and finally chose to attack the Northern Community.

My words do not mean to slander the Holy Empire, nor do I belittle the purpose of the Prince of the Witch Commandment Book. I just hope that you can understand that from the beginning to the present, our brothers and the New Zhanmeng have no intention of fighting against the Holy Empire. avoided you.

We are not your enemy!
Even if you don't want to make friends with us, at least you should treat them like normal people, instead of making yourself an imaginary enemy out of thin air and treating Xinzhanmeng as an enemy. "

Wu Nong looked at him for a long time, his cold and hard attitude remained undiminished, but his eyes were a little bit colder. Since he came here, he avoided all eyeliners and came here privately. In fact, he had already expressed some wishes. The reason for the confrontation was because of the feeling A small person, it is not worthy of me to come here so privately and solemnly.

He thought it was Tang Yan who came here in person, or Ke Zunshan and his like, but Xuanyuan Longli's performance made him put away his contempt a little: "What is your status in the New Zhanmeng?"

"Tang Yan has several life and death brothers, and he is one of them." Wu Jieshu knew a little bit about the situation.

Xuanyuan Longli said: "The Lord Wu Nong has ruled the Holy Empire for tens of thousands of years. He is famous for his foresight and foresight. He is famous for his sternness and wisdom. You can come here in person today, instead of just sending troops to arrest me. I, Xuanyuan Longli, would like to express my gratitude to you." .

I came here today with sincerity, and I also brought some special information.

Now the Holy Empire is facing a conspiracy, not from our New Zhanmeng, but from the Northern Alliance and the Dagan Dynasty. If the Lord Wu Nong has no prejudice against the New Zhanmeng, he is willing to listen to my introduction calmly. Please nod, If you suspect that I have bad intentions, I hope that today's conversation will be only me and Prince Wu Commandment Book, not the third person. "

Xuanyuan Longli's remarks slightly mentioned the identity of Wu Jieshu. The implication is that the number two person in this country is Wu Jieshu. If I just want to talk to him and he agrees, you have no right to interfere.He is well versed in human nature, and he knows that the witch commandment book is sensitive and fragile now, and ordinary words that seem to be flattering can easily enter the heart of the witch commandment book.

Wu Jie was expressionless in his writing, but a gleam of light flashed in his cloudy eyes again, his body straightened up without any trace, and he regained a little spirit.

"Let's talk." Wu Nong didn't care about the book of witchcraft, he noticed Xuanyuan Longli's phrase 'conspiracy', which is the most important thing.

"Why did the New Zhanmeng choose to attack the Northern Alliance at this time? Why did Shuroter refuse to show up despite being humiliated? Why did the Universal Empire military continue to retreat? What does it mean to mobilize more forces to defend the Northern Alliance?"

Xuanyuan Longli asked repeatedly, which captured the hearts of Wu Nong and Wu Jieshu.

This is not only a question for them, but also a question for all countries in the Central Plains, and it is strange for any wise person.

"The reason is only known to the New Zhanmeng, and at least a few people in the New Zhanmeng know it. I am very cautious, and please understand the reason for my caution."

"Say, regardless of whether today's conversation is successful or not, I will keep it a secret and swear by my status as acting lord." Wu Nong understood Xuanyuan Longli's meaning.

Xuanyuan Longli intentionally remained silent for a long time: "Surat is dead, Kosoban is dead, and the Huanyu Empire has no leader. The royal family is powerless to control the current situation."

"What?!" Wu Nong almost stood up!

Wu Jieshu frowned: "How do you know?"

"Forgive me for not being able to tell, but I can use my head to vouch for it." Xuanyuan Longli's words were actually enough to arouse the suspicion of the two of them——killed by Xin Zhanmeng?
"Don't get me wrong, I didn't say we killed it. I'll reveal some information. There is an Eagle Soul Mountain Range in the area controlled by the Northern Alliance. It used to be the clan of the demon emperor Taotie. Now there is an unexpected situation in it. It is suspected that the young son of Glutton The monster beast appeared. The Northern Commonwealth is busy hunting down that monster now, and has no extra energy to deal with the attack of our new Zhanmeng."

Wu Jieshu and Wu Nong suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the battle in the Northern Alliance had been weak for nearly half a year. It turned out that they had gone hunting for the demon emperor's cubs!There is such a strange beast in Qitian Continent?
Wu Nong asked: "What does this have to do with our Holy Alliance? What does it have to do with conspiracy! The Northern Alliance has the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and the temple of the Holy Spirit has its eyeliners all over the world. It is not easy to hunt down a fleeing monster! Maybe it has been caught now up.

As for the Huanyu Empire, as long as the alliance system completes the capture and works together, it will not be difficult to defeat the new Zhanmeng, re-elect internally, and support the new monarch.Even when chaos arises, they can handle it. "

"That's the problem, the Northern Alliance can't find that monster, forever." Xuanyuan Longli smiled slightly.

"Oh?" Wu Nong took a deep look at Xuanyuan Longli. This kid likes to hide his head and tail when speaking, but the aftertaste is very strong. At such a young age, his negotiating methods are very delicate.

(End of this chapter)

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