Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2434

Chapter 2434

The morning of January [-]rd.

The team of water candle demons arrived first. In this team, there are actually saints from the Samsara and Yin-Yang tribes, and there are also more than 3000 teams assembled by the Holy Spirit Hall in Canglan Ancient Land.Therefore, the water candle demon did not dare to be too arbitrary, at least in the early stage.

After the team is assembled, it will act immediately. The ordinary team will be scattered in the rainforest to sweep the floor. in sight.

In short, the search team formed a complete network with a radius of five kilometers, advancing layer by layer from the northern edge.

The water candle demon has not forgotten the death of Xiu Luote and others. Both the Fallen Heaven and the mysterious power should be very strong.

"Here we come! Listening to their discussions, there should be a second batch. It is expected to arrive here late tomorrow night. The exact number and lineup are unknown." Tang Yan received a report from Granny Ma.

"The lineup is not small." Tang Yan woke up from his meditation.

"Should we do it now? The water candle demon is not an idler, it is a real beast, known as the sea spirit in the world! The sea is not dry, it will never die! Get rid of it first, and then the second batch of teams will come." convenient."

"No need, wait for them to come before you start. Once it starts, it will definitely cause a sensation in all parties, and then the second batch will be frightened away. Don't worry, the water candle demon will not be able to find me for a while. When the second batch arrives, I will catch them all." "There is no wave in Tang Yan's ancient well, and the area of ​​​​[-] mountains is vast, and it will take about two or three hours for them to search here.

"Young Master Tang, please don't be fooled, just wait here, I'll go back and recruit someone!"

"Don't be so nervous, let's act according to the plan we made. I will be in charge of my siege, and you will be in charge of your siege." Tang Yan twisted his neck vigorously. After a year, the war will start again. This time it seems that it will be better than the last time. More exciting and more challenging.He likes this kind of hunting feeling very much, and it is exciting only when there is a challenge.

"I will try my best to come back within five days, you must take care!" Granny Ma knew Tang Yan somewhat, she said she was eager for a challenge, and she was the type who didn't want to die or feel uncomfortable.The more fatal the situation is, the more excited he is. Tang Yan also has a problem with whether it is good or bad, that is, he doesn't like to make plans too deadly, but instead looks forward to accidents and drastic changes in the melee. It seems to be able to experience more adaptability.

Granny Ma left, avoiding the four void monsters lurking in the void, and secretly returned to the new Zhanmeng.

Tang Yan moved his limbs vigorously, and left quietly, his two deep eyes flashed with excitement in the darkness, and his tightly pursed lips evoked a bloodthirsty arc.

The water candle demon team started searching from the north, and the team moved quickly and carefully, but the Shiwanda Mountain range is vast and boundless, like a green ocean, and it is difficult to search for someone who does not know whether it exists in it. !

On the evening of the [-]th, the search team once again found traces that were suspected to be left by Luotian. Judging from the blood stains, Luotian had been active in Shiwanda Mountain for about half a month. This discovery finally gave the search team confidence.

It seems that Luo Tian is really here, even if he left, he hadn't been gone for long.

In the middle of the night, Tai Shuyao and others arrived one after another and quickly joined the search team, significantly expanding the search scope and progress.

However, when the Water Candle Demon and others were nervously exploring the Hundred Thousand Mountains, in the middle of the night on January [-]th, a news that shocked the world and caused a sensation in the north suddenly exploded on the battlefield of the Three Kingdoms.

The melee in the Three Kingdoms battlefield has lasted for a month from the very beginning to the present, and the cruelest offensive and defensive battle has lasted for about ten days. It is the imperial city!
In the middle of the four-day night, the pace of war pushed to the edge of the imperial city, and the imperial city guards were forced to participate in the battle. The people in the imperial city even spontaneously formed teams to deliver supplies to the front line and transfer the injured.

The brutality of the battle made thousands of miles of mountains and rivers tremble, and made the vast clouds densely covered with dark clouds.

But just when the coalition forces were about to officially approach the city defense, and at the special moment when the ancient Xingluo country was officially facing extinction, a secret order from the top of the Holy Empire quickly spread among the top military officials.

A space warrior personally guarded the lord Wu Nong and the thin witch commandment book secretly visited every general and issued the highest secret order, which aroused the shock of every general.

Three o'clock in the afternoon!

The saints of the ancient Xingluo country and the holy empire who were fighting fiercely responded first. They quickly reconciled and joined forces to launch a fierce attack on the saints of the Daqian Dynasty.

The 600 million troops on the front line of the Holy Empire and the 300 million troops in the reserve suddenly changed direction and pounced on the army of the Dagan Dynasty on the right. All the focus of the war was on the Daqian Dynasty.

Just like that... Amidst all kinds of puzzlement and perplexity, amidst the astonishment of the world and the bewilderment of all countries, after that, the upheaval broke out that caught everyone by surprise.

But here is a battlefield with more than 2000 million people, and it is very difficult to control, especially ordinary soldiers are completely confused about the situation, and even question the authenticity of military orders.The Xingluo Ancient Country was the first to react and complete the control of the military formation. They had been beaten exhausted and miserable. Suddenly they were shocked by such news, and they reacted the most violently. They were more willing to accept the facts and no longer resist the sacred The troops of the Empire made them even more stressed.

The Daqian Dynasty was at a loss at first, and then they were so angry that they wanted to die. They finally woke up. It turned out that the Holy Empire had already allied with the ancient country of Xingluo.Although it is unacceptable, the facts are in front of us!
What is even more frightening is that the Holy Empire's "acting" has reached this level. During the month-long fierce battle, the Holy Empire did not hold back a single point, and its bravery even surpassed that of the Daqian Dynasty.Can it be said that the counterattack is just like this?
The chaos lasted for half an hour, and the vast battlefield became chaotic. Many generals even lost their own troops. Tragic trampling occurred in some areas, and there were also cannibalism in the chaos.

At this most special moment, until the Sacred Human Sovereign and Xingluo Human Sovereign on the emperor-level battlefield issued a battle order to the battlefield of the Three Kingdoms with the voice of imperial power——Xingluo and the sacred teamed up to counterattack the Daqian Dynasty!

The chaotic battlefield finally started a swift and sharp integration, and the emperor has spoken, so why do you need any doubts?No nonsense, just do it.The previous doubts and resentment, the previous bewilderment and confusion, all evolved into fiery enthusiasm at this moment.Everyone knows what this sudden alliance means. It is a sensation in the world, it is a record of history, and it is a miracle of war that shocks the past and the present!And we are the shapers of this miracle.

A war of encirclement and suppression that caused a sensation in the Central Plains officially kicked off.

The intelligence personnel from various countries watching the battle froze in place, staring dumbfounded at the chaotic scene in the distance. No one would have imagined that they could witness such a dramatic war miracle with their own eyes.

In the chaos, Wu Jieshu, the prince of the Holy Empire, came to the battlefield in person and took over the highest military order of the empire.

After a month of recuperation, most of his vitality has recovered. Although he still looks very thin and tired, he is full of energy. Instead of directly participating in the battle, he stood on the high platform and shouted that the empire Wanchang personally beat the drums. The shouting once ignited the enthusiasm of the Holy Empire's military.

The Dagan Dynasty roared angrily, hysterically denouncing the betrayal of the Holy Empire, but the fact had already happened, they were powerless to reverse the situation, and could only gather their troops and evacuate with all their strength.

And at this moment, a larger-scale great change occurred!
More than [-] warlocks in the Yesha Tower betrayed collectively, and led by Li Xiangjun, they formed the strongest killing formation in the Yesha Tower-Falling Tianchen!
Long before the upheaval happened, Li Xiangjun received a secret contact from a space warrior in the New Zhanmeng. After making a painful decision, she gathered all the teams in the name of forming the strongest killing formation to break through the walls of the ancient Xingluo Kingdom's palace.

At this moment, drastic changes occurred, which shocked the whole world, and she did not hesitate any longer on the battlefield of cholera.At this moment, the Daqian Dynasty was sternly urging them to attack the Holy Empire in order to slow down the retreat. As a result... Li Xiangjun gave an order, and the attack range of Falling Tianchen covered the rear of the Dagan Dynasty!
(End of this chapter)

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