Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2437 Faith

Chapter 2437 Faith
Tai Shuying and Tai Shuzu, the two yin-yang saints, continued to search forward after receiving the order. Ten shadow guards directly under the Military Affairs Academy secretly left behind ten shadows, which spread to the nearby rainforest and dormant silently. They merged with the darkness. , vigilance, alert.

After exchanging glances, the two young generals scattered to the canopy of the old trees not far away. They were far apart, but the positions were very ingenious. They could not only keep an eye on the rainforest, but also keep track of Tai Shuyao's situation at all times.They are all in the semi-holy realm, and they are also the dazzling rookies of the Yin-Yang clan in recent years. Although they are not as elegant as Taishu, they are already called geniuses.

They were deeply trusted by Tai Shuyao, and they were brought along and trained for many years, so they were naturally loyal to Tai Shuyao.

Their current mood is actually very complicated. The marshal who was once regarded as invincible and fearless now looks like an old man, weak, weak, and depressed. They all know that Tai Shuyao "stands up" on the surface, but he is still "lying" in his heart. ', wanting to completely get rid of the shadow left by Tang Yan... Difficult!

They didn't approve of Ren Huang letting Tai Shu Yao forcefully leave the customs, but they also understood Ren Huang's helplessness.Just imagine that there were two peak marshals in the Yin-Yang clan in the past. They were like two strong stone pillars, supporting the sky of the Yin-Yang clan and deterring powerful enemies from all directions. But in just a few years, Grand Uncle Qingyun was captured, Tai Shu Yao Seriously injured, even the prince and uncle Fenghua were seriously injured and Shen Leng, the Human Sovereign really had no one he could use.

Returning to the Qitian Continent is the result of many years of painstaking efforts by the Yin-Yang Clan, entrusting the whole clan's hard work, even violating the oath of the human race, but... the return full of hope, I thought it would be infinite glory, and there would be a more comprehensive and brilliant development However, the result was defeat after defeat and became the laughing stock of the world.

Tang Yan's campaign to challenge the Yin-Yang Clan even more shamed the word "Golden Ancient Clan".

In this regard, Tai Shuyao, who served as the supreme commander of the previous defense mission, was the most guilty. Perhaps the clan did not blame Tai Shuyao, but he himself couldn't get over this hurdle and put all the mistakes on himself. One of the main reasons for the latter illness.

One of the young generals sighed, leaning against the messy branches, alas, what happened to the Yin-Yang tribe?What about the glory of guarding the Northeast Sea that was lost in the war world?Where did you go?Maybe now is God's hope that the Yin-Yang clan will break down and then stand up again. It is a tribulation before the Yin-Yang clan reaches the strongest peak.I only hope that the new Zhanmeng can be destroyed as soon as possible, I only hope that Tang Yan can be killed as soon as possible, without Zhanmeng and Tang Yan, everything can be done!
In the past, people like them had no concept of time. For a lifespan of thousands or tens of thousands of years, it is normal to be silent for three to fifty years, and it is reasonable to deploy for a certain operation for a hundred years. The rise of the League brought the concept of time back to everyone, and the high-paced and high-frequency fierce battles and storms made everyone overwhelmed.

well!That arrogant Tang Yan, who can kill him?Didn't you say that the aunt of the reincarnation clan is very powerful?Why not make a move?Then the girl must be moved by the spring heart, right?A woman becomes an emperor, so what?

The young general curled his lips, flickered and smirked, and for some reason, he was fascinated by his thoughts.

"What are you thinking? Why are you in a daze if you don't keep watch?" Suddenly, a light voice rang in his ears.

"It's nothing, I just feel that Tang Yan..." The young general sighed and shook his head, but his brain buzzed loudly, and he was there on the spot.Gulu, he swallowed hard, turned his head slowly, and what caught his eyes was a face with sharp edges and corners, handsome and evil, with a pair of deep pupils staring straight at him.

Uh... The young general closed his eyes forcefully, raised his hand to touch his head, no, he was dizzy.

After a moment, he opened his eyes suddenly, almost crying, but the evil face was still there.

Tang Yan grinned and smiled. "Hello, nice to meet you."

Tang Yan? "The young general asked cautiously, and for some reason, his voice was so small that he couldn't even hear it.

Tang Yan smiled and nodded.

The teenager woke up with a shock, this time he woke up completely, his scalp exploded, and goosebumps covered his body, and he was about to explode in an instant, scream, call for help, and fight back, but a gust of black air came to his face, The burst of energy was completely shrouded in darkness, and his world was spinning, as if falling from a very high cloud, falling heavily on a rugged low mountain.

His scream became a long tail, accompanying him from high altitude to the ground, but fortunately he reacted in time, did not fall into a shit, and settled steadily at the last moment.

Surrounded by strange rocks and black stones, the dark environment is very gloomy.

"Huh? Why are you all here?" The young general suddenly found another young general standing beside him, and the ten shadows were all around, and they seemed to be watching something nervously.

"What are you looking at?" The young general was very dazed, and followed everyone's line of sight. Among the jagged rocks and low mountains, one after another, breathtakingly beautiful beauties appeared one after another. Yue Duo, all of them were tall and beautiful, and all of them were enchanting and charming. His figure, skin, face, and eyes made him dizzy, and he was stunned on the spot.

Really dreaming? !These women seem to be... naked?Still smiling at him!
oops?I have a spring dream?
The young general rubbed his eyes vigorously, a surge of blood flowed from his dantian to his heart, he took a deep breath, his eyes shone brightly, I am a good boy, there are so many beauties.

"Why are you stunned, this is hell, and those are evil ghosts and Rakshasa." The voice of the young general beside him trembled.

"Hell? That was really Tang Yan just now!" The young general came to his senses, but his eyes kept wandering back and forth on those beauties: "Wait, why is Tang Yan here?"

"If I knew, would I wait here to die?" The other young general was short of breath, it's over, it's over, I'm going to be the ration of these female ghosts, I don't want to die.

In the rainforest outside, Tai Shuyao was awakened by a faint noise in the distance. He looked into the darkness strangely. At first, there was nothing unusual. Just when he was about to close his eyes again, he suddenly woke up again. It seemed that someone was approaching him. Walking, the steps are steady but there is no sound, like a lonely soul, floating from the endless darkness.

Tai Shuyao was a little vigilant, sensing a crisis.

There was a faint light in the forest in front, which was the shimmer of moonlight shining through the thick tree canopy. The black shadow did not hide, walked straight through the light, and his face disappeared in a flash.

"It's you?!" But Tai Shuyao could see it clearly, or maybe it was this face that made him unforgettable, and it has been in his mind all the time for a year.

"Marshal Tai Shuyao, we meet again." Tang Yan came from the darkness and stood still in the darkness. He spread his hands, and two balls of green fire bloomed, like gentle spring water, tumbling gently around his hands. Bring some light.

"It's useless for me to struggle, is it?" Tai Shuyao knew Tang Yan's strength very well, and he was even more aware of his current situation.He didn't struggle, and faced it with compromise.

"I'm afraid it is." Since Tang Yan dared to appear directly, he naturally had the confidence to absolutely subdue Tai Shuyao and the ability to control him instantly.

He has sharp eyes and sees through Tai Shuyao's current weakness.

"Why did you appear here?" Tai Shuyao dreamed of returning to the top countless times, longed to fight Tang Yan again, and dreamed of killing Tang Yan countless times to justify himself and the Yin-Yang clan.But when Tang Yan appeared in front of him again, that strong sense of powerlessness surged up again.

Tai Shuyao's faith had already collapsed, and he met Tang Yan again before regaining his faith and returning to the peak. This is indeed his sorrow.

"I set up this game." Tang Yan came in front of Tai Shuyao and shook his head secretly. He was getting older and less able to bear it. It has been a year and he has not recovered more than half.

"You? It seems that the greatest wealth Jiuying gave you is fearlessness!"

"Why do you always like to talk about Jiuying?"

"Without him, where would you be?"

Tang Yan smiled and said nothing.

"Tang Yan, you shot yourself in the foot this time. Qilufu and Ma Long are both in the northern border. You don't have Daman guards by your side. Who will help you resist the water candle demon? I'm sure you won't have any this time." results.

I am not afraid of death, because your end will be even worse. You will die soon after I die. You will fall into the hands of the water candle demon. sky fire. "

Tai Shuyao smiled coldly, looking at Tang Yan as if looking at a dead person.

"I'm sorry to tell you that your Yin-Yang clan was tricked that day. I'm not in the peak holy realm. I've already entered the Dzogchen, but it was covered up by a special way. If you don't want to die, this news should give you some comfort. You are not defeated by the same level, but by Dzogchen!"

"You... Daquan?"

"That's right, it's perfect."

Tai Shuyao looked at Tang Yan in a daze, his consciousness was in a trance for a while.

Tang Yan smiled: "On the road to Huangquan, go well."

"You...don't want to die..." Tai Shuyao's mind was once again filled with resentment, he was about to die, Tang Yan actually humiliated himself again, this is no relief, this is the devastation of Chi Guoguo !

Tang Yan is letting him know how stupid he is, and letting him know that Tang Yan is really here to hunt, and it will not be Tang Yan who will die with him, but everyone who participated in this operation...everyone..." Why!! Why do you torture me!!" Tai Shuyao suddenly roared like crazy, at this moment, his seven orifices ooze blood, grief, anger, pain, shame, anger and other emotions flooded in his body, completely destroying the former Generalissimo of the Ancient Golden Clan!

(End of this chapter)

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