Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2444

Chapter 2444
The battle in the [-] Mountains quickly took an astonishing turnaround. Just as the water candle demon expected, the continuous siege of the twelve holy lands finally saturated the devouring of the war spirits, and they could no longer swallow energy, which also made the holy land The team no longer had such a big worry, and one by one regained their momentum, preparing for a desperate battle, and desperately crippled the monster with their last breath.

But... the sudden arrival of blood chickens and other hell creatures violently broke the balance of the battlefield.

In addition, the battle spirit just tore and devoured the complete sea wolf, so that the Northern Alliance team became eleven, and it was a huge consumption of eleven.

The Blood Chicken and the others came aggressively, and rudely knocked away everything, knocking the battle circle to pieces, but left the war spirit alone in place.

It was completely enraged, and it would not leave easily. After all, it had just suffered continuous berserk attacks from the Twelve Great Sacred Realms, and it was scarred and angry.

But... the bitter mother's army had been prepared for a long time. The patriarch personally carried a large amount of spiritual source liquid Tang Yan gave it, circled around the war spirit, and rushed away.

The battle spirit roared, and rushed after the spirit source liquid.

It has swallowed a lot of energy now, and has also absorbed the two holy realms of Yuan Qi and Sea Wolf. The complex energy is churning in the body, making it very uncomfortable.Moreover, the repeated vicious battles in the Twelve Saint Realms also caused it to consume a lot and suffer damage. Now that it suddenly saw the pure spiritual source liquid, it made it want to spit out the uncomfortable energy in its stomach immediately and swallow the spiritual source liquid.

"Water candle demon, what are you doing! Hurry up and settle the battle, come and save us!"

"A Tang Yan nailed you there? Water candle demon, you sincerely want to kill us!"

"Where are the space monsters? Come here because we left!"

Qiao Qianlan and the others yelled again and again, calling for help from the water candle demon while fighting in embarrassment.

But Tang Yan over there has already gone crazy, tightly entangled the water candle demon, just not letting it approach here.The water candle demon wanted to get rid of Tang Yan, but for some reason, he was always entangled by Tang Yan.

The fight lasted for half an hour, one after another the holy lands were dragged into the gate of hell, and the shrill screams echoed in the dark night of the storm.The forests disappeared in pieces, the mountains collapsed in groups, and the blood mixed with the rain stained the mountains and rivers red.

During the fierce battle, Ren Tianzhu skillfully let Qiao Qianlan go!
This was also Tang Yan's private entrustment to let Qiao Qianlan escape, in order for her to spread the word about what happened today.

Through her mouth, let the Northern Alliance know that the monster has nothing to do with Tang Yan. The monster finally escaped and fled into the distant South China Sea, and its strength is so strong that even the twelve holy realms cannot be trapped.

In this way, the War Spirit is like a magnet, constantly attracting the attention of the Northern Alliance, causing them to devote a lot of energy and manpower to the South China Sea. They do not have the power to perfectly manage the Central Plains incident or fully attack the New Alliance.

If they find clues, Tang Yan will not lose, he always restrains them for a long time.If the problem can't be found, Tang Yan may find an opportunity to trick them again in the future.

Moreover, the Water Candle Demon's performance today was unsatisfactory, and he was suspected of intentionally killing other teams. Letting Qiao Qianlan go was to let her go back and spread the cruelty of the Water Candle Demon, causing a slight estrangement within the back alliance.

Tang Yan can now see very clearly that the Northern Alliance is very strong, much stronger than the New Zhanmeng, but they have a fatal weakness, arrogance and disharmony!

Their internal disunity makes them always have reservations, and their arrogance prevents them from putting in more power unless it is absolutely necessary. If things go on like this, the loss is getting bigger and bigger. When they wake up, they are almost dead. .

For example, today, more than a dozen saints fell!

No matter how strong the Northern Alliance is, how many 'more than ten saints' are there?
Tang Yan once again proved a sentence to the world today, mess with me?Fuck you to death!
The water candle demon and Tang Yan fought and retreated. One person and one demon moved towards the south at a high speed. The sky was dark and the sky was dark, leaving the rainforest in disarray. A trace of destruction thousands of meters wide stretched from it to the southern edge, and then towards the southern wilderness. move.

Almost the entire Southern Wilderness was alarmed.

The land of the Southern Wilderness has not yet fully recovered from the destruction of the Yin-Yang clan a year ago, and was shocked again. The terrifying storm of fierce battles triggered rain and earthquakes that swept across the Southern Wilderness. The traces of destruction left by the battle almost tore the central part of the Southern Wilderness. area, extending all the way to the South China Sea.

Countless people witnessed with their own eyes a terrifying monster rushing towards the beach and then disappearing into the sea.The sea beasts in the sea area saw the monster continue to go southward, running wildly on the tide for three to five days, and then... entered the deep sea without a trace.

Tang Yan and the water candle demon chased after it while fighting, and gradually lost it. During the period, Li Yun continued to follow faintly, interfering with the water candle demon time and time again, expressing that he was not chasing the war spirit, but assisting Tang Yan to fight against the water candle demon.

They were wary of each other, and then went back the same way, and returned to the Southern Wilderness together. They stared at each other for a long time, and then left separately.None of them got the war spirit, so they all wanted to give the war spirit enough time to disappear, and no one wanted to let the other be able to track it better.

However, the water candle demon firmly believed that Tang Yan's space troops would not dare to chase the monster, and even the space troops would not be able to get close to the monster.But the monster disappeared in the South China Sea in the end, and the water candle demon believed that it would be easier for him to track it. After all, it was the ocean and it was his own world.

The battle here ended in a disastrous defeat for the Northern Alliance, but the battle in the Central Plains was reversed in the later period.

The Northern Alliance is fully mobilized, the sea beast troops from the sea area and the army from the northern part of Canglan Ancient Land have played a huge role, and the million beast troops of the Lord of the Holy Spirit Temple have also been put into the battlefield, launching a mad attack on the new Zhanmeng troops, forcing the new Zhanmeng The Allied troops retreated steadily, and even paid a considerable price.

The high-level forces confronted each other, did not start a war, and did not leave immediately, but the tense atmosphere continued to intensify.

However, the slowing down of the Xinzhanmeng's offensive gave the Northern Alliance a chance to support the Dagan Dynasty.

Now that the public opinion in the world has completely vilified the Northern Alliance, there is no need for them to reckon with favor at this critical juncture, and try their best to transfer the clan power of the Daqian Dynasty to the Universal Empire, and transfer the families of high-level and core forces to the Universal Empire .

As many as 300 million troops rushed into the Dagan Dynasty and joined the chaos of the empire. After fighting day and night, they finally saved the last dignity of the Dagan Dynasty and took Xingluo The coalition forces of the ancient country and the holy empire stopped outside the imperial city.

The war was temporarily suspended, but troops from the ancient Xingluo Kingdom, the Holy Empire, and the New Zhanmeng continued to pour into the Dagan Dynasty, forming military pressure on the Dagan Dynasty, and the Northern Alliance also began to send more troops to the Dagan Dynasty. Out of the posture of swearing to protect the Daqian Dynasty.

In just half a month, the Dagan Dynasty gathered more than 2000 million troops.

A larger-scale storm war is about to start, which is enough to destroy the Daqian dynasty, and all countries feel terrible depression.

In the end, even the sage group of the New Zhanmeng and the holy team of the Northern Alliance all transferred to the sky above the imperial city of the Daqian Dynasty. There was no war, but a thick and suffocating oppression was formed.

Tuoba Zhangui, Xingluo Renhuang, and Sacred Renhuang brought even greater threats to Yinyang Renhuang and Dagan Renhuang.

However, in this superficially strong and tense situation, they actually don't have the energy to launch another war of destruction, and no one can afford the price.Because the ancient country of Xingluo was exhausted, the Holy Empire also suffered heavy casualties, and the new war alliance was also exhausted.

So... At Zhao Xiong's initiative, the two sides started a secret negotiation. After two days and two nights of fierce debates and even angrily fighting, the counselors of the two sides finally came to an agreement.

It is stipulated that all the south of the imperial city of the Dagan Dynasty will be separated and will be under the control of the Holy Empire and the Ancient Xingluo Kingdom. The two empires will maintain their garrisons here; The ancient Xingluo country and the Holy Empire paid enough gold coins and resources to make up for the losses of the two empires; etc., a series of agreements completely treat the Daqian Dynasty as a defeated country, and they can face the ancient Xingluo country, the Holy Empire, and the new empire. With Zhanmeng's aggression and the news of the 'disastrous defeat' that just came from the Water Candle Demon, the Daqian Dynasty and the Northern Alliance had to accept the facts.

So far, the chaotic war in the Central Plains that lasted for more than a year finally came to an end today, and once again strongly changed the pattern of the Central Plains.

New Zhanmeng, Xingluo Ancient Kingdom, and Holy Empire have concluded a complete military alliance.

The Northern Alliance includes the Dagan Dynasty, which will control the Huanyu Empire and own two major empires.As a national teacher, Zhao Xiong controls the two empires on the surface, and controls all aspects of military and politics, and spares no effort to develop the new alliance and new empire.

After experiencing this unprecedented chaotic war, no one doubted the strength and courage of the new Zhanmeng, as well as the unswerving cooperative relationship between the new Zhanmeng and the ancient country of Xingluo.No one doubts the energy possessed by the Northern Alliance. Although they suffered a disastrous defeat, it is also commendable that they can steadily control the situation after their official efforts.

The addition of the Holy Empire to the new Zhanmeng camp, as well as the Northern Alliance and the Dagan Dynasty Alliance, is equivalent to injecting stronger vitality into the two alliance camps, and it also heralds the fierceness of future battles.

At this time, the news of the death of Shurot and Kosoban of the Huanyu Empire was announced, but it did not cause a big sensation. Instead, it made the people accept the facts, which was more conducive to the Daqian Dynasty's control of this "leaderless" country, and a smoother Take control of two empires merging into one.

(End of this chapter)

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