Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2457 Destruction Strike

Chapter 2457 Destruction Strike
Not long after, a network of spaces emerged one after another in the depths of the void, starting from the outermost to the inside. The scope is very large, and each network is complicated and dense.Yuluoxuanfeng didn't spare her physical strength and energy, and concluded eighteen seals back and forth. Each seal used her full strength, after all, it was facing Bi Fang!
It is the "space master" of this operation, if it is put together by Bi Fang at the moment of the adventurous surprise attack, it will be the biggest sinner and must be severely punished.So this time I really put in a lot of energy to wrap the void inside and out.It is equivalent to trapping the outer void of the entire mountain where the meditation room is located. If Bi Fang took Tang Yan into the void to evacuate immediately, he would have bumped into the complicated network defense.

The rest will be left to these three great perfections!

The Water Candle Demon, the Peacock King, and Qiao Cheng all sat silently cross-legged in the void, the meridians in their bodies were running at high speed, and majestic energy was mobilized from the depths of the Qi Sea and bloomed from the whole body.They are like three rounds of scorching suns gradually shining, blooming endless divine brilliance in the void, gushing out terrifying energy.

Because it is void, their energy does not cause external fluctuations, and they are also fully controlling them, guiding them to superimpose and blend.

They will do everything they can to injure Tang Yan in one fell swoop, and resolutely refuse to give him a chance to retreat into the void.Even if they do withdraw, they will launch a second round of offensive.

However, they firmly believe in their own strength. If the three Da Wanman join forces and attack with all their strength, none of them will be able to hurt a sleeping Tang Yan. They will really have no face to live.

outside on the mountainside.

Du Jue searched carefully for a long time, and even went back to the yard to look inside. After repeatedly confirming that there was no abnormality, he turned and left, but he did not retreat completely, but waited and watched from the nearby high mountain. For some reason, he felt a kind of Foreboding.

"What's wrong?" Du Jue thought silently.

In the meditation room.

The Five Emperor Pillars returned to the deposition again, Bi Fang and Baiyan Tianyuan were not conscious, they just had an instinctive energy response, which could resonate in dangerous situations.

When the crisis was resolved, they returned to silence and continued to coil around Tang Yan, forming a strong protective barrier.

Bi Fang's power of space, Kunpeng's power of ocean, Wuwu's killing power, Hundred-eyed Sky Ape's fighting power, and Zulong's dragon soul power protect Tang Yan from outside to inside.

It's not that Tang Yan doesn't trust the Pure Land, it's the sense of crisis developed through long-term experience.After all, this is not a new battle demon, and it is impossible to fall asleep without distraction, so I sacrificed the five imperial pillars, connected my blood in series, and used my blood to maintain their activity.

Setting Bi Fang on the outermost edge is also the first time to transfer yourself when you really encounter an accident, at least tens of thousands of meters away.Only in this way can he retreat with peace of mind.

The five imperial pillars are indeed very powerful now, but they are energy bodies after all, not the emperors of the past.Despite Tang Yan's deployment, he would never have imagined that the Northern Alliance would accurately find him and send such a large number of top join forces to assassinate!

Inside the void, the three great perfect energies are converging, continuously converging, and the power that even the true emperor cannot ignore is converging majesticly, almost crushing the void.Their eyes grew hotter, almost brighter than compressed energy.Their lips were tightly pursed, their expressions were tense, they were constantly releasing strength, and their arms trembled slightly.

While gathering energy, the head of the Yuluo Xuanfeng clan cautiously watched the situation outside.

In the Golden Buddha space, the old man slightly raised his vicissitudes of life, as if he had a special perception.Although he had his bones removed and had no strength at all, he still had realm and sensibility.

After a long time, he slowly got up, glanced at Xu Yan who was immersed in his growth, and wanted to touch the wall of the golden Buddha, and use this golden Buddha to feel the outside world.

Also at this moment, the Yuluo Xuanfeng in the depths of the void... issued a killing order!
"It's now, hit!"

The Yuluo Xuanfeng suddenly tore open the void, and twisted cracks appeared across the sky, covering the entire meditation room. Incomparable rays of light gushed out, and the rays of light seemed to overwhelm everything.

Immediately, the five imperial pillars burst into divine splendor, and all five monsters woke up in a start, roaring angrily.Bi Fang bloomed space ripples in the outer area immediately, and wanted to transfer Tang Yan and the five imperial pillars together, but... the destructive power came too fast, too fierce and too terrifying. With the joint force of the three big mans, that energy... ... shot out the void, hitting the Five Emperor Pillars completely.

At the same time, the space defense in the void is fully activated, if Bi Fang does not enter here, it will be a more terrible blow.

... Dujue stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the opposite mountainside, feeling more and more ominous in his heart.

The Lord of Pure Land lightly touched the inner wall of the Golden Buddha. This is a weapon. The warriors he brought from the Forgotten War Realm have been smelted into the present appearance. He wants to use it to feel the changes in the outside world.

More than a dozen experts from the New Zhanmeng all vacated, rushed into the void in a hurry, and were guided by more than a dozen resident space fighters, galloping towards the distant Tianquan Empire.

...but...too late... On the morning of October [-]th, the sky was full of morning glow, and the clouds covered the sky like layers of fresh white fish scales. It can be called a wonder of the world.

The Pure Land Mountains are peaceful and peaceful, spiritual birds are flying, monsters are coming out of the tide, countless monasteries are ringing thousands of bells, the booming sound reverberates across the heaven and earth, reverberating among thousands of mountains, millions of Buddhist disciples get up and gather together to chant Buddhist scriptures together, countless foreign people Entering this mountain of the Holy Spirit one after another, you must pray for blessings and make a pilgrimage.

On this peaceful morning, amidst this vibrant morning light, a terrifying explosion suddenly exploded in the core of the Pure Land, deep in the Chenyuan Pavilion... First, a glaring tide erupted violently, shooting far and wide, Like a ray of light from heaven, it swept across thousands of great mountains, thousands of river tides, countless temples, impacted a large number of Buddha statues, and startled countless monks to look up.

A short moment later, an incomparable shock wave erupted deep in the light source of Chenyuan Pavilion, and more than a dozen giant peaks were instantly annihilated and turned into dust.

The terrifying energy shock wave is accompanied by more violent tidal waves and destructive power, centered on a certain point deep in Chenyuan Pavilion, sweeping in all directions, like a tsunami impact, like a black hole swallowing, vigorously impacting hundreds of buildings in Chenyuan Pavilion.

In an instant, the screams filled the sky, and countless monks were blown into pieces. The screams and violent sounds were completely suppressed by the terrifying bang. The monks shot in different directions like dust.

A high mountain collapsed lazily, the peak of hundreds of thousands of kilograms violently tossed, and countless gravels of tens of thousands of kilograms flew into the sky. What a terrifying scene; A high mountain also crushed hundreds of disciples on it to pieces; thousands of boulders were like boiling shells, bombarded and killed indiscriminately, many disciples were smashed, many disciples were discarded, and many buildings were smashed into pieces. The most terrible death.

Du Jue was the first to bear the brunt of being hit head-on by the terrifying energy, his flesh and blood flew, his bones shattered, and he was shot into the distance like a bullet. The strong wind and shock wave violently collided thousands of rubble.

At this moment, the inside and outside of the mountain range collectively shook, ninety-nine percent of the Chenyuan Pavilion collapsed, more than one million monks were directly impacted, and more than [-] monks died on the spot. He went up to the sky, screaming all over the sky, it was horrible.

The shock wave turned into a giant 'tsunami', made up of energy, dust, and gravel, etc., and 'propelled' indiscriminately in all directions in all directions, crashing into mountains, filling rivers, and destroying everything. As for the people inside ... fragile like a piece of paper, either dead or injured, it's too horrible to look at.

The ground of the mountain range is cracking, and the spider web-like cracks are climbing with deafening bangs, tearing apart the mountains, tearing open the rivers, and flying thousands of boulders.

More and more monasteries were hit, and the number of monks affected soared.

The horrible disaster scene lasted for a long time, and there was a huge deep pit of more than [-] kilometers in the mountains with strange rocks. Even the strata were shattered, and even the spiritual veins of the earth were broken.

The aftermath of the distance lasted for a long time, and the dust and ruins flooded the distance, constantly churning, moans and screams resounded through the sky, everywhere.

The monsters and spirits on the outskirts of the mountain range startled one after another, and fled in panic into the distance, which once triggered a chaotic fleeing trend, impacting the departing worshipers, and the death toll skyrocketed again.

disaster!The disaster of destruction!

At this moment, the God whom the monks had been praying to all the year round...abandoned them.

At the core of the pure land, the core of the ruins, there is only a golden Buddha left, standing in the air, blooming dazzling golden brilliance, releasing terrifying killing power, it is the only surviving building.

Inside the Golden Buddha, Xu Yan was awakened by violent tremors, but because of the forced awakening, her meridians that were running crazily were completely disrupted, a mouthful of blood spurted out, the seven orifices were congested, and she fell into a coma on the spot.

The old face of the Lord of Pure Land was completely gloomy and cold, and he even temporarily forgot Xu Yan who was in pain behind him. His eyes fluttered and his pupils dilated slightly. Through the thick wall of the Buddha statue, he seemed to be able to see the scene outside. everything that happened.

The golden Buddha statue was a soldier who had accompanied him all his life. Although he had never used it, he had been with him all the time. At this moment, he faintly merged with the golden statue, and with the help of the golden Buddha's eyes, he could see outside.

The huge pit for tens of miles could not be seen to the end, the dust continued to boil, the light and shadow flew endlessly, there were buried ruins everywhere, corpses donated blood everywhere, and a large number of monks struggled to crawl out of the ruins, bloody and bloody.In the distance, at the end of his line of sight, the border of piled gravel soars into the sky, almost approaching the sky, like a high wall, surrounding the deep pit, separating the inside and the outside, but he can still see the sky rising outside. The flock of birds saw the horrific howls.

The eyes of the golden Buddha statue were turning, looking towards the core of the explosion. There was Dukong's original Buddhist monastery. There was nothing there, not even dross left.

But the seething energy is most powerful there.

"Qiao Cheng, the peacock, the water candle demon, and the power of space, this is the Northern Alliance..." The Lord of Pure Land slowly clenched his loose hands, and a whisper filled his lips and teeth: "Blood debt... blood pay for..."

(End of this chapter)

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