Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2459

Chapter 2459
"Excessive? Are you qualified to say excessive? You have all forgotten the public opinion war launched by Xuanyuan Longli? You don't know the influence of the Pure Land in the Central Plains? If you destroy the Pure Land, it is tantamount to destroying the faith of countless people in the Qitian Continent. This angered the common people in the world, and even voices of resistance appeared within the Northern Alliance.

You destroying the Pure Land is tantamount to declaring war on those monks, and the Tianquan Empire will never sit idly by.You destroyed the Pure Land, which is equivalent to giving the Tianquan Empire and the Pure Land a reason to attack the Northern Alliance.

What you have done has angered the Pure Land, and it has also angered the Valley of the Wicked and the Zhulu Academy.

From now on, the Three Great Sacred Lands, the Tianquan Empire, and surrounding countries don't need the New Zhanmeng to bother to visit, they will all join the New Zhanmeng's offensive alliance.If you capture Tang Yan alive, it is equivalent to giving the new Zhanmeng a human emperor, dozens of saints, and tens of millions of troops!

Although we have captured Tang Yan, our current strength can at most withstand the joint attack of the New Zhanmeng and the Holy Empire of Xingluo Ancient Country, plus the Three Holy Lands and the Tianquan Empire, how can we resist?

A good hunting operation has made you a challenge and a disaster of war!

Do you still think this is the Lost Battle Realm?The law of survival here is completely different from that there, there is still humanity here, there is still human relations here, and there is more faith here!What you have done today is equivalent to trampling on the faith of the entire Central Plains!Are the consequences serious?Come and tell me! "

Xuanyuan really couldn't keep calm, she made a judgment with painstaking efforts, and finally decided to attack Tang Yan after working hard for a long time. This was the first time she took the initiative to attack Tang Yan, and she decided that it would be the last time, because she firmly believed that this hunting Killing will completely end Tang Yan.

No one knew how difficult it was for her to make the decision to hunt and kill Tang Yan!Outsiders couldn't understand the feeling when they finally decided to hunt.However, I never expected that my simple plan would be ruined by three Damanman and one peak monster.

That's right!Tang Yan was caught, but a series of consequences are enough to cause the Northern Alliance to suffer for a long time, and the Northern Alliance will fall into the situation of cutting the world!
Her catching Tang Yan was only one of her goals, to extract Tang Yan's luck in the shortest time, etc., that was the most important job!And it must be refined immediately, without giving anyone any room for buffering!

But once most of the Central Plains collectively declare war on the Northern Alliance, where will they have the time to refine?

Even though they have five big perfections, Xuanyuan absolutely doesn't trust Sakura Demoness, let alone Feluk, and she will never invite them out unless it is absolutely necessary, and even guards against them.

"Are you thinking too seriously? In the face of absolute strength, faith is vulnerable. The reason why the Tianquan Empire hides in the southeast of the Central Plains and has always refused to participate in the war is that there is inertia in their bodies. They used to not Start a war, and now it will not be easy to participate in the war.

As for the resentment of the people you are concerned about, at most it will cause some chaos, but under the absolute strength and threat of war, these voices of resentment will be suppressed soon, and they are simply vulnerable. "

"We just destroyed the Chenyuan Pavilion, not the entire Pure Land. We focused all our power on attacking Tang Yan. Although Yu Wei is very powerful, it is enough to razed the Chenyuan Pavilion to the ground, but it will not hurt too many people. A few people will die. What happened to the thousands of people, compared to the millions of people in the Pure Land, it is not worth mentioning."

Both the Water Candle Demon and the Peacock Sage King clearly refuted Xuanyuan's remarks, and they were all exaggerating for Xuanyuan.What did they think it would be, and it turned out to be like this?Something big enough to drive this woman crazy?
Qiao Cheng also tried to say: "The lord of the Pure Land influences all living beings with compassion, and always advocates the rejection of war. How could he start a war if he is attacked? Isn't this going against the Zen principles they preach? If the Pure Land launches a war, they are Self-destruct reputation.

At that time, I considered the consequences of destroying the Chenyuan Pavilion, but because of the great reputation of the Chenyuan Pavilion, they dared not start a war.

If even the Pure Land encourages war, the common people will definitely be disappointed and turn their backs on the Pure Land, and the matter will naturally be digested by the chaotic war in the world.I think the Pure Land will not start a war, but also calmly persuade sentient beings not to start a war because of such a trivial matter. "

Xuanyuan's cold gaze suddenly turned to Qiao Cheng: "You have lived in the Lost War Realm for too long, and you have underestimated Qitian Continent too much. Just wait, the New Zhanmeng will not let it go, and the Pure Land will not let it go. The next war It will make all of you regret, regret your recklessness, and regret that you underestimated Qi Tian Continent.

Qiao Cheng, I will spare your life for the time being so that you can atone for your crime. If you are still alive after the war, I will reconvict you based on your performance. "

Xuanyuan is still upset now, if he knew this, he would have gone there himself.Her goal was only Tang Yan, and she never wanted to affect the Pure Land. Even if she really had to cause casualties, she would never directly destroy the Chenyuan Pavilion like they did.

"Thank you, Huanggu." Although Qiao Cheng was very unconvinced, he had no choice but to express his gratitude.

"How to deal with Tang Yan? That kid recovered very quickly. When we caught him, his flesh and blood were bloody bad. In just one day and one night, his superficial injuries have recovered. We must deal with him as soon as possible, otherwise once he recovers, It's definitely a threat!" The Peacock King suppressed his anger a little, not wanting to confront Xuanyuan too much.

"I'll bring him back to the reincarnation clan. Let me deal with Tang Yan's affairs, but I can't kill him now. Leave yourself a way out in everything. If our war goes well, I will refine him according to your original plan. If the war doesn't Shun, Tang Yan will be an important bargaining chip in our hands."

The water candle demon said coldly: "Does it take a long time to refine Tang Yan? The New Zhanmeng can't start a war in a short time. Even if a war is launched, it will not capture us in a short time. We have enough time to dismantle Tang Yan Yan, take away his bloodline luck and sky fire!"

"Don't you think about the consequences? If you just captured Tang Yan and didn't destroy the Pure Land, I will dismantle Tang Yan immediately. Even if the next war is passive, it doesn't matter. But now, do you know what will happen next? Are you gods, can you predict the future?

I'm sure that the Pure Land will definitely find a reason to join the war. Although they spread peace, they are by no means without a bottom line.If you just captured Tang Yan, there would be no reason for the Pure Land, the Valley of the Wicked, the Academy, and the Tianquan Empire to join the war, but now, they must all rush forward! "

"I still think you are thinking seriously, we will wait and see."

"You have caused so much trouble for the Northern Alliance, are you qualified to question my decision?"

Xuanyuan's tone and attitude were unprecedentedly severe, and he didn't show any kindness to the Water Candle Demon and the Peacock King.His eyes were piercing, as if they could penetrate people's hearts.The Water Candle Demon and the Peacock King looked ugly, and after a long silence, they finally did not refute Xuanyuan.But Shuang Shuang said: "Tang Yan is not exclusive to your reincarnation clan. We have made it very clear before that Tang Yan's luck and blood are all given to your reincarnation clan, but the ghost green fire must belong to us."

"You don't need to remind me, I know what to do. Now immediately mobilize all the forces you can mobilize and give me the most comprehensive defense." Xuanyuan really didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with them, so he hurriedly left the palace to visit Zhao Xiong. Discuss with that shrewd old man about the upcoming war situation.My own plan was normal, but now I am passive everywhere, and I am more likely to face a huge crisis in the future. I must have a reasonable coping mechanism, otherwise the Northern Alliance will suffer another disastrous defeat this time.

The water candle demon and the Peacock King exchanged glances coldly: "Cooperate with her first."

Qiao Cheng got up slowly, with shame and indignation but rationality, and said in a deep voice: "The New Zhanmeng will lose Tang Yan, and it will be in chaos, and the friendship between the ancient Xingluo country and the Holy Empire will also decline. This is one of their weaknesses. Aunt Xuanyuan may have taken things seriously, but the battle ahead will definitely not be easy, this is true, we had better go all out."

(End of this chapter)

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