Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2463 Clouds

Chapter 2463 Clouds
Northern League!

A thick cloud hangs over the hearts of everyone at the top of the league, lingering and gathering, getting thicker and thicker.

Qiao Cheng, Water Candle Demon, and Peacock King finally understood the reason for Xuanyuan's furious gaffe, and also realized how stupid they had done.It turns out that the survival rules of Qitian Continent and Lost War Realm are really different. Xuanyuan's sentence "here is human nature and here is ethics" came to their minds many times in a row.

The three of Qiao Cheng no longer felt resentful, and they knew that they had done something wrong, but they really didn't expect that the matter would go to the present stage, which almost triggered a situation where the whole world would fight together, and everyone in the Northern League would call for it.

Zhao Xiong was caught off guard. He had finally figured out a way to fight back with public opinion, and thought he was pointing to the core of the problem, but in just a few days, he was beaten badly by a declaration made by the Lord of Pure Land, leaving him in the middle of the night. Sitting up in a daze.

The act of self-destructing limbs and the solemn cry of the Lord of the Pure Land reverberated in his ears day and night, and the last statement of "atonement" that he blew himself up three years later made him powerless to fight back.

Not to mention ordinary people, even he was touched by the behavior of the Lord of the Pure Land, and he was deeply touched.

Up to today, dense news has gathered from all directions, and the intelligence system is almost exploding. Without exception, there are all bad news, which makes everyone have to let go of their pride and anger and accept the current situation with a crisis attitude.

"The monks are always fooling around. A tragic tactic made the master of the Pure Land completely unplayable. It not only made the image of the Pure Land brighter in the hearts of the common people, but also directly turned 200 million monks into dead soldiers." Qiao Qianlan is now Immediately lost her temper, the sudden changes in the Qitian Continent these days made her truly understand the complexity of this world.

How ridiculous was the previous plan to control Qitian Continent within five years.

The humanity in this world is still very rich, it is far from the 'law of the jungle' like the world of Lost War.Another point is that Tang Yan has established a huge network of relationships for himself in just a few decades. The current Qitian Continent is actually Tang Yan's main battlefield. The imagination of the ancient people has been severely damaged, people no longer fear subconsciously, and the current situation has come into being. Not only the Tianquan Empire has joined the war, but also the five kingdoms have been involved in the war!

Zhao Xiongdao: "The six major armies of the Xingluo Ancient Kingdom, the seven major armies of the Holy Empire, the five major armies of the Tianquan Empire, the five army armies of the five kingdoms, and the 300 million troops of the Xinzhanmeng. There are 23 army armies in the regular army, more than 2000 million troops.

There are 200 million dead warriors and monks in the Pure Land, and nearly 50 troops in the Valley of the Wicked.

Intelligence also shows that many regions are spontaneously forming expeditionary forces, and they will also be a strong force.

According to the most conservative estimate, about 500 million troops will gather in the southern part of our alliance in five days. That number can cover almost the entire southern border of our country and launch attacks collectively.And all the troops we can mobilize, including monsters, and the newly integrated armies of various countries in the northern Canglan Ancient Land, total 500 million, not much less.

There is also a huge gap in the number of top combat saints between the two sides. I don't think I need to say more, there must be more than ten more than us, or even more.

How to fight this battle?Even if they don't use tactics or layout, their superiority in numbers can defeat us steadily. If we add some tactical tactics, how can we resist? "

"How about... let Tang Yan go?" someone suggested.

Others then retorted: "No one can avoid war now, your mistake is like giving the new Zhanmeng a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if they make full use of it, they will never give up.

Besides, now Xinzhanmeng refuses to admit that Tang Yan was arrested, so what if we let him go back?It is necessary to understand that it is the countries of the Central Plains, the Pure Land, and the voice of the people who are declaring war now, not a new war alliance, and the new war alliance will not easily stop the war against the voice of the people of the world. "

"It makes sense. Now it is not the new Zhanmeng that declares war on us. The new Zhanmeng is just a matchmaker. What we have to deal with is not only the new Zhanmeng, but also the three holy lands, the three empires and the five kingdoms. Let alone let go Tang Yan, even if we declare that Tang Yan is in our hands now, it won't have much effect!"

Uncle Fenghua said: "Is the Tang Yan we caught really Tang Yan? I'm still confused."

The Peacock King and others all looked at Xuanyuan. Now that Tang Yan is detained in the reincarnation clan, they are willing to believe that the Tang Yan there is real, and they have checked it repeatedly. However, including the water candle demon, the high-level officials went one after another Tang Yan, who had secretly observed the outside, was sure it wasn't something like a disguise technique.

"Tang Yan is real, and the outside should be real too. I guess... one of them should be a clone." Xuanyuan's judgment is the only answer he can give.

Qiao Cheng said: "Clone? Except for the emperor, who can separate the real clone?! They are all in the peak holy realm? Impossible. I would rather believe that there is a fake one in it. Could it be... some ghost? Tang Yan There are many strange things in hell."

"I also figured out the specifics. The Tang Yan who was detained in the reincarnation clan has been pretending to be dead. I will meet him later and give you an affirmative answer as soon as possible. Although this war cannot be ended by Tang Yan, it is certain Once you get your identity, you can make some articles on him, and it will always play a role. You believe me, and I will handle this matter by myself."

"We have no objection." No one dared to refute Xuanyuan too much.

Zhao Xiong paid a little attention to the three Da Wanmans including the Water Candle Demon: "In my opinion, it is now, and no one should blame themselves. The problem now is how to persist in the past, how to end this war, and how to calm down. public anger.

Don't you want to fight a full-scale battle without any scruples?Don't you all know that the Northern League can't stand a fiasco?This time the opportunity has come, show all your background, show your bottom-of-the-box strength, and face it, otherwise... our alliance is waiting to be disbanded. "

Xuanyuandao: "The top priority of the northern alliance now is to deal with the next war, and it is also the top priority of everyone present. We must not back down, we must confront it head-on. Here are three suggestions for your reference."

"Auntie, please."

"First, send out all the troops of the Holy Spirit Temple, and invite Pei Kuang and the others. The Holy Spirit Temple is a powerful force. As long as they are willing to attack with all their strength, their lethality is very strong. Only the Holy Spirit Temple can control it better. It has just been included in our original army of Canglan Ancient Land.

Second, mobilize troops from the North Sea, and invite the Water Candle Demon and the Holy King to return to the abyss of the North Sea in person to pay homage to His Highness the Holy Emperor. No matter what, they must gather at least 500 million troops.Our reincarnation team is not many, but we will try our best to gather.

Third, I personally invite Feruk and Sakura Demoness to fight.Their current attitude is very unclear, but this riotous mood is a temptation to the Sakura witch, and the blood on the battlefield is also a great supplement to Feruk.If they are willing to fight, we will have five great completions, and this advantage can absolutely make up for our weakness in top-level combat power.If we can kill Ma Long and Qi Lufu, Ke Zunshan and other heavyweights in the shortest time, we still have a chance. "

Everyone simply discussed and agreed with her opinions one after another, but the pressure on their faces still made them breathless, and they didn't have much confidence.

After exchanging opinions with the water candle demon, the Peacock Holy King said: "We can ask the Holy Emperor for sea beast troops, 500 million is not impossible. But are you sure you want to invite Feruk and Sakura Demon Girl? They have weird personalities, don't be self-defeating. "

"I will have my way, and I will be responsible for my actions."

"Okay, since you have confidence, we will stay with you to the end. But we can't be too stubborn, we must fight to the end with them. The scope of this war is too large, and it is destined to be full of variables. We need to constantly modify our strategy as the battle situation changes. .”

Xuanyuan said: "I am currently limited in strength and unable to participate in the battle, but I will cooperate with Zhao Xiong Guoshi to sit here, coordinate the overall situation, and solve your worries for the future."

Zhao Xiong also said: "You don't need to be too pessimistic. No one can predict how this battle will turn out. With such a huge lineup in the Northern Alliance, even if we lose, it is impossible to be defeated immediately. Don't forget Tang Yan in our hands. , This is a bargaining chip. Don’t forget the Thomas Fissen United Empire. They will not participate in the war now, but what about the future? This is a big show. We are fortunate to gather on the stage. How to perform it, is it a wonderful presentation or a tragedy The curtain is over, fate... is in our hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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