Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2467

Chapter 2467
The thick steam in the room surged by itself, and gathered beside Xuanyuan to form a handsome man. The clouds were steaming, so I couldn't see the exact appearance, but it seemed to be somewhat similar to Xuanyuan.With Xuanyuan's peerless appearance and perfect temperament, this man is absolutely good in appearance.

Gather together in shape!This is not the reincarnated Sacred Emperor himself, but the power of thought through an unknown space and an unknown distance, gathering random objects into a human form here, and conveying the will on his behalf.

"Your Majesty, why don't you let me change my clothes? I'm looking forward to meeting you brothers and sisters, but now... to be honest, I really don't wear anything." Tang Yan stood up slowly in the bathtub, and the water flowed Fluttering down, revealing the strong and fit body of the upper body.

"You don't need to be restrained." The Holy Emperor of Samsara actually spoke, his voice was calmer than Tang Yan imagined.

"Then I'm not polite." Tang Yan still didn't show a sense of crisis. His casualness made the atmosphere that should be tense at this moment relatively peaceful. It was obviously a life-and-death exam, but it was like a meeting of ordinary friends: "Since you invite I'm here, there's no need to keep things under wraps, I don't want to die yet, so I'm going to cooperate as best I can. But I have a few questions that I want to figure out."

"Talk." The Holy Emperor of Samsara was still responding.

"At the beginning, we raised the issue of the Red Dust Tribulation. If I remember correctly, Xuanyuan said at the time that dreams are an optional condition, which can help Xuanyuan survive the Red Dust Tribulation. Now I have to be arrested, why? The dream is not the method. Success?" Tang Yan asked very straightforwardly, which was unacceptable.

Xuanyuan and the Holy Emperor of Samsara knew the purpose of arresting Tang Yan. From Xuanyuan's point of view, this was a private and embarrassing matter, as well as a matter of helplessness and embarrassment. From the perspective of the Holy Emperor of Samsara, this was a shameful scandal. It was also a humiliation that he could not accept.

They didn't want to show their faces away, and it would be best to just pass by in a daze.But from just now to now, Tang Yan didn't seem to take this matter as a secret at all, and kept picking it up again and again.

"The way of heaven cannot be deceived. Alternatives are alternatives after all. If dreams and fantasies can survive the catastrophe of the world of mortals, this catastrophe will have no meaning in existence. Xuanyuan will be the first queen of the human race in hundreds of thousands of years. I want to go to Zhen, she To be perfect, there must be no mistakes, and there are no alternatives."

"First of all, I would like to thank Your Majesty for answering seriously. Then I have a second question, why me?" Tang Yan's question was completely conscious, and even intentionally played badly.

He himself knew to some extent that with Xuanyuan's proud character and peerless talent, he would never be tempted easily, nor would he allow any man to stain her spirit and body, and he had never even had the slightest interaction with other men since ancient times.

But Martial Dao Huangtu has a mortal calamity, and she is doomed to pass the level of love and desire, so looking at all the people in her life journey, only Tang Yan has a little communication with her, a little bit of love. The shadow left in her heart is also unique to the new generation in today's world, so at this crucial moment, Tang Yan became the choice, and the only choice.

Tang Yan can understand this question simply by thinking about it. Perhaps his thoughts were not clear at first, and he didn't think he had such a great charm, but now that he has been caught here, everything is clear.But he just wanted to ask, and he deliberately called the Holy Emperor of Samsara out to ask him face to face, which felt a bit bad.

Back then, the Saint Emperor of Samsara and the Emperor of the Yaoling were known as the two heroes of the human race. Although they had never confronted each other head-on, everyone understood each other's strength and regarded each other as the strongest opponent. Sister of the Holy Emperor... The Holy Emperor of Samsara did not respond. With a wave of his hand, streaks of rosy clouds descended from the sky, broke into the room, wrapped around Tang Yan's body, penetrated inside, soft and docile, like a clear spring flowing through the meridians and bones of his body , A moment later, as the reincarnated Saint Emperor shook his hand, the spiritual power flowing in Tang Yan's body suddenly solidified, firmly sealing Tang Yan's strength.

Tang Yan did not resist, but accepted it calmly.I am in the reincarnation clan, facing the reincarnation holy emperor, resisting is just asking for trouble, and I can barely gain some dignity in peace. "The third question, why do you think I will obey you? Do you really treat me like a pig?"

When Tang Yan said something with a smile, not only did the dense fog of the Holy Emperor of Samsara fluctuate slightly, but even Xuanyuan's eyebrows also flashed a trace of coldness.

"Isn't this the truth? There's nothing hard to accept. Whether Xuanyuan can become an emperor, I am the key. If she can't survive this love calamity, she can't overcome this desire. She is like a blooming flower, sealed in this non-nutritious space. And after a long time, it will be exhausted. I don't know how long others have been delayed in this world of mortals, but you have hurriedly arrested me. It should be that you have noticed something, for example... The world of mortals has a time limit. For now For the Reincarnation Clan, Xuanyuan Chenghuang is the most important task, so important that even if you betray the Northern Alliance, you must carry it out.

But I ask a question, why should I serve you?Sacrificing me to achieve Xuanyuan?Is it equivalent to sacrificing the demon spirit clan to make your reincarnation clan?Do you think I'm cheap?Still feel like I soaked in this bathtub for three days, and my head got water? "

Tang Yan sat back in the bathtub again and took a bath again in front of the Holy Emperor, very leisurely.Put on a posture that you can do to me.If it were something else, Tang Yan really didn't dare to do it, let alone flirt in front of the Holy Emperor of Samsara, but today's conversation involved the most intimate issues, which were also the most unacceptable issues for the two people in front of them.

The Holy Emperor of Reincarnation said in person: "Leave the blood soul tree, all the ghosts in hell, the ghost green fire fire spirit, and the five imperial pillars. I will allow you to leave alive after this is done."

Tang Yan rubbed his body and pointed to his neck.

"What?" Xuanyuan wondered.

"Just chop me up with a knife."

"Tang Yan, don't push yourself. Just because we didn't kill you doesn't mean we can't kill you. You are a captive now, and you belong to my reincarnation clan!" At this moment, his heart fluctuated violently, and his shame and resentment became stronger and stronger.She tried her best to return to normal, but Tang Yan's every casual movement, every indifferent expression seemed to be a kind of provocation, which trampled on her dignity.

She is a woman, a proud woman, and a woman who loves and cleanses herself. If there is no red dust, she will never have any relationship with any man, but when she wants to touch her, the only man she can choose is... ..."Think about it carefully, don't mention any aphrodisiacs to me, you are not fooling me, you are fooling God, besides, this is crossing the catastrophe, it takes time to put your heart into it, not just touch it, deal with it, How about coaxing the grandson? Why did the Lord of Heaven set up the Tribulation of the Red Dust? It was to try it with all his heart, to experience a heart-pounding perception, to experience a love-hate relationship, and to let the warrior look back on the mundane world before becoming an emperor.

Maybe I have to love Xuanyuan Enen for three to five years, and share the same bed for ten or eight years.

Am i right?The only thing she can choose now is me, but she doesn't love me, she is only limited to good feelings, from good to deep love, and then to unforgettable, it takes a long distance.This kind of thing is nothing to be ashamed of, I can face it frankly, why do you guys hold back? "

After Tang Yan finished speaking, he looked at them, but Xuanyuan and Saint Emperor Samsara didn't respond.

He continued: "My relatives and friends are outside in fear, going through life and death, and I am here to enjoy the blessings of everyone, and I feel ashamed in my heart. To accompany her to talk about love, you and me, don't I waste my emotional energy? ? You have to give me some compensation."

"Talk." The Holy Emperor of Samsara was actually more complicated than Xuanyuan.

"I opened up and said, my conditions are very simple. First of all, I know that I can't escape. If you don't complete the task, you will not make me feel better. I am not those pedantic hypocrites. I accept my fate and I want to leave alive. Therefore, I am willing to accompany Xuanyuan through the world of mortals, and I am also willing to accept whatever she tries on me afterwards, stabbing me, burying my body to pieces, I can accept it.

However, after Xuanyuan's official retreat, and after I regained my prosperity, give me a fair chance to fight, no matter how many people you recruit to surround and suppress me, you, the Holy Emperor of Reincarnation, must not check your hands.

OK, I'll leave, we'll decide the outcome in the outside world.Defeated, I have no regrets in dying, you can pull out your bones as you please. "

The Holy Emperor of Samsara looked at Tang Yan coldly, and waved his hand to stop Xuanyuan from expressing his opinion.

Tang Yan got up again and looked at the Holy Emperor of Samsara head-on, his eyes flickering with brilliance, without any sarcasm: "You and my father are both heroes of the human race. Even if we fight openly and secretly, we should recognize each other. He should die in your hands Above all, you should have been defeated in front of him, but you sat back and watched my father die tragically and the three clans encircled and suppressed him, ignoring him.

This, you make me look down on.

Xuanyuan and I are both of the new generation, let me say with pride, I am ahead of the inheritors of other ancient clans, and Xuanyuan is also ahead of other clans. There should be a life-and-death confrontation between me and her, but she has been hiding in the reincarnation clan all year round. He has always avoided fighting, and even the current special operation is to appoint other people to attack.

This again confuses me.

Now, I am standing in front of you, you dare not let me make one last fight?Are you afraid, or are you low-minded?You can take my words as aggressive tactics, but if you reject my proposal, I will despise you as a group infinitely, and you are not even worthy of making my royal father think highly of you!You reject my request, I would rather die than surrender! "

Tang Yan lay on the bed for seven or eight days, thinking thoroughly. Excessive persistence is useless. Pretending to be proud is pure nonsense, and cogging is even more self-deception. His priority now is to leave, whether to leave alive, or to leave as soon as possible .For this reason, he did not hesitate to shape Xuanyuan Chenghuang, and it would not be too late to fight to the death in the future.Also, Red Dust Tribulation?Love and love?Your Xuanyuan's heart has been frozen for tens of thousands of years, once I untie it for you and force my way into your heart, you...can you give up?You think of love too simply. People who have never experienced it will be absolutely unforgettable for the first time and want to give up?Destined to die of pain!Let's see who has the last laugh!
The Holy Emperor of Reincarnation remained silent for a long time, staring directly at Tang Yan.

Xuanyuan was slightly absent-minded, and looked at the fearless Tang Yan complicatedly. At this moment, she was really sure that the man in front of her... was Tang Yan...

(End of this chapter)

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