Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2470

Chapter 2470
The violent chaos from the battle between the two heroes broke Xuanyuan's plan to calmly overcome the catastrophe.The bad situation in the Northern Alliance and the stormy offensive from the Central Plains Alliance made Zhao Xiong and others miserable. The top management was in a mess, filled with anxiety and anger, and the newly formed harmonious atmosphere collapsed in the quarrel.

Xuanyuan had to leave the reincarnation clan and return to the palace of the Northern Alliance to handle affairs.

Tang Yan took the initiative to ask Xuanyuan to take him by his side, and they returned to the Temporary Palace of the Huanyu Empire together.Anyway, the Holy Emperor of Reincarnation personally blocked Tang Yan's strength, even Tang Yan's left and right eyes were restricted, which meant that all his strength was cut off, and he was no different from ordinary people.

Xuanyuan has designated a separate residence in the Temporary Imperial Palace of the Huanyu Empire. All information and materials must be delivered by a special person. There are two elders guarding the gate of the palace. Outsiders are determined not to enter. Even Zhao Xiong needs to say hello in advance when he comes to discuss. .

Zhao Xiong didn't understand why this aunt was still putting on airs at this time, but the resolute attitude of the reincarnation clan made him powerless to resist, so just trouble, it's better than Xuanyuan not being there.At this critical moment, Xuanyuan's existence gave him a backbone and someone he could talk to.

In the temporary palace.

Xuanyuan is seriously reviewing the information that has been sent one after another. It is now at the end of October. It is today that the Northern Alliance has just made up their minds to deploy a defense line in the northern part of the Dagan Dynasty to fight against the Central Plains Alliance's army after a heated debate.

It is the northern land of the Dagan Dynasty, some distance from the war-prone Huangcheng District. They will arrange for the scattered troops in the Dagan Dynasty's Huangcheng District to use guerrilla warfare to delay the pace of the Central Plains Alliance going north. In this way, the Northern Alliance still has five It takes about [-] days to deploy the defense line, and the five days seem to be continuous, but the time is actually very tight.

Xuanyuan just came back from the meeting, and was looking through the information, occasionally observing the map of southern Xinjiang of the Dagan Dynasty, thinking hard about the way to break the situation.She never expected that the Central Plains Alliance would launch a violent raid when it was clearly capable of a full-scale battle, especially the attack on Qiao Cheng, which made her conclude that there were spies in the imperial city, and their status was not low, or their positions were sensitive.

In the face of the violent chaos that was taking place, Xuanyuan had to admit that individual ability was ultimately no match for a group's strategy, and he underestimated the group of people from the New Zhanmeng and the Three Great Empires.There are relatively few counselor groups here, but the Central Plains Alliance has assembled hundreds of well-known counselors in the Central Plains, and they are very well controlled locally. Every detail and every area has someone who is responsible for the control.

Not far from the room, Tang Yan was lying leisurely, flipping through information from a long time ago.Xuanyuan didn't allow him to read the latest one, lest he interfere with her train of thought and spy on her arrangement.But these bits and pieces of old information are enough for Tang Yan to be happy.

What kind of Pure Land counterattack, what kind of Three Sacred Lands teaming up, what kind of Tianquan Empire and the Five Great Kingdoms attack, what about Qiao Cheng's serious injury, etc., all of which made Tang Yan exclaim, ok, ok, ok, ok.

"We ordinary people, I'm so happy today..." Tang Yan lay half on his back, humming a little tune.

The room was exquisitely decorated and the space was very large, but there were only him and Xuanyuan inside, his faint singing voice swirled and danced happily in the room.

If it was someone else, he would have scolded Tang Yan long ago, but Xuanyuan remained calm and undisturbed.

"Looking at you, it's finally decided to fight? Who made the decision? Are you afraid this is another trick? Listen to my brother's advice, you guys, be careful, don't let go, save some strength, and withdraw the Sakura Demon Girl by the way. In case other accidents happen, you have no power reserve to fight back."

"At this time, what public opinion do you still care about? You must have the courage of a strong man to sever your wrists, and you can simply give up the Dagan Dynasty. Don't care about the public opinion and the mood of the army. Chopped."

"Oh, let me just say that there is a difference between humans and beasts. You have to accept the gap in IQ, especially sea beasts, who have been soaking in sea water all year round, and it is inevitable that their heads will get flooded. Come on, IQ is worrying."

"It's not my brother talking about you. Look at what kind of combination you have in the northern alliance. There are people, there are demons, there are spirits, and there are people who are neither human nor ghost. If such a group does not have a strong absolute leader, it is simply a mess. , the strength is less than one piece."

"Humans and demons think differently, you have to accept the reality."

"Brother, today I am merciful, and I will tell you about the Achilles' heel of your Northern Alliance. You all just came back from the Lost War Realm, and you started blindly fighting without fully adapting to the Qitian Continent's survival rules. Are you begging for trouble? Well, how about, please beg me, let me give you a trick?"

Tang Yan muttered a few words from time to time, some of them were bad ideas with good intentions on the surface, and some were teasing and teasing purely for the sake of stimulation.Anyway, lying there is not very honest, repeatedly disturbing Xuanyuan's thinking.

Xuanyuan still ignored it, immersed in his own thoughts without being disturbed.Or... numb.

Tang Yan read the information on his own for a while, stretched his waist, got up and walked around the room, looking at this and then touching that: "I said sister..."

"Change your name!" The only thing Xuanyuan couldn't stand was Tang Yan calling her sister, and there was a greasy feeling in this guy's tone, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"I said aunt... no, it's too awkward. Thinking about what's going to happen to us, calling me aunt makes me feel... an inexplicable sense of guilt, what do you think? Or do you... like this feeling of evil fate more? "Tang Yan gestured unconsciously with both hands.

Xuanyuan immediately ignored Tang Yan and continued to study the map.

All she knew about Tang Yan before was observation, and she had never been alone with him, and it was only now that she realized that this man's ruffianism and gassiness are really not acceptable to ordinary people.It's clear that it's all-powerful, and it's clear that it's leading a party's supreme power, but the inside hasn't changed at all.It's intentional, it's really not like a performance, it's the essence, but the eyes sparkle from time to time, so she dare not underestimate it.

Tang Yan fiddled with the bookshelf a few times: "Brother, tell you something seriously, don't pay attention to wars, conspiracies now, so what if the Northern Alliance is destroyed? Leave him alone, your focus is on the world of mortals, It's about feeling love.

Love comes when you say it?It's not that simple.

It's about enjoying the physical body between the two of us... so what!How can it be done once or twice?Since you want to feel it, feel it thoroughly, make up for what you lacked in the tens of thousands of years ago, and do it all day.

I think, we should walk around now, enjoy the mountains and rivers, be carefree, just you and me.You have to let go of other mundane affairs, don't think about war, don't think about using me or something, don't think that you are going through a catastrophe, and don't think about what will happen afterwards, let go of your heart, and treat yourself as a little girl. Only girls can feel love better and faster.

As if you are an ordinary person, and I am also an ordinary person, from the acquaintance to the love between the two of us, talk about an ordinary and sweet love.

Otherwise, you can't let go of your airs, can't adjust your mentality, feel awkward in your heart, and subconsciously regard it as a tribulation, and you will never feel love.If you can't pass the level of love, how can you become an emperor? "

Xuanyuan continued to think hard and study, but he didn't hear what Tang Yan was saying.Perhaps heard, but selectively filtered.

Tang Yan lay down in front of her table with a plop: "Hey, miss, I'm talking to you, did you hear me?"

"Get up!" Xuanyuan didn't lift his head, he was cold.

Tang Yan shrugged his shoulders and was about to leave, but suddenly he glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and suddenly found that from the position where he was sitting on the table, his eyes could just slant into Xuanyuan's collar. But you can still see a bit of whiteness indistinctly.

Tang Yan suddenly felt his heart beating suddenly, and a hot current spread all over his body.

After watching quietly for a while, Tang Yan slowly moved his buttocks away from the table, but leaned forward and lay down there, with his chin resting on his hands, and carefully looked at the beauty in front of him.

Xuanyuan is known as the most beautiful woman in the world no matter in her previous life or in this life, not only because of her status and temperament, her real appearance is as beautiful as a fairy, her skin is like fat, her eyes are like autumn water, her nose is straight, and her red lips are moist, With white teeth like jade, the beauty of this reincarnated queen aunt is like a dream, and the beauty is breathtaking, just like the nine-day fairy descended into the mortal world.

Today, she is wrapped in a snow-white fleece, and she stands out even more, like a snow lotus blooming on a snow mountain. She moves her hands and feet, showing an elegant and refined attitude, but her eyes that look like autumn water flashed from time to time. It is so deep that people dare not look directly at it.

Tang Yan was fascinated by it, and his thoughts gradually became evil. It was no longer pure admiration, and his attention shifted from the face to the special parts. Although the clothes were luxurious and all-round, they still couldn't hide the plumpness.He kept shaking his head, letting his eyes scan Xuanyuan in all directions.

The slender jade legs are half hidden under the table, but they are completely formed according to the golden ratio. Under the cover of the fleece, the looming tun is round and plump, which arouses infinite reverie. To feel its softness and delicacy.

Looking down from above, the protruding part of the chest is plump and full, and the outline is just right.

Tang Yan looked at it, his breathing began to be heavy, a flame was burning in his heart, his hands dragging his chin could not wait to pounce on the thick cover and admire the perfect artwork of the Creator inside.

(End of this chapter)

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