Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2479

Chapter 2479
"Meng, it's time to wake up." Tang Yan let go of Xuanyuan, got up and backed away, approaching Li Yun.

Xuanyuan got up slowly, still looking straight at Tang Yan, as if surprised, but also in a trance, he was stunned.

"Dream, wake up, I, it's time to go." Tang Yan reminded again.

Xuanyuan's eyes were in a trance, she opened her mouth slightly, her red lips seemed to be losing color, and her hands in her sleeves trembled slightly.

Tang Yan was looking at her, but she saw strangeness in Tang Yan's eyes, a deep strangeness, no longer the warmth before, no longer the love just now.

In a trance, she was slightly excited, and the world of consciousness seemed to be shattered in an instant, and the mirror shards scattered all over the sky. In the broken mirror were scenes of beautiful pictures, and in the scattered lenses were countless fantasy beauties.

"What's going on?" Granny Ma and old man Bai were puzzled, the atmosphere was not right.

"I'll give you the love you're longing for, and I'll help you cut it off at the end." Tang Yan stepped back, motioning for Li Yun and the others to take him away.

"What do you mean?" Li Yun was even more confused, but still released the power of space to slowly wrap Tang Yan.

"You said... you want to take me to see the sea..." Xuanyuan murmured foolishly, looking at the man who was in a daze in a daze, in the world of consciousness, debris from the sky fluttered down, falling to the ground and breaking into pieces.

The pictures in the lens are presented one by one.

It’s walking in the rainforest, it’s the warmth in the bonfire; it’s supporting each other, it’s the nursery rhymes she whispered on his back; it’s mountaineering and viewing, it’s the kiss in the sunset; It is a dream fantasy, to see the sea, to be romantic, to live alone, to see the valley full of mountains and flowers.

"I'm sorry, this is your dream, I didn't expect you to fall so deep, this is your first love in this life, I gave you the best, but a dream is a dream, it's time to wake up. This love , You kept killing yourself, I helped you. Helping you become emperor is my only compensation to you." Tang Yan didn't seem to want to say anything else, slowly disappeared into the void, Li Yunma's mother-in-law and old man Bai gathered by his side.

Xuanyuan raised his hand tremblingly, wanting to touch forward, to touch the blurring figure, to lift up, to hold the scattered fragments in the sky.

She was dazed, she was stunned, she panicked, she trembled, her eyes were blurred with tears, her lips and teeth trembled slightly.

For a long time, Xuanyuan's heart trembled violently, like an invisible big hand, cruelly clenched her heart tightly.Her chest was heaving, and she spurted out a gulp of donated blood, and the sprinkled scarlet cast a poignant arc in the air.She knelt heavily on the ground, her hands clasped tightly, and she slowly hugged her arms tightly. Her throat kept rolling, and after a long time... a shrill scream... came out hoarsely.

"Ah! Ah!"

Xuanyuan trembled, knelt, curled up, and shouted, tears welled up in his eyes, but the ones that flowed were tears of blood.

"Ah! Ah!"

Xuanyuan's heart-piercing pain, his eyes shaking violently, all the fragments in the world of consciousness turned into dross, and the bone-piercing coldness rolled over his whole body.

She hugged her head tightly, tearing her long hair, seven orifices... dripping blood... screaming... desolate... In the void, Tang Yan was silent, absent-minded, under the surface of determination, the corners of his eyes were inexplicably hazy.

The heart-piercing scream just now passed through the void that had not yet fully healed, and reached his ears clearly. It hurt what he thought was hard in his heart. , The desolation of bleeding from the seven orifices blurred into his eyes, like a sharp knife, pierced into his mind brightly.

He was completely acting, and he never forgot to escape, but why, at this moment...his heart was still the sharp colic.

An inexplicable pain surged into his heart, making him suffocate.

Yuluo Xuanfeng is being imprisoned by space energy, and it ran away at this moment: "Tang Yan! You beast, I will kill you, kill you! You hurt people's feelings and people, and you are hurting the heavens and justice. You will be punished by heaven!"

"Why am I getting more and more confused, what's wrong?" Li Yun was completely confused.He also saw the desolate scene outside, and despite his perverse personality, he was really touched by Xuanyuan's sudden pain.

Granny Ma exchanged glances with the old man Bai, and then quietly observed Tang Yan's expression. Could it be...Tang Yan and Xuanyuan...are in love?Or, Xuanyuan fell in love with Tang Yan?
"Tang Yan! Hypocrisy and cunning! You're going to die!" Yuluo Xuanfeng kept struggling and roaring. If it hadn't been unable to break free from the space restriction set by the three peaks, it would definitely pounce on Tang Yan and tear Tang Yan alive.

It is the only witness of Tang Yan and Xuanyuan for more than 20 days. It has seen Tang Yan's devotion, it has seen Tang Yan's love for Xuanyuan, the sweetness in the details, and the warmth in the kiss. It has seen too many emotions that make it intoxicated.

Not only Xuanyuan, but even its silent guardian was affected unknowingly, felt Tang Yan's true love, forgot Tang Yan's identity, forgot the hatred and confrontation, and blended into it in a trance.

It occasionally thinks that the dream will wake up eventually, but it is estimated that it will be three to five years, not just 20 days.It once vowed to be willing to protect them for three to five years, to witness their deep love, even if it ends in tragedy, the love of three to five years is worth it to Xuanyuan.

But... But suddenly, the dream woke up, so suddenly, so savagely.

Just like the barbaric fight between Tang Yan and Xuanyuan at the beginning, the ending is equally unacceptable.

It doesn't know why it ran berserk, was it because of Xuanyuan being played?Or are you ashamed and angry at being deceived?
"Oh shit! Shut up! Tang Yan, refine it quickly, the spirit source fluid belongs to me, I was seriously injured recently, and I need a lot of supplements." Li Yun didn't care about it, and turned to look at Yu Luoxuanfeng's bright eyes .

The spirit source fluid of the peak holy realm, although I can't refine it at once, but I put it in my arms every day and take two sips from time to time, which is enough for him to moisturize for ten or eight years.

Tang Yan took a deep breath and exhaled heavily, hiding the tears in the corners of his eyes, and calmed down his disturbed mood: "Put it away."

"What?" Li Yun turned his head and looked at Tang Yan exaggeratedly: "Let go? This is a peak monster in the space realm! It is our great enemy. Once it is put into the battlefield, it will determine the lives and deaths of many people. It's done." It is definitely a great tonic, even to the Human Sovereign!"

"Let it go." Tang Yan repeated again, with a calm but firm tone.

"What about Xuanyuan, don't you arrest it? We tried our best to avoid all observations. No one knew we were here. We can take Xuanyuan away secretly without anyone noticing." Bai Laitou was vaguely testing Tang Yan.

"Let's go, send me back to Wudi City to find Renhuang. My spiritual power has been sealed by the Saint Emperor of Samsara. Tuoba Zhangui should be able to untie it." Tang Yan thought that his acting was exquisite, but now It wasn't that easy when the curtain ended.

Are you in the game?he does not know.

But looking at Xuanyuan's miserable state, he really felt uncomfortable.

It was you who pulled me into the drama, but I didn't expect you to be so drunk. What I owe you can only be repaid by helping you become emperor.Alas, love debt, sadomasochism, God, why do you torture her.

"What... what's wrong with this? Give me an explanation!" Li Yun was a little annoyed, he didn't catch the peak monsters, and didn't catch the aunt of the reincarnation clan, just let him go?
"Let's go, go back." The old man Bai signaled him not to argue.

"I'll send Mr. Tang back to Wudi City. You stay and assist the Central Plains Alliance. The war will start again almost tomorrow." Granny Ma vaguely understood something. Since Tang Yan didn't want to say more, they couldn't ask more.

Just as Tang Yan was about to leave, he couldn't help but look back at the void again. A sudden impulse surged in his heart to see what was going on in the secret room. Lead out of here.

"You're lucky." Li Yun released Yu Luo Xuan Feng angrily.

Yu Luoxuanfeng roared at Tang Yan who was going away: "Tang Yan, I will never spare you!"

"Spare your leg, get out." Li Yun stomped the seriously injured it away.

In the secret room, the patriarch of the bitter woman quietly observed Xuanyuan, who was kneeling on the ground. Her white hair and white clothes were scattered on the ground, covering her curled up delicate body. Because of this, the movement here did not attract the attention of the guards outside, and the secret room was quiet, only the breath of blood donation wafted silently.

Xuanyuan fell into a coma, her beautiful face was covered with traces of blood donation, and she held it tightly with her hands, as if she had grasped the last piece of memory in a dream, holding on tightly, her red lips trembling undetectably, It seems to be whispering someone's name.

If this scene falls in Tang Yan's eyes, I don't know how it will be touched, but the patriarch of Kupo has no emotion, it is just observing, and after a while, he quietly gestures: "You follow Xuanyuan and find out the exact address of the reincarnation clan , and besides... watch all of her."

She separated two semi-holy generals, mixed them into Xuanyuan's clothes, and cleverly used the shadows to exist. They will return to the reincarnation clan with Xuanyuan, and then secretly find the way back and forth, and witness some transformations of Xuanyuan by the way. It feels like Tang Yan There seems to be something between Xuanyuan and Xuanyuan, and I should record something.

(End of this chapter)

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