Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2481 Stealth Kill

Chapter 2481 Stealth Kill
Accompanied by a loud bang, the dazzling light burst out in the sky, illuminating the night, and everyone couldn't open their eyes at all. The violent energy swept across the sky as if it was out of control, violent like a stormy sea, and even the ground was continuously cracked by the earthquake .

The earth was shaken, and the gushing energy was unimaginable.

Before people could see the scene clearly, water droplets burst out from the boiling energy wave, and the water candle demon came out of the sky like a demon tearing apart hell.

All the water droplets ran away together, boiling into a terrifying anaconda, hitting Qilufu overwhelmingly, and his body merged into it, waiting for an opportunity to kill.

"You can change to a new move, this move, I'm tired." Qi Lufu suddenly struck out with a sword, seemingly unpretentious, but in an instant, he shot out an unusually weird spiral force, shaking upwards, not a sword light, but a strand The vortex of sword energy soaring into the sky is like a giant dragon opening its mouth, swallowing everything, gushing out a fierce devouring power, forcibly sucking countless anacondas into it, and then... all of them collapsed.

Qi Lufu struck out like lightning, bypassing the vortex of sword energy, and precisely locked on one of them. His speed surpassed that of thunder and lightning. It seemed random, but only the opponent could feel the true killing power.

The anaconda suddenly transformed into a water candle monster, but it didn't retreat, its body was like a dragon, its anger was like a falcon.

The two confront each other head-on, with lightning speed.

The water body of the water candle demon hit Zilufu's shoulder precisely, like a whip, snap!At this moment, a blazing light enveloped his entire arm along the iron sword, and then swept across his whole body.

It is a fierce thing, and its strength is truly terrifying.Even if Qiao Cheng is in full power, he may not be able to defeat it, but at this moment, Qilufu's killing power soared, and his sharp blade split the water candle demon in half.

Roar!Qi Lufu's throat rolled and roared, and a strong protective energy erupted from his body, powerfully dissipating all the light, his body was like a top, soaring into the sky, his iron sword was like a rainbow, and he slashed with a backhand, and then slashed the water candle demon again.

Stinging, the space and the night were cut open, and densely packed space cracks gushed out.

The water candle demon escaped viciously, and the two halves of the body rushed to the sky, and quickly merged at a high altitude. Enduring the severe pain, it swooped down, and it was angry: "Ahhh."

The dense water droplets all returned, turned into battle armor and covered his body, and the radiance danced like a divine flame.Opening his mouth and roaring, the sky full of water and tides descended again, like a boundless vast sea, falling down all over the sky, making people's hearts feel wet.

Amidst a dull sound, the earth began to "rumble" and sink.

Both the enemy and the enemy held their breaths and stared at the sky with burning eyes. The Northern Alliance saw hope, and the Central Plains Alliance secretly sweated. This water candle monster is very powerful today.

But at this moment, Qi Lufu said coldly, which spread throughout the audience: "I chopped it, and you are ready to beat the drums to attack."

Boom, ten thousand rays of light erupted from Qilufu's body. It was dense sword energy, which broke out from his body and completely split the space. The soaring rays of light were extremely dazzling. Pressed down tide.

The most frightening thing is that it seems that the water vapor all over the sky has been controlled by him, turning into countless water swords of different sizes.

The way of the sword is the most powerful secret, everything can be a sword.

Looking from a distance, it seems that there are thousands of divine lights penetrating the starry sky on the vast battlefield, trying to destroy the high-altitude ocean.

In the sky, the vast ocean collapsed, and the sea of ​​swords rose into the sky below. The scene was incomparably shocking, and the mouths of many saints were slightly opened.

The sword light is dense.The domineering sword might, the terrifying sword way. At this moment, the water candle demon in the depths of the tide suddenly felt a great threat. It was hidden in the boundless tide and should not have been discovered, but...he felt I was locked out myself.

At this very moment, Qilufu's figure flashed out of thousands of sword qi, holding the iron sword with both hands, as if holding up a sea of ​​killing, slowly but firmly, his eyes and the edge of the sword locked on a certain person in the river tide all over the sky. points.

That point is the body of the water candle demon!
The water candle demon was startled and wanted to dodge instantly, but... he was clearly aware of the danger, but he couldn't dodge.

Ban!Seal it in the air, kill it!

"Damn it, it's this trick again." The water candle demon was furious. This kind of move was unpretentious and there was no warning. It was impossible to determine when Qilufu would use it. He wanted to dodge it, but he couldn't dodge it, so he could only resist it.


Thousands of sword lights soared into the sky, like thousands of gods of war collectively soaring into the sky, and the light shone on the tide of the wilderness army, splitting the entire river and sea in an instant, completely resisting the killing power of the sky, and Qi Lufu went straight to the inside, and once again slashed and killed Shuizhu The demon is overwhelming and unstoppable.Especially this kind of casualness like strolling in the courtyard will make any enemy collapse.

Is this man or God?The overwhelming river tide was enough to crush the space, but he came in directly?
In a split second, Qilufu appeared in front of the water candle demon, waving nine nine 81 swords, intertwined into a fierce sword energy, piercing through the tide, smashing the water droplets, the whole book bombarded the water candle demon, and shattered alive.

ah! !The water candle demon screamed, and the river tide all over the sky lost control, completely disturbed by the sword energy soaring into the sky.

Although the water candle demon is a body of water and has no flesh and bones, it can heal at will, but Qilufu's sword energy is weird and vicious. Every time he is slashed, there will always be a large amount of sword energy left, which lasts for a long time, and it is very difficult to fuse. The threat of continued mutilation in the body.

It was suddenly split into eighty or ninety pieces, and the injury can be imagined.

Looking from a distance, Qilufu controlled thousands of sword and astral storms, shattering the vast ocean in an instant, and the entire crushing tide immediately collapsed, turning into a violent rain curtain and falling on the battlefield, and Qilufu went straight into the sky, killing Vegashi, like the unrivaled God of War, brings incomparable oppression to everyone.

"Mighty! Mighty! Mighty!"

The tens of millions of troops of the Central Plains Alliance shouted collectively, bursting with enthusiasm in excitement.

"It's too strong." Zhao Tianyan and the others gasped with emotion. They fantasized that they were slowing down to the position of the water candle demon, obviously unable to withstand Qi Lufu's seemingly simple but always unrivaled terrifying sword wave.

"Central Plains Alliance, attack!" Wu Nong shouted loudly.

The silent war drum beat again, and the nine major armies at the forefront of the Central Plains Alliance stepped forward to accelerate their impact. Accompanied by the fierce drums, they became faster and louder.

This is a real army tide formed by flesh and blood, blood is heroic, powerful and powerful, and the shouts shake the sky, which is far more shocking than the high altitude rivers and oceans.

"Fight!" At the rear of the Northern Alliance, Zhao Xiong personally gave the order and beat the first sound of the war drum.

The vigorous army tide immediately entered the state of preparation for war, and quickly set up formations or entered fortifications.

The two saint groups fought again, and all air forces immediately entered a state of high alert.

This is a life-and-death war, this is a bloody killing, every second is accompanied by the disappearance of countless lives, everyone is highly nervous, and all processes are serious and cautious. The sound of galloping and fighting boiled the world.

This is the second confrontation between the Northern Alliance and the Central Plains Alliance, and it is destined to be a crucial one.


It was as if thunder was exploding from outside the sky!
The sword energy soaring into the sky collided with the galloping river and sea again at high altitude, seeming to flood the night sky.

A moment later, two huge beams of destruction erupted inside the collision, and it was the water candle demon and Qilufu who fought fiercely.

Although they went up to tens of thousands of meters, and cruelly spread to the battlefield below, they caused violent storms and disturbed the battlefield for thousands of meters. There are huge cracks appearing one after another.

An earth-shattering melee.

"Qilufu is really the spokesperson of the Nine Infants? Interesting." Somewhere on the battlefield, the cherry blossom witch looked at the sky.

"It's quite interesting that a tree gave birth to two people." At this time, Feruk was breathing greedily. A battlefield with tens of millions was extremely rare even in the late period of the Great Destruction Era. It was like the most beautiful movement in his ears, which made him intoxicated and excited.

"Did you pay attention to observe Tang Yan? Something is wrong." The cherry blossom witch nuzzled her mouth, every move, every frown and smile, was so disastrous to the country and the people, making the man's blood spurt and his breathing difficult.

"Be careful. He's waiting for me to fight." Feruk looked at the battlefield, but couldn't find Tang Yan. He smiled coldly and didn't care.His main target today is Qi Lufu. As for Tang Yan, although he beat himself up very badly at the beginning, but his strength did not recover at the beginning, and now he has reached the peak of the Great Completion level. It only takes a dozen rounds to capture and kill Tang Yan .

"Tang Yan's situation is very strange, you have to be careful." Cherry Blossom Demoness reminded.

"He is hiding now to wait for me to attack. An arrogant boy, he is much worse than Jiuying back then. Hmph. Don't worry about him. When I face Qi Lufu, the water candle demon will naturally clean him up for me. "

(End of this chapter)

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