Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2484

Chapter 2484
One person and one beast fought viciously and bloodily for more than an hour. Qin Minghuang's martial arts were inherited from the Emperor, and there is a mysterious murderous intent in his domineering.He attacked fiercely, entangled to the death, and dragged the three wolf eagles into melee time and time again.

At this moment, both he and the three wolf eagles are covered in blood. In addition to the thunderous and violent sound and the billowing golden light and poisonous mist, there is also a huge field pressure due to the continuous fierce fighting, which is the squeeze of each other's fields. Collision occurs.

More than half of Qin Minghuang's skin was destroyed, exposing fresh flesh and blood. A large number of superficial blood vessels were crushed, and he spit out a lot of blood from his mouth, but the more he attacked like this, the more violent he was.This perseverance and madness made the eight priests feel distressed and terrified, and finally made the three wolf eagles feel threatened.

Where is this person?This is more monster than monster!

Clang!Hoo hoo!

In the chaotic and fierce battle, Qin Minghuang roared forward, and appeared vigorously in front of the three wolf hawks. His long hair danced wildly, his bloody clothes fluttered, and his war halberd violently hit the middle head of the wolf eagle. The friction of the space made the ear-piercing sound of warring swords and swords, and also set off a strong wind, which was extremely powerful and eclipsed the sky and the earth.

"I've had enough of you. Are you dead? Or am I? Let's see who is more ruthless!" The three wolf hawks fluttered their wings and stayed in the air, not retreating or avoiding, their claws clashed, and blasted towards Qin Minghuang.

It has a body of ten feet and a wingspan of fifteen feet, which is more than ten times that of Qin Minghuang's. With one claw, it is enough to kill Qin Minghuang's war halberd before it arrives.

"Save it or not?" The eyes of the eight priests all stared round.

In his line of sight, the vast night sky was full of poisonous gas, and the wind was like the sea. Qin Minghuang was desperate to kill the three wolf hawks from the front. At this moment, the position was in front of the wolf hawks, and the sharp claws of the wolf hawks were about to hit Qin Minghuang himself. Huge and tough, no less than two stone houses.

The attack was swift and swift, but at this moment it seemed to be frozen in the eyes of everyone. Everyone could tell that the wolf eagle had smashed Qin Minghuang before Qin Minghuang blasted off the head of the wolf eagle.

"Do you need me to go?" A space warrior appeared, and he was ordered to reinforce Qin Minghuang.

At this moment of hesitation and nervousness, Qin Minghuang yelled: "No one come here."

At the moment of life and death, two rays of radiance burst out from his eyes, and the halberd in his hand forcibly diverted, slashing obliquely at the right claw of the wolf hawk. Under such a rapid offensive, how could the halberd be diverted?Incredible!

The war halberd seemed to be infused with the soul, shining golden.

Qin Minghuang's body is like a swimming dragon, with a magnificent attack, wielding his halberd with all his strength.

From surprise attack to death, from yelling to attack, all happened in a blink of an eye.

He actually used his body as bait to lure the enemy to attack and kill?Regardless of his rich body, there is evil courage in the danger.


The sharp claw on the right side of the wolf eagle cut off with a sound, and the blood rained down.

"Ah!" The three wolf hawks screamed, and the offensive immediately became chaotic.

"First head, cut!" Qin Minghuang continued to attack, holding the halberd and striking in a straight line. The halberd in his hand was even more powerful because it was full of holy blood.At the same time, the exuberant vitality surged throughout his body, healing those damaged bones. With the sound of "click, click", many broken bones were connected. Of course, it was impossible to recover immediately, but it was enough to make his activities smoother.

The three wolf hawks were screaming, but Qin Minghuang appeared in front of him like a bolt of lightning, and suddenly sent the war halberd forward in his hand. Before the wolf hawk could counterattack, the war halberd burst out with destructive power, like a river tide stained with blood donation, He blasted the heads of the three wolf hawks head-on.


The three wolf hawks screamed and hit the battlefield below. The middle head was bloody and bloody, revealing a pale skull. The wound on the neck almost penetrated into the bones. The battlefield below was in chaos ahead of time.

It has to be said that the three-headed wolf eagle is indeed very powerful, surpassing the new saint Qin Minghuang to a certain extent, but Qin Minghuang completely defeated the three-headed wolf eagle with his fierce strength and relatively abundant spiritual power. Although...his injuries are equally serious.

The truly frightening thing about the blood of the Qin family lies in the "blood boiling", that is, the crazier the blood, the stronger the strength, and the more fearless the more likely it will explode against the sky. Qin Minghuang's interpretation at this moment is vivid.

"Second head, behead!" Qin Minghuang swooped down and killed the three wolf hawks. He was calm and terrifying, his heart was like calm water, only the killing power was raging.

But suddenly, an extremely bad premonition rushed into Qin Minghuang's heart. It was so strong that waves immediately appeared in his firm belief and state of mind.

Like some kind of shadow of death, it enveloped him, and his whole body was icy cold.

Qin Minghuang didn't even think about it, and flew away sideways, as graceful and swift as a falcon.

However, it is still too late!
A blood spear, extremely crimson, exuding fiery blood energy, endless bright red blood burning around it, suddenly appeared in the sky, and already dyed half of the night sky red, the thick blood energy is so pungent that it makes people feel bloody all over their bodies. Inverse runaway.

Like a thunderbolt, or a twisted thunderbolt, it locked onto Qin Minghuang.

The moment the eight priests in the distance raised their heads in shock... poof... the blood spear hit Qin Minghuang.

Although Qin Minghuang avoided the vital point of his chest, the blood spear still pierced through his left rib from behind, and a huge force flew him thousands of meters away, and then nailed him fiercely to the top of a distant mountain .

The mountain trembled violently, and the gravel pierced through the air.

Blood spattered, staining the top of the mountain red.

The bloody spear nailed to the top of the mountain trembled violently for a while before calming down.

"Ah!" Qin Minghuang screamed, the pain was unbearable.He felt that his blood donation was rapidly decreasing, being absorbed by the blood spears.

"Your Highness!" The eight priests were so frightened that they didn't know what happened.

"Stay here, don't move around." The space warrior who was guarding was a woman. She was somewhat stronger than the Xingluo royal family. At this moment, she shouted to stop the eight priests, rushed over by herself, and appeared on the top of the mountain across the void.

But at the moment she appeared, a blood light burst out from the back of the blood spear, pinpointed exactly where she appeared, and hit her forehead head-on.

Accurate point kill, headshot him on the spot.

It's just a blood-colored ray, but it has such killing power, it can directly kill a space fighter in the semi-holy one blow!It's completely like locking the position where he appeared.

The woman didn't react at all, half of her body was still in the void.

"Ahh." Qin Minghuang struggled violently, but the blood spear was nailing him firmly, and was also devouring blood frantically, so that his strength became weaker and weaker.

"Not bad, you actually avoided harm." A blood-haired man appeared high in the sky, and walked down from the dark clouds step by step. His steps were steady, but he stepped out of the waves of blood. The smell of blood between the sky and the earth slowly became thicker. His body was tall and strong. , with muscles bulging like horned dragons, and a sneer on his slashed face.

In his hand, he was holding a bloody man, who was dying. It was the prince of the Tianquan Empire...Murong Zixuan!
"Who are you to attack from behind!" Qin Minghuang turned his back to the sky, unable to see who was coming, the blood in his body disappeared rapidly, and his consciousness began to faint.No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break away from the blood spear, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seal the blood spear.

He tremblingly stretched out his right hand, wanting to summon the space kit at his waist, which contained royal treasures.

But... puff!The blood spear parted the branches, pierced through his right hand, and settled among the rubble.

"Your Highness!" The eight priests in the distance rushed over like crazy.

But...the mysterious visitor waved his hands casually, and the eight people who were sprinting...exploded...exploded alive!It exploded without warning!

It was as if eight shells exploded in the sky, flesh and blood flew, and energy raged. The power was no less than that of a semi-holy self-detonation, and even the soul was blown to pieces.Strong winds, shock waves, and energy storms were caused, sweeping and raging for dozens of kilometers, affecting the battlefield below, tens of thousands of people were thrown into the air, and layers of the blood-stained earth were cracked. The scene was horrible.Even the nearby semi-holy battlefields were attacked, more than a dozen battle circles were blown away, and they retreated hundreds of meters in embarrassment.

The sky and the ground within a radius of more than ten miles were completely cleared.

The man's waving hand was retracted again, and the eight pieces of blood gathered quickly, as if being drawn, densely gathered into his hand, and as he took a deep breath, it just... melted into his body.

"Feruk?!" Qin Minghuang was shocked, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the eight priests who exploded and the rain of blood gathered by them all. His confused consciousness finally understood who he was attacked by!
(End of this chapter)

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